Debian Hardware :: Blank Screen At Boot Up After Xorg Install?

Nov 19, 2010

I just recently got a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop and have installed Debian on it. When I installed it, I did not install the 'Graphical desktop' packages...only the 'Standard system utilities'Everything has been fine, however when I installed Xorg (aptitude install xorg) and restarted my computer, my screen goes blank at bootup. I can see the grub menu, as well as the beginning bootup process, up until udev begins to load. I have a feeling it has something to do with KMS now being loaded but am not sure.

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Debian Configuration :: Blank Screen On Boot. Graphics Card Not In Xorg.conf?

Jul 10, 2010

I've been using ubuntu on a new desktop for a couple of months, but i had an old HP that was given to me in my basement. It has 384Mb of ram, and thats because i had a 256Mb stick laying around. I installed debian becuase it is more suited for older hardware (at least from what I've read). It installed fine, but it boots to a blank screen, and pressing ctrl+alt+F2 bring me to the command line. I checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the driver to vesa, to find out my video card isn't even shown. I ran lspci and I found that it says my graphics card is Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset graphics controller (rev3) In the device section of xorg.conf, it merly says Identifier"Configured Video Device"

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Software :: Xorg-server-1.7.1 Shows Only Blank Screen After Update From Xorg-server-1.6.3?

Jan 5, 2010

my laptop is running Slackware64 13.0. Today I tried to update to 7.5 (version 1.7.1) from version 1.6.3 shipped with Slackware. I downloaded the relevant source tarballs from and compiled them with no errors. The compiled packages are:



My laptop has an NVIDIA graphics card and I'm using the proprietary driver from NVIDIA. Thus I reinstalled the driver after the update and tried to launch with "startx". After a short while the NVIDIA logo appears for some hundred milliseconds and disappears then. But now the screen is blank and it is not possible to switch to another VT via Ctrl+Alt+Fx. But it is possible to login from another computer and restart everything, so that I conclude that the system does not hang.

It is even possible to do work normally with the laptop from remote. If I try to kill the X-server, it ignores SIGTERM and has to be terminated by SIGKILL. But the laptop's screen stays black and empty and does not allow to switch to another VT (chvt terminates with "interrupted system call."). dmesg does not give any errors.



X.Org X Server 1.7.1
Release Date: 2009-10-23
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0


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Debian Installation :: Blank Screen On Boot

Sep 11, 2015

I have an system that d8.2 appears to install correctly. On first (or subsequent) boot, I get the DB8 load screen, then a quick fsck, then nothing. I appear to have some sort of environment running as I can move a mouse pointer, but nothing else.

CTRL-ALT-F2 results in the mouse pointer vanishing, but nothing else. I expected to end up at the CLI.

I have tried different installs and options, always the same result. This machine ran an earlier version with issues.

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Debian Configuration :: Screen Goes Blank During Boot On 8.1

Jun 18, 2015

I have this machine (motherboard ITX Jetaway NF94-270-LF based on CPU Atom N270, full specs here) as a server for some time now (about 4 years). Debian 8.1 is installed on it.

Two days ago, after a power failure, the machine was not able to complete the boot process. I attached a keyboard and a monitor (on VGA port, the motherboard also as a DVI one, but I don't have a suitable monitor) to be able to see what's happening and interact with the machine. Unluckily, at a certain point during the booting sequence the screen goes blank and the monitor goes in standby mode; apart from that, the boot process continues in the background.

As far as I can recall, this behaviour existed for at least a couple of years (if not from the beginning) and the boot process was always completed successfully until two days ago.

The screen goes blank after the setup of the keyboard mapping. I tried everything to avoid the screen going blank: in the Grub menu I set the "vga" parameter, the "nomodeset" parameter, the grub_gfxmode parameter, I removed the "quiet" option, I removed the "load_video" line, I forced the BIOS to only use the VGA port for the video and so on, in order to disable or configure differently the video and the framebuffer. All these stuff had no effect at all: the screen keeps going blank at the same point during the boot process.

The only way I was able to use a fully booted system through keyboard and monitor was via the rescue mode of the Debian 8.1 netinst image. But that way, of course, I wasn't able to observe the normal boot process. So, I checked the boot parameters of the rescue mode and I found that the only usefull parameter was "vga", which I already used and was ineffective.

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Debian Hardware :: Blank Screen After Boot

Aug 23, 2013

I have some problem with Debian 7. Just installed Debian 7 wheezy.

Motherboard Intel D2500CC, graphics - Intel GMA 3600. Monitor (BenQ V2200 Eco) connected via VGA cable. No X server installed.

After GRUB boot as soon as modesetting kicks in, the monitor loses the signal and goes black. Keyboard does appear to be active, as Ctl-Alt-Del will cause a reboot.

I tried nomodeset, vga=791, 771 etc kernel parameters, but this won't work.

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Debian Installation :: Blank Screen On Boot - 7.8 On IMac G3

Feb 19, 2015

I have just installed Debian 7.8.0 powerpc on my imac G3 (400Mhz, 256Mb Ram). I had repartitioned the drive with the view of having a dual boot machine, had OS9 installed on partition 1, linux installed on partition 2 and a ext4 data partition and a 1Gb swap partition. After I installed OS9, I ran Debian Installation CD and was successfully installed. Rebooted, got through the on screen text past file system check, then screen went blank. I searched Google and forund that if I ran ctrl+alt+f1 and logged in, then ran lspci, I could get the ID of the graphics. So I did, and:

Code: Select alllspci
0000:00:10 Display Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Rage 128 RL/VR AGP

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Debian :: Lenny Fails After First Boot (Screen Goes Blank)

Jul 20, 2010

I'm trying to make dual boot system with Lenny (64bit) along with WinXP. I'm using one HDD with 2 partitions and installed first XP then Lenny. Everything seems fine till the first boot after fresh install. Lenny starts to boot and after same point the screen goes blank and then is turned off and that's it...nothing happens. Happens so fast that I'm unable to see the exact messages on the screen. Maybe somewhere around staring anarcon?

PC is:
Athlon64 X2 5400+
Asus M2V-MX motherboard
3GB DDR2 800
Radeon x800 GTO video

I reinstalled 2 times and it's the same. WinXP is working fine though but I really don't want it to be my OS...
Another "hint" from today: The same happens when I use "Try without installing" of Ubuntu 10.04(i386) Live CD. It starts loading and at some point turns off the monitor.
Tried also with 8.04(64bit): Boots till it reach something like "Settings sensor limits" and then it's stuck. I have consoles though (Ctrl+Alt+F1/2/3...).

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Software :: Xorg - Screen Blank After 10 Minutes In Idle State

Feb 3, 2011

Xorg - Screen Blanking after 10 minutes. Backlight level lower upon return. This is my .xinitrc file:

setxkbmap "se"
xmodmap -e "remove lock = Caps_Lock"
xmodmap ~/.xmod
xrdb ~/.Xdefaults
xset r rate 200 25 .....

pcmanfm --desktop &
compiz --use-root-window --indirect-rendering ccp

After 10 minutes in idle state (watching a video in vlc or in flash counts as idle time too) the screen blanks. As I mentioned in the title, the backlight level is lower when screen turns back on. This is a new feature of the problem, and might be related to a recent upgrade of xorg. Where is the configuration file that handles the screensaver? And why is it even enabled by default?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Blank Screen On Boot?

Nov 13, 2010

A surprising thing has happened! I have been happily using open suse 11.3 on an HP probook 4320s laptop. On reboot this morning, the screen starts out fine, but progressively fades into white and the boot does not seem to happen (at least there is no sound, since I cannot see anything). I am left with a completely white screen. Things are fine with the failsafe mode.

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Ubuntu :: Blank Screen And Xorg - Compiz Effects Quit Working

Nov 28, 2010

I have a problem with Xorg, I am not sure if the black screen is related, but sometimes when I am just using the computer, with heavy processor and memory, but sometimes not, but the title bars to the programs disappear, my compiz effects quit working, and the cairo dock becomes unusable, so I cannot switch windows, but I can close them using 'File > Close" to access the windows under the ones on top, and to fix it I have to switch over to a terminal "Ctrl + Alt + F2" and log into that to kill Xorg by "sudo top" and killing it with the PID.

And the Blanking Screen, I am just doing usual programming with Bluefish, Eclipse and the terminal, and the screen will just go black, and won't come on if I wiggle the mouse, press a key on the keyboard or turn it off and back on, the status light on the monitor stays green, and doesn't go to orange as if it were unplugged or the computer went idle, so I know that it is still communicating with the monitor, but the way I fix this is I have to manually power down the machine via the power button and turn it back on and it works normally for a while.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 M4 Installed - Blank Screen At Boot?

Mar 28, 2010

Since 11.2 installed but shows blank screen at boot despite booting into runlevel 3 with acpi=off and noapic, I decided to try 11.3 M4 again.Media check is OK for 11.3 M4.Boot from MBR. GRUB menu shows Ubuntu and Windows 7 as well as openSUSE 11.3 desktop default and 11.3 failsafe. Both opensuse11.3 default and 11.3 failsafe return a blank screen despite the following boot options:

33 acpi=off noacpiI still cannot get to a terminal to run sax2. I read from a thread of opensuseforums (Opensuse 11.2 Blank Screen) where similar problem was solved using the correct driver which is actually "ati", NOT "radeon" for ATI Technologies Radeon Xpress 200M.Then because both Windows and Ubuntu boot fine from GRUB menu, it occurs to me I should boot up Ubuntu and try to locate openSUSE's /etc/X11/xorg.conf in order to edit the file and change the driver to "ati".In Ubuntu, xorg.conf of opensuse 11.3 M4 shows:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Starts To Boot Then Blank Screen And Nothing?

Apr 18, 2010

I have tried two distros - Mandriva and OpenSuse. Both provide the same results, though Mandriva booted...but still the same problem, after installing blank screen comes up and nothing. Keyboard touch bad, mouse nothing happens. I would prefer openSuse but may have to switch.

Acer 7740 17" laptop
Intel i3-330M Chipset
4Gig DDR3 RAM 1066
Intel Integrated HD Video 128MB

Install Win7 64-Bit no issues, wiped and installed Linux and I cannot get past this blank screen. Installation works, no problem installed packages etc. When coming up on 1st boot, login - boom nothing? Searching the web and I suspect the Intel graphics are the problem but I'm not sure.

I bought this laptop to put Linux on it solely for a personal project of using Linux for a year. I'm an IT professional for 23 years and comfortable with CLI.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub - Not Able To Boot 11.3 / Screen Blank?

Aug 1, 2010

I installed 11.3 as a new install over 10.3, kept the $home and windows partitions, and let it reformat the other two partitions. NO disk partitioning structure was changed.

I did get a warning that GRUB over 128GB might not be able to boot.

I did enable the MBR.

GRUB menu does come up, but upon selection of SUSE 11.3 entry the computer screen blanks, and nothing happens. Selecting Windows does work upon power-up.

I did not have this 128GB issue with 10.3. What are my options? I am really afraid to install 11.3 on production machines now (running 11.2).

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Ubuntu :: LiveCD - Install And Boot - Blank Screen

May 4, 2010

I installed a new graphic card from ATI 5770 (Club3D). After I did it I removed the propriatery ATI drivers I had installed thru the "Hardware Drivers" in Ubuntu and rebooted. Then I couldn't get into ubuntu again. When it starts booting the display just shuts down and says "Power Saving mode". The computer continues to load things etc. left it running and hoped it would show itself... nothing.

Anyway this happens everytime even with Live CD so I can't even get to a terminal... Started the boot without the splash and it went blank after it started some Speech thing. Just before that there were a few firmware files missing.

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CentOS 5 :: Video During Install But Blank Screen At First Boot

Apr 11, 2010

I've been trying out linux distros to see which I want to progress further with. I have a bunch of removable HDDs. I put a single distro on each HDD. I just installed CentOS 5.4 on a machine that has had successful installations of Debian 5.0.3, Fedora 12, and OpenSuse 11.2 installed on it. I still have those HDDs and they still boot and run fine.

CentOS 5.4 installed in graphical mode just fine. I even noticed that it appeared to probe my video card (ATI Radeon 9250 AGP) just fine. I removed the media and rebooted and the CentOS graphics came up fine, and it asked me a few questions such as could I hear the sound. Everything went fine when it said it was now booting to CentOS for the first time, and the screen went blank. The monitor LED stayed green, however, so it looks to me like the monitor still sees a signal.

I'm guessing I need to boot into text mode and fiddle with the display settings, but I'm pretty much lost there.

I did a lspci under Fedora and it lists the following for video:

let me log out of my dang XP machine, and cut and paste the entire stuff straight from the machine I installed CentOS on which is now running Fedora 12.

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Debian Installation :: Dual Boot XP / Squeeze - Blank Screen With J On Restart

May 8, 2010

I've had Windows XP Home installed on my netbook (Toshiba NB205) and I've just tried to install squeeze via net install. In particular, I installed grub. Everything seemed to go ok during the installation, but when I boot up, all that appears is a blank screen with nothing but at "j" and a cursor. One thing I can think of that might offer a clue, is that when asked to installed grub, the installer said it recognized two operating systems: Microsoft Windows XP Home, and Windows NT/XP. The latter is not really an operating system, but the backup partition.

I don't know how this might affect grub's functioning. What does this "j" mean? Looking at this: [URL]. Could this have some thing to do with boot flag? Should I switch it to my NTFS partition instead of my root partition? Doing that at least let's me boot into Windows. But that's not what I want. I've never dual booted before. So I booted back up with my USB, intending to reinstall Debian, and it loaded grub instead. So apparently grub is now on my USB. Then it booted me into Debian.

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Debian Hardware :: Intel ValleyView Gen7 With Blank Screen After Boot

Nov 18, 2014

I have a new laptop, I first installed Debian stable, but the wifi card didn't work, and the screen was 1024x768. So I installed kernel up to 3.16 with wheezy-backports, but after the boot, the screen become blank. The only way to see the screen is set "nomodeset" in /etc/default/grub, but It's impossible to see the screen beyond 1024x768 resolution.

I also tried to install linux-image deb packet from [URL] .... , because it worked for someone in internet, but not for me.

Here some details:

uname -r

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OpenSUSE Install :: GUI Will Not Load - Blank Screen On Live Boot

Jul 1, 2010

I have been trying to install openSUSE on a dell Latitude XT all day, and every time I tried to live boot, I got a blank screen. I finally decided to do a text install and I got it installed, but now I get the same result from booting off of the splash screen.

I can boot into text mode fine (still) but for whatever reason, it bombs as soon as I tell it to load the GUI. I have a 1.2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 3GB RAM, and an ATI mobility chip (2000 series, maybe?) I had the same problem with Ubuntu, and since I like openSUSE just as well, I figured I'd try it because I at least could do a text install from my liveCD.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Blank Screen After Boot - No Present Windows

Nov 4, 2010

For some reason, sometimes after I just turn the computer off by pressing the power button while hooked up to the video mount, I'll turn the computer on and (after it automatically logs into the standard user) come to a blank black screen. The only thing I can access is by pressing Alt+Tab to get a "no present windows" window, and thats it. Could it be that an activity or something has been deleted somehow?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen Fresh Install On Boot - Not I915

Jan 9, 2010

So I currently have an install of Karmic running that has been upgraded over the years but I am repartitioning my drives so I did a fresh install on a new drive.

My first problem was the live cd would not boot and I had to use the alternate cd to do the install. It would boot into a blank screen and the i915.modeset=0 kernel parameter did not help.

After the installation finished I went to try and boot and found that right when it went to initialize the graphics, my computer locked up hard. Keyboard unresponsive and all. I read the forums and I tried using the kernel parameter i915.modeset=0 and removed quiet and splash from the kernel line to see if I could spot any errors but nothing appeared.

I am able to boot into recovery mode, and I tried even running an apt-get upgrade to get all my packages up to date and installed the latest nvidia driver but still have this issue.

I'm at a loss as to what I should attempt next.

Here is boot info, just to clarify sda and sdb are a fakeraid on my old setup, sdc is my new install

Boot Info Summary:

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Debian Installation :: Blank Screen After Install - 6.0 On A Toughbook CF-28?

Feb 17, 2011

It seems I am having the same problem, but on a Toughbook CF-28. I tried searching the forum for a solution, and Google, but to no avail. Here is the run down:Installed Debian 6.0 from the NetInst (i386) CD, and all went well. Re-started the laptop, and all booted up fine (got the code lines). When the login screen should appear, all I get ilackscreen.CF-28 Hardware:RAM: 512MB. CPU: Pentium III Mobile 800 MHz (Im guessing from Google) Searches) Not sure what else it has, no information came with the laptop. I do know it has an ethernet port, which worked durininstall, has no wireless, does have a touch screen.I apologize for my noobness, but I am uber new to Linux. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

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Slackware :: Xorg, Intel Video Card, And Vesa Driver / Xserver, Hangs Hard In A Blank Screen?

Jul 15, 2010

Here goes the problem: I have a Amilo M7400 notebook with an Intel 82852/82855 GME video card, and X is a bit uncompatible with it.I've tried using the vesa driver in the xorg.conf, but when i start Xserver, it hangs hard in a blank screen. I can't open a new terminal and control+alt+backspace won't work.

what can i do? is there a log file for X which details the initialization of it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot After This Point The Reboot Operation Has Failed And Gave A Blank Screen?

Jun 19, 2010

i am trying to install opensuse 11.2 to my vaio laptop i have win7 pro 64 bit already installed so i'm trying dual booting i have followed the below steps1- on windows, shrink the c partition and create a new unused volume for suse2- install the suse 11.2 on the new unused volume with hdd config like sda4 swap 4 gb sda5 20 gb / ext4 sda6 120 gb ext43- selected custom packages and started the installaton4- installation started smoothly and after installing packages it tried to reboot the machine at the end. But after this point the reboot operation has failed and gave a blank screen.

At the end the installation failed.I started the machine vaio boot logo comes and stops. i can't even enterbios setup or change boot options.I have unplaged the hd reset the partions, pluged it again and recovered win7So i think the installation damaged the file system.i have tried the above steps 2 times and came up with the same result.I have installed fedora 13 before with no problem.

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Debian Installation :: Boot - Apt-get Install Xorg Doesn't Work

Mar 25, 2010

I recently installed debian on my ibook G4, but when I start up the computer, it doesn't boot into Xorg. When I tried to start Xorg, it says that it is not installed. How would I install it, and how would I start it? When I do the apt-get install xorg, it doesn't work. Right now I'm running ubuntu on it, but I really want just plain debian, as I really dont need all of the bells and whistles that Ubuntu offers. I just need something to do schoolwork on (I'm a highschool sophmore), and I don't want to use OS X for that as I like linux better (specifically debian and ubuntu).

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Debian Installation :: Black / Blank Screen - Nvidia Driver Wouldn't Install

Apr 29, 2011

After installing debian squeeze I tried installing a nvidia driver. I had to type: /etc/init.d/gdm3 stop The nvidia driver wouldn't install because the 'make' command was missing in a path or something. Now I cannot get the GUI anymore. startx gives me a blank screen rebooting the computer gives me a blank screen. I can only boot in recovery mode. but the nic doesnt work so no internet connection.

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Ubuntu :: Blank Screen On Boot / Very Fast Plymouth Screen

Jan 14, 2011

I fixed this issue on 10.04, but just recently (1 hour ago) upgraded to 10.10 and am having the same issue. Machine boots fine, but the screen is blank for most of the boot, and plymouth is up for about a half second before I get to the login screen.I've tried searching the threads, but for the life of me I can't find the solution and can't remember what I did to fix it on Lucid.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen: 10.04, ATI Radeon 9550 / X Tries To Load Screen Just Goes Blank?

May 9, 2010

I am having the same problem, as soon as X tries to load my screen just goes blank. I have an ATI Radeon 9550. At first I tried switching between VGA and DVI as well but upon ruling that out, I switch to my on-board video card and that is working thus far, but I'm trying very hard to figure out a way to be able to switch back. Anyways I'll check back in later on if I have any new information I will post.

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Debian :: Xorg Screen Resolution To 1366x768 Debian Lenny

Mar 24, 2010

i recently moved away from ubuntu (as they wouldn't let me change my gdm themes lol) i installed lenny usin the net install for ia86 but i cannot change my screen resolution from 1024x768 to my card/monitors native setting of 1366x768 i have included a .txt taken from the benchmark an profile gizmo which i hope rovide any of you with all the info needed (to be honest i don't understand half of it) my laptop is a fujitsu amilo li3710 with dual core, 3gb ram an 160gb hd an a intel gma4500 with shared memory graphics

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Ubuntu :: Blank Screen At Boot?

Nov 13, 2010

Just upgraded from Karmic to Lucid.. Everything was running smoothly except compositing so I enabled the Open Source Edge repos and downloaded the latest driver my card (a ati radeon x1650). I rebooted to a bios splash and then nothing.. blank screen. After about 4 seconds of nothing the monitor flicks on showing the kubuntu bootsplash for a split second then blank again.ctrl + alt + f$ isn't displaying a tty for meI'm not getting the usual grub menu on startup (esc isnt bringing it up)(it's a usb keyboard enabled in the bios)

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