Ubuntu :: What Tweaks Are Needed For Above Set Up?

Aug 7, 2011

Anyone know what tweaks are needed for above set up?

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Ubuntu :: Tweaks Tab - Breadcrumbs Did Not Work

May 27, 2010

I've done the making tweaks tab and now the breadcrumbs are still not showing.

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Ubuntu :: Printing To File Tweaks?

Sep 3, 2010

I'm doing a lot of print to file and selecting pdf. It is an awesome feature. But I'd like to add a location to the "Save in folder" drop down menu. What would be better is to add a location, and then make it the default location. It would also be awesome to change the default from .ps to .pdf. This would greatly speed up my save to file process.

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Ubuntu :: Get Program Like Tools / Tweaks?

Nov 22, 2010

I want more program like ubuntu tools and ubuntu tweaks

where can i find it

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tweaks - Connection Seems To Pause For About 5-10 Seconds

Jan 7, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu for the first time, and I installed sucessfully World of Warcraft, but I'm noticing some networking issues where my whole network connection seems to pause for about 5-10 seconds at a time, which I finally realized when I played WoW. So i was curious where the settings are that I can change to possible eliminate that, or what others have done to increase their network throughput on their cards.

I'm running Unbuntu 9.10 64bit with the latest version of Wine from the Synaptic Package Manager. The router is a LinksysWRT54G3G-ST and my wireless network card I think is something made from MSI I don't see where to find out what drivers are installed on it I'm probably just looking in the wrong place or I'd give more information on the card.

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Ubuntu :: Tweaks Specific To WINE When Switching From Xubuntu?

May 7, 2011

On my initial move from Ubuntu to Xubuntu my FPS dropped from around 36 to 4.Recommendations from WINE were to make sure I was using proprietary drivers, and that any desktop affects like compiz fusion were disabled. Opening Menu > System > Additional Drivers revealed the following:

Querying this in #xubuntu on Freenode I learned that there is a known bug that drivers will be in use although this applet may report otherwise. On activating the other driver, reactivating the original 'current version', and rebooting, lspci -k outputs:

00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 02)
Subsystem: Dell Device 01dd
Kernel modules: i2c-i801
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 LE] (rev a1)
Subsystem: Dell Device 0405
Kernel driver in use: nvidia


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Monitor/screen Adjustment And Resolution Tweaks?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a dell studio hybrid PC which I am hooking up to my TCL brand 40" LCD TV to use as a media center pc. The problem I am having is that I can't get the TV's native 1920x1080 resolution to display properly. The rendered desktop doesn't quite fit in the screen (I think its the top and bottom edges that are cut off) so for example the menu bar at the top is completely off the screen.

1680x1050 works fine in the sense that it fits the full desktop to the screen size, but its not the native res. In the resolution changer utility, it recognizes that my TV is a TCL brand but mentions 36 in the model name (the TV I have has 40 in the model name to denote 40") so I think Ubuntu is recognizing the wrong size TV. How can I finagle the screen settings to make the 1920x1080 fit properly on my monitor? Or get Ubuntu to correctly recognize my TV? My TV is a no-name brand so its hard to find info on it or others setting up linux with it.

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Fedora Security :: Tweaks For Storing Information In Ram?

Nov 19, 2010

I've been looking for a tweak that would allow me to store temp and log files in ram. I've found a few that involved editing the fstab file, but they were either Ubuntu articles or they were over a year old and perhaps didn't apply to Fedora 14.I hear there is also a 'noatime' command that can help speed up processes by telling the kernel not to saved when files are accessed.And what are the advantages and disadvantages of noatime, and writing log/tmp files to ram?

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Fedora Servers :: VNC In FC10 Tweaks - Apple Standard Client Is Slow Over Wifi

Jan 1, 2009

I'm relatively new to Linux, but willing to take a plunge and climb the steep learning curve! I've recently installed Fedora 10 on a spare box I'd like to have running in the lounge by the TV as a TV recorder. Before starting out with MythTV, I would like to get the box running the basics... and hit no major snags with display / audio drivers. I've finally managed to connect to the box via VNC from my macbook over the wireless network. The Apple standard client is slow over wifi, so have started using 'Chicken of the VNC' as the client. At the server end, I intalled vnc-server via yum. I've also tweaked things in ~/.vnc/xstartup so that my default window manager over vnc is gnome.


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OpenSUSE Network :: Any Good Tweaks To Speed Up Network

Apr 12, 2011

Can anyone suggest any good tweaks to speed up network please?

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Fedora :: System Update Fails Error "librpmio.so.0 Is Needed By Package Abrt-1.0.3-1.fc12.i686 (updates) Librpm.so.0 Is Needed By Package Abrt-1.0.3-1.fc12.i686 (updates)"

Jan 10, 2010

when ever i try to install updates i get shown an error & the updates stop the error i get says "librpmio.so.0 is needed by package abrt-1.0.3-1.fc12.i686 (updates) librpm.so.0 is needed by package abrt-1.0.3-1.fc12.i686 (updates)"

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Ubuntu :: What Is Actually Used And Needed In Kernel Config?

Jun 4, 2010

I would like to compile my own kernel. I am familiar with how to do it and have done it in the past so I'm not looking for a how to compile a kernel. In the kernel config are many, many options. In the past when I compiled kernels I always wondered about what is needed and used. What is the best way to determine what is currently used, not set or enabled in the existing config, but actually used by my existing kernel?I have a general idea of what is loaded and could do trial and error, turn this and that off, recompile, etc but is there an easier way?

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Ubuntu :: How Much Root Space Is Needed

Aug 24, 2010

I am going to create an ubuntu partition just over 200GB.I have 4 GB RAM, so I am going to create 4GB swap.Then I am going to separate the remainder into root and home.Is 10 GB of root enough?(btw, it's going to be lucid)

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Ubuntu :: More Swatch Space Needed?

May 10, 2011

I have a little problem with "Hibernate".Since I upgraded to 11.04 I get an error message, which tells me, that there was not enough swatch space to hibernate. So I always have to close all programs.Would it be possible to increase swatch space without formatting the disks and reinstall everything?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Old / Un-needed Kernal Versions?

Jan 4, 2010

I did "uname -a" and it's showing that I'm using 2.6.31-16-generic of the Linux Kernel. Now, in the GRUB2 boot menu, it's showing

2.6.31-14-generic & recovery
2.6.31-15-generic & recovery

and the current one: 2.6.31-16-generic & recovery.

I would like to remove the old ones because of the pileup they're creating.

Other info: I have wXP pro as my dualboot OS.

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Ubuntu :: Is Nspluginwrapper Needed For 32-bit Flash With Firefox 3.6.4

Jun 22, 2010

I wonder if the Firefox 3.6.4 Out-Of-Process-Plugins mechanism makes nspluginwrapper needed any more. Isn't it possible to have a 32-bit plugin-container process along with 64-bit Firefox? Then we could get rid of still buggy nspluginwrapper and at the same time not care about 64-bit Flash any more.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Up-to-date PHP 5.2 Versions Needed?

Aug 23, 2010

I am currently running multiple VPS's of which one is a Hardy based LAMP install with PLESK. I have just one gripe about running Hardy on this VPS: PHP 5.2 is horribly outdated!! It has 5.2.4 in the repos, whilst 5.2.14 was released a while ago. As an LTS server distro you would expect these kinds of packages to be updated to ensure security? Please don't tell me I can use Dotdeb, it was never meant for Ubuntu and I have had problems with it in the past.

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Ubuntu :: How To REMOVE Password When Needed To Install Anything

Sep 24, 2010

How to REMOVE a password when it appears when I install a program or when I want to start my DSL connection or anything to install.I think that named 'sudo password but i don't know for sure :S

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Ubuntu :: Password Needed To Restore Screen?

Oct 25, 2010

I have UNR 10.10 on two netbooks (Acer Aspire and Asus Eee). On both, irrespective of Power Management settings, the screen blacks out after a short period of inactivity and cannot be restored until the password is entered. This seems to be a UNR problem because the original Linux versions (Linpus Lite and Xandros respectively) dod not suffer from this.

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Ubuntu :: Not On Net : Download Needed Deps For A Package?

Nov 9, 2010

I don't have an Internet connection for now. How can I download only needed deps for a package automatically?

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Ubuntu :: Onscreen Keyboard That Only Pops Up When Needed?

Nov 13, 2010

I've tried iok, cellwriter (a cracker) and a few others but what annoys me is that I can't seem to find a way to get them to vanish and only pop up when a text entry box is clicked into (wii web browser stylee). Is it possible, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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Ubuntu :: What Files Are Needed To Boot Into Another Kernel

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying to find out what files are needed to boot into another kernel.

I know there's vmlinuz* & initrd* but what else is need?

Is is possible to just copy some files to a partition with an already running Ubuntu version, set up grub & boot a different kernel?

I've seen some documentation on building a new kernel but I was wondering since I already have a good running kernel on a different hard drive if I could just move it & test it on another drive without having to build it.

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Ubuntu Security :: Sudo Su. No Password Needed

Mar 22, 2011

why when I type sudo su in a terminal there's no need to enter my password, I just go straight into root

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Ubuntu :: Grub Boot Menu Help Needed

May 10, 2011

Can someone inform on how to change the font text size and also the font colors in the Grub menu in 11.04 Natty?Editing /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme doesn't do it in Natty.I'm using a custom background theme in the Grub menu.

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Ubuntu :: 5:4 Ratio Needed For Proper Display?

Jun 29, 2011

I need my xorg in 9.10 to be in 5:4 ratio for it to display properly. Does any one know how I can do this. Can not update to 10.04 because I get frozen screen with activity indicator stuck in upper left corner. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a copy of my config:

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder63) Fri Aug 14 17:54:58 PDT 2009
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"


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Ubuntu Security :: Antivirus Needed In 11.04 In Windows?

Aug 4, 2011

I am new to ubuntu natty narhwal 11.04 i want to ask as i have used only windows OSs where one must have to run anti virus for smooth computing. I am shifted to ubuntu now please tell me is there any need to use anti virus in ubuntu or not if yes then please guide me which anti virus and how should i install it on my ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Packages Needed For Compiling Module?

May 24, 2011

A friend is running Ubuntu 10.04 on a laptop that uses the Ralink RT5390 chip for wifi which requires compiling and adding a module. My plan is to...

1. download on my 10.04 laptop whatever .dpkg packages are needed to compile a new module,

2. meet at a location that has a good wifi (just in case),

3. connect the two laptops with a cross-over Ethernet cable,

4. download and install the compiling tools + module source on her laptop, I need to know three things:

1. Which Ubuntu packages must I download to be able to compile a new module? Is "build-essential" enough?

2. Where can I find those packages as .dpkg, so I can install from those offline files instead of fetching them from the Net?

3. To get an Ethernet connection going between the two laptops, do I need to do anything extra on her laptop besides assigning it an IP manually that is in the same range as my laptop?

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Ubuntu :: Wine Version Needed To Run The Online Installer Of WoW?

May 14, 2010

Does anyone know the wine version needed to run the online installer of WoW? I get stuck on the End User License Agreement because I cannot click Agree. Oh and if you know, how do I go about getting that version?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installs On Two Different Drives - Advice Needed?

May 22, 2010

Here's a screenie of partitions where Ubuntu is currently installed:[URL]..sda1 is the partition where Windows used to reside - that's why it's flagged as 'boot'. When I nuked Windows, I just left it flagged that way as I figured that's where Grub is installed and didn't want to screw anything up.

I'm about to add a new 1TB drive for Lucid (most likely). I want to move this current drive to the second drive bay so it will become sdb 1,2,3 but keep it functional (at least until I'm convinced that Lucid will work for me). Here are my questions:

Will Lucid find the old Ubuntu install on sdb automatically and give me a choice of dual boot?

Will the old Grub legacy be overwritten? Should I remove the old 'boot' flag or leave it like it is? Do I even need a boot flag on sdb since BIOS is set to boot from sda? Any other tips before I start mucking around in a perfectly functioning system?

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Ubuntu :: What Directory Permissions Needed For Bittornado To Work

Oct 11, 2010

I installed torrentflux and set it up no problem. Can log in and add torrents. However, trying to start torrents doesn't work. I tried to change the d/l directory using torrentflux, to an external USB drive, where the d/l dir is owned by root. If I change the d/l directory to /usr/share/torrentflux/www/downloads, then the downloads run fine. I suspect this is a bittornado problem with file/directory permissions. I tried chmod 777 -R /mydownloaddir, but that hasn't worked. If it helps the actual directory structure of where I want the downloads to go is :

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