Debian Configuration :: Web Site Stops Working / Have To Reset Networking

Nov 9, 2010

I'm running Debian server 5.0.6 and the latest stable version of Apache. I am hosting a website and it will stop responding after an unknown amount of time. In order to make the website work again I have to run /etc/init.d/networking restart. The server is running a static IP address and is not resetting when the website goes down. I don't know where to start looking.

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Debian Configuration :: WiFi Stops Working

Jun 28, 2015

In a hp pavilion 15 Notebook PC with Debian 8.1.After two hours or so wifi stops working. Network-manager does not give any indication of failure but some times a yellow question mark.

rfkill list wifi gives:
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
ifconfig gives:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 8c:dc:d4:7b:c2:0e
RX packets:3994 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:3661 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


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Debian Configuration :: Wireless Stops Working After Kernel Upgrade?

Aug 17, 2011

Testing distribution. Installed Linux 3.0 but left 2.6.32 on as backup. When I boot into the old kernel, wireless mostly works OK, but never when I boot with the new kernel.

Results of dmesg|grep wlan0 on 2.6:

[ 22.005102] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 28.196774] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 28.644779] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 30.688053] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:19:5b:06:9f:ba (try 1)
[ 30.694053] wlan0: direct probe responded


Noticing the Access Point looked like it needed the MAC address, I ran iwconfig wlan0 ap <MACADDRESS> and sometimes it will work, and wicd can connect to the access point. But sometimes the command fails to run.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Connection Intermittent After DHCP Configuration - Stops Working Randomly

Jul 17, 2009

I'm having a bizarre problem where my network connection stops working randomly. At first I thought it was a DNS issue since Firefox simply chilled out on "Looking up [hostname]" until it timed out, but after further investigation (pinging IP's, "host" and "dig" being unable to reach servers) it became apparent that I couldn't even access the DNS servers i.e. the Wicked Connection of the East was most sincerely dead.

There are two strange things about this: one, there are no errors except "timeout". The network manager is happy, Firefox is happy until the lookup fails... Two, the failures only start *after* DHCP configuration. DHCP configuration never has any trouble sending or receiving packets. I'm going to try static IP and whatnot to see if that helps, more information later.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stops Working In 10.10 And Firefox Randomly Stops Working?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat 64-bit on my desktop with a wired internet connection (with no firewall). For the past 2 days, I have observed that1. Firefox randomly throws up errors like "Problem loading page" whenever I click on a hyperlink. When I click on Reload, the page loads up just fine. This has been happening a lot recently..and I do not remember updating anything consciously. By the way, ipv6 is disabled in Firefox.2. The network stops working all of a sudden (usually indicated by the Firefox error). The Autho Eth0 indication is active, but I am unable to connect to any external machine.

3. Needless to say, this error is manifesting itself in apt-get as well. I get "something wicked happened" errors all the time, and am unable to download or install anything.That this is not a problem with the ISP is obvious because I also have Windows (from which I'm typing this, ironically), which is able to access the internet.Is this a bug in Ubuntu 10.10?

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Networking :: Iptables - Site Stops Responding After An Hour?

May 11, 2011

My config works fine when enabled but after an hour the site stops responding at all. When I restart, flush or disable iptables it works fine again. Wondered if anyone could see any glaring errors I've made

# Generated by iptables-save v1.3.5 on Tue May 10 17:06:48 2011
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [6034:13920296]


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Software :: Multiple Site Installation/Configuration Not Working On WordPress 3.0?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm running WordPress 3.0 with apache2 on ubuntu 9.10. I'm trying to setup the Multiple Site feature for multiple Blogs, but can't seem to get past the enable network message. Does anyone know why the Enabling network message on the Network screen will not go away? It seems to be stuck even though I log off an back on again into the WordPress3.0 admin screen.

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Debian Configuration :: Wrong Fingerprint When Connecting With SSH After Conn-reset

Jan 6, 2011

I've got a strage problem with openssh-server on debian lenny. I've done setup of sshd and basically everything works fine. I can check the fingerprint of the ssh-keys on the server and it matches with the fingerprint shown on the client for the first connection. so the key is stored in the known-hosts-file on the client.

The problem occurs after a "connection reset by peer" (i guess when the connected client goes to sleep or a timeout occures)!

After such a reset, when I try to connect to the server, the banner "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" appears and the shown fingerprint of the server-key is totally wrong (it differs from the one on the server, BUT it is everytime when this problem occurs the same fingerprint). If I nevertheless remove the correct key from the known-host-file and accept the new key, I still can't login (permission denied).

To fix this situation temporarily I just need to restart the networking on the server. After the network-restart I get (again) the correct fingerprint of the server-key and can login without problems. Until the next connection reset.

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Debian Configuration :: Ice Weasel Stops Functioning

Mar 28, 2011

I found that in many occasions ice weasel browser stops functioning (not responding) and the only way out is by killing the process.secondly, the process ID is actually firefox!! and no ice weasel process, cause ice weasel is just another name to firefox; and this stopped me from installing firefox.Unfortunately, when I used Konqueror which comes with every linux distro, it gave the same problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Reset Network COnfiguration And Default Ports?

Jun 25, 2010

The other day I was using BitTornado and it was running so slow it was almost unholy. After some research I found out that if the yellow light was on it means I couldn't receive any incoming connections and had to open some ports on the firewall. That, my friends, is not the problem. I tried to manually open up the bittorrent port and did some other things that I can't quite remember but eventually I accidentally killed all bittorrent functionality on my laptop.

Is there any way I can reset my network and ports back to the default settings or am I utterly screwed? I'd really prefer not to have to reinstall my whole OS just to fix my bittorrent or worse, have to download on Vista *shudders*. I'd rather go back to my uber-slow bittorrent than none at all. I've tried everything I can think of, even the godlike might of Google couldn't get me out of this one. Now I am forced to bother you, all because I wanted to see a damn sci-fi film from Switzerland (Cargo[2009]).

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Debian :: NIC Stops Working Every Now And Then?

Jul 18, 2011

I use my debian machine for masquerading, packet filtering anilar for a tiny network.It runs the latest debian testing.Every now and then (i am talking about weeks) the connection to my internet stops working.ifdown eth0; ifup eth0 brings it back.The other interface (eth1) is never effected.The odd thing is, there are no warnings, no messages .. nothing.I cant find any entry. Nothing in the logs, nothing in dmsg and no kernel panic.The only way to find out when it might have been happened is to search in several daemons log files,to find out when their first error connecting to the internet occurred.I ran memtest without any results.The nic is e1000 compatible.

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Debian Configuration :: Wireless Stops Connecting After Update To Network Manager

Mar 30, 2011

I am currently using Debian Testing, managing my wireless connection with NetworkManager and the Gnome nm-applet. Both have just been updated: network-manager from 0.8.1-6+squeeze1 to 0.8.2-6 and network-manager-gnome from 0.8.1-2 to 0.8.2-4.On installation of the new packages, I have no problems. However, on a reboot, I can no-longer connect to any wireless connection. I am not prompted on start-up for the password to unlock the Gnome keyring and when I left-click on the nm-applet icon and then click on a network to connect to it, nothing happens.I do not think this is a driver or NetworkManager daemon problem. If I run "nmcli dev wifi" or left-click on the applet icon, NetworkManager seems to scan for wireless networks properly and returns a list including the one I wish to connect to.

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Debian :: DNS Resolution Stops Working Sporadically

Jan 31, 2016

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad R500, and recently I recently upgraded it with a Crucial SSD as well as 8 GB of DDR3, as I had a blank SSD installed, I decided to switch from Mint to Debian and see how I like it. I'm using Debian 8 with the MATE desktop and so far it's been quite a pleasure to use, besides one small thing.

Every 5 to 10 minutes, DNS resolution stops working completely. I can ping IP addresses as well as connect to websites by IP address just fine, however I cannot resolve hostnames. The problem exists regardless of whether I'm connected to my router via a wired or wireless connection. It is not occurring on any other computer in my house and didn't exist on my old Mint installation. If I disconnect from my home network by either unplugging the Ethernet cable or flicking the WIFI switch on my laptop, and then reconnecting, I can resolve hostnames again, albeit only for another 5-10 minutes, when DNS stops working again.

I was originally using DHCP and my ISP's DNS servers, but switched to my laptop using a static IP address and Google's DNS Servers at and, the problem persisted after this change.

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Debian Hardware :: USB Stops Working When On Battery

Sep 9, 2011

when running on AC-power, only on battery.When I have my laptop on battery, and I plug the mouse in, then the USB mouse is working if I keep moving it around. If I then lay it alone for 5 secs, or so. it stops working.I cannot get USB sticks to work as well.

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Debian :: Flash Plugin Stops Working

Jun 25, 2010

The browser has flashplugin installed previously.It has been working without problem before. For unknown reason it stops to work.Now I'm required to install Adobe Flash Player.I have"install_flash_player_10_ linux.deb" download on Adobe website. Whether I run dpkg to install the package?

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Debian :: 8.0 - Icons Disappear And Terminal Stops Working

May 16, 2015

I am having a problem which I am having a hard time finding out about. To start I am running Debian 8.0 on a laptop through an external Seagate 2TB HDD that I connect via USB 3.0. My problem, basically, is when ever I use Linux for an extended period, for what ever reason, some of my icons disappear and my terminal breaks. More specifically, say I were to try to shut down the computer at the time of the problem the icons and text telling me which option is which, in xfce4, are gone. Then if I click on the would be shut down button it just goes to a black screen with a white underscore and hangs there. This symptom is probably due to the fact that commands in the linux terminal stop working. As in, if I were to type ls it tells me there is no command (something like that) and tells me some folder directory that I think is where bash is located. I wish I could be more specific with some of these details.

Anyway the only way for me to "fix" it is to just do a hard shut down, then upon reboot it clears the orphaned nodes. Also, before, when I installed linux several weeks before I never noticed this issue, if it was ever present. However, now that I have seen it, I have since tried re-installs of debian to no avail. I have a feeling it could be the external hard drive, but that notion is not based on any evidence.

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Debian Configuration :: Upgrade The Installed Packages From The Site?

Jul 22, 2010

I have just installed Debian Lenny and was trying to upgrade the installed packages from the site. when i asked synaptic to add the downloaded packages the would not appear, but when i checked the .xsessions file there are entries saying that the packages were being ingnored because they were either different versions, the MD5 did not match or even "can't find pkg". i have to use the local library to download the packages because i dont have an internet connection at home.


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Fedora Networking :: Wi-fi Stops Working In Mid-section?

Jun 27, 2011

I have just installed Fedora 15 xfce on my desktop. When I 1st start my computer my RaLink RT2870 works but after a while it disconnects and won't start again till I restart.

I can't see any pattern I am doing to make it stop. I been doing various tasks when it stopped working. I don't what command prompt or configuration file to look for or what to configure in the file.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Stops Working After A While?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm having some problems with wireless, it works fine on boot but after a while pretty much randomly, it can be a few days or it can be a few hours, it stops working. I'm not sure which command would tell you what and it would take a little while to debug it because like I said it's random, but if anyone knows what to do please tell me! I'm on Lucid Lynx 10.04.Another something that's really bothering me (But not related to wireless) is that for some reason when I restart my computer, the top panel keeps changing the applets locations.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Stops Working After A While?

Oct 22, 2010

I have created a Samba share, using the fantastic Webmin tool. I have a network media player which can connect to my router, and then access windows (samba) shares. Most of the time, it works fine - it's able to stream HDTV wirelessly across the network. However, every so often, it just stops working ... the media player sees :

Network, then
FILESERVER-1 (machine name), then
Media (share name), then
Video (subdir, then
TV_Shows (subdir), then
MyShow.AVI ... just hangs

if I use the Webmin tool, I see multiple samba connections all from the media player. Restarting samba seems to have no effect. The only way to fix it, is to reboot.

logfile I can check, or a setting I can tweak to fix this issue ?

When it get like this, trying to access the share from a windows machine, just gives me an error saying it can't find the machine. But when it's rebooted, it works fine.

I have mapped the "nobody" linux user to "guest" which is what the media player is defaulted to login with (it's primarily sold as a "Windows" media player), and using Webmin I have assigned the "nobody" user read-only rights to the samba share. It worked fine for 6 months, until I added this new drive.

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Debian Installation :: Wheezy USB Keyboard And Mouse Stops Working

Mar 24, 2015

After installing KDE USB keyboard and mouse won't work. They are added to /proc/bus/input/devices though.

I also tried to install Gnome; same thing.

I took #usb-devices and they were there also..

But #usbhid-dump did not generate anything to screen.

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Debian Multimedia :: Middle Button Emulation Sometimes Stops Working?

Mar 19, 2011

I have xorg configured to enable middle button emulation:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"


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Debian Hardware :: Realtek RTL8192SU Stops Working Under Load

Mar 14, 2015

Have a very unusual problem that I am looking at troubleshooting. Only problem is I don't know where to start.I have the following wireless usb device:

Code: Select allBus 002 Device 007: ID 050d:845a Belkin Components F7D2101 802.11n Surf & Share Wireless Adapter v1000 [Realtek RTL8192SU]

Now it is fine when browsing the web, but whenever I download a large file/game from Steam it becomes unresponsive and stops working.I have noticed it happens whenever the download is maxed..which at the moment is at around 5.4mbps on steam.Never get a warning...just internet stops pages can be displayed...The connection never disconnects.I can only get it working again when I unplug it and re insert it back in again.

Things I have tried:
- Returning it to the shop and getting a new one (didn't fix it).

Code: Select allzerocool@hal9000:~$ uname -a
Linux hal9000 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt4-3 (2015-02-03) x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Networking :: Enabling Full Routing Site To Site With Openvpn Not Using Masquerading?

Jul 27, 2010

I've been on a quest to enable full routing through my openvpn tunnel between my office and the colo. Masquerading will work, however it will throw off anything key based and makes a lot of things just more difficult and vague in general. Is there an easy way to do this via iptables? I tried using quagga hoping it would magically solve my problems, however it does not seem to do my routing for me . I just did a basic static route within zebra...

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Ubuntu Networking :: USB Wireless Stops Working After Upgrade?

Feb 10, 2010

This should be easy for the Ubuntu Gods to sort out:

I have a Sabrent USB 802.11N adapter. (I am using 64-bit Ubuntu in all below)

I plug it into a 9.04 box and it works fine. Plug it into a 9.10 box. Network manager sees it and can attach to the network, but has 0% signal strength, no internet.

Rebuild the 9.04 box with a fresh install to 9.10. 0% signal, no internet. Try 10.04 Alpha 2, 0% signal strength, no internet.

Rebuild same box down to 9.04. Works perfectly. 100% signal strength. I do all updates and then the upgrade to 9.10 using the USB. Everything works fine until the reboot. Then, USB connects, but 0% signal strength, no internet. Oh! ifconfig says the wlan0 interface is up, but it has a random ip address.

I don't mind using 9.04 because for the forseeable future, the box is just going to count aliens for Seti, but my wife wants it off the counter and I would like to upgrade someday.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Iwlagn Connection Stops Working After About 1MB?

Jul 24, 2010

I have an Intel PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] on my HP Pavilion dv7 running a fully updated Lucid (10.04).I can connect to the wifi on my smartphone and I have no problems at all.However, after a recent update I found myself unable to use my home wifi connection.Once connected, I can usually transfer about 1 MB of data and then nothing else will go through.# uname -aLinux lappy 2.6.32-23-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 11 08:03:28 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/LinuxSince the home wifi router, a Linksys Wireless-G SRX, is a bit more advanced than the wifi capabilities of the smartphone, I'm inclined to think there is some feature being used that is now broken in the iwlagn driver.I've tried to disable the "11n" support with this:

# modprobe -r iwlagn
# modprobe iwlagn 11n_disable=1

but the problem continues even after that ... is there something else I can try to disable?r some way of getting the details of these two connections to see exactly what the difference is?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ethernet Stops Working On Restart?

Aug 13, 2010

I upgraded to the newest version of Ubuntu a few months ago, and ever since then, the ethernet connection to my router stops working when I restart the machine. It eventually comes back, but after varying amounts of time. Sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes 2 days.

Restarting the computer and cycled reboots of the router don't seem to have any beneficial effect, at least that I can detect.

The light for the slot on the router does not light up like it normally would, so it's almost like the OS doesn't even recognize the network card.

Ubuntu 10.4,64-bit. Dell XPS 410.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wirelss Stops Working Periodically In 10.10?

Oct 15, 2010

New Toshiba laptop dual booting with Windows 7. I really like MM 10.10 and most things are working great! Periodically I will be web browsing and I lose connection. At first I thought it was Firefox but if I try to disconnect wireless and reconnect it will no longer connect unless I reboot. My network is hidden but Ubuntu finds it no problem on a fresh boot and connects per my settings and it is not a network problem since I can connect to Windows all day long and the rest of the family never has problems.

My wirless device is: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)n and all OS updates are applied that I can find. I am thinking about un-hidding my network since years ago that used to be a problem with Redhat and even early Ubuntu but beyond that I cannot think of what else to try.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stops Working After Suspend/hibernate On 10.10?

Oct 22, 2010

networking stops working after suspend/hibernate on Ubuntu 10.10 and it used to happen on 10.04 though i did not bother to resolve the issue then

output of sudo lshw -C network

*-network DISABLED
description: Wireless interface
product: AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)
vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:08:00.0

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Ubuntu Networking :: Default Route Stops Working?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm currently working with Ubuntu 10.10.I wanted to add a default route to a gateway named ppp0.I did it with the command> route add default ppp0It works ok. But then from time to time it suddenly stops and I have to go back again to the server and retype the command. I'm clueless as to why is it happening. I can assure no one is working at the server or doing anything over there.Does anyone know causes that might be triggering route default to stop working?Btw where is the best place to add this command so it will be executed automatically on start-up and without needing to login to the server?

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