CentOS 5 :: Reset System To After Install Configuration?

Mar 6, 2009

How do I set my centos system to the configuration it had directly after the installation? Because there are so many messed up tings on here right now, firefox will only work with my proxy server if I put its IP directly into firefox but not if I put its IP into the system proxy settings and then point firefox at that. httpd refuses to serve up any kind of documen apart from the test page randomly and even then I sometimes get a 403 error. Seriously is this the normal practice for setting up a LAMP server???

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CentOS 5 Server :: Reset Yum Configuration To Default?

Nov 5, 2009

I have messed around with yum config files & my system is not updating anymore! is there is a way to reset yum configuration to its default?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.1 - Boot System Forces Hard Reset

May 6, 2009

I'm new to Linux, tried Ubuntu, had slow boot problems, tried openSUSE 11.1, still have slow boot problems. The issue seems to be that the ata.0 device is slow to respond (ERROR= -16), the boot system forces a hard reset, then a soft reset, configures for UDMA 133, says the drive is ready, then does it again, three times, and then configures the drive for UDMA 100. It's a brand new Western Digital Caviar drive, and windowsXP likes it just fine. Once SUSE boots, everything seems to work just fine. I thought the problem might be with the drive jumpers, so I reset them from cable detect to master/single. No change in the problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Good Program To Make Disk Images To Reset System

Aug 20, 2010

I have a lot of RAR files and ISO. Is there a program like Winrar which could open them in Linux? Cause now it only opens zip files . Also I would like to know what the best package manager is (I mean the easiest -used to use the Software Manager in Mint 9 Xfce).At last I would like to know if there is a good program to make disk images to reset the system.

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CentOS 5 :: System Locks Up During Boot While Trying To Load First-run Configuration?

Aug 10, 2010

I just installed CentOS 5.5 on my machine and the installation appeared to complete successfully (it said it was successful). When I rebooted and tried to get into my new CentOS, my system completely locked up during the startup. According to the progress bar, it got stuck on the first-run configuration. I have not yet been able to boot into the OS. I am attempting to create a dual-boot system. I already have Windows XP installed on a separate hard drive. The GRUB loader works fine and I can choose either OS to boot into, it's just the CentOS won't finish booting. Windows is completely unaffected.Since I'm assuming the problem stems from the installation, I'll list the steps I followed.

1. Obtained the .iso image from a network drive at work (I am installing on my work machine). The image is dated May 17, 2010.

2. Burned the image to a DVD.

3. Booted from the DVD and chose to install using the graphical interface.

4. Checked the DVD. The installer verified that CentOS could be installed from it.

5. Picked my installation and keyboard languages.

6. Chose to create a custom layout for my partitions. On my second hard drive, I created the following partitions:

- Swap (8196MB, twice my system RAM)
- ext3 (100MB, mounted to /boot)
- ext3 (remaining drive space, mounted to /)

7. Picked my timezone (did not use UTC since Windows will handle setting the system time)

8. Set my root password. You don't get to know ;)

9. Did not choose to install any additional packages besides the KDE desktop. I wasn't sure what I'd need so I checked the option to customize later.

10. The installation than started and 15 minutes later, it told me it had succeeded and to remove the DVD and reboot.

11. Upon rebooting, I let the GRUB loader boot into CentOS (side note, I'd prefer if Windows was the default OS but that's something I should be able to Google on my own).

12. The startup looks like it's going fine until it gets to the first-run configuration, at which point the entire system locks up and requires a hard reboot. I've tried several times since and it always locks up at the same point.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Configuration Reset

Jun 2, 2010

Whenever there is a kernel upgrade, "update-grub" is run and my customized "/boot/grub/grub.cfg" is gone. is there any way to prevent this?

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Fedora :: Reset Nouveau Configuration In 14?

Feb 1, 2011

howto reset nouveau configuration in fedora 14

I was building and testing custom kernels and somehow I managed to get the display configuration messed up so that when the computer boots up gets to starting the nouveau driver it displays garbage on the display. The boot up continues and I can login from another computer using ssh.

How do I reset the display configuration (or fix this problem)?

I have added nomodeset to the kernel parameters and the vesa drivers do work but I want the hi-res nouveau back without having to re-install f-14.

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General :: Reset Font Configuration To Default Settings?

Jan 30, 2011

I have been doing some customization to my ubuntu Box related to font settings. Now all the font settings for whole system have been badly scrambled. I am feeling it very hard to reset all the settings too default again.I have been modifying system---> Preference ---> Appearance. if there exists any way to reset my font configuration to default.

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Install CentOS 5.4 On Embedded System Anaconda Exception?

May 1, 2010

I am trying to do a basic install of CentOS 5.4 on my embedded computer. It is a Linutop 2 system with a AMD Geode 800MHz CPU and 512Mb Ram. Have installed an IBM 40Gb 2.5" HD for OS storage. I am doing the install procedure in text mode. Everything goes as planned until I get to the package selection.

1. Booting from (i386) DVD with "linux text" parameter.
2. Skipping media check.
3. Selecting "English" install language.
4. Selecting "DK-latin1" as keyboard layout.
5. Selecting "Remove all partitions and create default layout" and selecting "no" to modifying partition layout.
6. Selecting "yes" to configure "eth0" and mark to enable "IPv4" on boot.
7. Selecting DHCP for IP configuration and Manual host name.
8. Setting time zone to "Europe/Copenhagen".
9. Setting root password to a 16 digit alphanumeric pass-phrase.
10. De-selecting "Desktop - Gnome" (no other entries selected).

When the system is checking for dependencies, an exception

Traceback (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/packageSack.py", line 426, in returnNewestByName
raise PackageSackError, 'No Package Matching %s' % ui_pats
File "/tmp/treedir.22057/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda/yuminstall.py", line 1072, in getBestKernelByArch
pkgs = ayum.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(pkgname)


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Debian Configuration :: Web Site Stops Working / Have To Reset Networking

Nov 9, 2010

I'm running Debian server 5.0.6 and the latest stable version of Apache. I am hosting a website and it will stop responding after an unknown amount of time. In order to make the website work again I have to run /etc/init.d/networking restart. The server is running a static IP address and is not resetting when the website goes down. I don't know where to start looking.

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Debian Configuration :: Wrong Fingerprint When Connecting With SSH After Conn-reset

Jan 6, 2011

I've got a strage problem with openssh-server on debian lenny. I've done setup of sshd and basically everything works fine. I can check the fingerprint of the ssh-keys on the server and it matches with the fingerprint shown on the client for the first connection. so the key is stored in the known-hosts-file on the client.

The problem occurs after a "connection reset by peer" (i guess when the connected client goes to sleep or a timeout occures)!

After such a reset, when I try to connect to the server, the banner "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" appears and the shown fingerprint of the server-key is totally wrong (it differs from the one on the server, BUT it is everytime when this problem occurs the same fingerprint). If I nevertheless remove the correct key from the known-host-file and accept the new key, I still can't login (permission denied).

To fix this situation temporarily I just need to restart the networking on the server. After the network-restart I get (again) the correct fingerprint of the server-key and can login without problems. Until the next connection reset.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Reset Network COnfiguration And Default Ports?

Jun 25, 2010

The other day I was using BitTornado and it was running so slow it was almost unholy. After some research I found out that if the yellow light was on it means I couldn't receive any incoming connections and had to open some ports on the firewall. That, my friends, is not the problem. I tried to manually open up the bittorrent port and did some other things that I can't quite remember but eventually I accidentally killed all bittorrent functionality on my laptop.

Is there any way I can reset my network and ports back to the default settings or am I utterly screwed? I'd really prefer not to have to reinstall my whole OS just to fix my bittorrent or worse, have to download on Vista *shudders*. I'd rather go back to my uber-slow bittorrent than none at all. I've tried everything I can think of, even the godlike might of Google couldn't get me out of this one. Now I am forced to bother you, all because I wanted to see a damn sci-fi film from Switzerland (Cargo[2009]).

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Debian Configuration :: When Install NIS / System Becomes Very Slow

Apr 12, 2016

I have installed jessie on a couple of machines. One is configured as the NFS filesystem exporter and NIS server. The other one, I am trying to configure as NFS and NIS client. NFS does not seem too much of a problem, I can mount the exported filesystem to a directory in the client and unmount it, but when I install NIS the system becomes very slow. Any command preceded by "sudo" takes a very long time (a few minutes) to complete. Then, upon rebooting the system, it reports many services failed to start (login, accounts, modem manager, avahi, network manager, exim). When if finally completes, I get a terminal login, instead the graphic login window.

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Ubuntu :: How Close Can I Get To Reset System To Default

May 3, 2010

I've been looking at possible options - I might install new from the CD if I have to. But before I do that, I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to restore the system to the way it would have been if I'd actually done a clean install - but to leave /home intact and perhaps the application also. (I haven't installed that many). I'm running 9.10, upgraded from 8.04>8.10>9.04 - it's working but There are some issues I can't seem to resolve such as stuttering audio.

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CentOS 5 :: CMOS Password Reset Possible From Within It?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a lost password on an Intel DG33TL motherboard which I guess is only resetable by shorting the right jumpers on the board. I have two questions regarding that:

1- Is there any way I can reset the CMOS password through the CentOS? Or is that a thing of old motherboards where one could reset them through the OS?

2- Currently I have two hard drives installed in Raid1 (mirroring each other) through the motherboard RAID (not the through any RAID card or through CentOS). RAID was made prior to installing CentOS. So, would resetting the jumper mess up the whole RAID? I don't want trouble and I can leave without the password but it's good to know if need arises.

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CentOS 5 :: Reset Eth0 Without Reboot

Jul 18, 2011

after the 5.6 update I started loosing the connection to my router. Having had issues with routers before I assumed that the router was on its way out. However I happended to have a laptop handy the other day and thought I would give it a try (after eth0 went down), router was fine(same cable too). I have tried bringing eth0 up/down (gui and ifdown/ifup) and restarted the network(gui and cli) but it will not get an ip(as I recall it does recognize that the cable is connected). If I do a reboot, eth0 comes up immediately. The log just shows repeated dhcp requests. I tried a dhclient -r but it errors out with no link found. It has been doing this since 5.6 came out (roughly once a day) so I THINK that it is not a hardware issue(should have died completely by now if it was). PSU voltages show stable and unchanged. It does use the forcedeath driver. 5.6-64bit fully updated.

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Ubuntu :: Reset The System Which Will Also Format The Hard Drive?

Jan 28, 2010

I've currently got 9.10 and have (somehow) managed to mess the system up already!It's a new computer so I'm not fussed about data loss etc, but is there a way to completely reset the system which will also format the hard drive (as it was a download that has messed it up!) without losing the O/S?

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Ubuntu :: Reset Environmental Variables After Restart The System

Apr 15, 2010

I am new in Using Ubuntu, I need to set up environmental variables in Ubuntu, I do the following:

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/Java

it work fine, but every time I restart the system I have to reset it again Is that the right way to it, or I do something wrong

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CentOS 5 :: Permissions Get Reset To Original State

Nov 4, 2009

I have a Centos 5.3 desktop that I have a development board connected via a serial connection to. The permissions on /dev/ttyS0 are currently set
crw--w---- 1 root root 4, 64 Nov 4 13:56 ttyS0

I have changed them so that they read
crw-rw---- 1 root uucp 4, 64 Nov 4 13:56 ttyS0

But every time I initialize the dev board the permissions switch back to the original state. I have found lots about preventing the permissions switching back upon reboot but that doesn't appear to be the problem.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.3 Recover / Reset Root Password

Jun 2, 2011

I have to recover / reset root password. I do not have the 5.3 cd, can I boot with the CentOS-5.6-i386-LiveCD.iso [URL] and follow the recovery procedure outlined below [URL]

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Debian Configuration :: Can't See System Start And Stop Message From Console After Install

Sep 26, 2015

After install debian 8, I can't see system start and stop message from console ... How can I enable system message from console in debain 8?

debian 7 output
root@demo:~# service apache2 restart
[ ok ] Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting .

debian 8 output
root@demo:~# service apache2 restart
root@demo:~# <=============================== No message (start or stop)

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Startup Options - System Hanging On The Automatic Configuration

Aug 22, 2010

I had some issues with my system hanging on the automatic configuration of the install so I searched the web for the issue. After reading this thread: Hangs at end of SuSe 11 install I used acpi=off apm=off nolapci as the install options and it worked. My question is, do I need to add those options to the /grub/menu.lst or will the install do that?

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Fedora :: Unable To Reset Using Either The Reset Option In Gnome Shell Or The Command Using A Terminal?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm unable to reset using either the reset option in gnome shell or the command using a terminal. When I select it the shell exits and displays the graphic "exploding" and then it just sits there. Shutdown works fine; just no reset. Any ideas? I've installed from the DVD. I booted the live CD and it resets just fine so I know it's no my hardware

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CentOS 5 :: Reject-with Tcp-reset In OUTPUT Chain With Kernel 164.x

Nov 6, 2009

I usually have something like

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 113 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset

in my firewall near the top, as I dont want the servers to generate ident requests and I don't want services (mail and ftp...) stalling when waiting for ident replies on clients with ident port filtered. This worked fine until the 164 kernel series.

Tested both 2.6.18-164.2.1.el5 and 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5. The rule gets matched, but the rst is never returned to the application so it stalls in every case. Booted back to 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 and it works like a charm. I see no netfilter related patches in the 164 series that weren't present in 128.

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Server :: Read Error The System Returned: (104) Connection Reset By Peer

Mar 22, 2010

I am a system administrator and i have configured squid server at the server side.Now i am facing a problem that these two websites are not accessible through squid transparent proxy server while they are accessible when changing the gateway.The websites are following:-


This type of error message comes ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: [URL] The following error was encountered: * Read Error The system returned: (104) Connection reset by peer

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CentOS 5 :: Recover / Reset Password For Root Via Single User Mode

Oct 20, 2009

Can someone assist me with recovering/resetting the password for Root via Single User Mode in CentOS v5? I've modified the kernel line using Single, S, and 1 but it appears that these commands are being totally ignored as the server continues with the boot process and displays the GUI logon screen. The server in question is a VM box running on ESX v3.5 U4. The person that created this VM is no longer employed here and I've exhausted everything I know regarding Single User Mode.

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CentOS 5 :: Install And Configure X Window System/KDE?

Jan 25, 2011

I've got CentOS 5.4 without access to internet (install all from DVD).When I try ti run Eclipse via remote desktop I've got error:

Quote:(.:30196): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
(.:30196): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed


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Debian Configuration :: No Longer Allowed To Access The System Configuration

Jul 31, 2011

I am using Squessze and Gnome. When I try to use the gui System>Administration>Network or Users and Groups I get the error The configuration could not be loaded. You are not allowed to access the system configuration.Everything was working before. I read around a bit. In some cases,it was caused by mismatching group and password files after using the gui. I do not know how to check if they are matching. Of course I do not know for sure that is the problem in my case.

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General :: Install CentOS On A New Computer Without Operating System?

Feb 22, 2011

I am new to Linux. I will receive a new Dell desktop without any operating systems. Can anybody advise me how to install CentOS 5.5 on it?

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CentOS 5 :: Error Unexpectedly After Some Configuration For Rsync And Folder Settings - Correct Configuration And Restart GDM

Oct 29, 2010

I am using Centos 5. I got one error unexpectedly after some configuration for rsync and folder settings. The error i am getting is "Serve Authorization directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/gdm but does not exist. Please correct the configuration and restart GDM." after rebooting.

I tried to resolve the issue by setting permission for folder /var/gdm to 755. but the problem is still not resolved.

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