Red Hat / Fedora :: Installing The Zip And Unzip?

Jul 13, 2011

I am using RHEL 5.4 Currently versions of Zip and Unzip are 2.31 and 5.52 respectively. I need to be on 3.0 for Zip and 6.0 for Unzip. Should I upgrade it? Should I install them anew? For your information I have to download the source from Info-ZIP Home Page.

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Ubuntu :: Unzip Command, Finish Before All Unzip Is Done?

Jul 11, 2010

Problem is what unzip command, finish before all unzip is done.

cd /home/ftpuser/www_base/


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Fedora :: How To Unzip Z7 File

Sep 15, 2010

I have this file with a z7 extension. The question is simple, how do we unzip this ?

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Fedora :: Multiple - Unzip * Does Not Work

Sep 17, 2010

I've downloaded about 40 zipped files from NASA, SRTM files, unzip * does not work, unzipping individual files does. is the a util that can do a multiple unzip, or a short script.

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General :: Difference Between Using "jar Xvf" And "unzip" To Unzip The Zip-file?

Aug 27, 2009

difference between using "jar xvf" and "unzip" to unzip the zip-file?

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Debian :: Using Find And Unzip Together?

May 27, 2011

I have a folder structure filled with zip files. I am trying to unzip them and keep them in their original location

This is what I am using

find . -iname "*.zip" -exec unzip {} ;

Now this command just unzips fine but the thing is that it unzips them where I fire this command(root folder of the zipped files). How can I recursively unzip files but keep them in place ?

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General :: Setting Permissions On Unzip?

Apr 2, 2010

I wanted to assign ownership of my choice to my zip file while unzipping so I am using the command:

unzip|awk -F": " '{print $2}' | xargs chown

I also want to give 705 permissions to all directories and 777 to all files on unzipping?

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General :: How To Unzip A Windows-built .tar.gz

Jun 24, 2010

i wanna transfer files from my windows pc to linux server.

suppose i have a file structure like this:

img /
css /

i tar.gz the directory, then upload, and then tar-xvzf the uploaded file. but the result is 3 file in root like this:


when i use zip instead of tar.gz it breaks the structure. i.e. it unzip some directories as empty files. fr examples it makes an empty file named img.

what's the reliable solution to transfer files between windows and linux?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem To Get The Unzip Software To Install

Nov 20, 2010

I am trying to set up a dedicated gaming server, but I can't seem to get the unzip software to install

sudo apt-get install unzip E: Package 'unzip' has no installation candidate I have scoured Google for an answer to this, but nothing seems to work. Did something change between 9.10 and 10.10? Or are things done very differently between the Server and Desktop versions of Ubuntu?

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Applications :: Can't Unzip Firefox3.6 In Mandrake OS

Mar 7, 2010

My efforts to install the new Firefox3.6: are going nowhere (literally, it seems)! After entereing: $ tar xvjf firefox-3.6.tar.bz2 on my linux box: [GCC 3.4.1 (Mandrakelinux 10.1 3.4.1-4mdk)] on linux2 the end result comes to nothing. What I should (why would it be different from any other install?) end up with is a new directory "firefox3.6" or something very similar. I don't. I get nothing. Nadda. Once I hit the "tar xvjf..." button, I get the usual 'print (to screen)' flurry of activity. A sample:


But, I'll be darned if I can find all of this afterward. There certainly was not (as I've noted) a new directory created:


The "firefox/" directory that is part of the above listing? Notice the <Jan 15> date. Obviously an effort from another time. The listing [above] was generated with "ls -t", so the most recent activity is at the top. I simply can't find all the unpacked stuff that was generated with tar. I've looked in /home/.mozilla, tried "locate", all to no avail. "Google" can't seem to understand the problem I'm encountering. Who'd care to tackle this on this beautiful (snow free!!) Sunday morning?

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General :: Unzip Only 1 Directory In .zip File?

May 6, 2010

trying to unzip only 1 directory in my .zip file, the reason is that i don't have enough space to unzip all the contents of .zip file. and i am trying to do it with unzip command.

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General :: Not Allowed To Unzip A File In DIR?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a problem where I have certain foo.tgz files that are to big to gunzip in a directory, the box that it is on has limited space in /var/tmp for all intents and purposes. I did the standard gunzip -l to see how big the file was.

How can I look in the .tgz to see what files are there and pull out only the ones that I need. tar -t foo.tgz doesn't seem to work or am I doing something wrong?

Once I do find the file how do I only extract the one file from the .tgz, remember I can't uncompress the entire foo.tgz

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Programming :: Unzip The *.bz2 File Using Php Coding?

Nov 29, 2010

Below is my code to create *.bz2 file.

//Moving file to temporary directory for compression
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"],"c:/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
//File compression


Anyone know, how to unzip the file ? I've tried the above code to unzip it but it creates only 1kb of file for any files.

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CentOS 5 :: Ability To Unzip Files Using PHP?

Apr 13, 2010

Using PHP 5.2.10 on CentOS 5.4. I need to run a PHP call that will extract all the files from a .zip file. Is there a function to do this or something in PHP I need to enable or install?

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CentOS 5 :: How To Unzip Binary File

Sep 8, 2011

edit unzip binary file to fix a security issue with cpanel?i tried hex editior but i canot understand the file codes!iam a basic php scripter and pwn but i canot understand this its just numbers and strange characters!......................45..................5......@#........ like this

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Ubuntu :: Unzip Program And Windows Translator?

Oct 19, 2010

I have loaded ubuntu 8.2 on to pc. All went fine and I downloaded kaffeine, i think, in a zip form. How do I unzip it then install it to program file. I also need a translator from windows xp to ubuntu as all the terms are new and different.

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General :: Unzip Zip Files To Local Directory?

May 5, 2010

How to unzip the zip files to local directory in linux?

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General :: Unzip To Same Directory As Zipped File?

May 6, 2011

So I have a script that simply unzips a file with a line:

unzip /path/to/

which unzips and puts the unzipped directory in the same directory as my script. The issue is, I want the unzipped directory to be in the same directory as the original zipped file.

I googled and found the -d flag which would let me specify what directory to put it in but the script asks the user to define the directory so I don't see how I could use that (because the user specifies the path all the way to the zipped file, not just the directory where the zipped file is)

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General :: Xargs And Unzip All Files To Specific Directory?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm trying to find all zip files timestamped from the past 7 days, then unzip them into a different director.I tried the following, but it only unzipped one of three files that meet the 7 day criteria. What am I missing?Code:find /home/user/public_html/zip_files/ -iname "*.zip" -mtime -7 -print0 | xargs -n10 unzip -LL -o -d /home/user/public_html/another_directory/

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General :: Unzip Command: Option To Force Overwrite?

Jan 26, 2010

I am writing a shell script that unzips a ZIP file into an existing hierarchy of files, potentially overwriting some of the files. The problem is that the unzip command asks for confirmation: replace jsp/extension/add-aspect.jsp? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: y

This is unacceptable for a script.I need an option to force unzip to overwrite the files.I did not find in the man page nor with Google.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Find 7Zip In Order To Unzip New Downloads

Aug 7, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx
Dual Boot with Windwos Vista
Level - beginner (started today 07/0810)

I have just given Linux a try for the first time and so far its not proving to be a good experience. I have so far just tried to install a couple of basic programs I am familiar with and ones suggested by Lifehacker.I wanted to install Tweetdeck, which meant installing Adobe Air. I duly downloaded Adobe Air but it then says I need to choose an application to open it. Assuming that the bin file was a zip file I looked in the software centre and found 7zip. Told it to load that but then couldn't find where it was. Its not listed in the Applications drop down (top right) so I found 'search for a file' and entered *7zip* to be shown 5 files. All but one appear to be a form of image file the other (7zip.desktop) isn't an exe either. Double clicking on it just gets me the following in something called gedit.

Comment=7zip compression/uncompression tool


I then gave up and used google to find the program and download it, but just came across the same problem. Why oh why is there not some default program already loaded for unzipping files? How can I find 7Zip (I have already looked in the bin folder on the system drive but nothing there) and run it to tell it to make itself the default for unzipping files?

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Server :: Find And Unzip Selected Sub Folders In Tar.gz Files?

Nov 4, 2010

There are few hundred tar.gz files each having several sub dirs in them (ex: ftp_server1_logs, mail_server2_logs). However the main tar.gz files (ex: 20101001.tar.gz) does not contain all sub dirs every time (ex: 20101001.tar.gz may only contain some ftp server log dirs etc..)

what i have to do is find the tar.gz files that contain a specific type of log type (ex: ftp logs) and extract all logs to a single folder (ex: ftp logs)

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Ubuntu :: Unzip - Read Failure While Seeking For End-of-centdir-64 Signature?

Apr 11, 2010

I encountered a problem when i tried to unzip a large .zip file ( about 7.8G). Below is the error message i got from shell. Could any guy help to look into this problem? How can i fix it



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General :: How To Unzip Files On Acer One Running System Lite

Jun 26, 2010

I have downloaded an update of mozilla firefox but don't know how to unzip it. Do I download it to disc(hard drive) or do I download to xarchiver? Then how do I unzip it.Do I have to unzip all files the same way?

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Software :: Unzip The Epub File And View The Content In Lynx?

Feb 8, 2011

I have an epub book that is mostly text. I realize that with some effort I can unzip the epub file and view the content in lynx. Is there a better way to read a text-centric epub at the console?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Does Unzip/untar Always Append Files To Existing Folders

Mar 4, 2011

Will unzipping always append files if the directories already exist? What about tar?

I unzipped an archive the archive had 3 folders and dozens of subfolders within those. app, skin, js

The folder I unzipped it to also already had those 3 folders as well as many child folders etc.

My website is still working so I'm just wondering. Is this safe or is there anything I should worry about. The other option was to manually upload each file manually that is in those 3 folders and the dozens of sub folders.

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General :: Copy Zipped ( Files From Windows To Systems And Unzip Them Without Any Corruption

Jun 11, 2010

Is it possible to copy zipped ( files from Windows systems to Linux systems and unzip them without any corruption.

I know the command unzip is available, but I want to know if this copying from WIndows to Linux could lead to file corruption.

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Fedora :: Installing Fedora On Partition - Installed Only D Drive Without Harming Windows?

Jul 20, 2010

I have C: and D: on my computer. the D drive has 250 GB of free space. I would like to install it on the D drive without harming my existing windows. I have booted through an USB and it has an icon that says "install fedora on your hard disk". How do I make sure that it will be installed only my D drive without harming my windows?

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Software :: Fedora 12 And 13 Packages Installed When Installing GNote And Inkscape On Fedora 14?

Dec 23, 2010

I recently upgraded from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14 and noticed something strange when I used Yum to install GNote and Inkscape. Yum installed the Fedora 14 version of the programs, but installed some dependencies that were actually from Fedora 12 and 13. The output below shows what packages were installed.

Yum output:

==================================================================================================== ===================================================================
Package Arch Version Repository Size


When I ran the yum command to list all of the packages for the dependencies in question, it only listed the version for Fedora 12 or 13. Is there something wrong with one of my repositories or do these Fedora 14 programs actually use packages from previous versions of Fedora?

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Fedora Installation :: Two Ways Of Installing Nvidia Drivers In Fedora 12?

Nov 20, 2009

After searching online and in these forums I found two different ways of installing the Nvidia drivers in fedora 12. If you haven't yet installed the the repos then:

rpm -Uvh
First way:
as su
yum --enablerepo=rp*g install kmod-nvidia.$(uname -m) xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64


I used the first way and everything seems to work fine. Compiz-fusion works good but i did have to add vga=795 to /boot/grub/grub.conf to get the graphical boot loader to work again. Should I have used the second method? What is the difference in these two ways? Most notably the second steps. Is one way better or preferred over the other? From my understanding you must do this because of the nouveau driver.

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