CentOS 5 :: Boot Stuck At GRUB

Jan 20, 2009

the boot of my server is stuck at the message "GRUB"

I've allready tried :
chroot /mnt/sysimage
grub-install /dev/cciss/c0d0

but with no improvement. What else can I try?

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CentOS 5 :: Boot Stuck At Initrd After Reinstalling GRUB?

May 7, 2009

I am using CentOS 5.2 with GRUB booting a software RAID configuration. The first disk is md0 and is mirrored across sda1 and sdb1.I manually re-installed grub using grub-install and the machine will no longer boot off of the HD. The grub menu comes up, I can select my kernel the machine then jumps to loading the initrd and hangs.It will go no further. I have a live DVD that can boot from the HD. If I use that to first boot from the DVD, then specifiy the HD, it shows the same grub menu and then the machine boots fine w/o the initrd hang.I have tried re-installing grub but not been able to get the machine to work again w/o the DVD.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Grub Rescue And Can't Boot Fom Cd

Nov 26, 2010

I lost power during my Ubuntu update and when I powered back up ubuntu was broken. Now the stupid bit. My hdd was partitioned into 3 bits, vista os, data, and ubuntu. In vista I deleted the ubuntu part and merged it with the data part. Now when I power up my computer it goes straight to a black screen that says...
error : no such partition.

grub rescue> I have looked through the forums for an answer to my problem but to no avail. When I put the ubuntu live cd in and turn back on itjust goes to the same screen. I'm a novice to the world of computers and need any help you can offer.

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General :: Cannot Boot, Stuck In GRUB Line-editing?

Sep 3, 2010

After my last update in my ubuntu, I had a problem. (As almost everytime that I update it)
When I select to boot ubuntu, it doesn't work.It shows something like:"GNU GRUB version 1.97"beta 4[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported.For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions]
sh:grub> "And I don't know how to make it work.I tried to follow this tutorial:[URL]I got an error message saying that the file couldn't be found. And if I skip it, when I type "boot" the system reboots and comes to the same place I was before.
I've also tried to set another partitions like

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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstalled, Cant Boot XP, Stuck At GRUB Rescue?

Feb 2, 2011

I was dual-booting XP and Ubuntu 10.10 for a while, but as I never used Ubuntu it was just taking up space, so I figured I'd get rid of it. I used a partitioning tool from inside XP to remove the Ubuntu partition, forgetting that I used GRUB2 every time I booted to select which OS to load. Now when I start my computer I get stuck at the "grub rescue>" screen.After searching for solutions to this problem all of them said to either use the Windows XP CD to fix the Master Boot Record or reinstall Ubuntu, but I dont have my XP CD and there isnt enough room on my hard drive anymore for a Ubuntu install. Is there anything else I can do to fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck In GRUB Rescue, Cannot Boot Live Disk?

Feb 20, 2010

I accidently deleted my ubuntu partition, and when boot I get this message:GRUB loading.error:unknown filesystemgrub rescue>I can't get into my bios options either... I just see the MSI splash screen and it cuts right to this error message.

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CentOS 5 :: Centos Stuck At First Boot?

May 17, 2010

I am familiar with linux and have done some managing of servers before. I just tried to install centos 5.5 on a server, but after booting the screen was blank and my monitor said vga mode not supported. I found online to press ctrl+alt+F1, which allows me to see the rest of the boot commands. Then after I was able to see the boot commands it says enabling /etc/fstab swap, but never says ok or gets past that part.

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CentOS 5 Server :: 5.3 I386 Stuck On Splash Screen - Waiting For A Click To Boot Normally

Jul 12, 2009

This is a standard install, just like I've done dozens of times before.

Plain vanilla, just installed.

When I boot, I get to the splash screen and it doesn't go into the default selection.

Could this be a Hardware thingy? The reason I ask is because I've had this issue happening with 5.2 on the same machine. I just formatted it completely and installed a fresh 5.3 i386 on it and I get the same behavior.

[root@server ~]# cat /boot/grub/grub.conf
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that


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CentOS 5 :: Grub Doesn't Automatically Boot OS After Install, Hangs At Grub Prompt?

Mar 21, 2011

I have used CentOS for a while and have never run into this issue. I searched all over and didn't see a similar issue anywhere, I did an install of CentOS as a server (no GUI) with only the base. Partition is /boot ext3, size of 100MB. The rest of the drive is partitioned as / with ext3. This is being done on a CompactFlash card of 32GB in size. The BIOS sees it as an IDE drive.

When the install completes and the system reboots, the grub stops at the grub> prompt. There is no menu for OS options. If I do the following commands:
grub>root (hd0,0)
grub>kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.el5 root=LABEL=/
grub>initrd /initrd-2.6.18-194.el5.img

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Software :: Grub Gets Stuck At GRUB Loading Stage 1.5 / Make It Work?

Jun 4, 2011

So I have 2 ide hdds but whenever they are both connected, grub gets stuck at GRUB loading stage 1.5. how can I resolve this problem?
both are Maxtors with ext4 fs. primary is 20 gb and secondary 80 gb.
Jumpers are set to cable select.
Boot order in bios is correct. (primary first, secondary isn't in the list at all)

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CentOS 5 :: Centos 5.2 Installed On /dev/hda3, Won't Boot, Cant Find Grub Stage 2?

Nov 10, 2009

I just upgraded by box from Fedora Core 9 to Centos 5.2. Finally!I have a 500GB SATA drive, it's partitioned into three equal size slices, hda1 through 3. The old Fedora was on hda1, I installed the new Centos on hda3. I instructed the installer to write the MBR to /dev/hda, not /dev/hda3. Fdisk says I have sector 0 unused.First, the system wouldn't boot - it just looped through the BIOS, rebooting over and over again. The BIOS sees the disk, but it never loaded Grub. I tried re-running grub-install /dev/hda, and not I get a Grub Error 17 after stage 1.5 loads.

I can boot from rescue OK, the grub.conf man menu.lst look fine, it's pointing to "root (hd0,2)". It's either the BIOS that can't find the MBR, or the MBR can't find Grub.When I looked at the disk with fdisk after the install, hda1 was still marked bootable, hda3 was not, so I swapped bootable flags but that has not made a difference. I also appended the new grub to the old grub thinking I could get the MBR (if it is there) to load the old grub and thence find the new Centos, but that didn't work either.Mobo is an old Shuttle AK35.Any ideas? Did I mess up by not telling the system to put the MBR on /dev/hda3? Is there a way to fix this without reinstalling?

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CentOS 5 :: Create A Boot Load Entry For Mandriva From Grub Centos?

Feb 22, 2011

Ive installed centos freebsd and mandriva but i want to manage grub from my centos and y create successfully a boot load for freebds. But for mandriva it just doesnt work... so how can a create a boot load entry for mandriva from grub centos?

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Installation :: Dual CentOS - Windows 7 Boot - Had To Delete CentOS Partition And No Grub Menu

Sep 19, 2010

3 partitions (in order): Windows 7, CentOS and shared data partition.

I need to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (c:windowswinsxs seems to be something not easily remedied).

GParted didn't work in moving things around (bad sector) so I wiped out its partition (# 2 out of 3) and I was able to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (I can reinstall CentOS easily and not much work lost).

Except ... no more grub menu (unsurprising). This incantation does allow me to boot into Windows 7.

Is there any way of rebuilding the grub menu short of reinstalling CentOS (5.5)?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Adaptec 1430sa Centos Do Not Boot After Initial Setup "grub"?

Nov 15, 2010

I am busy to do some tests using the Adaptec 1430sa hardware raid controler .I started the setup by generating the raid 1 aray and it worked ok .I did the regular setup of Cent Os 5.5 64 bits all worked ok but the system do not boot .When I start the box it enter the minimal grub screen .I tried to install a first time on the MBR like suggested and how it need to be done for soft raid setup .nd I tried to install it on the first cluster from the boot sequence like possible on second choice

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CentOS 5 :: GRUB Won't Boot Windows?

Jun 9, 2009

OK Here's how it was:

1 I have 2 SATA drives - The first (/dev/sda) is a Windows only drive The second (/dev/sdb) has a Linux Partition + Swap (sdb1 and sdb2) of 40GB and the rest is an ntfs partition(sdb3)

I used to have Ubuntu on the Linux partition that nicely detected Windows, installed the bootloader on sda and correctly set up the boot options, everything "Just worked"!

Since I'm studying for RHCT I decided to wipe Ubuntu for CentOS, Centos also nicely detected an "Other" operating system, but it decided to install the bootloader to sdb. After a few minutes of frustration I realised this had happened and changed the BIOS to boot sdb instead of sda. While GRUB now happily boots CentOS, When I select Windows it just hangs.

I tried grub-install /dev/sda and changing the BIOS to boot sda, all I got was GRUB GRUB GRUB printed on the screen and then nothing happens.

get both OSes to boot? I suspect that windows doesn't like it if the bootloader is on a different drive to it's own partition.


It's OK I tried again to grub-install /dev/sda and changed the /boot/grub/device.map file and reversed the hd0 and hd1 entries, i then edited the menu.lst file and did the same, it now boots both OSes ok. The only downside is the nice CentOS background is missing in Grub now :)

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: USB Keyboard Continually Getting Stuck Keys (but Only In CentOS)?

Jan 25, 2010

I just took delivery of a new computer, with CentOS 5 installed. It does not have a PS/2 keyboard socket, only USB. I get lots of strange "key stuck" problems - usually the shift key or the cursor keys (I guess I use them the most). Or sometimes key presses do not register. It makes it very difficult to use the machine.I have tried two keyboards (both of which work fine on other machines, or on this machine when booted with a live CD). The machine is an Intel i7. Are there any known problems with USB keyboard drivers in CentOS?

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General :: CentOs 5.3 - Grub Configuration For Boot Order

Feb 11, 2010

I clone an drive with CentOs 5.3 from a drive connected to ATA0 device 0 of an ATA controller to an identical drive connected to the same ATA contoller ATA1 device 0. No matter what I do it boots from ATA1 device 0 and I need to be able to control which one it is booted from. When I have puppy linux on one drive and CentOs on the other drive I can control the boot thru the system BIOS either way no matter if puppy is in ATA 0 or 1. So its not a BIOS issue. It appears (to me) to be a grub configuration issue. Since the 2 drives are clones they both have VolGroup00. I think grub loads from the last VolGroup00 found.

Here is my grub.conf file:
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.
# root (hd0,0)
# kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
# initrd /initrd-version.img
# boot=/dev/hde
title CentOS (2.6.18-128.el5)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-128.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
initrd /initrd-2.6.18-128.el5.img

Here is the Device.map:
# this device map was generated by anaconda
(hd0) /dev/hde

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CentOS 5 :: Ext4 For 5.4 - Non-bootable Addon Or GRUB Boot Off It?

Jul 6, 2009

I am noticing RHEL 5.4 is in beta. Does anyone know what 5.4's plans are for ext4? Is it still going to be a non-bootable addon? Or, will GRUB now boot off it?

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CentOS 5 :: Make Grub Boot Windows Automatically?

Nov 9, 2009

I have read some stuff but none seemed to work such as putting default=saved and in the window (other) section putting savedefault. hmm I know I can just specify the number after default but that breaks when a new kernel is installed. so any way to always make windows the default choice (so my wife will stop moaning

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CentOS 5 :: Grub And Dual Boot - Reconnected HDD1 But XP Is Disappeared

Aug 5, 2010

1 I have XP installed on HDD1 (SATA 200 Gb master). Now I installed Cetos 5.5 (use 4.1 Gb DVD1) on the second drive, HDD2 (Seagate STA 40 Gb slave.) I didnt fund the option for selecting boot location during installation, just selected second drive. I think this is my first mistaking. The Centos can�t boot up after initial installation. I disconnected the HDD1 (XP drive.) Then finished Centos install. � Second mistaking.

2 After that Sentos installed, I reconnected HDD1 but XP is disappeared. The grub.cfg shows about XP as:
Title other
Rootnoverity (hd1,0)
Chainloader +1

3 For finding XP I disconnected HDD2 (Sentos), but XP can�t be started. This message is shown up:

Just wait 5 seconds for normal startup! Boot: could not find kernel image:vmlinuz

4 I think that stuff was written by grub. I decided to get rid of them then reinstall all. I tried to deleted and create new partition, format c:, fixmbr, and fixboot, then install XP on c:. But above message still shows up when boot machine. I have to use XP install cd to start Windows XP.

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CentOS 5 :: Fresh Install 5.6 Won't Boot - Reboots Instantly On Selecting From Grub

May 14, 2011

I just installed 5.6 using the x86_64 netinstall - all appeared to go well, albeit a little slowly. At the end of the install i rebooted the machine but CentOS won't load. If I select the CentOS option from grub (only other option is 'other') the machine instantly reboots.

Only options selected for install where 'server' and 'server gui'.

Editing the CentOS options shows the following but I've no idea whether this is correct or not (assume it is):

root (hd1,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-238.e15 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb initrd /initrd-2.6.18-238.e15.img

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Debian :: Computer Stuck At Grub Screen

Jul 16, 2010

I have an old laptop (Acer TravelMate 350TE) which I would like to turn into a router. So, I downloaded i386 - Small CD and installed to that computer. Setup finished, system restarted but computer stuck at grub screen. A menu comes like this:But neither enter button nor arrow keys are working. How can I solve this ?

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Fedora :: Stuck At Grub Command Prompt

Jun 7, 2011

I was deleting some space off my C Drive and I believe I may of accidentally deleted Fedora, or some of it! I have a dual boot with Fedora and Windows XP so when I started my desktop up it would load into fedora by default or I could press a key to load XP! (It rhymes!) Now, however, it instantly loads up into "Grub"

And that's it! Run, Or Exit, or anything really, doesn't work! Except Reboot! So I'm a little stuck. It's an old PC and the Windows XP disc is long gone, if I ever had one! I had this thought that perhaps if I reinstall Fedora from a CD it many bring back the old command prompt and let me get back into XP again? Or, is that crazy talk??

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Boot After Fixing Partition Order In Fdisk - Grub Fails

Apr 29, 2009

It seemed that it would be simple enough: take the 'f' option in the expert menu of fdisk to put partitions in order after a gap had been created by a deleted partition and then make corresponding changes in /boot/grub/grub.conf because the root partition was shifted.

Well, it didn't work out that way. No matter what I try, I either see the error 15 at Stage1.5 or the error 28, which is even stranger (file does not fit into memory). All this before I even see a grub menu. It just does not get that far.

Does anyone want to take as stab at guessing what might have happened here and whether I have a chance at recovering without having to reinstall? I can provide concrete data, if anyone would be kind to give it a try. Hoping that this is a known problem and something can be guessed from what I stated here but I can be as specific as needed, just don't want to generate noise if there are no takers.

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Slackware :: Dual Boot Slackware With CentOS Using CentOS GRUB

Apr 11, 2011

For various reasons, I have to learn my way around CentOS. I have an old computer (P3) with Slackware on it. I threw in a second HDD that I had lying around and installed CentOS to it. I was figuring that I'd just decline installing GRUB or point GRUB to Slackware as the second OS and end up with dual boot.

The CentOS install, though, blew right past that part with offering me any options. It put a small boot partition on the CentOS drive and now the box boots straight into CentOS.

I've spent the better part of the day trying to get GRUB to boot the Slackware drive and had no luck, though I've learned a lot about GRUB error messages.

By the way, CentOS uses GRUB v 0.97.

Question: someone could point me to a reference.

Here's the output of fdisk -l on that computer (/dev/sda is a 4GB SCSI disk that was originally the boot disk for Windows 2000 server on that computer):


Here's the currentGRUB file. I added the section about Slackware. I've also tried pointing it at:


I've also tried:



Slackware's LILO:

It's been six months or more since I used this computer. It's my experiment-er "play" computer and I had taken the HDD out to test a computer for one of the members of my LUG, so I can't remember exactly how I configured the LILO install, but, if I did what I usually do, I installed it to the MBR of /dev/hda. I have considered just blowing away LILO, but I'd be happier if I could just use GRUB to call LILO.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Stuck At Boot With Raid (non Boot) In Fstab = Useless?

Nov 1, 2010

Forgive the terseness. I'm frazzled with this issue, perhaps I should have asked earlier. Every weekend for the past 2 months has been an endless cycle of 'repair broken system' off the install disk.

Installed from Ubuntu server 10.04LTS x86_64, + xfce-desktop Here is uname -a Linux ournas 2.6.32-25-server #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:06:58 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux If I add my raid + lvm to the fstab file, the boot stalls, (no error it, just hangs waiting, forever). So that's a not very user friendly to start with.

I've tried the suggestions about UUID in fstab tried using LABEL instead, or even /dev/xxx. Every time it hangs. I've googled this endlessly and not found a solution. So don't ask why... since I seem to have tried every odd suggestion to fix this, I've lost track. There seems to be some consensus that whoever gave us plymouth laid an egg. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but did we need a better graphical boot if it breaks everything else?


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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Got Stuck On Updating Grub

Jun 2, 2010

Got the network settings set up, tried to open firefox - nothing, wouldn't load. went into update manager and started updating the software. The update manager got stuck on updating Grub, I left it to do it's thing while I slept hoping it would finish. I wake up, go back to his pc and it's still stuck on grub, not really anything I could do but shut down his pc and try again, well, his pc doesn't even want to load Ubuntu now. I tried booting up several times, then tried the restore option in the loader, but all I get is this: [URL]...

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu Hard Reset Stuck At Grub

Sep 17, 2010

I currently have a problem where when xubuntu is restarted using the power button, it will prompt the user with grub asking which selection to boot (xubuntu recovery or xubuntu) this feature itself is fine, but for some reason there is no timer, which means that unless you hit enter, it will always be stuck on the GRUB selection screen. I am wondering if there is any way to change this, is there anyway to enter a timer into the system so no matter what, after x seconds it will boot xubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From 10.04 To 10.10 - Stuck At Grub Prompt

Jan 10, 2011

I upgraded my dell inspiron 6000 from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 then rebooted and now I am stuck at the grub prompt. I am able to boot from a flash drive and have run the boot script. This laptop did not have a dual boot system on it but it did have windows on it at one time, converted to ubuntu.

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General :: Stuck On GRUB Command Line / What Happened?

Mar 26, 2011

I am running Natty Alpha 3. I used Update Manager to install something (not sure what it was), then I restarted, but instead of listing all the kernels, it gave me a command line. I don't know what happened and how to use it.

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