OpenSUSE Install :: User Account Changed Configuration And Pwds "forgotten" By The System?
May 11, 2011
I've been running smoothly for most of the time but last time I booted my Lap a login screen appears. I had this disabled as I'm the only one using that machine. After trying several times it appears none of my passwords works. I log in as root (offline mode) to reset the pwd and then log in again with my standard user. Fine again and I disable log in so no account is asked when booting. As I got a new access point I had to reconfigure wireless connection. Shortly after I do so (1hr approx), the Wireless gets disconnected and it request my WEP key again. I entered and verified several times but no connection. I confirm with another device that the wireless is working and the WEP key is correct. So I restart to see if this fixes my connection and ,surprise, log in screen again and no pwd is recognized
I haven't touch that machine again but I'm afraid a malicious SW can be stealing my pwd. Only SW I have installed is from the official repositories
I have a Suse 11.0 Server that has been running for a long time and I have not had to touch it, well I need to get into it today and I forgot the password. So I booted it up with the install disc and got into the rescue mode but I am not sure how or which system to mount to change the root password I tried sda and sda1 but it errored out with unknown system type
I was recently messing around learning chgrp commands, and set my (only) user account to a different group. Now whenever I try to sudo a command, I get 'john is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported' message.I *seem* to have a root account (one is listed in System->admin->users and groups), but I'm almost certain that the password for it would be one of 3 things, and it's none of them.
openSuse v11.1 Linux x86_64 VirtualBox v3.1.0
One user account completely ignores all keyboard input. No other account demonstrates this bizarre behavior. The faulty account has had occasional keyboard difficulty but it has always been related to the Virtual Machines (VirtualBox); the hosting account always functioned correctly.
Then the ban on keyboard input. Poof! "Keyboard? What keyboard? I don't see no stinking keyboard!"
It is not the physical keyboard. Three different hardware exhibit the same fault. It is not the motherboard; two mb's show the same fault. It is only that one account. And I even took the Windows route of re-installing the OS (what a waste of time that was).
If something changed, I am not aware of it (although something must have).
My install of 11.4 has been running perfectly for for several weeks now. But- (always a but) today it started acting up. I cannot log in to any user account including Root after logging out. After a cold boot I can log in again anywhere but after logging out I have to reboot again then I can get back in to any account once. After logging out any attempted log in causes the splash screen to blank for a few seconds and then it comes back with the previous successful user name log in but typing in the password blanks the screen a few seconds again. Clicking on a user account also blanks the screen a few seconds and then it again comes back with the previous log in users name.
I cannot log into the normal user account after shutting down the OPENSUSE 11.1 system by cutting off electricity. The system always returns to the login page which requires to choose account id and enter passwd even when I type in correct normal user id and passwd. The root account can be used.
I have a problem with the Google search box top right corner in Konqueror, when entering search I recieve an error page "Unsupported Protocol" Google asks for ioslave or kioslave. Also when highlighting text on a page and right clicking with the mouse no search option is given. I created a new user and all works as it should for the new user. What is wrong with my user account? I have reset default values in Konqueror setup.
I use the Basic System for Co-operative Work (BSCW) to implement a collaboration environment in Apache. In previous versions of SuSE, I had created a BSCW user and group. The UID and GID that I had used is now assigned to some other system/application.Can someone refresh my memory on how to create a UID and GID in the 100-200 range?
I have been put on the task of changing the passwords of two user accounts on one of our debian boxes at work. The problem is that the current passwords are unknown, and I only have SSH access to the machine.
Is there anything I can do?
I thought about simply creating two new users and removing the old, but that may not be an option.
I have lost my password for my root and for my user account.
Code: Select alluser@debian:~$ su Password: su: Authentication failure user@debian:~$ su Password: su: Authentication failure user@debian:~$ su
I have just installed a gust debian 8 on debian 8 host in virtualbox, and when i wonted too login as su/root on the host there where no login possible, is there a way to regain the root password for the host?
On a Fedora Core box, I have a normal non-privileged user and I also have sole access to the root account. Because I am the only administrator of this box, I frequently su over to root for administrative tasks. The problem is that many of the user configuration I've become accustomed to are only configured on my day-to-day account (.vimrc, .bashrc, .screenrc, etc). Other than giving my day-to-day user account privileges to perform administration tasks, how would I go about sharing configuration between these two accounts?
i am having problems with privileges i have created a new user with my name, but i cant get root privileges on it. i need the same privileges as the root profile.
What is the user account number when you create a root user account for the system during the installation of any linux distribution? I'm not sure if its 0, 1, 10, or 100..
I am running Debian Lenny with the default Gnome desktop. When I set up a new user the sound is not available. It says the device in not installed. I have used the Gnome system menu as follows.System, Administration, Users and Groups, then used the add user button and entered the appropriate info. I then went and clicked on the properties button and then the User Privileges section and checked off the "use audio devices" button. Still no sound. When I go to System, Preferences, Sound, Devices, and do the sound tests I get report that device is not installed.
When I am logged in to the user (jon) that I set up when doing the D.Lenny install, the sound on all various media play back works fine.There is one with 1 exception when loged in to this user(jon). I can not get any sound from the system sounds like select check box = toggle .wav, chose menu item = beep, etc. It would be realy nice to know how to repair or configure tis issue as well.under system info, pci devices it lists as follows Multimedia audio controller, Intel Corp 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW. Mother board is a ECS 915P-A2 and I guess about 2007 or so vintage. 1 G mem installed and a P-4 2.66 chip. It has the sound built in to it. It works fine on WinXP.
I have configured httpd web server to allow each of the system users to have their own web page (using UserDir directive).At the same time I have configured ftp server to allow the users to upload their html files to the web server.With above set up my users need not have any knowledge of linux; they can work from any windows PC on the network.There is no problem in the above.However, now I need to allow my users to change their passwords. The point here to note is that the users should be able to do this even from windows PC on the network. One of the way is to configure a telnet server (or sshd). But I find that the windows PC does not have telnet client.The other idea is that I should put a php script on the server which would take user name and password from the web page and then change the password. I don't know how can the system account password be changed through script - I will have to check this out.
I run a network with about twenty Debian systems, currently running Etch. I maintain a central passwd and group file, which is regularly copied to each system. This works fairly well, but I have some problems with the system account UIDs and GIDs.
I find different systems often pick different UID and GID values for system accounts like bind, ntp, sshd etc. I think the values chosen at install come from the system UID and GID ranges, and are allocated sequentially, so the values on a system depend on which packages were installed, and the order they were installed in.
Is there any way to specify the UID and GIDs for system accounts at installation time? Are there any other thoughts on how to implement shared passwd and group files (apart from NIS, which I don't want to use)?
Need to track which users are making changes to production files. I have a small number of administrators with access to su, but need to be able to identify which administrator is making changes to which files after they have su.I have read several post and articles regarding auditd tool, but it is not clear to me whether this tool can generate a log that shows the original user and file being altered.
Ubunto 8.4, running on 2nd partition on Apple Intel iMac. Several months ago, following a routine update, I found I could no longer install routine updates. Investigating further, I find "You don't have permissions to..." then sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by gid 1002, should be 0. That's not me! I am the owner and root user of this computer. How could this get changed? How can I change it back to me? The Linux platform of the computer has not been exposed to the net except for Ubuntu forums and updates. No one else has used this computer.
i m not able to create new user account to my new install of 11.2 don't know whether it occured due to update problem or some installation failure. when creation a new profile through yast it gives a warning sub-domain not started and quits however a new user get added through cli but with no profile of its own. that user cant log into gui enviroment and when he/she logs through cli it automatically tranfers it profile to "/"(i.e root) i m using kde4.3
plans to upgrade my "production" desktop from Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 LTS. Based on what I have read and experienced with "upgrades" it is better to install the new version from scratch. That is what I plan to do. The next task is to install the various additional programs I wish to have. I can make a list of them and do the installs no problem.
So now I get to the question of my user account information. I have my current system built with the following file systems:
/ (for the OS) /home (for my account) /data (for all "data" including Firefox and Thunderbird profiles, documents and other data files)
Moving my "data" to the new OS will not be an issue. My user account information is stored in /home/ken. Can this be moved to the new OS? I would like to avoid having to redo gnome and program preferences and configurations, icons on the panel, saved passwords, ssh bookmarks and other stuff which Linux has stored in /home/ken.
I have created an Ubuntu virtual machine and tried a couple of approaches to transferring the files under /home/ken. The results were not promising. Is moving my profile a practical idea or should I just take a couple of hours and tweak everything on the new OS to my liking?
p.s. If I rebuild my profile are there any things I can do to make it "portable" in the future? For when I move to 12.04 LTS?
I have a problem with GUI under SuSE. As root I can enter but as normal user I can't. So the splash occurs I put user name and password but the system try to enter and later it comes back. I try from CLI, I make startx from command line, the same situation. Sometime the system informs me about a error (a temporary file from /tmp(.X0~ )I must remove, I did but next time it tells me that it can't load one module (it gives me a number).
I was logged in, but had not used the computer for about 48 hours. When I 'woke' the system, I could see that Thunderbird and Firefox were active, just as I had left them. I moved the mouse, the screen went black and the mouse pointer was visible (and could move). The system stayed like this for about 2 minutes, then wend down completely. I cut power, booted and got the login screen. Each time I put in my password, it looks as if it is loading but then just goes right back to the login screen. I have no problem logging in as root.
I accidentally changed my user permission while setting up a new user account and am now unable to access the "system" on the panel to change things back. I've just spent hours setting everything up and downloading and hope that I don't have to go through all of that again.
I'm about to sell an old computer and I want to put a fresh copy of Ubuntu on it for the buyer to use. I don't want to configure a user name and password--I want to leave that process to the buyer, similar to the experience of (for example) buying a new Apple computer, where it asks for a user name and password on first boot after the OS is already installed.
I am on ubuntu 10.10 and want to install boxee to use as a media player for me and my roomates. My ubuntu account is password protected and I would like to create another user that when you log on (with out a password) it automatically runs boxee, and nothing else.
I am trying to be a super user in terminal but I can't. I am sure that I type the correct password, I check also the caps lock button and the language. Also I can't go to the yast. note that the root password is exactly the same as user password
Code: nobani@linux-m9c6:~> su Password: Permissions on the password database may be too restrictive. su: incorrect password nobani@linux-m9c6:~> I am using KDE 4.3.5 on openSUSE11.2
I've used it recreationally in the past but am now attempting to deploy an OpenSUSE LTSP server in my wife's computer lab at her school. really like to make it easy for her to give the kids instructions for the day via a text file/pdf located on the kid's desktop. What I'd like to do since there's 500 kids that she teaches is create a shared folder for each grade that she just drops the assignment instructions into. I'd like to avoid having to add a link manually in each user's /home/*/desktop folder, so is there an easy way to do this?
In case the above isn't clear... 1) Create folder on teacher's desktop that is set to share 2) Create a link on each user's desktop to enable them to access said folder 3) Ideally, all new users will have a specific folder based on which usergroup they belong to (1st grade, 2nd grade, etc