Debian :: Password Doesn't Work

Sep 21, 2015

I cannot log on. I don't know if this is related, I was setting up for remote desktop, setup a password for the remote session. After rebooting, my normal user and password do not work and my rdp password does not work.

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Fedora :: Root Password Doesn't Work In 13

Aug 20, 2010

I just installed Fedora Core 13 on my notebook and on installation setup entered password for root as asked. Now I'd like to login as root in console with password I gave to the root, but it doesn't work. Neither am I as regular user in sudoers file.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Ssh Into Laptop - Password Doesn't Work

Oct 26, 2010

So, I jaibroke my iPod touch and have OpenSSH and I can ssh into my iPod, but I cannot ssh back into my Laptop??

I did

$ echo '192.168.*.*' >> /etc/hosts.allow ##I googled and it said to do this
$ echo 'sshd: 192.168.*.*' >> /etc/hosts.allow
I also uncommented these lines in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:


I am 100% sure I am putting in the right password. I even did that ^ code from my laptop, the one I am ssh'ing into, but it still will not accept my password. I even tried root@ instead of matt@..

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General :: Ssh Without A Password (setting Up Ssh Keys Doesn't Work)?

Mar 9, 2011

I want to ssh, scp, git fetch, etc. without a password. I saw the previous questions, and closed ones regarding this issue, but the suggestion seems to be to use ssh keys. However, after setting up ssh keys, I am still asked for my password (it's not asking for my private key password; it's asking for my login password). How am I supposed to set this up so that it only uses my private key for authentication?

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Ubuntu :: How To Enter Password / Terminal Keyboard Doesn't Work

May 22, 2010

How do you enter your password terminal the keyboard doesn't work when I try

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Ubuntu Installation :: Entering Username And Password But It Doesn't Work?

Jun 10, 2011

I tried installing lubuntu 'over' ubuntu, but am now locked out. Basically, the login screen loads, I've tried entering my username and password, but it doesn't work. I'm not really sure of my username as Ubuntu would automatically fill it in for me. But lubuntu isn't auto-loading my username, so I've been trying to enter all types of variations. I am 100% of my password though

I tried getting help at lubuntu's chat, but that's been kind of hard since there aren't that many people responding. The lubuntu people had me go into recovery mode (2.6.38-8 recovery) and so that would go smoothly. But when the screen of the options of resume, clean, dpkg, failsafex, etc, I cannot move the selector down. So basically, the orange selector is stuck at resume. Whenever I press the down key, the computer runs some lines, and I cannot go back to the list of options. The list is still visible, but can't select any of the options.

If I press the 'end' button, that executes something (probably the last option in the list), and I shut down the pc when it did that. The other arrow keys do nothing. The tab button manages to move the selector from the list to 'Ok' and 'Cancel.' But I cannot move the selector down.. TL;DR: I need to either get into recovery mode, or find a way to get my exact username lubuntu thinks it is.

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CentOS 5 :: Changing User Password Doesn't Work Correctly

Jan 20, 2011

My problem is that I cant "rewrite" older password to new. It looks like I do:

Changing password for user johny.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

all looks OK but after set up new password I can log in using OLD and NEW password. It's very unsecure for me. So in fact I cant change password and it looks like centos create next password to one accout and one account have more then one password... how can I prevent it? pls help me couse its very unsecure in my case.user looks in file shadow /etc/shadow like this:


in etc/passwd looks like this:


how to delete all old passwords?

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Ubuntu :: Password Doesn't Work To Enter Super User Mode In The Terminal

May 8, 2010

My password doesn't work to enter super user mode in the terminal. this password works for all other administartive uses in and out of the terminal, just not for entering super user mode.

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Ubuntu :: Vmlinuz - Can't Create - Delete And Open - Root Password Doesn't Work

Jul 2, 2011

i found an encrypted file called vmlinuz that i didn't create and can't delete and can't open because i dont have the password and the root password doesnt work either, what is it?

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Ubuntu Security :: When Try To Edit Password Via System>Administration>Users And Groups, It Doesn't Work?

Jan 2, 2010

I recently was able to network 2 computers at home and I wanted to make my password more secure. When I try to edit my password via System>Administration>Users and Groups, it doesn't workI am able to edit my user settings. When I change my password I enter my old one and it accepts my new one. Problem is when I try to install programs, login and do other things it only accepts my old password. How can I change my password?

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Debian :: 5.0.4 - Root Password Does Not Work

Apr 8, 2010

After installation of Debian 5.0.4 when a window is shown to type the root password, after I have typed it and press OK, window is closed and nothing happen. I have verified that root password is correct, also I have reinstall Debian, but nothing is changed. Is there something to enable?

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Debian :: Dell XPS L501 And Debian - Ctrl+Alt+F1/2/3/4/ Doesn't Work ?

Jan 22, 2011

I'm trying to install Debian on Dell XPS L501, and there are lots of problems...

1- Resolution is 800x600! I guess, I need to add that there is no xorg.conf file, and I couldn't create it by running `Xorg -configure`. It said the number of screens didn't match number of detected devices or something like that! I'd be really happy if this gets solved!

2- Ctrl+Alt+F1/2/3/4/... doesn't work! Sometimes Alt+Directional keys works. but most of the time it doesn't!

3- I can't get the loud speakers to work, and I couldn't compile Alsa from source... I'll try again, but does anyone know if there is a specific package I need to install to get them to work? (Realtek ID 665)

4- Keys are not working right... Function keys don't work... But the worse thing, is that if let's say Fn+F2 is supposed to disable wireless, F2 does!

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Fedora :: Fedora 14 Root Password (no Other Passwords Either) Doesn't Work

Aug 1, 2011

I have winbind Active Directory authentication set up on my laptop. AD authentication works like a charm, passwords cache, etc. I can use sudo with no problem. However, I cannot use the root account -no matter what I set the root password to, the system will not take it. I also have a couple of normal system users (not winbind), and no matter what I set their passwords to, I cannot login.

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Debian :: Sound Doesn't Work

Apr 13, 2016

I have a motherboard Gigabyte H110M-H DDR3 1.0 and a VGA Nvidia NVS 300 (It doesn't have HDMI connector, but after Debian installation, it shows audio HDMI), After installling Debian 8.4 Jessie amd64, I noticed the sound doesn't work, the motherboard audio codec is a Realtek ALC887, I don't have a HDMI Monitor, nor my VGA has HDMI Connector, but is a little bit strange that Debian recognizes HDMI Audio, if a run "# cat /proc/asound/cards" it shows me two audio cards, the HDMI and the ALC887 and if I run "# cat /procs/asound/modules", both cards are using snd_hda_intel. It is installed PulseAudio and Pavucontrol, I have checked if the audio was muted, but the sound volume is set to 100%, I don't know what to do anymore... I have a computer with a realtek codec too, but it's another model ALC665 or something like that, and the system is equipped with an ATI HD 5450 with HDMI Audio, I have checked the what modules the Debian is using, and both uses the snd_hda_intel, but the sound works with HDMI and Realtek Codec.

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Debian :: Apt Get Update Doesn't Work

Jan 3, 2011

i want to apt-get update. But it is not working.


Is it something that is wrong in the source.list?

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Debian :: Installation Doesn't Work

Jun 2, 2010

I'm trying to install Debian 5.0x to my miniITX computer.


I had this setup running in a previous configuration. The only difference were the disks. I had a 120GB and a 1TB (/home). Because I need more space I swapped both disks for 2 x 2TB.

I tried a 64bit Debian 5.xx stable install. Everything goes fine until the first boot. After the POST and BIOS screen a cursor justs blinks and the computer does nothing. the computer doesn't start GRUB

Well I thought maybe a small error with downloading the DVD so I tried another debian but Testing now. There the setup hangs when it wants to make the file-systems. It says something like can't make ext4 filesystem. I also tried with ext3. So I manually tried to do fdisk and mkfs.ext4 (and mkfs.ext3) for both disks in the console during installation. fdisk works but when I try mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 it says that some bin-file is missing? How's that possible on an installation disc? Never ever had that before?

Well after 15 attempts (meanwhile lost 2kg of fingernails)I tried another 32 bit DVD install of Debian 5.xx. It can make the filesystems again and install everything but when it has to boot for the first time it just doesn't. I don't even see GRUB.

Seems to me that the computer doesn't refer to the HD to boot. In the BIOS the BOOT order is just fine (the previous config with the old HD's just worked fine). Even when I put in the install DVD it skips the HD and boots from the DVD?

I really don't get it. The disks are both shown in the BIOS. Is this a hardware or software issue? I think that Linux or GRUB should be able to work with 2TB discs isn't it?

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Debian :: Restart Doesn't Work?

Jun 3, 2011

I cannot restart my squeeze as a root user.I try:Code:# shutdown -r nowBroadcast message from root@WZHlinux2 (pts/0) (Fri Jun 3 23:29:33 2011):The system is going down for reboot NOW!

# init 6
but nothing happens.


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Debian :: TAB Button Doesn't Work Always?

Jun 25, 2010

When I type in "sudo apt-get in" and press TAB, it completes word "install".But when I logged in as super user and type in "apt-get in" and press TAB, it only beeps from system unit and doesn't complete "install". Why?

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Debian :: Mount In Fstab Doesn't Work

Feb 2, 2016

On my debian jessie "testing" I have set in fstab some line to mount folder located on my pc server...

When pc boot up the error is


Select allFailed to mount /mnt/Web
See 'systemctl status mnt-web.mount' for details...
CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -101

Then, after logging in, if I run mount -a all works correctly...

Maybe error was LAN that is not started? In this case how to resolve?

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Debian :: Why Functions And Gadgets Doesn't Work

Jun 10, 2010

I'm running Debian Lenny 5.04, I switched from Ubuntu 'cause it was dissapointing me, there are lots of functions and gadgets but they just don't work and I can see it's fun thing to spend all your time fixing your computer IF you have no responsibilities at all.

For me on the other hand, I just want a system that works, doesn't look ancient and does not have it's head up it's ass. That used to be Debian, since installing Lenny however I noticed a couple of things that seem to have changed in the GUI. For instance, is there ANY STRAIGHTFORWARD way to install the REGULAR firefox with a REGULAR adobe flash player? And by straightforward I mean, using the systems strongpoint and installing it via a .deb-package.

This is really starting to piss me off, everytime I try following some idiot's tutorial on how to accomplish this and everytime it makes such a goddamn mess I can't seem to get it back to where I started and the system becomes really ubuntu-like ( instable). I just want a Firefox with working flash, that shouldn't be a problem anno 2010 right?

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Debian :: After Upgrading Game Doesn't Work / Fix It?

Jun 18, 2011

I have trouble with launch game on Debian 6(repo testing). code...

How to fix this trouble?

P.S. English — is not my native language.

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Debian :: Aptitude Doesn't Work After Installation

Feb 26, 2010

get a GUI working after installing Debian. Now, I have another set of problems so I decided to create a new thread. the first thing going wrong is that when I type aptitude update I get the following output:


I want to download the driver for mi wireless, get openoffice and a bunch of other things, but with this not working, I'm guessing there's not much I can do now... I have the driver of the wireless, which I downloaded before the installation of Debian, and that I now copied to my new Debian desktop, but I cannot open it... it is a tar.gz file. I'm currently connected through wired connection by the way.

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Debian Configuration :: Can`t Log In - Keyboard Doesn't Work ?

Jun 8, 2010

I cant log in as user. My keyboard doesn't work, not even ctrl+f1. So i cant get dmesg....Only thing that is working is alt+print screen+REISUB.

When i booted in safe mode from grub i can log in but only if i enter my root password. And then do /etc/init.d/gdm start.

If i tray to continue straight to gdm in safe mode my keyboard is not working so i can`t log in.

Day before i notices`d that i cant log in with ctrl+f1. When i tray i get this masage madone-desktop login: madone /bin/sh : cant open madone

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Debian Configuration :: Wireless In KDE Doesn't Work

Sep 10, 2011

I have an Atheros wireless USB dongle that will connect to my Wifi network just fine in Gnome but in KDE doesn't. I've read through the and have installed all packages and tried all methods noted there but still can't get the wlan0 to work at all in KDE. Is wireless in KDE & Debian Squeeze useless?

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Debian Multimedia :: VNC Doesn't Work Well With Many Jessie DEs

Dec 29, 2014

I'm trying out a Jessie install and have noticed VNC doesn't work as well as it used to. I often install a desktop environment on a headless machine, disable *dm, and use vnc4server to create a desktop session if I want to use a GUI. When I try to do the same on Jessie, I run into problems.

Using Gnome, all I get is the generic "Oops something went wrong" error. Looking at .xsession-errors, there are some errors that hint at the problem.

Code: Select allXsession: X session started for ryan at Mon Dec 29 06:07:30 CST 2014
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  109 (X_ChangeHosts)
  Value in failed request:  0x5
  Serial number of failed request:  6
  Current serial number in output stream:  8

[Code] ....

Some possibly related bugs: [URL] ...

The same thing seems to happen with Cinnamon. Since I doubt a fix for the above issue will make it into Jessie, I tried XFCE. However, that doesn't work correctly either. When running XFCE via VNC something is misreporting the version of xrandr as 1.1 instead of 1.4. Since xfsettingsd appears to want version 1.2+, many things are broken.

This post on the Ubuntu forums suggests the issue might be fixed in xfsettingsd version 4.11: [URL] .....

Is there a better way of getting a remote desktop in Jessie that I'm overlooking?

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Debian :: Debian6.0 Screensaver Doesn't Work

May 12, 2011

I installed debian 6.0 (64 bit) systems, but in the "System - Preferences - Screen Saver " set idle time, and then select "activate creensaver when idle"and"Lock screen when screensaver activated, "but to No response after a set time. But by "ctrl + alt + l" was able to quickly enter the screen saver and lock the screen. May I ask how should I set the idle time after the screen saver and lock into?

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Debian :: Tunapie Doesn't Work Under Python 2.7?

Apr 25, 2011

i am using an updated version of Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze and i just downloaded and installed tunapie from the software depositories but it doesn't work i tried to run it from a terminal and this is what it came out with

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/tunapie/", line 23, in <module>
import wxversion
ImportError: No module named wxversion
how do i fix this

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Software :: Password Command Doesn't Recognize Valid Password

Nov 23, 2010

I migrated an old SuseLinux 10 box to Debian (Lenny) a couple months ago, and apparently no one noticed you can't change your password. Root can do it because passwd doesn't ask root for a password, but no one else can (although they can log in, passwd doesn't recognize their login password when they attempt to set a new password and it asks).I changed authentication to use blowfish when I setup the server (because the SuseLinux 10 system used it) and apparently the passwd command doesn't work with that. Apparently I need to update another configuration file or possibly get a different program to update the passwd file if I use blowfish. Any ideas?

The weird thing is that it can generate a blowfish hash to set a new password, but apparently can't generate one to authenticate the user.something changed recently and it is no longer generating a blowfish hash when setting a new password. It is generating a hash with only 13 characters. And I can clearly see that many users have changed their passwords.

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Debian :: Gnome Update Manager Doesn't Work?

May 25, 2010

I've installed the GNOME Update Manager (0.68-debian.7) from the official Debian package archive. However, after checking for new packages and clicking "Install the updates", the update manager asks for rights and then just checks for new updates again. Selecting different packages didn't help either, it just checks for updates again and doesn't update anything. Has anyone experienced the same problem

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Debian :: Flash Doesn't Work With Iceweasel On Squeeze 6.01?

Jul 9, 2011

After using testing (now Wheezy) for almost a year and breaking my machine (latest nvidia broken packages), I went back to vanilla Squeeze (after updates, now at 6.02).Nothing from outside the stable repos; not even the nvidia driver (kept it at default and nouveau)Repo "deb stable main non-free" enabled.It seems flash is not working with iceweasel; I either have a message which says "Cannot play media: you do not have the correct version of the flash player. Download the correct version," with a link to Adobe's site, of media appears in broken pieces.In order to keep my system "clean," I haven't downloaded anything from Adobe, and a search on this forum suggested installing flashplugin-nonfree or flashplayer-mozilla. Did both (can't have them at the same time), restarted, no joy.

~$ apt-cache policy flashplayer-mozilla
Installed: 2:


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