Ubuntu :: Unzip - Read Failure While Seeking For End-of-centdir-64 Signature?

Apr 11, 2010

I encountered a problem when i tried to unzip a large .zip file ( about 7.8G). Below is the error message i got from shell. Could any guy help to look into this problem? How can i fix it

unzip VMImageV6.zip
Archive: VMImageV6.zip


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Ubuntu :: Signature Verification Failure / Get It To Work?

May 11, 2010

I've searched and searched and my googlefu has failed me. code...

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Ubuntu :: Unzip Command, Finish Before All Unzip Is Done?

Jul 11, 2010

Problem is what unzip command, finish before all unzip is done.

cd /home/ftpuser/www_base/


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CentOS 5 Server :: Read Only After Power Failure?

Sep 19, 2009

I had a power failure the other day and my server shutdown abruptly. After bringing the server up I noticed that the /var partition came up as read only. I was not able to edit the crontab, not able to write to files within /var/log/ and do other write operations within /var.

I did a mount and it showed that /var was mounted read and write but when trying to run certain operations the system was still saying that it was read only.


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General :: Difference Between Using "jar Xvf" And "unzip" To Unzip The Zip-file?

Aug 27, 2009

difference between using "jar xvf" and "unzip" to unzip the zip-file?

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General :: Usb/external Drive Problems Redux - Read-only - Does This Suggest Device Failure

May 22, 2010

I initially thought the problem had to do with the Lucid Lynx upgrade, a lot of people have been reporting similar issues with drive mapping and things along those line. My issue is that an external drive, formatted in FAT32 appears to be corrupted, and overtime begins to read or mounts as 'read-only.'

What I've read, and deduced, is that this is ultimately and issue with the drive. I've backed it up, reformatted, and been able to write to the drive successfully, but I've been moving a lot of files (backing up) and the system has been reporting input/output errors in transferring some files (through the GUI).

The only thing I can think of, is that the device itself is corrupted or damaged, and that I need to be thinking of other back-up options for the future. Any suggestions on disk-doctoring? I'm hoping to do a clean-install of the OS once I back up my files manually.

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Software :: Boot Failure - Failed Command: READ FPDMA QUEUED" Error At Startup

Apr 22, 2011

I have a netbook with a 150GB hard drive in it. A while ago I dropped my netbook and it wouldn't boot. Had a "failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED" error at startup. So naturally I went and reinstalled. Reinstalling worked fine and I had my computer back. What I didn't account for was the fact that anytime it lost power and didn't shut down properly, I'd get the same error. I can't seem to recover my data either. Can't get any live disks to mount the hard drive after this error but for some reason I can still reinstall Crunchbang (essentially debian). Now I know there are bad sectors or something because when I try to use the disk that came with the netbook with an image of Windows XP that writes to the entire hard drive it throws an error but linux will avoid this I suppose when installing.

Now all of this is to say, being a laptop, several times I have left it on overnight when I fall asleep working or have to run into to town and it'll die and then I lose all my data, rather irritating. What's causing this error? What can I do to prevent it besides getting a new hard drive? If I can't prevent it from happening in the future is there a way to recover the data off the hard drive? Here's the section of the boot log that contains the error: [url]

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: WARNING: Raw1394 Kernel Module Not Loaded Or Failure To Read/write /dev/raw1394

Jun 25, 2010

I get this error message with KINO.

WARNING: raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to read/write /dev/raw1394!

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Ubuntu :: Seeking Router With Parental Controls

Feb 7, 2010

a widow with 4 kids - 2 of whom have severe depression & signs that one may be suicidal and is taking interst in some dark garbage on the net. Overall still a pretty good kid, but he surely doesn't need help online to get further in a hole. The 15 year old boy is highly intelligent (whole family actually) and knows how to get around software parental controls with peer to peer, live disks, etc. There are several PCs - both windows and mac, and an X-box.

I want to set up the household with a router or similar solution that is smarter than the kid and his friends. I figure protecting the network is the most tamper proof, all-encompassing way to go. In the short term, I really want to lock that home net solid, while still allowing mom to do her facebook and the oldest to use the web for schoolwork. Dlink Securespot technology seems to be the best overall solution I have found so far. If there is something better, I'm hoping someone here can steer me to it.

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Ubuntu :: Seeking Thorough Documentation Of SMART Values?

Apr 5, 2010

I am looking for comprehensive documentation of the SMART values that are reported in Palimpsest.For example, I am getting the following result:

Attribute: Reallocated Sector Count
Assessment: Warning
Normalized: 100
Worst: 100
Threshold: 36
Value: 1 sector

I would like to find a very thorough description of the meaning of these values, how they relate to each other, and how to interpret them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Seeking Xms Like Music Player?

Apr 21, 2010

I am searching for an xmms like music player. rythmbox doesn't do it for me because it organizes songs by genre and such rather than by files - I find changing tags on individual music files tiresome, and I prefer the xmms style - all music was accessed as I access all other files on my computer. Frankly I don't know how to "compile from source" and can't quite follow the instructions describing how to "compile" the original xmms. Xmms2 doesn't seem to work on my computer.

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Ubuntu :: Unknown Program Seeking Authorization?

Jun 25, 2010

Every now and then a window titled 'authorization dialog' pops up. It says "you need to supply a username and a password to access this site". Please view the screenshot of that window in the attachments. Even if I cancel it, the program seeking it seems not to terminate. It returns repeatedly...in every log in also. I am pretty irritated.how to terminate this appending agony.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem To Get The Unzip Software To Install

Nov 20, 2010

I am trying to set up a dedicated gaming server, but I can't seem to get the unzip software to install

sudo apt-get install unzip E: Package 'unzip' has no installation candidate I have scoured Google for an answer to this, but nothing seems to work. Did something change between 9.10 and 10.10? Or are things done very differently between the Server and Desktop versions of Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Newbie Seeking Advice On Performance Improvement?

Aug 27, 2010

every now and then my company cleans its it trash by giving away computers to its employees. this i became the owner of a p4, 2ghz compaq evo with 512 mb ram and no hard drive. i bought a 500 gb hdd, dowloaded ubuntu, created a live disk and in a matter of minutes i had a new desktop! i love it! a new computer with a new operating system set by a non-techie in 15 minutes? not even microsoft can beat that. oh, and the total cost was zero!

then i started clearing issues (mysterious crash on p4 computers solved with a patch, screen resolution solved with a new mode, not recognized microsoft webcam to be solved, connection to stora nsa to be solved, etc.). this is nothing different from what you would go through installing windows on a new computer, in fact the process seemed easier for me as there's tons of documentation and people willing 1. overall system performance, mostly while browsing seems low. could it be the 512 mb of memory? would it improve its performance to jump to 1 or 2 gb? or it's just the processor that's too slow and not all the memory in the world would make it faster? while we're at it, is it reasonable to expect good performance on ubuntu 10.4 on a p4 2.0 ghz? (my notebook, a 2 ghz core duo runs faster on xp, but it has 3 gb memory, so i guess memory would help...).

2. choppy videos and other video, both in partial and full screen modes. again, would more ram help? updating drivers? updating flash? (i think it's all updated, but i'll retry...). or is my bottleneck in the processor? 3. my computer has an extra video card, but it's disconnected. i'm not sure about brand or model or even whether this would be an improvement on the on-board card. should i plug it and see what happens? would a better video card improve my performance?

simplifying, this is a computer for me to play and for my baby boy to pound at the keyboard. if i were to spend little money on it, what's the best investment, memory or a new video board? (i think i know the answer, memory). i don't want to extrapolate too much from my windows experience because this is a new os, but i think i would go for extra memory. if memory were the solution to all my problems... how much memory? should i go for an additional gb? full 2 gb? 3? what about buying a 1 gb card and plugging it side by side with the existing 512 mb? would 1.5 gb be enough?

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Ubuntu :: Seeking Information On Cross Chat Program.

Dec 6, 2010

Can anyone tell me of a simple chat program that I can install on both Windows and Linux? I need it more for the local intranet than the internet. I wish to chat with window users in my network? Also please forgive me if this is the wrong forum for this question.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Seeking Home LAN Sharing & Interaction

Dec 27, 2010

I have several linux laptops and a desktop-server running Ubuntu Lucid. I also have Android(tm) and iPhone(tm) devices. All of these connect to my at-home LAN using wireless or wired ethernet through my home-LAN router+gateway and on through the cable modem. In addition, printers are network capable and deployed on the same at-home LAN. All of that works.

Now I want these various and several computers to share files and services (web, print, media) with each other and interact with each other on this same at-home LAN. Can someone point me to a HOWTO or similar application notes that discuss what I need to do? Since all of the at-home LAN devices use DHCP and get dynamic IP addresses, any /etc/hosts files that I create stop working when leases renew. I can configure "fixed IP address" settings, but then wifi roaming is a royal pain in the anatomy -- at least the ways I know how to do this.

I can use the router+gateway to give a specific IP address to each hardware (MAC) address, but then when folks visit it is irksome to setup so that we might give or get the odd file or they might print the odd document. I vaguely remember that there was a way to generate dynamic "local network" host names or similar attached to dynamic "local network" IP addresses all under the control of DHCP-server and supporting utilities. I'm dashed if I can find anything about that other than really antique details. Once folks stop laughing at what I'm certain is a totally noob question, I hope that there is a solid HOWTO that just works out there and that some kind soul will tell me where to find it. I apologize in advance if this question has been asked and answered in the past. One must know enough to know what to search for and get meaningful results. ~~~0;-/

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Debian Multimedia :: VLC No Sound After Seeking

Oct 5, 2015

I'm running Debian 8 with VLC media player 2.2.0-rc2 Weatherwax.

When I try skipping around in a video, the sound will randomly stop working.

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Ubuntu :: Unzip Program And Windows Translator?

Oct 19, 2010

I have loaded ubuntu 8.2 on to pc. All went fine and I downloaded kaffeine, i think, in a zip form. How do I unzip it then install it to program file. I also need a translator from windows xp to ubuntu as all the terms are new and different.

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Debian :: Using Find And Unzip Together?

May 27, 2011

I have a folder structure filled with zip files. I am trying to unzip them and keep them in their original location

This is what I am using

find . -iname "*.zip" -exec unzip {} ;

Now this command just unzips fine but the thing is that it unzips them where I fire this command(root folder of the zipped files). How can I recursively unzip files but keep them in place ?

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Fedora :: How To Unzip Z7 File

Sep 15, 2010

I have this file with a z7 extension. The question is simple, how do we unzip this ?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installing The Zip And Unzip?

Jul 13, 2011

I am using RHEL 5.4 Currently versions of Zip and Unzip are 2.31 and 5.52 respectively. I need to be on 3.0 for Zip and 6.0 for Unzip. Should I upgrade it? Should I install them anew? For your information I have to download the source from Info-ZIP Home Page.

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Fedora :: Seeking Working ITunes Alternative?

Jun 9, 2011

i have an iPhone 4 - white 32GB.

I run Fedora 14-64bit.

(I also have a win XP pro installation on my machine - but no dual-boot)

I would very much like to be able to transfer music to my iPhone, from my linux-fedora, which the iPod device on the iPhone is able to see...

I have successfully transferred several "libgpod-something.mp3" files to my iPhone, but I can't play them on my iPhone.

I have tried the following software:

Rhythmbox (came with Fedora 14), here i am able to see the content of my iPhone, and transfer libgpod files. But I cannot see any music folder under the iPhone icon. So I just drag and drop .mp3 files to iPhone. iPhone can't see them.

Banshee (newest available version installed with add/remove programs), here I'm also able to see the content of the iPhone, and I can see a music folder icon under the iPhone icon, but I can't drag and drop to the music folder, but I can drag and drop to the iPhone icon, and the files gets transferred, but again iPhone can't see them. But I can play the transferred files from Banshee...

Gtkpod (newest available version installed with add/remove programs), is largely the same as Rhythmbox, but i get a warning that says: Extended info will not be used, when the iPhone is mounted. There is no music folder icon, but only a poscast icon, under the iPhone icon. And again, I'm able to transfer files to the iPhone, that my iPhone can't see...

In Gtkpod, there is no option for the white iPhone 4, so I've used the "xC605" profile, which is for the black iPhone 4, 32GB.

I'm also able to see content of my iPhone with nautilus. I discovered that the linux software I'm using, are converting the .mp3 files into "libgpod" files, but iTunes(transferred with WinXP) is converting the .mp3 files into "XXXX.mp3" files (X= is for random letters).

Is this significant?

I've also just updated libimobiledevice with "libimobiledevice-1.0.6-1.fc14.x86_64.rpm", but my iPhone still can't see any of the linux transferred files. Only the iTunes transferred files.

Believe me I've tried and tried for a week now. I've searched a lot, but most of the hits in my search, were for Ubuntu...

My iPhone is not jailbroken.

Am I missing something here, is my iPhone 4 supposed to be jailbroken to work with the above mentioned software?

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General :: Seeking Distro With Specific Parameters

Feb 11, 2010

This is a WHAT I WANTAND NEED IN A LINUX DISTRO, not a your preference request. Fairly literate with Windows XP, but would like to find a Linux Distro with specific features. Computer used for music (over 14k mp3, ogg Vorbis, etc files) and burning musical learning tracks (I'm a barbershopper) as well as simple surfing and email. Not a gamer. Older Computer: PC with 1.4 GHz Athlon partitioned 320 Gig HD (Windows XP and a Linux Distro??) Only have CD-ROM, cannot download & burn iso DVD's or upload from them. (Can do CD's) Do have a 1 TG Verbatum external HD and a newer computer with a dvd recorder/player

1) MUSTt have a distro that doesn't require a DVD for installation.

2)MUST be able to "update" rather than re-install subsequent releases ( which require backing up files, etc)

3) Like the description of Linux Mint Helena, but it requires installation from a DVD and a re-install..

4) Free distro since I'm learning and trying out different OS's and really resent the increasing cost of Windows OS's as well as the complexity and problems with Windows. I've found that UBUNTU 9.10 doesn't like me. I am very comfortable with LINUX MINT HELENA.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Find 7Zip In Order To Unzip New Downloads

Aug 7, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx
Dual Boot with Windwos Vista
Level - beginner (started today 07/0810)

I have just given Linux a try for the first time and so far its not proving to be a good experience. I have so far just tried to install a couple of basic programs I am familiar with and ones suggested by Lifehacker.I wanted to install Tweetdeck, which meant installing Adobe Air. I duly downloaded Adobe Air but it then says I need to choose an application to open it. Assuming that the bin file was a zip file I looked in the software centre and found 7zip. Told it to load that but then couldn't find where it was. Its not listed in the Applications drop down (top right) so I found 'search for a file' and entered *7zip* to be shown 5 files. All but one appear to be a form of image file the other (7zip.desktop) isn't an exe either. Double clicking on it just gets me the following in something called gedit.

Comment=7zip compression/uncompression tool


I then gave up and used google to find the program and download it, but just came across the same problem. Why oh why is there not some default program already loaded for unzipping files? How can I find 7Zip (I have already looked in the bin folder on the system drive but nothing there) and run it to tell it to make itself the default for unzipping files?

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General :: Setting Permissions On Unzip?

Apr 2, 2010

I wanted to assign ownership of my choice to my zip file while unzipping so I am using the command:

unzip yourfile.zip|awk -F": " '{print $2}' | xargs chown user.group

I also want to give 705 permissions to all directories and 777 to all files on unzipping?

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Fedora :: Multiple - Unzip *.hgt.zip Does Not Work

Sep 17, 2010

I've downloaded about 40 zipped files from NASA, SRTM files, unzip *.hgt.zip does not work, unzipping individual files does. is the a util that can do a multiple unzip, or a short script.

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General :: How To Unzip A Windows-built .tar.gz

Jun 24, 2010

i wanna transfer files from my windows pc to linux server.

suppose i have a file structure like this:

img /
css /

i tar.gz the directory, then upload, and then tar-xvzf the uploaded file. but the result is 3 file in root like this:


when i use zip instead of tar.gz it breaks the structure. i.e. it unzip some directories as empty files. fr examples it makes an empty file named img.

what's the reliable solution to transfer files between windows and linux?

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Applications :: Can't Unzip Firefox3.6 In Mandrake OS

Mar 7, 2010

My efforts to install the new Firefox3.6: are going nowhere (literally, it seems)! After entereing: $ tar xvjf firefox-3.6.tar.bz2 on my linux box: [GCC 3.4.1 (Mandrakelinux 10.1 3.4.1-4mdk)] on linux2 the end result comes to nothing. What I should (why would it be different from any other install?) end up with is a new directory "firefox3.6" or something very similar. I don't. I get nothing. Nadda. Once I hit the "tar xvjf..." button, I get the usual 'print (to screen)' flurry of activity. A sample:


But, I'll be darned if I can find all of this afterward. There certainly was not (as I've noted) a new directory created:


The "firefox/" directory that is part of the above listing? Notice the <Jan 15> date. Obviously an effort from another time. The listing [above] was generated with "ls -t", so the most recent activity is at the top. I simply can't find all the unpacked stuff that was generated with tar. I've looked in /home/.mozilla, tried "locate", all to no avail. "Google" can't seem to understand the problem I'm encountering. Who'd care to tackle this on this beautiful (snow free!!) Sunday morning?

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General :: Unzip Only 1 Directory In .zip File?

May 6, 2010

trying to unzip only 1 directory in my .zip file, the reason is that i don't have enough space to unzip all the contents of .zip file. and i am trying to do it with unzip command.

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General :: Not Allowed To Unzip A File In DIR?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a problem where I have certain foo.tgz files that are to big to gunzip in a directory, the box that it is on has limited space in /var/tmp for all intents and purposes. I did the standard gunzip -l to see how big the file was.

How can I look in the .tgz to see what files are there and pull out only the ones that I need. tar -t foo.tgz doesn't seem to work or am I doing something wrong?

Once I do find the file how do I only extract the one file from the .tgz, remember I can't uncompress the entire foo.tgz

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