Debian :: Adobe Air Apps Cannot Be Installed In Sid
Jul 7, 2010
I have read this simple instruction to get me tweetdeck into my desktop computer (AMD Athlon X2, 2GB ram, 160gb HDD - Debian SID)[URL]
I'm not sure what happened but installing Adobe Air in Debian is like installing in Windows XP -- I used the .bin file instead of the .deb because the .deb say's Adobe Air is 32 bit application.
So it is installed (sucessful or not I still don't know) -=- I go to tweetdeck site and got to its desktop page where there should be an install button -- however, there aren't any or it wont show -- it partially show like a running circle but it's not running. Then when I click on it -- it disappears.
I tried installing other air app like livebrush but the same -- the button is not shown. My Sid is updated as of now. I also have google chrome browser -- the behavior is the same as with iceweasel v3.5.10
How do I get Adobe Flash Player installed in Debian 6.0.0 (Squeeze?) I went to a couple of sites and tried typing into terminal what they suggested but to no avail. One of the commands had the sideways wavy line in it, but I do not have that key on my Toshiba L-455 Satellite laptop. Could anyone please asist me in getting Adobe Flash Player or the plug in installed.
On a Debian system, I installed Adobe Acrobat Reader using the Linux binary (AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin) downloaded from Adobe's website. I realized there's a way to install it from a Debian package as opposed to Adobe's binary (and be able to keep up better with security updates), so I want to remove Adobe's version and install the Debian package. What's the right way to uninstall Reader when it was installed this way?
On a Debian system, I installed Adobe Acrobat Reader using the Linux binary (AdbeRdr9.4.2 1_i486linux_enu.bin) downloaded from Adobe's website. What's the right way to uninstall Reader when it was installed this way?
I downloaded Adobe Air, both the rpm and the .bin versions. First I tried the rpm, it went through the motions of installing but just disappeared. then I tied the .bin, got tot the installer, accepted the license, entered my root password, but it stopped installing with "an error occurred. Adobe AIR could not be installed. Install either Gnome Keyring or KDE KWallet before installing Adobe AIR". I opened Kwallet and tried again, but to no avail. I am running OS11.4 64 bit. What can I do to get this thing working?
ive installed adobe AIR on my ubuntu karmic x64 distro as per the instructions on adobe's website, but whenever an adobe air app launches it prompts me for a password. I remember (before gnome-keyring-manager was replaced with seahorse) I found a way around it, but i gather that gnome-keyring-manager has been replaced now
I have just updated my system from openSuse 11.1 to openSuse 11.2, all is working fine. Now I would like to install the Adobe Reader program downloading it from the official website. I can use Evince to see PDF files... Unfortunately Evince shows strange defects over the images contained in the PDF file (strange white vertical lines and other little things).
I want try to use the original Adobe reader to check if those defects will go away so I can print the document (on Windows the pdf file is displayed perfectly). I have gone to this address to download the latest version: Adobe - Adobe Reader : For Unix : Adobe Reader 9.3.1 Linux and Solaris update - multiple languages
When I presse the "Download" button I go to another page. In this page I select the 9.3.1 version and then the "enu" directory (I suppose that "enu" stays for "english", I'm right? ) After that I block myself; as I see there are only i386 and i486 version available, but I have the i586 architecture. This means that the Adobe Reader is not available for my Linux system? Maybe I have got the wrong download address?
I am having trouble with adobe flash player 10 in ubuntu 8.10 using firefox 3, I installed it from packages but every time I go to look at a video or what ever I get flash player not installed
I installed it again and read the details when it was completed and although it said the install was succesfull this was at the end (Sha256sum mismatch install_flash player_10_linux.tar.gz plugins not installed
I need a Live CD that has Adobe Flash installed working with Firefox. I need the Live CD for my vacation so I can use it to book hotel rooms using the live cd on public Windows pcs which are probably infested with all sorts of nasty things. Using my credit card with IE on those machines is out of the question. My worry is keyloggers and other things that can copy my credit card info.
Is it possible to install Adobe Flash on a live cd or is there a workaround? Should I use a different approach? I've heard of using firefox on a usb flash disc but not in any details. I'm not bringing my own laptop. In that case I wouldn't have a problem, I guess. I have to use machines in hotel business centers or internet cafees.
In the answer there was some program which would create a file listing all installed apps and store it in /home. On updating the OS or re-installing, the file would be used to re-install all apps listed.
I've got wine installed and I've been using it for a while, but I just installed adobe flash but it doesn't show up in my wine menu. I know where I can find it in My Programs I just don't know where that is. Where is the virtual C: drive in wine located?
is it possible to use a terminal to install/run currently installed WINE apps...? if so, please let me know how to do so, i'm trying to run my guild wars game client, and its saying that the program doesn't have sufficient priveleges to run...
EDIT: i think i figured it out, but it gives me this code:
i installed "display calibrator" from the distros and afterwards i cant find it under Applications (graphics/ sound&audio/system tools...), so i went to System > Preferences > Main Menu and it isnt listed anywhere.
Like i'm curious what version of wine i have installed...What are my current ati drivers installed...If wine isn't 1.2 or 1.3 how do i update it from command line?really any insight into this process would help its not absolutely critical to know but i've been looking around and haven't found informationOr some references to good articles to become a command line guru would be cool as well.
I'm trying to install a minimal Gnome setup without any of the usually installed apps. Last time I tried this it worked fine but that was a couple of years ago (see this thread if you're interested). The closest I've got so far is to install a CLI system from the alternate install CD and then run:
The problem is that one of these packages (I think that it's gnome-core) installs Epiphany, Evince, Evolution, Gwibber and Ubuntu One which I don't want. how to get a minimal system installed without these apps?
I have Ubuntu 9.10 on my system and i have a lot of apps on there a way that in case of a full re-installation or hard disk replacement i could have all my softwares and settings installed on the new Ubuntu installation.
What should I do to clear WINE state in my system if it's already flooded with installed Win apps and lots of registry configs? Like WINE has just been installed and nothing more. No Windows apps, no configurations were made, clear registry, etc... Is it enough just to delete "~/.wine"?
I am having trouble getting adobe-flash to properly work on fedora. I have done it before but on a different distribution, and i am migrating to fedora. Here is the output and command that i used for installation of adobe-flash (below). I dont know what else could be causing the problem, note: i restarted firefox after installation accordingly. I tired upload the code and the forums system said
Code: The text that you have entered is too long (23586 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long. so i put the information a a .txt file and it is at this download link from 2shared. u have to look for the small words Save file to your PC: click here the other stuff is just junk links to try to get u to get ad funds from clicks, took me a few clicks to find which one actaully downlaods the file. [URl]...
Did an update, no idea if that has anything to do with it, not anything to do with flashplayer that I noticed but could have been perhaps, and flashplayer has gone down. So no videos from ..... etc.
Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?
Debian 5.0 32bit Iceweasel 3.0.6 On browsing a document on a website it popup;Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 (with Asian Font pack installed) or above is required for viewing this document. Please install the required software. I couldn't find its package is on repo
Adobe Reader: [URL] Which package shall I download? Where shall I retain the package to install so that it can be detected on browsing?
I know it's a very common problem but I didn't find any easy solution to install adobe air on debian testing 64 bits? I thought Adobe would release official 64 bits packages but it is not done yet... Impossible to find any unofficial packages from the community either?
I am using Debian 5.0 (Lenny) upgraded from Debian 4.0 ( Etch). Being an upgraded install seems to make quite a difference in a number of areas as I am still running several applications which are no longer available due to lack of maintenance. I am running a number of applications that would simply not be available on a clean Debian 5.0 install.
I installed Adobe Flash 10 not from the Debian repository but using dpkg -i and the Ubuntu deb package from the Adobe website. The Flash version in the Debian repository was down level from the version I wanted installed. The install ran fine and the verification of flash in Iceweasel, Iceape, Chrome and the Gnome web browser all verified as version 10 on the Adobe web site.
Subsequently I discovered that Iceweasel was being misidentified as not running Flash 10 on a web site that required Flash 10. This was not happening with any of my other browsers. I looked in Tools/AddOns/Plugins in Iceweasel and found that Flash 9 and Flash 10 were both present. Disabling the Flash 9 plugin caused Flash verification to fail as if Flash were not on my system.
I did an apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree which appears to have removed all traces of Flash 10. Now all of my browsers verify on the Adobe site as Flash 9 and work properly on all sites that require Flash 9 or lower. Looking in /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins I see no flash plugin library at all. A Flash plugin library was in this folder until I did the above remove operation.
I do not understand how Flash 9 can be installed and operational and not have a library appear in the Iceweasel's plugins folder. Using dpkg -l as well as Synaptic I cannot seem to find a package to remove that would remove Flash 9.
Anyone know the name of a package I can remove to uninstall Flash 9?
Anyone know in what folder I might look for the Flash 9 library?
Anyone know if a fresh install of Iceweasel supports the automatic installation of Flash when visiting a web site that requires flash? This may well be how Flash was installed originally and part of the reason why I can find no reference to it in the expected folders.
I would like to install Adobe Flash Player 10 as Swfdec annoys me.I have searched a lot on Google, but not really understand how what I should do. Some will help?I am running with Debian 5.0 and kernel 2.6.26-1-686. I use Iceweasel as "default" browser.
I'm trying to get compiz setup but it is not having any affect at all. I installed it and went to the synaptic system manager and added all the compiz plugins that were there. I restarted several times before and after going to the synaptic system manager. It said installed successfully, however it has no effect so it isn't "on" whatsoever. I have watched ..... tutorials on how to set it up. It looked easy enough but did not work for me. I have tried commands from tutorials but I don't know enough or how to edit folder contents. I think they were old tutorials anyways, I am running the newest squeeze debian distro. The 3d desktop was one reason I wanted to try linux. If I can't get the basic apps like this to work then there is no reason for me to use linux.