Ubuntu :: Use Screen Edges In Unity?

May 3, 2011

I for one find Unity not as bad as others. What I despise is that screen edges don't work any longer for me. Respectively corners. In the 'old' Gnome, I used to have full screen applications on the desktop; for example Virtualbox running something in full screen. Then I would have compiz set to expose all desktops by an upper left corner mouse event. Then I could easily click on another application to switch to it.
With the event of Unity, this doesn't work any longer.

Worse, the launcher doesn't pop up when I create a mouse event on the left edge in Virtualbox. So I cannot switch between Virtualbox and other applications any longer, except by un-full-screen Virtualbox in order to navigate. Is there any possible way, for example by setting, that the unity launcher overrides the present screen (Virtualbox) like it did before for edge events?

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General :: Top/left Edges Of Screen In Virtualbox Act Like Bottom/right Edges

Apr 28, 2010

I have Virtualbox running on Windows Vista, and Debian running inside Virtualbox. Everything's running great, for the most part. Everything looks correct.

But when I'm in full-screen mode, the top edge seems to act (to the mouse) like it's the bottom edge, and the left edge seems to act like the right edge. For example, if I click in the middle of the desktop and drag left, as if to select some icons, when I hit the very leftmost pixel of the screen, the selection (but not the mouse pointer) jumps to the far right edge of the screen).

For the left edge, it's not such a big deal, but not having the top edge is kind of annoying: it means I can't select things from the menu in my top panel by slamming the mouse against the top of the screen.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Obnoxious Bar In Smplayer - Full Screen Isn't Full Screen And There Are Black Edges On Both Sides Of The Screen

Jan 25, 2011

This obnoxious bar has just appeared in Smplayer at the top of the screen. It stays there even when I go full screen. Now full screen isn't full screen and there are black edges on both sides of the screen. I have not be able to figure out how to hide it. I do not need or want this onscreen display. How can I configure Smplayer to make this go away? How can I get my 16:9 full screen aspect ratio back? I have done nothing to mplayer or smplayer as far as editing any or changing any configuration files. I tried several videos and it displays on all of them. It was not there last time I used Smplayer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Edges Of Screen Chopped Off?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm using Lucid and trying to connect my box to my HDTV over HDMI. The only resolutions I have available are 1280x720 and 720x480, neither of which work. Obviously, 720x480 is way too small, and the other one results in the edges of my screen getting chopped off.

Where do I start on fixing this? I assume I need to set a custom resolution, but where the hell do I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Left And Right Edges Of Screen Within 2 Pixels Are Unresponsive?

May 11, 2010

i just installed ubuntu studio and it seems to be working fine but i'm having an issue where the both the left and right side edges of my laptop monitor are unresponsive/unclickable for about two pixels all the way down. it's a minor issue that i could probably get used to, but it's particularly annoying when trying to use a scroll bar in firefox or any other window that when maximized would have it just against the right side of the screen. instead of simply swiping the cursor all the way to the right i have to stop just short of the edge in order to use the scroll bar/any other function.

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Fedora :: Utilize The Screen Edges (Namely The Left And Right) In Fluxbox

Jul 16, 2010

Is there a way to utilize the screen edges (Namely the left and right) in Fluxbox. I've looked around but I couldn't find a way. I mainly want to switch the workspace when the mouse encounters the screen edge.

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OpenSUSE :: Make Windows Snap To Each Other And The Edges Of The Screen?

Aug 22, 2011

Not sure if this is the right sub-forum, but it seems close enough. As stated in the title, how does one go about this? I know Fedora supports this, and was wondering if there was a way to configure it in OpenSuse. I haven't found anything in the Control Center about this, or on the internet for that matter.

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Ubuntu :: Xorg.conf And External Monitor - Resolution Seems To Be Slightly Off As The Outer Edges Of Screen Are Cut Off

Sep 24, 2010

I have Ubuntu (running Jolicloud) on my HP dv2000 laptop, connected to my Sony AV Receiver through HDMI to use the TV as an external monitor. However, the resolution seems to be slightly off as the outer edges of the screen are cut off. Is there a way to fix this by editing the xorg.conf file? My current setup is below. I tried adding the line "Virtual 1244 700" to the subsection "display", but when I restarted it threw me into low graphics mode. Is there anything else I can try?

I also tried setting up the resolution at 1920x1080 on the TV and kept the default resolution on the monitor as 1280x800, and as you would expect displays the entire desktop in a smaller version on part of the tv. However, the desktop is still offset, leaving the top and left margins cut off. So, perhaps I need a way to offset the screen? Is this possible in xorg.conf?

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Ubuntu :: Disable "aero Snap" Function When Dragging Windows To Screen Edges?

May 2, 2011

i would like to disable the aero snap function when using the mouse to drag a window to screen edges... i like to keep multiple small windows with various sizes at the edges of the screen (i.e. with media players listening to music or watching videos to have the screen in one corner while using the remainder of the screen for something else)

i would still like to keep this function with hotkeys (<super> + up/down/left/right) is there any way to work around this?

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Ubuntu :: Lines On Screen With Unity On 11.04?

May 7, 2011

I have random lines near the top of the desktop, as seen in the image on the top right. The spotify app,under wine also shows the same lines that are quite annoying as they make it difficult to navigate.

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Ubuntu :: No Unity Desktop After Login Screen

May 6, 2011

I have recently downloaded and installed Ubuntu 11.04 desktop. I'd like to be able to dual boot into Windows or Linux on my PC so I've installed in on an ext4 partition on a separate drive from Windows. The installation process ran smoothly and the dual boot functionality works as planned. The problem I'm having is that after logging in, the login window disappears (as does the options bar at the bottom of the screen), and then nothing else appears, just the mouse cursor (sometimes the loading icon, sometimes not) and an empty background image, no icons, no menus. It doesn't matter how long I leave it for, nothing ever happens from this point on. I am technical, however, unfortunately ,I'm very new to Linux (something I'd like to remedy) so I'm a bit stuck with what to try next.

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Ubuntu :: Unity White Screen - How To Change Session In GDM

May 10, 2010

Installed Unity from the ppa, restarted the session and got a blank screen.Now I can't figure out how to get back to GDM and reselect Gnome as my default session.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Unity & Lock Screen Command?

May 1, 2011

I just upgraded to Natty on my Dell 10mini. It runs great but I was wondering what the command-line input for locking the screen. I'm trying to bind a command to a key that will lock my screen and suspend my session all at once, but all I can find is the command for suspend. gnome-screensaver-command --lock doesnt seem to work on unity (obviously). Is there a variation of it that I can use?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Accidentally Full Screen In Unity?

May 20, 2011

when I move any window in unity it often goes full screen by accident.

Is there any way to disable this annoying behavior?

eg. grab a window, move your mouse (and the window) up until it touches the panel, and your window is full screen. This happens several times in an hour.. really annoying.

I prefer using F11 or double-click to archive the same thing. (doesnt happen by accident)

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Unity - Screen Eventually Fades To Black

Jul 6, 2011

Normally when I don't do anything in minutes, screen eventually fades to black. But sometimes, maybe 1/10 screen goes to gray. I can do nothing to recover from this. I can see mousepointer and it moves, but thats it. I have to manually switch power off. What is this, is this known issue? Otherwise everything works fine. I have Asus m2n68-am

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Ubuntu :: Unity In 11.04 Makes Hides Parts Of Windows At The Top Of The Screen

Apr 29, 2011

in unity borders dissappear and I cannot move the windows. how do I prevent this from happening?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Edges Of Display Not Visible

Feb 3, 2010

I have just set up my new Acer R3610 Atom/Ion netbook attached to my TV via HDMI. I installed UNR 9.10 and the NVidia restricted driver 185.Unfortunately, the edges of the screen are cropped off and invisible. This is a problem regardless of which display mode I use.

The Windows7 NVidia driver has a configuration option that sets the visible extent of the display.How can I configure UNR to fit the actual space on the screen?

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Ubuntu :: Get The Pop-up Text Balloons From The Unity Below It When Move The Mouse Over To The Left Side Of The Screen

Oct 28, 2010

I am running 10.10 Netbook Edition. I added Terminal Server Client to the Unity Menu and I typically run it in Full Screen mode to manage serveral windows based servers. The problem is that TSC displays perfect in full screen (unity tool bar hidden) but when i move the mouse over to the left side of the screen i get the pop-up text balloons from the unity below it. I cannot click on any items along the left edge of the remote desktop window including the windows start key. I want to confirm if this is a bug? and how to report it if so.

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Ubuntu :: Function Key Dims And Widgets Slide In From Edges

Jul 29, 2010

Just wondering if there's such thing where when you press a function key it dims and widgets slide in from the edges, like in Mac OS. If there is such thing what's it called and where can I find it?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Window Size By Dragging Edges

Jul 30, 2011

I find that changing the window size is extremely difficult. The area to click and then drag is very tiny and requires very precise arrow positioning. Is there a way to increase this area?

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Fedora :: Blurred Edges On Display 13

Aug 16, 2010

Since this afternoon every edge on my screen has gone fuzzy. It looks like a horizontal blur, I have attached two small screen shots of this window (although the problem is not limited to firefox, even just icons on the desktop looked smear towards the right). I do not think it is a problem with the screen because when I turn on the computer all is well. The problem only starts at the login prompt. I have had this problem once before using a previous version of fedora. Back then I did find a solution online but now I have spent my afternoon looking for a solution, trying any suggested change to xorg.conf and rebooting without success.

What does not work: Changing the resolution or colour setting Some Xorg.conf changes adding mode, a different depth, not sure what else. Here is a copy of etxX11xorg.conf # Xorg configuration created by system-config-display

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "single head configuration"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
Section "InputDevice"

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Fedora :: 14 XFCE - Rough Around The Edges

Nov 3, 2010

Just installed and updated Fedora 14's XFCE spin and got the kmod-nvidia drivers installed and finally took a good look around the desktop and noticed a few graphical issues. In the Glossy theme, the effect for pushed-in buttons looks a little broken (i.e. on the task bar, there's the glossy background image behind the button but there's also a solid white-ish colored border on the top and left of the inside of the button). This makes buttons, progress bar troughs and other elements look really weird. I installed and set the Nimbus theme and it seems to be alright.

Secondly, icons seem to be broken. On the XFCE desktop, all the icons for removable media in their un-mounted state show up as a generic sheet-of-paper icon, and when I mount them, the icon turns into a generic blue folder icon (instead of a removable media icon like in FC13). In the Thunar file explorer, the icons for all removable media shortcuts are completely missing, and the Filesystem icon is a blue folder instead of a hard drive icon. And in the Places menu the removable media icons are missing too (but the Filesystem icon has the correct hard drive icon). The labels of the removable media are visible in both places, just not their icons. It seems to be a problem with the GNOME icon theme, as this problem is present in GNOME, Mist, and Fedora themes. In the Rodent theme however all icons are working as they should. The GTK+ problem seems to affect Clearlooks and Glossy (which uses Clearlooks). ClearlooksClassic and the other themes seem to be fine. See screenshots: [URL]

In the first note the appearance of the depressed button in the path bar and the icons in the shortcuts on the left, and in the second note the difference between mounted and unmounted removable media icons.

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Fedora :: Edges Of The Letters Leave Blurring In FC 15

Jul 22, 2011

After the completely new installation of Fedora 15 the letters are ugly in comparison with FC 14, no matter which font. It doesn't help to set anti-aliasing manually. The edges of the letters leave blurring.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Navigation Icons On Page Are Blurred - Jagged Edges

Jan 13, 2010

This navigation icons on this page are blurred: [URL] For example, the top row nav buttons, Home:Show Notes:Articles:Screencasts:About Us. As well as the CC icons in the left column. And at [URL] All of the nav button in yellow across the top have very blurred text, as well as most of the photos of products on their pages have jagged edges. In Windows these things are crystal clear--no blurring, no jagged edges.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Quirks On Upgrade To 10.10 - New 'unity' Sidebar Launcher Supposed To Replace The Old On-screen Menu?

Oct 10, 2010

Just updated from Lucid to Maverick UNE. (It froze at one point, so I killed it from a virtual console and used 'dpkg --configure -a' to complete the installation.) My question: Isn't the new 'unity' sidebar launcher supposed to replace the old on-screen menu? We now have both. And the old menu seems buggy: e.g. the text under some icons is displayed *vertically* (i.e. in a column just one character wide!) instead of horizontally.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance - Disable The Unity Dock But Not Unity Feature Where Min / Max / Close Go Into The Command Bar?

Jul 17, 2011

1. I didn't like the icon theme and changed it to Ubuntu Mono Light. But is there a way to get the Min/Max/Close buttons to how they are in Radiance when maximized, or is that dependant on something else?

2. Is there a way to disable the Unity dock, but not the Unity feature where the Min/Max/Close go into the command bar?

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Hardware :: Nvidea GT 430 Hdmi To LCD TV: Outer Edges Always Cut Off (outside Display Area)

May 29, 2011

I've been having some trouble configuring my Nvidea GT 430 with my LCD TV. When I specify the larger resolutions like 1920x1080, there is always one inch trimmed off around edge. First using Linux Mint 10 LXDE, I booted with the new graphics card in. Without loading any drivers, I was able to select 800x600 or 640x480 and those had an inch of black around the screen. I installed the proprietary Drivers and then the screen was cut off a bit on the edges and the text was so tiny i couldn't see anything.

I then tried Linux Mint 11 Gnome. The text was readable, but still couldn't get the screen to match the TV edges correctly. I think it is a problem with my TV as this happens in windows and Linux. My TV is older and doesn't allow me to resize the screen within its menus. However, in windows I am able to use the Nvidea tools to resize my resolution to a custom size. It turned about to be about 1800x1020. I only really like using windows unless I absolutely have to though.. Is there a way to manually resize the display area in the xorg.config file? or any other workaround?

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Ubuntu :: Unity - Mythtv Or How To Hide Unity Launcher

May 8, 2011

Just moved to Ubuntu 11.04 with unity and only have one problem...For most of my desktop needs I prefer to have the Unity Launcher up all the time (fullscreen apps don't cover it), and have set this option with ccsm.

However, when I watch mythtv, it is also under the launcher (and the top panel as well). How can I force mythtv to cover the launcher?
What I really need is a keyboard shortcut to hide the launcher, but the only shortcut is for "show launcher". (I guess the devs assumed everyone would want it hidden by default).

This, by the way is not my usual way for viewing mythtv. I have a projector attached to the desktop PC and it doesn't get a Unity Launcher by default (in Twinview), so no probs. However, occasionally I want to watch something on my computer screen, and that is when this issue arises.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: OpenGL Edges Warped - Stretches The Parts Of The 3d Object To The Sides Of The Viewing Area

Mar 4, 2011

It stretches the parts of the 3d object to the sides of the viewing area. This makes Google Earth almost impossible to use. I have a video of Google Earth's problem here: [URL] Here's a screenshot of it in GLChess: screenshot_001.jpg I am running Ubuntu 10.06 Lucid Lynx on an old HP dv5000 laptop. It has ATI Radeon graphics.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot 10.04 Disc - Boots To A Purple Screen Then It Goes To A Black Screen With A Load Of Writing Nothing Else Happens After Screen

May 12, 2010

I can't seem to get Ubuntu to run on my old Dell Dimension 2300. It boots to a purple screen then it goes to a black screen with a load of writing nothing else happens after this screen. [URL] Could someone advise how I can get it to work?

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