Debian :: Clamav Engine Is Outdated

May 17, 2010

I'm using debian etch - clamav.clamscan states: >> This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated.<<which is correct, my system is using 0.95.3 in vola you find 0.96

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Ubuntu Servers :: ClamAV Is Outdated - WARNING: Your ClamAV Installation Is OUTDATED

Sep 23, 2010

I have two servers complaining about ClamAV being outdated:

WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.96.1 Recommended version: 0.96.3

Doing an aptitude update says I don't have to upgrade anything. Why is this? Must ClamAV be updated manually?

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Fedora :: Update Gui And Virus Engine In Clamav?

Sep 4, 2009

I have been trying to update the gui version 4.10 and the antivirus engine 0.95.1 but to no avail.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Freshclam To 0.96.3 - WARNING: Your ClamAV Installation Is OUTDATED

Oct 9, 2010

When i run $ sudo freshclam I get this message ClamAV update process started at Sat Oct 9 12:21:22 2010 WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED! WARNING: Local version: 0.96 Recommended version: 0.96.3 DON'T PANIC! Read main.cvd is up to date (version: 52, sigs: 704727, f-level: 44, builder: sven) daily.cvd is up to date (version: 12114, sigs: 138436, f-level: 53, builder: sven) bytecode.cvd is up to date (version: 80, sigs: 10, f-level: 53, builder: edwin) Since I am a beginner i don't know how to upgrade freshclam as $ sudo apt-get upgrade doesn't work. Guessing I may have to download the package and install manually just thought I'd ask before doing that.

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Fedora :: WARNING: "Your ClamAV Installation Is OUTDATED"

Nov 25, 2010

I am addressing the staff that maintains the clamav anti virus software release and distributes it via the fedora repositories: Would you update to the newest clamav version? This is what I get using the installed version:


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Debian :: Outdated Programs In Repository?

Feb 25, 2011

I've been always curious why I have old versions of my software in my Debian's repository. As examples I checked my Apache, PHP and Octave versions. Each of them is outdated (Apache 2.2.16, newest is 2.2.17 | PHP 5.3.3-7 - newest is 5.3.5 | Octave 3.2.4 - newst is 3.4)! When I had Ubuntu there were always upgrades to the newest possible version. Actually I had really fewer problems with Ubuntu. ;/

How I can fix it?
My sources.list:
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.2 _Lenny_ - Official i386 DVD Binary-2 20090628-15:08]/ lenny contrib main
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.2 _Lenny_ - Official i386 DVD Binary-1 20090628-15:08]/ lenny contrib main
## security
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free


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Ubuntu Installation :: Clamav Installion Of PHP ClamAV Lib - Depend Stopped It

May 31, 2011

I am semi new to UBUNTU worked a bit with it in the passed on vps and that. but i am currentaly tring to make a module for *Zpanel* i am making an anti virus module and am going to be using clamav. up to now everything has been going smoothly but i have hit massive problem.

I am tring to do this:


And i get this in return


Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.

The following information may resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies.

I dont get any install. and the information i have collect from people say that and install should not be stopped becuase of an depend

So as any one who is semi new would do i then tried installing the depend


And i get this in return


E: Package 'phpapi-20060613+lfs' has no installation candidate

So it look like problem after problem

Does any one know why i can not install php5-clamavlib

I have UBUNTU 11.04 desktop (with zpanel installed on it)

*zpanel an open source web hosting panel for windows and NOW LINUX (zpanel has just been release on UBUNTU ONLY ).

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Upgrade Outdated MIRO In Lenny

Jul 16, 2010

I'm having some trouble getting Miro updated. The package in Stable is 1.2.3-2, and I can't see all the online content because I don't have the 2.0 version. The thing is thar actually Miro is in its 3.0.1-2 version! I searched the package and is only found on testing (It's not in backports). I was wondering if I can install a package from testing in stable.

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Debian Multimedia :: Outdated Adobe Plugin And Website

Dec 14, 2014

After the upgrade to Iceweasel 31.3, there has been messages popping up saying the browser has detected an outdated plugin and need your approval to run it. Since Debian is known for having old packages, I'd assume it's safe to ignore this message?

On another note, I visited a webpage but cannot load, it was blank. I visit the same website on another browser and it displays correctly. What could be wrong?

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Debian :: Duplicate Files In User Library - Safe To Remove Outdated

Feb 8, 2011

I have just upped from lenny to squeeze. I didn't mean to, really, but the package manager was well into its stride by the time I realised what was happening. Mostly all went well, BUT /usr is now 100% full. I notice that there are duplicate files in /usr/lib, eg Oct 11 22:35 and Sep 14 2008 (I assume the latter has been replaced by the former?). Is it safe to remove the "outdated" lib files? Is there an elegant way of doing it?

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Debian :: PC Has An Internal Combustion Engine?

Apr 10, 2010

My PC has an internal combustion engine.Yes, it has.Every morning, when it's cold (at my work place), I start my pc, and it takes a loooong-looooong time for debian etch to boot.And after it started, if I want to open a file / program / folder, it takes more than 2 minutes to open them.After about 10 minutes of PC being ON, everything goes back to normal speed.This started to happen since last winter.If I leave the heat on over night in my room at work, next day when I start my pc it works perfect from the first time.

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Debian :: Epiphany Default Search Engine

Jul 13, 2010

I have been using Epiphany for about 10 days now. It seems that suddenly my search engine was changed from Google to VirginMedia.I cannot find any option to set the default search engine, either in Epiphany preferences or in gconf-editor.Can anyone explain how this change has occurred or how I might get back to having Google as my default search engine? I am using Debian Lenny 5 and Epiphany 2.22.3

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Red Hat / Fedora :: ClamAV - Error "message Output: Script: Clamav-cron V. 0.6 - Copyright 2009, Stefano Stagnaro Scanned: /"

Mar 19, 2010

I have a server im trying to use with clamAV to scan it all and with cron job. it worked fine for few days, sending me emails with reports, i was happy. now i get ERR emails and when running manually i get the follwing message output: Script: clamav-cron v. 0.6 - Copyright 2009, Stefano Stagnaro Scanned: /


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Debian :: Get #1030 - Got Error 28 From Storage Engine From Mysql

Jan 2, 2011

I get #1030 - Got error 28 from storage engine from mysql while i phpmyadmin, i am able to get info from the database while im on my site.

The disk isnt full so im guesing it could be some user access, but how do i check this?, and fix it?

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Debian :: Clamav 0.96 In Etch

Sep 23, 2010

There is a "Debian" way to get clamav 0.96 in Debian Etch 4.0 ?

I put volatile repository in my sources.list, but after upgrade I've:


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Debian Installation :: Intel Management Engine Interface Error

Feb 29, 2016

I've installed Debian twice on my new system and always have mei_me errors and the system doesn't boot. The errors are:

mei_me: HBM haven't started
mei_me: link layer initialization failed
mei_me: init hw failure
mei_me: initialization failed

While it would suggest some sort of hardware problem, this system is working fine with Ubuntu 14.04 & 16.04.

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Debian Configuration :: Understanding Super Hybrid Engine Settings?

Sep 15, 2010

I've got an Atom-based EeePC1000 with 2.6.34-0.slh.11-sidux-686.The DebianEeePC wiki ( as the following information.As of kernel 2.6.30, the "Super Hybrid Engine" is supported: /sys/devices/platform/eeepc/cpufv contains a value which is 256× the number of available settings plus the current setting; you write a number n (0 ≤ n < number of available settings) to it to alter the setting.

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Debian Configuration :: How To Update The Clamav

Jul 10, 2011

My probles consists in that i have no idea on how update the clamav. I downloaded it throu center of software. Butt when i try to upgrade it from the gui the upgrading bar reaches only 15% and desapears. I tried do type freshclam from root command line but it just writes that there is not such command. May be i use incorrectly the command line.

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Ubuntu :: ClamAV-clamd - Can't Connect To UNIX Socket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl

Apr 16, 2010

This started happening sometime yesterday afternoon on a server that's been trouble free for years.

My Ubuntu update is scheduled to run every month on the 5th, so this was roughly 10 days after that. So it seems to me it's not update related. The only thing I've done on the server lately is update a spamassassin rule which required an amavis restart. That was done earlier in the week.

I've already reviewed issues at [url] and all the conditions are correct for the more recent How to.

I can also confirm that, in fact, /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl does not exist.

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Debian :: Clamav - MD5 Checksum Error During Update

Nov 4, 2010

I'm getting an md5 checksum error during updating. Using the update manager. I'll post a snapshot.
Screenshot-Changes applied.png (38.46 KiB) Viewed 219 times

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Debian Configuration :: ClamAV Broken After Upgrade

May 4, 2010

After I did a safe-upgrade on my lenny system, clamav is now broken, which is quite a pain since my e-mail flow is now failing.

I get this in the log. CLAMAV: couldn't connect to: /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl:

I have volatile in the list, and clamav is also installed from volatiel of what I can see, so what went wrong? Is the package broken?


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Debian :: Can't Download Main.cvd From

Feb 4, 2010

I have clamav daemon installed on Etch.Using freshclam I'm getting this problem:

ClamAV update process started at Thu Feb 4 15:02:44 2010
getfile: Can't write 2648 bytes to /var/lib/clamav/clamav-cb8fa805f6a76c1622e65661ba19bc01
WARNING: Can't download main.cvd from
BTW to remove and install again doesn't.

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Debian :: Latest Flash Player Still Says "Outdated Version" In Firefox?

May 7, 2011

I'm using flashplayer-nonfree in Debian, and have run "update-flashplugin-nonfree --install". Going to the version checker ( says "You have version 10,2,159,1 installed". However, when I go to the Firefox plugin checker ( it says Shockwave Flash is using an outdated version that needs to be updated. When I follow the update link, the version it wants me to download is "Adobe Flash Player version".

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Latest Version Of Clamav ?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm trying to install the latest version of Clamav (0.95.3), but I'm getting the following error messages in Synaptic after adding the recommended repository to my sources:

Here's a listing of my sources:

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Ubuntu Security :: Installing Clamav From Debian Repositories?

Jun 4, 2011

ubuntu 10.04lts, want to upgrade my clamav from 096.5 to the 097 scan engine. the ubntu repositories have only the 096.5 release, while the debian repositories have the 097 package. set the repositoriy path in the synaptic package manager, and made sure the checkbox was checked. can't see the clamav package.

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Ubuntu :: Update Information Is Outdated?

Jan 26, 2011

Wondered if anyone had a fix for this bug? I have been successfully updating my PC daily, however every now and again i get the warning triangle in the top right hand corner stating Update manger even thought updated almost daily reports "The package information was updated 26 days ago".

I have been into synaptic manager and slected best server for my updates and then i go into update manager and update the system, however, it doesnt solve it.

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General :: FC6 Is Outdated And No Longer Supported ?

Jan 23, 2009

Someone told me that FC6 is outdated and no longer supported, So which version of linux should I choice?

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CentOS 5 :: Local OS Mirror Outdated?

Nov 6, 2009

I created a local mirror with a DVD Image, is there a way to get this mirror to 5.4 now?I already updated the updates/extras repo, but now my main-repo is outdated and my updates go directorystructure looks like this:

# ls
centosplus extras os updates

and the os folder:[code].....

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OpenSUSE :: Repository 11.3 Update Appears To Outdated?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm using openSUSE 11.3 M7, recently I'm getting following message -


linux-kqyd:/home/anant # zypper up
PackageKit is blocking zypper. This happens if you have an updater applet or other software management application using PackageKit running.
Tell PackageKit to quit? [yes/no] (no): yes


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Ubuntu :: Mplayer In Lucid Repos Outdated?

May 1, 2010

I've noticed a couple of times having comments about mplayer being outdated or that it needs updated since I installed Lucid a couple days ago. Anybody else having this issue? Or having trouble with mplayer?

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