Ubuntu :: How Much Root Space Is Needed

Aug 24, 2010

I am going to create an ubuntu partition just over 200GB.I have 4 GB RAM, so I am going to create 4GB swap.Then I am going to separate the remainder into root and home.Is 10 GB of root enough?(btw, it's going to be lucid)

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Ubuntu :: More Swatch Space Needed?

May 10, 2011

I have a little problem with "Hibernate".Since I upgraded to 11.04 I get an error message, which tells me, that there was not enough swatch space to hibernate. So I always have to close all programs.Would it be possible to increase swatch space without formatting the disks and reinstall everything?

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General :: How Much Disk Space Needed To Setup Local Repo Mirror

Jan 30, 2010

I am thinking about setting up a local Debian Repository mirror. I want it to mirror just the Debian Repo at [URL].. Anyone have any idea how much disk space I might need to do it?

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Slackware :: Disk Space Lost- Root Partition Has Very Little Space Left

Jan 31, 2010

Today I was installing a lot of software since I'm just setting up my Slackware system again after a fresh install, and I realized that my root partition has very little space left.

Here is the output of df -h:


As you can see, I have a 20G (19G here for some reason) root partition, 8G /var, and 86G of /home. I thought this would be plenty since many recent recommendations for / are 10-15G. Now, though, 17G are used up for some reason! How is this possible? I thought a full slackware install only had about 4G of software! I don't have any music or movies or any crazy huge files that I know of, and those would be in my /home directory anyway. Is there any way I can see which files are taking up all this space?

If it's necessary to allocate more space to my / partition, is it still possible to boot up a GParted live Cd, shrink /home a bit, move some partitions to the right, and expand my root partition? I would REALLY prefer I don't have to reinstall since I just spent a ton of time setting up my system again, but if worst comes to worst ... :'-(

In case you're curious, here's my /etc/fstab:


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Ubuntu :: Deleted Something As Root And Did Not Get Space Back / Nothing In Root Trash?

Jul 22, 2010

So I transfered a few folders with videos in them to the public folder on an Ubuntu 10.04 laptop I have from my Ubuntu 10.04 64bit laptop. When I wanted to delete the folder I didn't have permission so I ran "gksudo nautilus" so I could delete it as root. So I deleted the folder but I did not get the space back!

I went to /.local/Shared/Trash and one of the folders I deleted was there but deleting it didn't get that space back either.

I did some searching but most of what I find doesn't help or tells me to look in the folder /.local/Shared/Trash folder but that didn't help any.

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Debian Configuration :: When User Is Admin Root Password Is Still Needed

May 7, 2015

I'm using Debian Jessie Cinnamon right now. I've got 1 user account on my machine--fred--as well as root, of course. "fred" is an administrator, and many times that is enough for root priviledges, for example, I can install packages via apt or dpkg. However, I cannot access "Users and Groups", or install packages via GDebi, with my password. For that, I have to have the root password.

I know that it is possible to let the admin account handle everything and not even need root--for example, Mint and (I believe) Ubuntu do it this way. I don't know how, though.

Code: Select allgroups fred
fred : fred cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev lpadmin scanner bluetooth

I did disable the root account by Code: Select allsudo passwd -l root to see if it would make any change. Nothing different happened except that I now can't use GDebi or access "Users and Groups" since the root account and therefore password is inactivated. Not a big deal to get it back, though.

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OpenSUSE :: Update Applet - Su / Root Password Always Needed (GNOME)

Apr 30, 2010

I have a minor problem with my "Update Applet 2.28.0" in Gnome. It occurs when I want to make the applet do one or more suggested update(s). It always asks me for the password of superuser/root: "Authenticate : Authentication is required to update packages. [...]". I think under my installation before (11.1 maybe updated from an older version) I could tell the automatic/semi automatic updater to remember the su password (in YaST or in the authentication dialog?).

In the help manual on my computer (and in the internet) there is the possibility to make the updater remember the password via policy kit: ("Access to all privileged operations is controlled via PolicyKit." See: GNOME Documentation Library : gnome-packagekit Manual : Introduction) I could not find any policy kid or any other possibility to give to the automatic updater (or its user) that privilege permanently (=to remember authorization). I think on a system with more (real) users this could be a real problem (not just an inconvenience).

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Ubuntu :: Wine / Rosetta Stone - "Cannot Create Needed Files Of Not Enough Disk Space"

Mar 27, 2010

Running ver 9.10 with Wine installed. Up untill about 2 mos ago Wine loaded 'Rosetta' ok. I tried last week and get Application Error. "Cannot create needed files of not enough disk space". I have over 35 gb unused space. I removed wine (purged) and re-installed -- still no good. It however works on my laptop that has same configuration (9.10)??

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Ubuntu :: Resize Entire /root (root.disk) Virtual Disk Space?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm running out of space in wubi. Online wubi help didn't help much since they suggest creating extra virtual disk space(similar to having a diffrent partition i guess) .None of them speak about increasing the size of /root disk space(or root.disk). I store all files in space shared with windows or external disk and use ubuntu only to install and use softwares and browsing. So how do increase the available space for installing more softwares?

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OpenSUSE :: Installed Truecrypt Onto 11.3 (KDE) And Noticed That Truecrypt Needed To Be Started As Root?

Aug 10, 2010

Installed Truecrypt onto openSUSE 11.3 (KDE) and noticed that Truecrypt needed to be started as root.Modified visudo using YAST asusername ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/truecryptHowever, when copying files from my backup drive into the Truecrypt partition, there is an access problem (couldn't remember actual error message)In Konsole , updated visudo to username ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/truecrypt Copying is allowed and working fine.Question:1. What is the difference between the above two visudo setting?2. How to updated visudo to the second setting in YAST?3. How to change the editor for visudo in konsole using nano instead of vi?

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Ubuntu :: Why Is Root Running Out Of Space With 64 GB Free?

Mar 7, 2010

I've been searching the web on this, followed up hints and tips (e.g. URL...) but with no results.I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on 3 disk configuration:
1: 80GB SSD running root with /home mounted to the next disk
2: 250GB HDD where /home lives
3: 250GB backup of disk 2

My system is complaining since just now with:The volume "file system root' has only 640MB od disk space left

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Without Space In Root?

May 3, 2010

I would like to upgrade my ubuntu to 10.04. My root partition has only 1GB free but I have plenty space in my home partition. The last time I upgraded I expanded my root partition for the upgrading, but I am not really happy with this solution. I would like to create a link from the directory where the installation files are downloaded to another place in my home partition. I don't know where are downloaded. It is sufficient with a symbolic link? Must I mount a partition or a usb memory?

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Ubuntu :: Root Parition Now Unallocated Space

Jan 16, 2011

I have a 1TB drive and divided it for a dual boot setup; win XP SP3 on one half and ubuntu on the other. Upon rebooting one day, I received the 'error no such partiiton' and found myself at the grub rescue prompt. I tried to repair grub, reinstall grub, fsck to check the filesystem but the root partition was listed as unallocated space and could not be mounted. Nothing worked; I checked the HDD for errors, etc and everything was clean. Windows also saw the parition as free space then unallocated space. The swap partition was still present and unaffected. Does anyone have any ideas or have seen this before?

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General :: Ubuntu - Adding Space To A Root Partition

Aug 2, 2010

I have some contiguous free space available next to where my root partition resides on the hard drive. I was thinking of resizing the root partition with gparted to take up this space, but it's kind of risky. I was wondering if there is another way to include this partition into my Linux partition without resizing? Like somehow link it in so that / will have more free space?

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Ubuntu :: Disk Space Is Wrong On Root Partition?

Jan 15, 2010

My root partition seems to be full bur is wrong because I have a partition with 15Gb space and the data is arround 7.5Gb I have:



PHP Code:

sudo df -lha
S.ficheros            Tama�o Usado  Disp Uso% Montado en
/dev/sda5              15G   14G  660M  96% /
proc                     0     0     0   -  /proc
/sys                     0     0     0   -  /sys


When I look for specific info about what is taking the space using du command I get that the space used by the root system is 7.2Gb. I get to the same conclusion when checking the space with Nautilus.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reduce Reserved Space For Root On Partition

May 19, 2010

i have a 700GB ext4 partition for storage purposes. By default it has 5% of the space (35GB!) reserved for root, which does not make sense for this partition. how can i reduce this percentage? there is already a lot of data on the partition and i'm afraid that mke2fs would erase all the data. is there a way to change the percentage without touching the data?

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Ubuntu :: Space On Root Partition Mysteriously Disappearing

Oct 19, 2010

I'm not sure if I can even explain this properly! I'm attaching a hopefully self-explanatory screenshot of

(1) system monitor saying that 23.3 out of 24.6 GB of my root is used (!!!)
(2) diskanalyzer showing root should be 5.9+4+3.3+some small stuff = about 15 GB.

At startup I get a warning saying something along the lines of "you only have 50MB available on root file system.. you should delete unnecessary files.. " and that opens Disk Usage Analyzer.

Possible suspect - I had been trying out VirtualBox. On root. My virtual machine did have an 8gig hard drive, expandable I believe. But it never got past 1.7, and I've removed it, uninstalled VB and removed it from trash. (Is this weird: my trash is at /home/me/.local/share/Trash/files - took me a hell of a while to find it!)

With 100MB available on root I can barely do anything! My whole compiz/config setup even disappeared after a reboot!

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Ubuntu :: Mounted Partition Takes Up Space In Root?

Dec 31, 2010

Today I was notified on my netbook that my root folder is running out of space. When I ran the disk analyzer, it showed that most of the space is going towards the videos folder in /media/win7. My ~/Videos folder is symbolically linked to the videos folder on my Windows partition, which is mounted in my fstab using ntfs-3g under /media/win7. The question now is, shouldn't the videos only exist in the windows partition? /media/win7 usage shouldn't affect space usage in my root folder right?

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Ubuntu :: Adding Unallocated Space To Root Partition?

Jan 13, 2011

I am having an issue adding unallocated space to my root partition. Based on other threads I figured out that the unallocated space needs to be right next to the partition that one wants to extend. In my case, I would like to extend 'ext3' in attached screenshot of gparted. I carved out a 1002MB space and moved this unallocated space right under the ext3 partition (/dev/sda3). How do I add this unallocated space to /dev/sda3 please? When I run 'gparted' on bootup (using linux running on a usb stick), I don't get the option to increase the size of /dev/sda3. Basically the unallocated space is not being 'seen' when I try to resize /dev/sda3.

$df -l
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 3844152 2935868 713008 81% /
none 502400 260 502140 1% /dev
none 508008 248 507760 1% /dev/shm


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Fedora :: No Space In Root Directory

Nov 25, 2010

I am using fedora 12. I got "no space in root directory" warning from the system. When I went through it, I found many of the space has been occupied by /var/log/httpd/error-log file. So I just deleted the file but when I check the space with "df -h" command. It shows 0% availability. The same problem occurred before but it solved when I restarted the system. But how to regain the space without restarting the system?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Out Of Space In Root

Mar 3, 2010

I have somehow ran out of space in my root folder and am not sure how to either increase it or clean out some of the unnecessary stuff.That and im not sure why its full since all my files are in the home folder.

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General :: No Space In Root Directory ?

Nov 25, 2010

I am using fedora 12. i got "no space in root directory" warning from the system..when i went through it, i found many of the space has been occupied by /var/log/httpd/error-log file. so i just deleted the file..but when i check the space with "df -h" command.it shows 0% availability..the same problem occured before...but it solved when i restarted the system..but how to regain the space wihtout restarting the system?

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Ubuntu :: Volume Filesystem Root Has Only 25mb Space Remaining

Feb 28, 2011

I'm getting an error message that something along the lines of "volume "filesystem root" has only 25mb space remaining". How do I increase the volume size so I never have to worry about it again? This is the 3rd time I've tried ubuntu and it's sticking more and more but this has me thoroughly perplexed. I've got a 320GB HDD partitioned 3 times with a Linux partition being 7GB.

Dual booting Win7Pro.
Running ubuntu 10.10 64-bit

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Make Enough Space / No Root File System?

Jun 27, 2011

I've been trying to install ubuntu 11.04 64 bit on a partition next o windows 7 64 bit.When I use the default option (no matter how large I make the partition) I get the error message that not enough space could be created. I read this could e solved by defragmenting the hard drive which I did, but the problem persists.I next tried to partition manually but go the error message that there was "No root file system is de or something similar

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Fedora :: Root Logical Volume Ran Out Of Space?

Nov 13, 2009

My computer: (Lenovo T61 Thinkpad, running fc11 for about 2 and half months). Apparently I when I made my partitions I didn't leave quite enough room in my root directory, because I just completely ran out. Here is how my hard drive is partitioned:

1 physical volume group (sda)
4 logical volumes (home, root, swap, var)

The root had about 15 gigs on it, which just filled up. When I restarted to see if that would help, when it rebooted it went fine up to the log-in screen. Instead of the usual fedora blue background, it was black except for the log-in window, which looked very low-res. A little pop-up kept coming up saying the GNOME power configuration settings failed to load or something. When I logged in, the whole screen was black except for the mouse, and I could get no response. I have plenty of space left in home, so I rebooted to rescue mode using the first fedora installation disk, and tried the following command:


lvreduce -L90G /dev/mapper/DRIVE

which only returned:


lvreduce: relocation error: lvreduce: symbol dm_tree_node_size_changed, version Base not defined in file libdevmapper.so.1.02
So I couldn't reduce the size of home, and thus couldn't increase the size of root.


a) the lack of memory in root the probable cause for my computer not working

b) there a good way to reduce home and increase root while running this live disk

Note: When I am looking at it now in the logical volume manager, it says that on the whole physical volume there is only 400MB free. However, when I last looked (about 30 mins before I started having problems) it said there were about 100 Gb free.

Edit: Nevermind. I did some more research and it turned out to be more of a gnome power manager thing rather than a memory space thing, although I'm certainly going to increase my root memory now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.04 Beta 2 \ Way To Increase The Space Allocation To Root?

Apr 15, 2010

Tried installing using update-manager -d and received notification that my root does not have adequate space. Removed most of what I can and I am still short 560 mb or so. Even risking the removal of some questionable items I just don't see freeing up this much space to make it happen.Is there another way to install 10.04?Is there a way to increase the space allocation to root?Stupid question but, can I delete the image file for 2.6.31-20 without affecting the 2.6.31-20 version? Even if I can still not large enough to get to the 560 mb.

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General :: Extending Root Partition By Shrinking VAR Space

Apr 5, 2011

I have serwer Debian with my website. My provider splited the disc into 5GB partition for / and 495GB partition for /var. Everything was going ok for over two years but now I don't have enough memory on /. I'd like to increase the partition but the problem is that /var is just next to it so I can't easily change the end of the first one. I need some safe solution. It might be even just shrinking partition for /var, adding new one after if it helps anyhow (I have about 450GB free memory).

Some outputs
Code: # df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 5201536 5173904 0 100% /
tmpfs 1023464 0 1023464 0% /lib/init/rw
udev 10240 2672 7568 27% /dev
tmpfs 1023464 0 1023464 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda2 478812280 10336484 444345032 3% /var
overflow 1024 4 1020 1% /tmp

# parted print
GNU Parted 2.3
Using /dev/sda
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) print
Model: ATA ST3500418AS (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 500GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 512B 5369MB 5369MB primary ext3 boot
2 5369MB 500GB 494GB primary ext3
3 500GB 500GB 538MB primary linux-swap(v1)

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General :: Resize Root Partition & Add Space To Home?

Aug 8, 2010

l my root (/) partition has 11G free space and my /home is only left with 5g around and /usr has around 8g in my fedora 13 .So is there any possibility to "resize" the root partition and add it to home partition bcoz i see the opposite in the threads(resize home to add space to root).My home has nothin more than a movie which is 700MB and i've installed some new application yesterday. But it shows half of the space is almost used!!!

/dev/sda7 12G 925M 11G 9% /
tmpfs 497M 2.6M 495M 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda9 12G 5.0G 6.0G 46% /home
/dev/sda8 12G 4.1G 7.3G 36% /usr

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General :: No Space On Root After Large Move Operation?

Feb 16, 2010

I tried to move 2.7TB of data from my /var/webroot/ partition (4.5TB total in size). I left it to run over night, this morning when I came to check I saw that all data on / paratition is used up and no operations can be done because of the "no space left on device" message.


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/cciss/c0d0p7 911G 911G 0 100% /
tmpfs 7.9G 0 7.9G 0% /lib/init/rw


I freed up several hundred MB from / but still the usage is at 100% and I cant free up any more space or complete the transfer ?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Recover The Space Under /home And Expand The Root Partition?

Jun 29, 2011

So, I wan't completely paying attention to the default partitioning that Red Hat Enterprise 6 does.

I was setting up a base image for VMWare and the disk was 200GB, but for some reason the default is for about 40% to go to the root partition and then the rest of it to go to /home (this doesn't include the 2GB or so in swap).

Is there an easy way to recover the space under /home and expand the root partition? Assume there are no user accounts created.

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