Im using Firefox 3.6.12, and Ubuntu 10.10 When I go to this page for example:[URL].. and try to open third screenshot in first row... when I click on it, it is zooming in very slowly, and when I press X to exit it.. Firefox becomes unusable for about 5-10 seconds, and then starts to zoom-out the image, very slowly.I have this issue on every site that has big images to zoom, when I say big.I do not have issue with lets say 1600*1200 pixels, but I do with 2500*1600 pixels. My configuration : AMD Athlon 64 bit 3000+; Ati Radeon X600, 2GB DDR2. I have tested in all other browsers on my Ubuntu and its working fine. I have tried safe mode, I have tried new profile... I have tried latest Minefield beta. zooming is very slow everywhere I have tried live CDs Fedora 14, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 10.10 and all of them have this issue with Firefox. I have tried disabling Compiz... not helping, I have tried disabling Pango in bashrc file, not helping. Firefox on Windows is working fine, and everything else except Firefox is working fine on Ubuntu
I'm pretty new to ubuntu/linux and my knowledge about window managers is limited, so please bare with me. I was wondering if anyone knows a decent wm that supports tiling and can also have the zoom effect from compiz (mod+scroll up/mod+scroll down). I know compiz can achieve some tiling with the grid addon but that's not that great. I was looking for something more similar to how xmonad manages windows and workplaces.
When using Gmsh (a mesh software) and Salome (CAD software and for post-processing too) for zooming, the system logs out, and all jobs are killed. I zoom using the middle button of the mouse, by pushing it (withing Gmsh), or pushing the middle button with the Control key (within Salome).But when zooming with the middle button but using the scroll function, that produces the zoom too, the softwares seem to be ok and no immediat crash (but I don't know how many times it will be ok ...).Is there any troubles with graphic libraries ?
PS: OS : CentOS 5.3, recently updated, x86_64. On other linux distribution, no trouble reported by other colleagues.
Sometimes I accidentally winkey + middleclick with compiz, which makes the desktop zoom into a small box. So far, every time it happens, I usually just log out, then log back in and it fixed it. Is there a more proper way to return the desktop back to it's normal unmagnified state?
When zooming in on some websites there is no horizontal scroll bar and therefore you can't scroll over to see the rest of the webpage? Fedora 15, Gnome Shell and Firefox 4 & 5 & Nightly builds version 64bit. On this site for example [URL]. 30 views and no one has clicked the link and tested it in firefox?
Hi. I work with large image files. On my ubuntu laptop, the 20 MB files take forever to form the little preview thumbnail icons on the desktop, and everything freezes up until they generate.
I'm poking around my preferences and options, but I can't seem to find a way to tell Ubuntu that I don't want it to form preview icons. Is there some way to turn them off?
Recently due to partitioning and a power failure Ive had to now copy all my backup movies etc. back onto ubuntu as they are corrupted. At the moment the thumbnails of the movies are the generic orange media image and when I replace it with the backup movie, across to ubuntu and refresh the browser, the thumbnail stays the same i.e. it doesn't show a small screen cap of the movie. Is there a way to 'refresh' them properly as it were? I am running Ubuntu 10.10.
I want to disable only PDF thumbnails not the png, jpg or any other image format. In gconf-editor /apps/nautilus/preferences there is option only to disable all thumbnails. Is there any way to disable only pdf thumbnails
I have Ubuntu 9.10, and writing video files to a mounted disk is slow. The reason is every time the buffer is flushed to disk, Ubuntu starts making a new video thumbnail for the file.If I skip the first block that has the RIFF data, then Ubuntu doesn't realize it's a video, and the write speed is about doubled. Then I can write the RIFF data at the end of the transfer (in the appropriate place in the file).I have tried setting an exclusive flock on the file while writing; however, that does not prevent Ubuntu from reading the file while it's being written and generating thumbnails.
htm, .html and .shtml files, Nautilus runs a thumnailer to preview the file. I disable the thumnailer in gconf-editor at /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/text@html. Now it's just showing the text inside the file. How do I replace the thumbnail and now the text with just an icon for HTML?I attached an image that shows the preview thumbnail, text thumbnail, then icon, which is what I want it to look like.
I had system problems and I decided to do a fresh install and I could only save my home folder and be sure that my system worked. Ever since my new videos never had thumbnails. Is there any way to make sure they do have thumbnails for easy browsing.
I installed faenza icon theme and would like to have for my pdf docs only mime type (included in mime types/ icon theme), not a thumbnail. Is there some easy way to change this system wide? I tried this and similar suggestions found on net, but no go:
I installed firestarter and then at a later date uninstalled/purged it, both actions via synaptic. I have a very verbose boot, I like to see what's going on, and noticed after the uninstall/purge that I was getting an error zooming up the screen containing firestarter in it. After many restarts I found that a file was left in /etc/network/if-up.d/50firestarter and this file was simply a script trying to restart firestarter. At this point I've commented out the calling line and followed the commented line with exit 0. This removes the error but there's still a link calling the file so, is this a bug or am I missing something? It appears the uninstall/purge wasn't entirely complete.
I'm currently using Lucid Lynx and my video thumbnails won't load. I already modified my preferences that thumbnails would always load, and set that files smaller 4GB will load. Only the generic video thumbnails load. I already tried deleting the files in ~/.thumbnails/fail/gnome-thumbnail-factory/ but still problem exists.
I am currently using Ubuntu 10.04 and is stuck in enabling RW2 thumbnails under Nautilus. I have successfully installed "ufraw" and "gimp-ufraw" packages. They are tested to be working. how to get the thumbnails out when exploring a directory? The icon appears like a black screen at the moment.
If i want to upload an image to a website, the file browser for firefox comes up. When I'm uploading images I like to see big thumbnails as a scroll through but I can only see file names and one thumbnail at a time.
I have a 3TB home server storing all my files and a mix of XP, Vista & Ubuntu clients on a Gigabit network. When I access a folder with JPEG photos on the XP or Vista machines and I have them set to display thumbnails that is exactly what I get. The thumbnails load nice and fast. When I access the same folders on the Ubuntu machines with "icon view" it only displays a black icon that says "JPG" but if I copy that folder over to a local drive on the Ubuntu machines then the thumbs display just fine. Does anyone have any idea how to change this on the Ubuntu machines so they load thumbnails for networked photos as well?
When I open Thunar, I can see thumbnails of jpegs, but not for video, pdf or document files. I've got the Thumbnailers package installed as part of XFCE Goodies, and also ffmpegthumbnailers (? I think, I'm at work so can't check). I've looked for a setting to change, but can't see anything relevant. Previous installations have allowed me to have beautiful thumnail icons.
I have a WebDAV server at home with at folder that I want to mount on my Ubuntu computer at work over the Internet. Everything works fine if I just use dav://user@server:port in Nautilus so I tried adding it to fstab (using davfs2) and managed to get it to mount fine.
The problem is that when mounted using fstab Nautilus thinks that it is a lokal folder and downloads images and movies to create thumbnails/previews, something that it doesn't do when just using dav://. This uses a lot of bandwith everytime I'm trying to access a folder with any media. I'm wondering if there is any way to exclude my entire /media/nas folder from showing thumbnails?
Apparently, Ubuntu (and Xubuntu) keep copies of all thumbnails ever loaded, cached in ~/.thumbnails. To me, this is creepy and can be bad from a security standpoint. Is there any way to have all thumbnails loaded on-the-fly, but not to have them ever cached on disk? I tried symlinking ~/.thumbnails to /dev/null, but this disabled thumbnails entirely.
I have a Panasonic G1 digital camera this outputs raw files in Panasonic's own format (suffix .rw2). UfRaw and RawTherapee can both read these so I can work on them in ubuntu (though ufraw displays a very overexposed image at first). f-spot has problems and displays a funny pinkish mess.
Can I get F-spot to display .rw2 thumbnails?
I would actually like to get Gnome to be able to display panasonic raw thumbnails as well. Is this possible?
As an aside it would be one in the eye for windoz as Panasonic have not released a codec for XP, only for Vista and 7 (and it seams to have a nasty hook in it according to dp review)
I have a 3TB home server storing all my files and a mix of XP, Vista & Ubuntu clients on a Gigabit network. When I access a folder with JPEG photos on the XP or Vista machines and I have them set to display thumbnails that is exactly what I get. The thumbnails load nice and fast. When I access the same folders on the Ubuntu machines with "icon view" it only displays a black icon that says "JPG" but if I copy that folder over to a local drive on the Ubuntu machines then the thumbs display just fine. Does anyone have any idea how to change this on the Ubuntu machines so they load thumbnails for networked photos as well?
I have a large collection of pictures, I use gthumb for managing it and I would like to know if there is a way for sharing thumbnails between different users on the same local computer (for saving space and also time, because if I already loaded a folder with 10000 pictures the other user will load it faster without re-thumbnailing the folder
I tried to search about this from google and opensuse forums but didn't find any help, so I'm starting this topic.I just updated to OpenSUSE 11.1 with newest gnome and default kernel. The problem is, I don't have video thumbnails any more in nautilus. If I recall correctly, in 11.0 I had them with totem-xine, but now I can't find it in any repos. Added some additional repositories, but still nothing.
If there is not totem-xine available, how to get video thumbnails, I mean like generating automatically every time I open a folder with video files in it.