Ubuntu :: Viewing Videos - Error - Please Install Or Activate The Windows Media Player Plugin ?
Aug 12, 2010
I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. But I have problems viewing videos from www.lynda.com. I can see videos at cnn, ..... and other websites without problems.
I get the following error at Lynda.com: "Please install or activate the Windows Media Player Plugin!
For Internet Explorer you have to install Windows Media Player.
For Firefox on Windows install the Microsoft Media Player Plugin. If it's already installed it may be disabled.
To check, go to Tools menu, choose Add-ons and then Plugins tab. There look for Microsoft Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin and reenable it."
While using Rhythmbox this morning, I was greeted by a blunt and undiscriptive error message:
Plugin Error:Unable to activate plugin Cover Art.Going to the plugin page, I was supprised to find that most of the installed plugins would not load. Without any info being offered in the player, I looked on line. Many people had problems with other plugins, and most of the time it was a problem with an uninstalled python package. But I checked on this site and I found that I had all of these packages installed. (Well, the python ones at least, to check all of them would take forever.)
After finding no help there, I ran rhythmbox -d to debug:
(12:04:33) [0x934fe68] [rb_python_module_init] rb-python-module.c:406: Init of python module (rhythmbox:4971): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: unable to load module as python runtime could not be initialized
Is there a default media player in linux such as windows media/ if so what is the name of it or can i download one that works with linux, i would like for the player to not only play music but watch videos as well.
I would like to develop a simple media player application in linux for streaming videos. My objective is to get a good understanding of a multimedia framework. Hence, wanted to start with such an example.
I am really fedup from playing .mpg (1080i) videos on linux. I tried to use smplayer or vlc but the video plays so poor, I got like scales (lines) on the video like on the screenshot embedded below (the screenshot I found on the net).
When I play the same video on windows 7 its so great with windows media player 12, when I play it with smplayer or vlc on windows 7 I got the same performance like in linux, its like windows media player has its own mpg hardware accelerator!
I'm trying to play an mp4 video (movie) with my VLC media player but the image is very sequential (it keeps interrupting). I don't know why... I've even tried to play with some other players but I have the same problem.
I cant install vlc player or other media players in my fedora 11 .Every time it shows the dependency errors. Any media player get from the fedora yum server.
I want to install my favorite player WMP11 in Linux, but the Setup fails in validation! i there a possible to force install wmp11 with wine in linux ? I have a lot of music in WAV + tagged with RIFF Tags, wmp can read riff tags...Amarok can't! is there another player that can read RIFF Tags from WAV files?
Is it possible to view material on websites that requires a windows media player plugin in ubuntu?I am using google chrome as my default browser, but any solution in any browser available in ubuntu would be fine
in software.opensuse.org site if we serch for a software the result will be like the following
vlc KDE:Unstablelayground/openSUSE_11.4_KDE_Distro_Factory This is the stripped version of the VLC media Player. VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video
[more] 1-Click Install Manual Package Download Go to OBS Project i586 vlc- src vlc- x86_64 vlc-
if i like to keep the setup(rpm) of the software which i should chose the above?
MPlayer asked for Windows Media Speech Decoder plugin, it tried searching for the plugin but it wasn't found. I also couldn't find it in Synaptic Package manager. i wonder where and how i can get it.
i tried to install banshee media player using zypper but it gives me this problem
Second problem my cd writer is kinda out of order so i followed this guide (Live USB stick - openSUSE) to make a live usb stick to try out other distros...... everything went well....dd wrote everything properly.....but when i try to boot, it says thats it is a non-system disk and says to replace it strike again....so basically its not working.....
i think i followed all the instructions in the guide properly....but still i am pasting it over here (the drive was given as sdb...i checked using ls -l) umount /dev/sdb dd if=/home/arkadeep/LinuxMint-8.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M;sync i used linuxmint..... yeah so dd writes everything and the size is also correct. so now i can't figure out what to do...
Unfortunately, being the fact that I'm a gamer; I need to dual boot with Windows 7. I'm after a nice music player with a similar GUI to Banshee or Rhythmbox in their minimalism. Something as Gnome looking as possible and very lightweight on recources.
My music library contains some old .wma files and each time I try to run Rhythmbox, a window pops up saying that:
<Name of current song> requires an Additional plugin. The following plugin is required: Windows Media Audio Decoder. Do you want to search for this now ?
If I press the search button I get a response saying that the package was not found. Then I press the close button, only to see the same dialog popping up again. The funny thing is that all this is happening while the current songs is not in WMA format and it is actually playing
I am running fedora 11 and have configured both rpm-fusion and livna repositories.
When I go to play a file using VLC 1.0.4-1fc12 on fedora 12 I get 2 windows that open and display the same video. One window has the play button and such, the other doesn't. How can I get rid of one of these windows?
Recently I decided to leave Windows and go with Linux. To try out I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 and I can't be happier. I'm still getting used to how things work around here. Anyway I have an account at a website where I watch free TV, thing is the website uses Windows Media Player to stream the TV channels. I downloaded a bunch of plug-ins like VLC player, MPlayer and some other but all I get is the sound from the channels, no video other than some stupid graphics like when you play a song in Windows Media Player. So I wanted to ask you guys if you can help a brother out and please be as detailed as possible as to what to do because I'm still getting used to working in this environment.
Okay running on 64bit karmic 9.10 i have been trying to get this .ts file to play nicely on vlc, but no success of getting it work nicely what so ever. It actually starts under VLC and gives image and sound but not the way i would prefer it. I don't quite get it but when i start it with vlc it actually displays it with lower resolution this is HD file, as its a stream capture from tv but it outputs it with much smaller resolution about 320 x 180. Tried it with other players too but the only one that accepted it nicely was xine "but problems ahead again" it outputs no sound? the image though was and is what it should be.
Tried it with Totem too and it did accept it too actually "hurray! but with the same symptoms as VLC + it doesn't output any sound out from the file only the image is what gets generated out from the player. I ran VLC from the terminal and it outputs following data when i start to play the file:
so if any ONE knows what should i do, feel free to step up and advise me would be appreciated (thanks in advance) If this has value if's mpeg2 ts file. And no...the file ain't corrupted that much i know, but what could generate this problem. If it ain't broken? Seeking works nice etc... except the low resolution display.
I am using Lucid lynx and trying to play a video files with 300++ megs on it but only shows 21 seconds.. and a writing in the screen Codec Error : Use windows media player
I can play all files and already download the ubuntu restriced format .. But why can't i play this one ? Really liked the movie tough ..
I was unable to play windows media player content from WEB using Firefox. Firefox is asking to install missing plug-ins. But when I click on "install missing plug-in" button, its showing "No plug-ins found". In windows its played by windows Media player plug-in.
I have a Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 that I'd like to be able to use as a remote control for a media player on my PC. I currently map the gamepad to certain hot-keys for use with VLC, but I can't say it's ideal.Is there a media player out there that's easy to control with a gamepad and supports a wide range of file types?Bonus points if it has an internal video library.
I've been using ubuntu for several years now and one thing I've always have had problems with is getting a smooth picture when viewing videos. I currently have an amd dual core 2.2ghz processor and a H3200 ati graphics card which is more than capable of playing HD and blu ray perfectly in windows. I'm running ubuntu 9.10 with the latest graphics drivers 10.2. If I can movies etc., to play without lag etc., I can finally delete my windows partition. I want to avoid using a virtual machine for now.
Streaming / Transcoding failed: It seems your FFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder: MPEG Audio layer 1/2/3. If you don't know how to fix this, ask for support from your distribution. This is not an error inside VLC media player. Do not contact the VideoLAN project about this issue.
It said not to contact VideoLAN, but instead the Distro so...here I am. Was there a file I should download in order to fix this? If there is one, where do I place it or run it to stop this error?
[URL]So, I want to hear the state-owned Portuguese radio that plays Classical Music, called "Antena 2", by either (1) clicking its website's listening "popup" window - [URL]- or by (2) adding such radio to my Rhythmbox list.
And, I would like to hear such a radio without having to install the proprietary "Flash" plug-in... And, if I'm forced to install any proprietary plug-in, I would rather install some "gstreamer" package(?) instead. But, preferably, what I would like, would be to use a Free Software alternative, if possible.
But, in the meantime, this is what happens...
1. If I click the above-mentioned link, to the corresponding "popup" window ([URL]), I can't hear anything.
2. If I click on a link at the bottom of that same "popup" window, that says "Listen to the broadcast in Windows Media Player" - [URL] - I'm sent to an identical listening "popup" window/page, where I still can't hear anything - and whose difference is that, now, the link at the bottom of the page says "Listen to the broadcast in Flash" [URL]
That is, this radio's website presents me two alternatives. That are, to listen to it
(1) using the "Flash" technology ([URL]), or
(2) using some "Windows Media Player" technology/codec/format ([URL])
The first of which I would very much like to not have to install, and the second of which I suspect there might be some plug-in package for, that I can install, that will make it possible for me to hear this radio.
And, the reason I suspect the latter, is because, if I try to add the link to the "Windows Media Player" page ([URL]) to my Rhythmbox's list of radios, I get the error message: "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in."
So, which package(s) do I have to install, to be able to listen to this radio on the web - or, even better, through my Rhythmbox list of radios?
After some time I was trying to use banshee media player. I am given an error message: Banshee Encountered a Fatal Error Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. The OS is Squeeze and the machine is a Netbook with Intel Atom inside.
I have problem with installing flash plugin in ubuntu 9.10. I tried it through synaptic package manager, there it shows connecting to archive, canonical site and it will not proceed after that.