CentOS 5 :: Installing Virtual Server ?

Apr 12, 2009

I intend to setup a Linux Virtual Server cluster behind a firewall. I have two machines which will run Centos 5.3 and act as the routers. I have two other boxes for now, also running Centos 5.3 which will run the server applications. All these machines are connect on my local network behind a firewall. I will ask for the two LVS router machines to be granted access through the firewall for web access (port 80) and ssh access (port 22). These two ports should be sufficient for me to receive my web application requests, as I will use NAT translation on the LVS machines to redirect to the applications on the real servers.

I've read the documentation for the LVS but I would be grateful if someone could give me some guidance on the whether I will have any problem with the firewall and the LVS routers machines, as I have described it above. Do I need to ask for anything other than access through the firewall for these two machines. They will get DHCP IP's I guess. Also, its not quite clear to me where the LVS router machines LAN cards get connected. Do all of the NIC cards connect to my local network, or do I need an independent hub to connect the second NIC of the LVS router machines, and as such use static IP address for them on this private network.

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Server :: Create A Virtual Host And Virtual Ip In Proftpd Centos?

Nov 22, 2010

I want to create a virtual host and virtual ip in proftpd linux centos. can anyone please help me on this,I'm new in linux.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Building VMWare Virtual Machines From CentOS Mail Servers?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a few mail servers, a mail log server and a web server running on Centos 5. Now I have a task: to avoid accidental crashes on the production servers while installing updates, my boss asked me to do clones (these clones will all be VMware virtual machines) of the servers (EXCLUDING the actual e-mails and log contents) and then to run those clones on VMWare Server. This way, first I will install and test updates on the clones and - if they will be running without crashes - I will apply the updates on the real production servers themselves.

I have already installed VMWare Server 2.0 I have a few questions: How do I build the virtual machines to exclude the actual mail files and mail logs? Can I use VMware Converter for this purpose, or do I have to use another program? How do I actually do this cloning? Is there a tutorial on how to do this?

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Server :: Installing Distro And Running Virtual Machines

Jun 27, 2009

First off I am new to Linux and fairly new to working in Networking and Server config's. I have been using Windows for years and have been learning Windows Server 2003 as I have a Technet account, I can get any MS software. I would like to learn Linux and use this as my Server environment. My project looks like this: I have a Quad core, 8gb machine. I want to install a distro of Linux (server or desktop) and run Virtual Machines on it.

My perferred way would be to use Virtual Box but I could use VMware products if that was better. I would like to run WS2003, WS2008, Linux Distro and anything else that will run in a VM. I can figure out that part pretty easily. I want the Linux host machine to run all these VM's and access and use them on my MAC remotely. I have done some research on ESXi as well, but I don't think my Hardware is going to support that. My exact PC spec's are:

AMD x4 940
8gb DDR2
Gigabyte MA770-UD3
2 Velicoraptor Drives
GTX 260
I will be dual booting this machine on one of the Raptors for gaming as well.

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CentOS 5 :: Install Vmware Server On 5.5 - Error "You May Not Power Virtual Machine In Virtual Machine"

May 27, 2010

I have installed CentOS on a VMwareWorktation and that CentOS, i also install VMware Server (suscess) and setup a guest OS that, but i start this Guest OS, an error show "You may not power virtual machine in virtual machine"...

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Server :: Centos Virtual Server Mail Setup ?

Nov 3, 2010

I just recently purchased a vs from a company and i am trying to set up a web site on it with kloxo and set up the mail for it upon setting up the mail settings it says:

"It is very essential that you set the my name to a properly resolvable hostname, since otherwise, many public mailservers like hotmail will reject mails from your server"

Now this is my first time setting up a vs before i have set up linux vm's to get email access but that was about a year ago.

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CentOS 5 Server :: FTP Service For Virtual Web Hosting?

Nov 3, 2010

I have just finished bulding a virtual web hosting server on my CentOS-5.5 x86_64 linux box with several websites hosted and its working fine. Now I have to build and FTP service in this webhosting server so that i can create indviudal login for each website and provide access to thier respective web directory only. This is where I am stuck. I have been trying to find out some docs and instructions to achieve this but in vain.

What I need is to configure an FTP service in the web server so that individual owner of websites can login to thieir respective web directories only and upload and download files as well as create, delete and modify the contents of their web directory.

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CentOS 5 :: Virtual Server Setup Using VPN Endpoint

Mar 7, 2011

I am setting up a virtual server on CentOS that I want to use as a VPN endpoint. How much resorce should I allocate to the virtual server ? I'm not expecting it to do anything else other than host a small VPN, traffic will be medium / light. I'm tempted to give it minimum ram and drive space.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Update Kernel In Xen Virtual Machine

Jun 20, 2010

I installed the Centos 5.5 with XEN and put 03 virtual machines (Centos 5.5 too). I did this correctly, but I have a problem. In the virtual machine, I need update the kernel. I used "yum update kernel" and this is downloaded correctly and the menu.lst file is updated too, but the kernel not ran. I ran "grub-install /dev/sda" or "grub-install /dev/xvda" and received a error return. I read the device.map file and i ran "grub-install /dev/sde" and received a error return too.

The errors:
[root@vm01 ~]# grub-install /dev/sda
/dev/sda: Not found or not a block device.
[root@vm01 ~]# grub-install /dev/sde
/dev/sda1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.
[root@vm01 ~]# grub-install /dev/xvda
/dev/xvda: Not found or not a block device.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Way To Format Namebased Virtual Hosting

Aug 8, 2010

Over the years I've had various flavours of linux on webservers, each has handled this in it's own way - some due to the GUI that was installed etc...

What is your prefered way of holding NameBased Virtual Host records...?

Is it like the redhat system having a sites-available and a sites-active and sim linking the records of the active sites and having httpd.conf only get the info from sites-available?

I know that some people have all the Virtual Hosts records at the end of httpd.conf (or apache2.conf)

What would you do if you had to start a fresh?

I'm running
CentOS 5.5
LAMP (Latest versions at 1/8/10)

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CentOS 5 :: Start A Virtual Machine (VB) When Server Is Turned On?

Apr 7, 2011

I need start a virtual machine (Virtual Box) when when my server centos is turned on or start.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Vsftpd Using Virtual Users And Encrypting It?

Aug 10, 2011

Using THIS I was able to get virtual users working via standard ftp. After wrestling with selinux and such I'm able to log in as a user defined in the virtual-users file.

At the bottom is the vsftpd.conf. I can start the server no problem. I've been making edits to it so I'm not sure what's right/wrong at this point in it. I have a snapshot I keep reverting to where ftp works with virtual users and then I start monkeying with it again.

First problem I have is I'm not exactly sure how to test it. If I use WinSCP, I try SFTP and in the vsftpd.log I see:

Quote:Wed Aug 10 12:47:50 2011 [pid 3667] CONNECT: Client "192.168.xxx.xxx"
Wed Aug 10 12:47:50 2011 [pid 3667] FTP response: Client "192.168.xxx.xxx", "220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)"


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CentOS 5 :: VMware Server 1 Error When Powering On Virtual Machine?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm running CentOS 5.5 x64 and have just installed VMWare Server 1. I am able to create a new Virtual Machine, but when I go to power on the VM in order to install the OS (windows server 2003), either the host crashes/reboots (with "Run in Debugging Mode" turned on) or the VM simply does not start (with that Debugging box unchecked) and in the log there is an error along the lines of VMware Server unrecoverable error (vmx)

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CentOS 5 Server :: Virtual Machines - Renaming Libvirt Guest?

Aug 29, 2010

I am new to virtual machines in general, and currently playing with the XEN-based VM in CentOS 5.5. Question: if neither virt-manager nor virsh (using "virsh edit <guest name>" and changing the name in the XML file) are designed to actually change a guest's name...then what is the recommended procedure for doing this?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Configuring Alias Phpmyadmin In Virtual Host?

Nov 10, 2010

i have linux server application based on centos 5 that run httpd daemon from /usr/local/pf/conf/httpd.conf which is generated from the /usr/local/pf/conf/templates/httpd.conf.apache22 file

the problem is every time i run my linux server application i am not able to access phpmyadmin unless i stop my linux server application which is stop it httpd daemon then start "service httpd start"

i have been told by forum moderator to create an alias for my phpmyadmin in Virtual Host but it stil dont work, i am not able access my phpmyadmin site

this is what i have done to solve this problem

- open /usr/local/pf/conf/templates/httpd.conf.apache22 file then look for <VirtualHost *:%%admin_port%%>
- add Alias /phpmyadmin "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" (Failed)
- add Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin (Failed)
- add Alias /phpmyadmin "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/" (Failed)


NB : my phpmyadmin is install on /usr/share/phpmyadmin with /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf as phpmyadmin configuration file

why i still cant open my phpmyadmin site ? or why i cant run phpmyadmin together with my linux server application because it use the same daemon (httpd daemon)

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CentOS 5 Server :: Apache Two Virtual Hosts On A Single IP Address?

Feb 22, 2011

I am trying to run two web servers (Virtual Hosts) on a single Linux Centos 5.5 box with a single IP address I did all the pre-installation requirements such yum install mysql, yum install mysqladmin, service httpd start, service mysqld start etc etc.In /var/www/html directory, I have two folder called server1 and server2. These two folders have the necessary web server php script files and folders. I opened the browser and managed to install the script on one web server successfully. When I put the IP address on the browser address bar, the page loads without any problem. Now I would like to be able to install the other web server script and I don't know how to?Here is my httpd configuration;

<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/server1
ServerName development.mysite.com


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Server :: Limit On The Number Of Virtual Machines Running On RHES / CentOS XEN?

May 2, 2009

We've been experiencing sudden host server crashes minutes after starting a fourth virtual machine. Our setup looks like:

Dell Poweredge T300
1 x Intel Xeon X3323 Quad Core 2.5 ghz
16 GB Ram
CentOS 5.3 (64 bit)

Server is running a stripped down version of CentOS 5.3 (64-bit), running only the built-in Xen Virtualization Environment. There is no other services running on the server (not samba, httpd, sendmail, cups... nothing except Xen) We've created several virtual machines, and as long as we don't start a fourth virtual machine everything runs smoothly (impresive hardware).

Each virtual server is configured as:

1 Virtual CPU

However, 5 minutes or so after starting a fourth virtual machine, the entire host server crashes and restarts itself. Are we limited by the number of cores on the host machine CPU (4 cores)? 1 for the host and 3 for virtual machines? We've read in forums about other Xen setups running up to 11 virtual machines on less powerful hardware? (a dual core server). Should we be using FULLY VIRTUALIZED virtual machines instead? Is the number of XEN virtual machines in fact limited by the number of cores? If so, how can someone run several virtual machines on a single core host?

By the way, we were replacing a previous Dell Server (Poweredge 2600 with 512 MB Ram and a single Xeon single core processor running Open Virtuozzo). We were able to run up to 16 virtual machines at the same time. Of course none of the machines endured hard work (testing environments, etc). But hey, my point is that we expected to get a much higher number of virtual machines on this new hardware.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Create Qcow2 Image In 5.5 Virtual Machine Manager?

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to set up a virtual machine environment in Centos5.5. My hardware fully supports virtualization, and I'm running qemu as the hypervisor with Virtual Machine Manager as the GUI to manage and create VMs. Host hardware is a Dell PowerEdge T710, with a quad core Xenon processor and four 1TB disks in a raid 6 array.

Within the Virtual Machine Manager when trying to create a new VM, there is the option to not "allocate entire virtual disk now". What format is created when you "allocate entire virtual disk now" and when you don't?

I want to create a qcow2 image format, but it doesn't look like it is supported. Does anybody know how to create a VM with a qcow2 image format?

When you create a blank disk with "qemu-img create -f qcow2 disk.qcow2 3700G", it indeed does create a qcow2 image. However, Virtual Machine Manager is unable to read these images, claiming that it is 15 megs or so in size (which is what it actually occupies in host disk space until you try and put a VM into it).

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CentOS 5 :: Installing Fuppes Media Server Onto CentOS

Jun 4, 2009

I've been trying to install the Fuppes media server onto CentOS and have had a few difficulties. I had to do a build from the source (svn build 578), then configure, make and make install. So far so good.Once I try to run fuppes, I get the error:[ERROR] Failed to bind socket to : documentation I've searched so far suggests that there is a config file that needs to be set with the appropriate ip address, but the file doesn't exist as the program hasn't started up yet!

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Debian Installation :: Get Starting Installing Debian On Virtual Server?

Oct 19, 2010

i am trying to get starting installing debian on my virtual server what is supported for IA64 and i have try'd this few different version(se bellow) and the img fail isin't boting?

debian-503-ia64-businesscard(notice diffrent version tryed to)
debian-503-ia64-CD-1(notice diffrent version tryed to)
debian-503-ia64-netinst(notice diffrent version tryed to)

I have used before virutal server and booted successfully a img file and installed a operating system sow what is wrong?

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Software :: Setup A Mail Server - Virtual Users With Postfix - PostfixAdmin - Courier - Mailscanner - ClamAV On CentOS 5.5

Dec 26, 2010

I am trying to set up a Mail Server -- Virtual Users with Postfix, PostfixAdmin, Courier, Mailscanner, ClamAV On CentOS 5.5 using this guide. These are the version and softwares I have used till now:-


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Server :: Apache Virtual Host To Limit The Concurrent Connections Of Virtual Hosts?

Jul 3, 2009

apache virtual host to limit the concurrent connections of virtual hosts? Taking into account the host of each virtual user's home directory can also have more than one subdirectory, which should be restricted to a subdirectory. Is beyond the control of the operation of these sites in a subdirectory. Best local restrictions or limitations to the overall situation.

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Server :: Debian Lenny - All Virtual Hosts Lead To First Virtual Host

Apr 21, 2010

I'm having an issue with setting up the virtual hosts on my web server. I have 2 virtual hosts (example1.com, example2.com). example1.com works but example2.com is sent to the index file of example1.com. I did some searching on google and it seems the problem might be with my /etc/hosts file.

First virtual host that the second is also directed to...in sites-available/sites-enabled (note port 80 is blocked by my isp so I use 8080)


Second virtual host file


And my hosts file


# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

Also I'm using a dyndns.org...would that make a difference?

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General :: Installing (centos) On HP Server

Dec 9, 2010

i have a server with four hard disk and RAID5 config , i want to install Centos5.5 on this server . while installing it asks me following :
1-use free space
2-remove all linux partition & create default
3-remove all patition and create default
i just wont to know which option i should choose.

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Security :: Virtual Server To Access The Main Host Or Another Virtual Se

Jan 8, 2010

Is there anyway for one Virtual Server to access the main host, or another Virtual Server? Or would they be totally 100% independent?

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Server :: Virtual LDAP Server And Virtual Mediawiki Host - Can't Login With Users From LDAP

Jun 5, 2011

In the past I found some great help on this forum, so here goes. Bare with me because it's a long story. I'll try to be as complete as possible. I've installed and configured OpenLdap on a virtual machine with ip I've added 2 users via LAM. In the ou WikiUsers and the domain is wiki.local.

I've then created another host with ip with mediawiki installed on it. Then I added the extension LDAPAuthenthication. In the LdapAuthentication file I added this code (only the last paragraph is mine, I added the others to show it's location in the script):


$path = array( $IP, "$IP/includes", "$IP/languages" );
set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, $path ) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );


I know I'm close because I can't register any new users or accounts on the mediawiki site. Although I could before I added the LDAP service. This is indeed all just to test and get to know how LDAP works. That's why it's all virtual in VMWare. I did not really configure anything on the LDAP, i just installed it and chose a domain (wiki.local).

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Server :: Virtual Postfix - Mysql And Virtual Aliases ?

Oct 14, 2010

I've got a working Virtual Postfix server running with mysql doing user authentication. I have a support email address set as support@hostname.com, which has 5 aliases associated; user1, user2, user3, user4, and user5. When an email is sent to support@hostname.com, all 5 users receive the email, just as planned. What I'm looking to do is when an email is sent to support@hostname.com to have it rotate through the members of the alias group. That way all members of the group get support emails evenly and not everybody all at once. Is this possible?

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General :: Installing CentOS 5.5 On IBM X336 Server?

Aug 31, 2010

I have purchased an IBM x336 server. The IBM website says that the server supports Linux. After doing some research, I decided to install CentOS 5.5 on this server. The goal is to use it as a internal web server for testing. My problem lies with the installation process, for some reason Linux does not see my hard drives. The server is equipped with two 36GB hot-swappable SCSI drives. When I get to the screen to choose where to install Linux, it only gives me options to install over a network, which I cannot do, because no hard drives are shown in the list. I have looked through the BIOS but I do not see any settings that would prevent the hard drives from showing. I have been able to boot to CentOS 5.5 using a LiveCD, but even then I still cannot access my hot-swappable SCSI drives.

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CentOS 5 Server :: 64bit - Installing Screens - Apt-get

Mar 1, 2009

how to work with linux (centos 5.2 64bit) but i am having a hard time to get this screen install. I was going to try this but i was not sure as i have reinstall the os many times because i do something wrong.

apt-get install screen

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CentOS 5 Server :: Installing And Using Gnome On A Remote Box?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a remote CentOS server (5.4 Final) to which I need to add remote access to a GUI front end. I have SSH access to this box (no physical access, I rent it and it is housed in a DC) and I think I have managed to install Gnome correctly:

[root@box ~]# yum grouplist
Installed Groups:


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