Debian Configuration :: Standardizing System Account UID/GIDs To Allow Shared Config
Feb 6, 2010
I run a network with about twenty Debian systems, currently running Etch. I maintain a central passwd and group file, which is regularly copied to each system. This works fairly well, but I have some problems with the system account UIDs and GIDs.
I find different systems often pick different UID and GID values for system accounts like bind, ntp, sshd etc. I think the values chosen at install come from the system UID and GID ranges, and are allocated sequentially, so the values on a system depend on which packages were installed, and the order they were installed in.
Is there any way to specify the UID and GIDs for system accounts at installation time? Are there any other thoughts on how to implement shared passwd and group files (apart from NIS, which I don't want to use)?
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Nov 8, 2015
I'm trying to set up my Intel Wireless 3945ABG (which is supported in the kernel) and I don't understand where to start if I want to use systemd to do this.
I've installed my Debian (Stretch Alpha4) base system using the wireless to download the necessary components but when I boot into the system I need to set up the wireless card separately.
I would prefer to be able to install wireless without the requirement of connecting via ethernet so no package installs other than what is downloaded by the installer.
I can't even find documentation on this specific issue because everyone seems to reference /etc/network/interfaces which AFAIK is not supported in systemd. How do I configure a wireless card using only systemd?
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Mar 29, 2011
I installed the Gnome desktop CD1 AMD 64 version of Debian Squeeze. I installed samba and python-smbc. I am missing samba printers in my system-config-printer. Anyone know why? [url]
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Jul 7, 2011
I'm trying to automate Squeeze 6 installation with preseed.cfg, but the keyboard configuration (fr) is not taken into account.Given the debconf logs, it seems that the language is set before preseed.cfg is read. So I added "console-keymaps-at/keymap=fr locale=fr_FR" to the syslinux.cfg kernel line.That skips the installer keyboard selection page. But in debconf logs I can seed "Setting debconf/language to en".What am I doing wrong ?Here are the related options I set in preseed.cfg. I can't find an exhaustive debconf options list, and their exact meaning ; does anyone know of one ?d-i debian-installer/locale string fr
# The values can also be preseeded individually for greater flexibility.
d-i debian-installer/language string fr
d-i debian-installer/country string FR
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May 23, 2011
I accidentally deleted my .config for my kernel configuration on Linux, and seem to remember there was a way to retrieve the kernel configuration via the proc filesystem somehow. Is this still possible, and if so how would I do it?
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Sep 1, 2010
This may fall under the "ain't broke don't fix it" category but it's driving me nuts. I've got the Broadcom 4322 wireless adapter in my laptop and it works fine with broadcom-wl driver and kmod. However there is no ifcfg-eth1 file and the card does not show up in system-config-network.
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Jun 3, 2011
I am trying to connect to a Debian account through SMB. So far I havn't had any luck and from what I have read online, without Windows 7 registry modifications, I won't get anywhere either. I have tried two main configurations on in the smb.conf. The first method was to use 'security = share' and submit the username and password on the created share. That didn't work. The second method was to use 'security = user' and authenticate to the entire smb server. That didn't work either.
I am unsure what username/password I have to enter. I am using the accounts credentials, but it isn't letting me connect with those. It also wants me to use a domain (something like 'LAPTOPusername' and then password) which I don't understand the relevance. What domain should I use?
When it comes down to it I just want an SMB share that all the Windows 7 computers in my house can access, but still requires a password. Are there any guides available? Please make sure they are up to date with the latest SAMBA and Windows 7 configuration. The ones I have gone over are old and didn't fix my problem. Also if I need to modify the registry then it isn't worth it.
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Mar 8, 2010
Does anyone know if I can successfully remove / delete the 'debian-sys-maint' account from MySQL? I noticed it there and appears to be something the Debian developers / maintainers of MySQL package added. I am guessing it's there to manage package updates and system maintenance as a back door of sorts. Anyone know if I can remove this account and not break the package or database?
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Apr 5, 2010
I'm running a Debian based distro.
When I run ipcs this pops up:
This happens only while KDE3 is running. Regardless of the runlevel, if kdm is not started, this will not show.
By running ipcs -p the PID points to process
Is there anything wrong with that command?
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Aug 10, 2011
i have a notebook where i wont to install andorid SDK, I have a Debian 6, 64bit that work well.After install android sdk, i test installation but i have this
:~/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools$ ./emulator
./emulator: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
i use comand ldd
:~/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools$ ldd ./emulator
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Aug 4, 2011
I just installed Debian 6 on a server and when the server powers up, it shows me all the accounts I created in order for me to choose and login under an account, except for the root account. At the colo where the server is going, they need the root account at the login screen.
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Jun 30, 2015
I have just installed Debian Weezy and for some reason it just does not see my router.1) is there a good network config script I can use?if not then what files must be edited to setup the network?When I attempt to ping the router, it does not see it. I have checked the cables etc.
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Apr 12, 2016
I have lost my password for my root and for my user account.
Code: Select alluser@debian:~$ su
su: Authentication failure
user@debian:~$ su
su: Authentication failure
user@debian:~$ su
I have just installed a gust debian 8 on debian 8 host in virtualbox, and when i wonted too login as su/root on the host there where no login possible, is there a way to regain the root password for the host?
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Jun 20, 2015
I am having trouble using touch pad in jessie. My touch pad was ok when it's in wheezy but after i updated to jessie, i can't really get used to it.
I don't know whether i setting it up wrongly, sometimes, my touchpad will keep dragging, without releasing. And if I click the bottom right of the touch pad, it's not right click; instead i have to use two fingers.
etc. So how can i change to back to a more traditional usage? Also, do jessie have a setting like ubuntu saying disable touch pad while typing?
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Feb 5, 2016
Running natios server in Debian 8? I cannot start nagios3 demon, it got following error:
Error: Check period '24x7' specified for service 'check ssh connection' on host 'testk2' is not defined anywhere!
Error: Notification period '24x7' specified for service 'check ssh connection' on host 'testk2' is not defined anywhere!
But if I commented following statement in generic-service_nagios2.cfg, it works just fine.
# check_period 24x7
# notification_period 24x7
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Mar 11, 2016
Can I use the config for my current kernel (the jessie 3.16 one), and use it to build a more recent kernel (3.18)? Do I just copy across the config and try and build with it, or is there some tool that will bring across the existing config but also set up reasonable defaults for any new options in the newer kernel, and any other migrations that might need to be applied?
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May 16, 2010
I'm recompiling my kernel on a dell latitude c600 running lenny as I type, and it's taking forever, so far upward of 4 hours.I think I'm getting drivers for ever piece of computing hardware since the univac So I googled "a kernel conf creator" and got [URL]... Its a nice, clean method for finding what hardware your using... you just run lspci cpuinfo make xconfig and put in all the info yourself. So I was thinking: this is exactly the kind of dull, repetitive behavior that computers were made for. Is there a program that can find my hardware info, and make the.config itself, with very little user input?Or should I reinstall debian on another partition and steal the .config from it? Or should I man it up and do it myself?
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Apr 4, 2010
I am planning to build a server in future. That will be a computer with GNU. It will be a router and file server. It will get the VPN-Internet and share it with all the PCs connected to LAN. There will be Samba for file sharing. And I'm thinking that if I just share some directory on that server with Samba, it will be possible to get access to that dir from VPN. So it's not very safe to do that. Is it possible to prevent access to Samba dir from VPN connection?
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Mar 28, 2011
I have a win XP box and want to share files on this win XP box In Ubuntu 10.10 I previous used, I just connect the win XP sahred folder via file browser without any username and password. In my Debian Squeeze, when I connect to my win XPIt poped up a window and asked me the username and password. But I don't set any password in my win XP even my administrator account. How can I do to make my connecting to win XP smoothly like the Ubuntu does?
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Oct 28, 2015
I know very little about Debian but have an ASUS T100TA tablet which runs fairly well under Debian 8 Jessie (kernel 3.16.0-4-686-pae). I used the following guide successfully to activate the wireless but am having trouble with the audio section of it.URL...
First, I went here and downloaded the file called 'NEW T100_B.state'.URL....
Then I copied it to /var/lib/alsa/asound.state and ran 'alsactl restore' which reported that i had no soundcards.I then downloaded and expanded linux-firmware-master-intel.tar.gz but am not sure what to do with these files. I copied them to /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-686-pae/kernel/drivers/firmware as they are specific for this kernel, but they don't seem to be doing anything and 'alsactl restore' still tells me that I don't have a soundcard. What do I need to do with these files?
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Feb 10, 2016
I've downloaded configuration files for my VPN, Kovurt, and they don't have a .ovpn file extension. Further, when I tried to enter the information manually (using this guide), I saw that the files only include the <ca> tags, and no <cert>, <key> or <tls-auth> tags.
Here is the content of one of the config files, simply named 'Tokyo' with no extension. (adding .ovpn didn't work either):
Code: Select allclient
dev tun
proto udp
remote 443
resolv-retry infinite
[Code] ....
I have an open ticket with Kovurt asking for the other info, but I know already that they don't have much in the way of documentation or support for Linux.
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Apr 17, 2010
how can i do user2 can't get the file /home/user1/www/wp-config.php by using an editor but the webserver can?i mean how can i disallow access on other user's directorys but allow only one? (www-data in case).
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Mar 27, 2011
I installed debian 6 (stable) on laptop with dual boot Windows 7 and Debian. when i was installing debian ,every things were ok and installed correctly (such as DHCP configuration) before installing APT package configuration part. error is about mirror zone! i checked it and tested with all mirorrs in list but i couldnt config APT yet.i did installation without APT.after booting debian i have apt-get and aptitude commands but didnt work commands like apt-get update or aptitude install ... or aptitude update .... when i ping an ip , it dosent answer cause of errors .(but i have network connection on windows7 correctly. im using connection wired.
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Apr 7, 2011
I'm currently dual-booting Squeeze & Windows XP on a machine i use frequently.
In my experience on the desktop, i now see no reason to have Windows XP as a boot option, & wanted to try & avoid a full re-installation of Debian in order to remove XP (merging it's partition with / ).
I have a checklist that i put together, but wanted to be sure this was all correct before going forward.
1. Perform full back-up of all data.
2. Boot into Debian, through GUI -
System Tools > Disk Utility
- Select HDD (80GB Hard Disk)
- Select windows partition ( /dev/sda1 )
- Format /dev/sda1 to Ext4 Filsystem
3. Boot Live CD
- Use gParted to extend /dev/sda2 (was 38GB, will extend to 78GB)
4. Remove XP from the boot menu.
( Note: My ~ folder is on the same physical drive as / (same volume), but i actually store all Media on a separate physical drive which is formatted in NTFS. I plan on reinstalling XP using a virtual hard disk, & sharing that with the virtual machine.Here is a screenshot of my Disk Utility - [URL]
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Feb 26, 2016
I had a pretty much standard installation according to some tutorial (I don't remember, which one) for courier, including ssl. After upgrading from Wheezy (7) to Jessie (8) everything continued working fine, excep ssl connections to pop or imap.
In the log I get this error message while connecting to imapd-ssl:
Code: Select allFeb 26 20:16:22 mx imapd-ssl: couriertls: connect: error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:no shared cipher
First I thought there got some chiphers removed from default configuration. But even when I try to allow all protocols and all ciphers:
Code: Select allTLS_PROTOCOL="SSL23"
And then test via s_client:
Code: Select all# openssl s_client -connect -cipher ALL
3073349308:error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure:s23_clnt.c:770:
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 7 bytes and written 341 bytes
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
TLS over STARTTLS is also not working and does not invoke a log-entry. So I want to solve the ssl-problem first. I guess the STARTTLS-problem is automatically solved then.
My update procedure was:
Editing /etc/apt/sources.listapt-get updateapt-get upgradeapt-get dist-upgradeKeep all configuration files regarding courier.
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Aug 19, 2010
how to get clients connecting to an office printer. during a migration from windows server to debian/samba.
We have:
5 windows XP machines one Windows Server 2003 machine, PDC of the old domain One debian Samba PDC (of TEST domain)/print server (with CUPS installeD) running in a virtual machine hosted by the windows server One Toshiba eStudio 3511 printer
Using the CUPS control panel, I've been able to autodetect and add the printer, and it appears as an available share in SWAT for samba. However, the driver isn't perfect. CUPS could only supply drivers for the 3510c, not the 3511.
However, clients on the TEST domain are unable to access it. Doing so gives an error about a local policy preventing a connection to the print queue. I've tried googling this error and the fix that comes up in every result about changing a point and print policy setting, does not work.
however, I've been able to work around the issue. by first logging in as local administrator, navigating to the domain server, then inputting the domain root account credentials at the prompt. That allows me to attempt to connect to printers, but with a different error
"The server for the printer does not have the correct driver installed...."
I very strongly suspect that the 3510 driver actually will work, but it's just not being shared properly. The printer driver share folder is /var/lib/samba/printers, and that directory contains only a few empty subfolders. CUPS did not place the driver there as I would expect, and that is where clients are looking for it.
The thing is, I have no idea where CUPS DID put the driver.
On the old domain, the printer uses drivers for es4511, and looking on the toshiba site, this seems to be what they provide. The Toshiba Site provides a huge variety of drivers, including several windows ones, a universal driver, and a CUPS PPD. Cups asks for an optional PPD during install and I tried supplying that. It said installed successfully, but didn't change anything.
I've tried pasting the windows drivers into /var/lib/samba/printers/W32X86 too, and likewise with other drivers from toshiba's site. but this doesn't change anything either, so I'm at a bit of a loss.
how to install/setup drivers on a samba PDC, for windows machines?
Also relevant, my smb.conf:
anyone see any possible causes of problems?
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN ()
# Date: 2010/08/19 13:03:07
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Jan 3, 2016
I have a Jessie with grub2. I've bought ssd and copied root partition onto it. I've also installed grub on this disc. I would like to have dual boot:
- First option: old root booted from hdd
- second option: boot from copied ssd and use root from it.
So i would have two identical but independent configurations.
Both disc has different uids (changed after cloning).
I had a hope that i will change fstab to mount root partition from ssd, but it doesn't work. I need to change grub configuration, but how to add new position?
There is also problem that bios doesn't allow me to choose disc to boot from. So i would rather prefer to change grub configuration for dual boot from different disc.
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Jul 29, 2010
I want to restrict the access to my local web server by IP address. Im in a LAN (192.168.200.xx) so i have this:
But when i try to connect from it says i don't have permission to access
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Nov 9, 2010
After an automatic update from Debian I get the following error while starting a root terminal:
An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnome-terminal. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly.
Failed to contact configuration server: the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-bus session bus daemon.
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May 11, 2011
I've been running smoothly for most of the time but last time I booted my Lap a login screen appears. I had this disabled as I'm the only one using that machine. After trying several times it appears none of my passwords works. I log in as root (offline mode) to reset the pwd and then log in again with my standard user. Fine again and I disable log in so no account is asked when booting. As I got a new access point I had to reconfigure wireless connection. Shortly after I do so (1hr approx), the Wireless gets disconnected and it request my WEP key again. I entered and verified several times but no connection. I confirm with another device that the wireless is working and the WEP key is correct. So I restart to see if this fixes my connection and ,surprise, log in screen again and no pwd is recognized
I haven't touch that machine again but I'm afraid a malicious SW can be stealing my pwd. Only SW I have installed is from the official repositories
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