CentOS 5 :: Write A Simple Client That Opens A Secure Connection?

Jul 10, 2009

I am trying to write a simple client that opens a secure connection. My intent is to use the OpenSSL library.

I am following this tutorial: [URL]... The tutorial mentions that I need a trust certificate store called TrustStore.pem. However, I can't find that on my machine. Is there a way to generate it? I separately downloaded the source from the OpenSSL website. The source distribution doesn't have it either. There is a whole bunch of .pem files. Can I use any one of them?

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CentOS 5 :: NOMACHINE: NX Client Error: 'connection Timeout'?

Dec 4, 2008

i was able to connect the first time following the instructions here: [URL]

1. first time i was able to connect i used the nx client for Mac OS X. I logged off.

2. then i decided to test this using Windows nx client and i got:

NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 604
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files


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Ubuntu Servers :: SSL Setup - Connection Error Unable To Make A Secure Connection To The Server

Feb 10, 2011

I am running an Ubuntu Server on a VirtualBox VM running on my windows machine. So I've created a self-signed certificate using the following tutorial: [URL]

From this tutorial I'm left with 3 files:

Then I found this very similar tutorial that has an extra bit on installing the certificates in apache: [URL] So I followed it's instructions which boil down to this:


So I'm thinking this should work now. However in Chrome I get: SSL connection error Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have. Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error. IE8 gives me a typical "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" Note that [URL] fails while [URL] works fine, so it's definitely something in my ssl setup I'm thinking.

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General :: Write Some Simple Programs In C?

Feb 21, 2010

I installed ubuntu on a spare computer that i have and i need to write some simple programs in C. Only problem is that i'm not sure how to do that. Do i need to install some sort of C compiler?

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Programming :: How To Write Simple C Program In RHEL5

Sep 17, 2010

How can i write a simple c program in my RHEL5?I am more concerned about what are toosl i need to install to get a C platfrom running in my RHEL5?

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Debian :: Setup A Web-based Secure Ftp Client?

Jan 29, 2010

I am trying to setup a web-based secure ftp client that can handle not only file transfers to and from one of my company's servers, but also allow new clients of ours to visit our site, create an account of their own and use it to log in and begin transferring files. This way, the users can manage their own accounts.

I don't know a lot about exactly what is running on our server, though I am almost positive it is debian based. I really only have access via ssh and ftp. I may be able to do more in the server room, but haven't tried. I thought about using net2ftp, but that doesn't seem to work with sftp, and also doesn't allow the creation of new users on the server.

Is there anything out there for me??You will undoubtedly require more information from me, so please let me know what it is and where I can find it and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.

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Ubuntu :: Recommendation For Simple Email Client?

Dec 13, 2010

I am looking for an email client with the following specifications. I have trialled most of the commonly recommended clients but have found ongoing irritations that push me to keep looking.


1. specific email client, not PIM
2. can run as a portable application or configuration files and mail can be stored remotely
3. minimal or no dependences
4. can scan for viruses


Evolution matches 5, 6 and 9. The program is a good general client but slow and glitchy. Can't scan for viruses in emails. Kmail matches 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9. Does most of what I need with the powertools plugin but does not play well with Gnome. The program comes with too many dependencies that makes it very hard to move data around or even use on various machines. The dependence on the akonadi server is quite frustrating and makes this kde application a great product but only really useful on kde. Thunderbird matches 1, 2, 5, 8 and 9. Again reasonably comprehensive but lacks the basic ability to scan incoming emails (filters can pipe incoming data to an external program). The fact that the mail is intrinsically linked with your Mozilla profile makes working with the email file very difficult.

Clawsmail matches 1, 2 (old version), 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 (Windows Port old and not maintained) and 9. Looks good but appears to lack portability and a current windows version. I want to check my mail (predominantly POP accounts), have spam and viruses set aside/deleted/quarantined, have my attachments saved to a directory so my mailbox does not get too big and for the emails and configuration data be stored in a distinct directory that can be readily synchronized between computers. The program should be able to run on Ubuntu and Windows XP/Vista/7, on the same data once the data directories are synchronized. And no, I don't want an Internet based option like gmail or yahoo.

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Debian :: Simple X Rdesktop Client For Xfce

Feb 4, 2011

I'm looking for a really simple X rdesktop client to run under xfce desktop.

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Security :: Write Secure Code For Bash Scripts In General?

Feb 9, 2010

how to write secure code for bash scripts in general? Strangely I didn't found anything in google and in the forum so far. If someone here is willing to review a bash script for me (about 600 lines).

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Programming :: Detect A Closed Tcp Client Connection When Client Is Only Receiving Data ?

Mar 9, 2011

I am writing a TCP server in C, and the server listens to incoming client connections and accepts them. It then creates a thread to handle the client. The clients are expected to only receive data from my server and not send any data. So if I use a select() call with a recv(), I believe that the recv() will just block forever since there will not be any data coming from the client. If I use a non-blocking recv(), then this will just return a 0 which tells me nothing because the client is not expected to send any data. I am not sure if I have misunderstood some socket concepts, but I need a solution to detect when the client has disconnected so that I can close the socket and stop sending data to the client. As I understand it, simple ACKs etc are not captured by the recv(), and only data sent by the client will cause recv() to return a non-zero value, so I am not sure how to know when the client has disconnected.

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General :: Downloading Simple NNTP Client For Ubuntu?

Jan 5, 2011

I need to download a particular NNTP group. I do not need to setup any crons, put group contents in /opt and other stuff. Just run <fetch-nntp> <server> <group-name> <output-dir> and be done with it without putting a lot of garbage in the system.

If that <fetch-nntp> would not fetch the same messages on the second run fine. But I can live without it. All NNTP clients that I've looked at are trying to be a NNTP server as well. Is there something simpler that is suitable for my needs?

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General :: Simple Way To Turn Ubuntu Into A Thin-client?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm attempting to take Ubuntu 10 down to an image as small as possible to support Citrix Receiver. We currently log them into a browser interface using Firefox where they authenticate against a Citrix DDC and then launch the plug-in. I'm wondering if there is a simple way to determine what services I can shutoff to limit the footprint of the OS. Some of the machines have only 256MB of RAM. They run the plug-in just fine, but there's a lot background activity affecting the machines...

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Ubuntu :: Write A Simple Shell Script And Environment Variables?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm trying to write a simple shell script, its purpose is not important. The script needs to make use of the system $HOSTNAME environment variable. I had a look at this page which provides the following example.

echo "You are user $UID on $HOSTNAME"
echo "Your home directory is: $HOME"
echo "$HOSTNAME is running $OSTYPE"


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General :: Write A Simple Program C++ To Connect To Mysql Database?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm trying to write a simple program c++ to connect to Mysql database based in my server:

int main (void) {
cout << "33[2J" << "33[0;0f";
MYSQL mysql;
MYSQL *conn;


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Programming :: Write A Simple Character Printing Program Using NASM?

Jul 27, 2010

i tried a code to accept a character and print the same ! i can accept it with following code but its not working with printing that character i use NASM version 2.07


segment .data
msg1: db 'Enter a key',10
msg1len: equ $-msg1


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Programming :: Simple Bash To Write Files By Year To A Log File

Jan 31, 2011

I have a folder of 2 many files that the old ls just hangs.

I am trying to write some log files such as;

I don't mind doing one at a time, but I am just playing and even getting the listing I am not getting the date stamp, I have the following;

That does create the file, but all the files look like this;

So basically it's just sticking that ls inside the log file and not actually running the ls, so how can I use the above type to get files just created per year?

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Hardware :: Error - Saving Connection Failed 0 Can't Write Connection Type 'cdma'

May 21, 2011

I got an error while working with NetworkManager in new RHEL6/ Fedora14. I have a ZTE AC 2726 3G wireless modem. i had tried to connect it via NetworkManager . It only requires username and password to connect but the thing is that after putting all the credentials i had checked the option" available to all the user "and while i was trying to save the profile it shows the following error saving connection failed 0 can't write connection type 'cdma'I had google so many times around this error but no better solution is there .

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Fedora Networking :: Vpnc On F12 Broken / Rdesktop Client Opens A "black" Window And Goes No Further?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm having problems with vpnc on F12 that work fine on F10 and F11. On F12, I can connect and can do some activities, but so far I noticed the following (show-stopping) issues:Attempting to connect to an Oracle database using either sqlplus or TORa hangs and eventually times out. I tried both the 11G and 10G instant clients.Copying a file to the host via a smb:// mount in nautilus freezes. An empty file is created though.
A rdesktop client opens a "black" window and goes no further. I attempted to downgrade vpnc on my F12 workstation from vpnc-0.5.3-4.fc12.x86_64 to vpnc-0.5.3-3.fc11.x86_64 to no avail. I also downgraded libgcrypt too and this didn't help either. Moreover, I upgraded these to the F13 rawhide version - still no luck.

I also confirmed on a F11 virtual machine that these work and that it doesn't work on 2 x64 and 1 x386 F12 machines. (The configuration and the host are the same in all cases.)

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Ubuntu :: Specify Password In Script For Secure Connection?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm writing a script that tars, bzips, and encrypts a set of files to my GPG key and then (ideally) uploads the files to a backup directory on my school's web server. I want to run it daily as a cron job. Problem is, the web server only allows connections with scp and sftp.

Neither program allows specifying a password as a switch. I want to run it as a cron job, so I won't necessarily be present to type the password, and I'd like to just be able to specify the password in the script.

"Ah ha!" you're thinking. "He needs to generate a keypair and set up ssh to not require a password!" And I've found tutorials on the web that show me how to do just that. Problem there is that they all require me to install software and/or access files outside my home directory on the remote machine.

I have zero access to anything other than my own home directory on the remote machine. None. Nada. Zip. I can't install software, access files in /var or /etc, or find out anything about running processes. The local IT priesthood won't give me any information about what's running on the machine or how I can connect to it (and has made a point of telling me that they don't care for Linux users and I should stop asking questions).

I'd really like to to just be able to specify my password in the script. I understand that scripts are really just text files and that anyone who can get at my desktop computer can read them with a text editor and that this would reveal my password and blah blah blah, but I'm willing to trade that particular risk for the convenience of not having to be awake and monitoring the computer when the cron job is running.

Is there any way to specify the password in the script itself? I'd be happy using either sftp or scp (I've used them both successfully from the terminal to transfer files to this machine).

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Ubuntu :: Secure Internet Connection By Hiding Ip With Another Ip?

Jun 21, 2011

I want to secure my internet connection by hiding my ip with another ip so I can log to my server with 2 ips . and when someone is tracing the "fake" ip it wont affect me .

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Ubuntu Security :: Secure SSL Connection Through Proxy

Jul 6, 2011

Is my ssl connection secure if I'm going through a proxy. Is it possible to craft a malicious proxy to steal/crack authentication?

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Networking :: Vpn Connection / Non Secure Gateway / LAN Not Trustworthy

May 10, 2011

I've installed (Slackware 12.2) Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for vpn connection (it is OpenSSL based app). When I'm trying to connect using this agent I get the error

Code: AnyConnect cannot confirm it is connected to your secure gateway.The local network may not be trustworthy.Please try another network.I don't know much about vpn. Any help are very welcomed.

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Server :: Error: Secure Connection Failed

Jan 3, 2010

My server is suddenly getting giving the following error: Quote: Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to inenergy.dvrdns.org. SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. * The page you are trying to view can not be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. * Please contact the web site owners to inform them of this problem. Alternatively, use the command found in the help menu to report this broken site. I had been trying to configure the server to do secure logins (before Christmas) , but I don't think I had completed the configuration and I'm not sure how to reset it so that I can start again.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Connect To Bt Openzone Of Bt Fon But Not Secure Connection

Jun 22, 2011

I have a compaq pressario v6000 with broadcom wireless card bcm4312. I was running Suse 11.3 and one day the wireless stopped working so after several hours googling I gave up and installed 11.4 but I have exactley the same problem I can connect to my bt openzone or btfon network but not to my own secure network I have tried everything I can think of including disabling security settings on my homehub but I can't get it to work at all I have used network manager and traditional I just can't get it to work.

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Ubuntu :: Apache2 SSL Setup - Secure Connection Failed

Mar 23, 2010

I followed the tutorial found here [URL] but when I try to access [URL] I get the following:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to www.mydomain.com.
SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)
Not sure what I might have done wrong... I have retraced all of my steps and I don't believe I missed anything.

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Ubuntu Security :: How Secure Is A Bluetooth Keyboard Connection

May 6, 2010

Since important information like pass-phrases is sent via a Bluetooth link, I wonder how secure this is. I think it must be quite a weak point.

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General :: Running Website Using Secure Connection (HTTPS)?

Feb 23, 2010

I have the following details on my system:

- CentOS
- RHEL 5
- WebWare for Python

We have an exisiting website written in Python and was developed by other entities and now being maintained by us. We want to run the website using secure connection (HTTPS), I tried reading this article and successfully executed every instructions but still failed to run the website using HTTPS.


The way we run the website is using port 8080, e.g. [URL] I am sure I am missing something here, first, I am still looking on where does the port 8080 comes from since I've checked the httpd.config and it wasn't there.

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General :: Secure The Usb Port By External Device Connection?

Apr 14, 2010

i want to secure the USB port by any external device connection. so i need the code of detection of an external device when plugged in the USB port.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSL Handshake Failed - Secure Connection Truncated

Jun 16, 2010

I'm having a problem with Subversion. When I try an "svn up" it gives me this error message:
SSL handshake failed: Secure connection truncated
I'm running Ubuntu 10/4 but I also had this problem with 9/10. Does anyone know what this error message means? It appears to be an SSL problem but it's not clear to me what exactly the problem is. I do not have this problem with svn on my other office computer, nor my home computer. FYI, I'm running subversion on the Regina project.

The full error message is this:
svn up
svn: OPTIONS of '[URL]': SSL handshake failed: Secure connection truncated [URL]. Although I don't think there's anything specific to Regina about this svn problem, as I mentioned, I can "svn up" from home, or from my other office computer.

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Networking :: Connection Closed By UNKNOWN Entry In Secure Log File

Oct 14, 2010

Several of our servers that do not have direct exposure to the Internet have the following entry appearing in their respective /var/log/secure files.Are these messages harmless? If so, is there any way or reason to suppress their appearing in the log files?

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