Debian :: Lenny - Changing Console Font Size?
Dec 31, 2010
So I set up that OS I was talking about, everything I need, staying away from the "Startx" command, and it's working very very awesomely except for ONE little problem. The console font size is too big for me, and honestly I don't know how to change that. Coming out of Ubuntu, I'm realizing I don't know as much about config files as I think I do :P
Any way I can change the font size? When I use the GParted live cd, I see a line in the start up that mentions changing the frame buffer to 700 x 48 or something, I'll get specifics soon (computer's not on me) and it makes the font and everything just how I like it.
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Jul 14, 2010
I wanna save font from SystemRescueCD's VC and set it up in Ubuntu's VC. How to save it? 'Man' doesn't make it clear to me. Is it
setfont -o [file]
setfont -O [file]
to save the font?
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Nov 5, 2010
I'm trying to do is protect the computer against housemates. The standard procedure I do with Lenny:
1. Password protect BIOS.
2. In BIOS, always boot from hard drive. Disable booting from any other device such as USB or CD-ROM.
3. Password protect Grub (v1) using the "password --md5 $1$9MuaA/$5TDLgvmcEiCWNr5W9VaMK1" syntax in my menu.lst file.
With the above precautions in place, [I think] the only way to gain root access to the system is to take the case lid off and proceed to do stuff physically (like set jumpers and/or take out the hard drive). Am I correct? My reasoning for this is, the computer boots -> must boot from HD -> must load Grub -> must go to default menu item since others are protected, and cannot command prompt in Grub without password.
Anyhow, In Squeeze, I was a bit disappointed to find out, after doing a bit of Google-research, that Grub v2 (which is standard on Squeeze now) does not easily support password protecting the Grub menu. Am I correct? Will this issue perhaps be addressed in the Squeeze final release? Is this feature dumb anyways because the Grub password is of no use (i.e. my paragraph above is complete horseradish)?
Another thing I would like to do is change the console font and size back to something more "normal" or "classic", not some crazy tiny font that's only found in totally bleeding edge Linux distrubutions <gasp!>. I found that the Squeeze console font (e.g. when I type Ctrl+Alt+F1) is wicked tiny. I wanna change it to "normal". Grub v2 password and console font config?
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May 17, 2011
My Squeeze installation has the horrific 80x25 line display, and I cannot stand it. I know it can do better, because the grub screen is very tiny. I ran dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but the offerings there aren't much better. I don't know what happened to the good ol' days of grub when all you had to do was pass vga=791 to the kernel to get a decent console size... but it seems they are gone.
I don't really understand this new v2 grub... I don't know why it was necessary to change how it was configured, when it seemed to work so exquisitely. how I would accomplish the functional equivalent of passing vga=791 (1024x768@75hz) to the kernel in grub
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Feb 26, 2011
I am using ubuntu a desktop and don't run a server. The editor I use is vim so increasing font by edit > profile preferences. What I need to know is how to increase the size in console ie. when I use Ctrl +Alt + F1 to F6. On running xrandr I get this :
I know that,the graphical user interface ( using X windows , I think ) sits on top of the base system ie F1 to F6. In the Fs , xrandr replies "Can't open display ". The question is am I right in thinking that "gui" is totally independant of the base ( is that the correct word ?). I have read that messing about with resolution can wreck a monitor ( I'm using a laptop) , is there a safe way to proceed?
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Jan 3, 2010
I am have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 in my laptop. After performing the reboot, the shell/console resolution went very high and the font size went too small. How to regain the old console shell resolution as in 9.04. I require this urgently as my laptop suffers the white screen problem. Switching between Ctrl+Alt+F6 and Ctrl+Alt+F7 I could get back the screen as the change in the resolution switches off and on the screen, so that I can negotiate with the white screen problem.
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Mar 3, 2010
I use CentOS and i need to set resolution or font size so that i can see more lines of logs at a time on the main console of my CentOS box.
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Sep 13, 2010
i have changed my monitor from crt to lcd and find the fonts to be a little out of focus,
so far i have achieved native resolution of 1280x1024 in gnome which is great! i have configured grub by adding the vga=xxx appropraite for native resolution of my monitor which is great !.........but herein lay the problem, everything is so small and stuck up in the left corner , so small that i cant read it very well.
how do i increase the font sizes at cmd prompt without changing the resolution ? dare i say windows i would increase the DPI , how do i achieve this in centos ?
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Feb 14, 2010
I've read so many howto's and threads but never managed to get a decent font size on my tty's. Before grub2 I used to use vga=795 (or something like that), but now that isn't working anymore. I have a 24" Samsung screen and the font size is HUGE. Has anyone with same hardware succeeded in setting a decent resolution? I've played around with gfxpayload and all that stuff. I'm using fglrx driver on an up-to-date system.
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Apr 10, 2011
I have a ubuntu linux working in TEXT mode. I would like the change the font size (or if possible, get my terminal with inconsolata font). How can i do it?
PS: i don't have a GUI or X Windows running.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
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Mar 23, 2010
if its possible to change font size or style on CLI.
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Nov 30, 2010
I'd like to change the font characteristics (size, colour) on initial login screen (list of users) however I cannot find the configuration options.
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Mar 20, 2011
Now I know that I could use "consolechar" command with option "f " to set other fonts temporarily. The problem for me now is that I had tried almost all of those fonts in directory /usr/share/consolefont/, but I could not find a suitable one, none of them are beautiful. So, I hope one can tell me how to get the fonts and how to set the font I like to be lasting.
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Sep 10, 2010
After reinstalling Squeeze's base system, the console font is too small to read comfortably. I tried to pass the kernel parameter vga=0x303 without success. After init starts the font reverts to a very small font that I cannot read comfortably on my 17 inch TFT LCD monitor.
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Sep 14, 2010
I'm trying to upgrade a headless terminal server like box from Etch to Lenny. Users log in to this box using a GoGlobal client and use applications such as OpenOffice and Iceweasel. Because of the ended support for Etch we want to upgrade this machine to Debian Lenny as soon as possible and in order to save time we decided to dist-upgrade instead of installing a new machine. I've done this upgrade in a test environment and everything is working as expected except for OpenOffice, which seems broken after the upgrade:
The problem seems to be caused by the anti aliasing features of OpenOffice and disabling these features in the options panel (Extra -> Options -> View -> Screen font anti aliasing) fixes the UI somewhat:
However, as can be seen in the last screenshot, disabling anti aliasing makes the whole thing look terrible. I've searches the net for solutions such as this one but so far I've not been able to fix this. Is there anyone who can point me towards what has changed in the way fonts are rendered since Lenny and what might cause this breakage for OpenOffice? Other applications such as Iceweasel work perfectly and look better then before.
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Apr 1, 2010
After an update on squeeze about a week or two ago, my console font turned green. I'm not exactly sure of the timing, because I switch between lenny and squeeze, and some time passed between the update and the reboot in squeeze.
During the update, I was asked if I wanted to keep my altered /etc/grub.d/00_header or take the package maintainer's version. I took the PM's version, knowing I'd lose my edit (set gfxpayload=1024x768x16). When I add that line to the new 00_header, run update-grub and reboot, the console font is the size I want, but it's a dull green. Reminds me of my first computer. How do I get it back to white and keep the 1024x768 resolution?
Currently booting with grub-legacy and chainloading grub2. If I boot entirely with grub-legacy, and pass vga=791, the console font will be white. It doesn't matter which kernel I use. Currently, I'm running 2.6.32-3-686. Same behavior exists if I use 2.6.30-2-686. If I use 1024x768x8 I get a dull gray instead of dull green.
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Jan 1, 2011
GNOME decided not to use the correct resolution ever. In Ubuntu, it got it automatically and that said it should be 1366x768, and when i run this:
xrandr -s 1366x768
I get
Size 1366x768 not found in available modes
So then I tried to run xrandr and find out what was available and I got:
$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected
So when I try to change it to 1024x768, I get the same "not found in available modes" message.
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Jun 9, 2015
I've a high resolution monitor(2560x1440) on my laptop running Debian testing and would like to change the font size in X. I manage to change most of the fonts to a readable size through the openbox configuration manager. But the font in my login window and for example in apps like vlc is still very tiny. How this could be changed ....
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Aug 16, 2010
I can't change fonts in Firefox preferences (Content).
My OS is openSUSE 11.3, KDE 4.4.4. release 8.
Any type and size of font I use, nothing happens. It's still same font which I choose for the first time I've started Firefox afer installing openSUSE 11.3.
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Apr 9, 2010
I know there are many threads regarding this topic.I probably read most of them. At installation time I told Debian to use German keyboard layout (since I am from Germany). Now I want to switch it to American keyboard layout. In X this was no problem. But in the tty consoles I cant get it changed. It does not matter to me if it is system wide or user wide because I am the only user. (system wide would be a little bit more preferrable because it would affect the super user too, I think).I tried dpkg-reconfigure console-data
and selecting my desired layout. This changes the Layout to American until reboot
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Sep 8, 2011
I just installed Debian 6 and need to change the console keyboard layout (I am not running any sort of gui).I installed 'console-data' and ran:# dpkg-reconfigure console-dataThis assigns my Apple keyboard keys perfectly but it won't survive a reboot, which is really important for entering passwords
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Jun 26, 2009
Is there any way to change the resolution and refresh rate of the graphical log on screen in Lenny? I have the right resolution and refresh rates set for after I log in but I don't know which file to edit to make Lenny use the right settings for the log on screen.
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Sep 10, 2010
I recently installed an ATI graphics card driver (fglrx) and ran the aticonfig --initial program/option, which makes the necessary changes to xorg.conf for the user.
My original problem was that all of my font sizes were changed (far too small to even read). I found a temporary way around this by simply increasing the sizes in the gnome appearance properties, but the problem is there is no option to change the size of text that appears in editable fields. For example, simple text-line entry widgets in various applications appear very small (as well as the default text size in icedove mail). Trying to use Writer or Calc also gives the same results. It seems directly related to the sizes of "editable fields" (things like my text editor - gedit- appear to be fine, as well as my terminal). I'm guessing this could have something to do with my xorg.conf, but I've looked through the file and don't know what to change, or where else I could look. If it helps at all, I have most of my font sizes now (in gnome) set to 14, but they appear as 12.
I'm not sure exactly why this is happening, but I need some help in getting some of this text readable again. Please see the attached screenshot of a blank Calc spreadsheet, and it might shed some light on this. You might also notice that in the screenshot, the default font size is 10, but if I change this to 12, and then load it on say, a Windows computer, the text will appear to be much larger than a 12. I'll also include my xorg.conf, in case that has anything to do with it.
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Feb 25, 2010
In all previous versions of KDE I had Console8x16 set as KDE font for all cases (Settings->Appearance->Fonts). After tonight upgrade, this (only!) font is not working. I can see it in font manager, I can set it in ...Appearance->Fonts, but actually remains default font. Two of about 30 attempts somehow (can not reproduce) succeeded to set "console 12" font, but it disappeared after restart.
1. What can be the problem in 4.4?
2. In /usr/share/fonts tere are 3 files named console8x16.pcf, console8x8.pcf and console9x15.pcf, but in the font list in Appearance->Fonts I can see only 2 - one named "Console" (seems to be 8x16 and "console" (8x8). File 9x15 does not appear at all. Why?
Last results of attempts: cannot use console font in part of areas, while part works OK. For example: kdevelop editor, kmail message body text works OK. But kmail other parts - does not. The most interesting is that although setting the kmail body message text to console displays the message body text correctly (with console font), but the example message in "Configure kmail" dialogue "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog" is displayed in the default font, as if there is no console font!
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Oct 14, 2009
How do I change default Terminal window size?
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Mar 5, 2010
That is - most of the applications using console (8x16) font does not display it after upgrade to KDE4.4, including "System settings->Font installer". kdevelop (kate), contrary, still sees it, and one-two more applications...
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Aug 19, 2011
I need a really large console font! I used ter-v32n.psf.gz but it is not large enough for what I need. Anyone know of anywhere which I can download a few of them.
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Jul 11, 2010
Not the gnome-terminal fonts... That's easy... How about the font faces on tty1-6? I tried Slackware once... It was way back in my Linux experience so it struck to me as a clumsy and ill-managed operating system despite that the fact is the exact opposite... Well, as it appears, Slackware did have something about changing the console font since it mostly focused on terminal, you know, it booted up in terminal by default, for starters. Anyway, since Ubuntu is Linux as well, I guess there must be some way of changing the font face for the terminals, eh?
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Jun 20, 2011
I've coma across a problem I have not been able to solve myself. Is there a function in the linux API similar to GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo() on Windows? refer to:
I only need to get the current color settings of the active terminal.
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Mar 11, 2009
I'm running RHEL 5.3 on one box at work; after the initial installation, the console font was fine (although it was visible in only one of two monitors: dual-head was configured automatically).After the first yum upgrade (which brought in dozens of packages), the console font became almost unusable. At first I can log in (say, on TTY1), but after the next few keystrokes every blank part of the display is changed to a capital G with a caret. Also, stdout (in some cases) is in an unreadable (for me, cyrillic maybe?) font. (And now the same - corrupted - display is visible in both monitors) I can't find the command to choose another console font. Looked in the "system-config*" type scripts to no avail
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