Ubuntu :: Unison Sync Between OS And Windows

Feb 19, 2010

i set up ssh and unison on my windows machine and i am trying to do a sync on my ubuntu machine to windows. i am running into some issues.

certain paths give me the following error: Error: The path Music/Xxxx is ambiguous (i.e., the name of this path or one of its ancestors is the same, modulo capitalization, as another path in a case-sensitive filesystem, and you are synchronizing this filesystem with a case-insensitive filesystem. When i search for Xxxx on my ubuntu system i only see it in that one Music/Xxxx location.

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Ubuntu :: Unison Sync To Fat32 Permissions?

Apr 3, 2010

My system consists of a laptop running Ubuntu 9.10, a network drive (Samba share formatted fat32 the only option) and a desktop PC running Windows XP. For several weeks have been trying to set-up Unison to synchronise files between my laptop and a network drive with only limited success. I mount the network drive locally with:

sudo mount -t cifs //netdrive/store /home/gm/NAS -o guest,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=07 77.

Then in Unison (graphical interface),

root 1 is: /home/gm/Shared_Docs
root 2 is: /home/gm/NAS/HomeBackup/Shared_Docs_Backup

After clicking the �OK� button, Unison searches for changes files and I click �Go�.

An error is then produced, a sample of which would be:

�Error in renaming /home/gm/NAS/HomeBackup/Shared_Docs_Backup/.unison.Our-inv.xlsx.f3e8034159989f9de7081f9154319a2b.unison.t mp to /home/gm/NAS/HomeBackup/Shared_Docs_Backup/Our-inv.xlsx:
Input/output error [rename(/home/gm/NAS/HomeBackup/Shared_Docs_Backup/.unison.Our-inv.xlsx.f3e8034159989f9de7081f9154319a2b.unison.t mp)]�

If all files in the destination directory (root 2) are first deleted, all files are copied correctly without errors so, I think the problem may be caused by permissions where Unison is unable to overwrite the original file. I know formatting the network drive fat32 is probably making the matter worse, unfortunately I have no alternative.

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Ubuntu :: Sync Local Folders - Not Unison Or Rsync?

Apr 14, 2011

I need a program to run on Ubuntu that must be easily set up to do a series of different cloning operations at specific times between the USB drives on a single Ubunu pc, depending on the day of the week." So on Monday folder B is forced to match folder A, Tuesday C forced to equal D ... and on Sunday a whole bunch of these clonings happen. This must all run unattended (at 2am) and be robust with no "what do you want to do next messages" or having the whole thing give up if there is a problem with one file. Though I do need a log of success or failure. Windows programs that do this stuff are FolderClone and GoodSync. I looked at Unison and Rsync and one or two others, but none appeared set up to do what I need, or to be excessively complex / general. I don't need something that can sync two copies, or over internet ....

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Ubuntu :: File-Sync With Unison To A Password-protected Share?

May 11, 2011

Been thinking about a new backup-strategy for my family and me. In our house is an Ubuntu Server (10.10) and NAS (Zyxel NSA210). Now I thought I'd create a Cron Tab entry on all machines which will sync specific folders automatically to either the NAS or a specific backup drive in the server. So now the question is: "How do I do that without seriously compromising each family members privacy by making their backed up files available to everyone in the house?" So in essence I'd like to sync/back up the files to a password protected share for each family member. But this process should still be done automatically every few minutes or so without them having to enter any password at all as their specific password is stored locally.

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Networking :: Unison/iwatch Sync - Files Disappearing From Server?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm trying to set up a synchronization with unison and iwatch to (more or less) instantly sync files upon change in a directory tree. iwatch calls unison like this:


unison /home/foo/vhosts/foo/my_vhost/bar.html ssh://server.tld//srv/www/vhostsfoo/bar.html -batch -terse -ui text -owner -group I would expect unison to sync all files between the two servers. However, that is not the case. Everything works fine as long as the files are only created/changed/whatever on the server running unison. If a file is created on the server that unison is synchronizing to, it gets deleted the next time unison is called.

For example:


on the host running unison:

$ cd /home/foo/vhosts/foo/my_vhost
$ touch foo.bar
-- sshing to remote host ---
$ ssh remote.com


$ unison /home/foo/vhosts/foo/my_vhost/foo.bar ssh://remote.com//srv/www/vhosts/foo/foo.bar -batch -terse -ui text -owner -groupI expected that both files get synchronized - foo.bar from the unison server to remote.com and hello_world.html from remote.com to the server running unison. Instead, hello_world.html gets deleted.

I've been working a while on this and don't seem to be able to figure it out. Maybe it's only an argument to unison to rectify it but I couldn't find anything adequate in the manpage either.

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Software :: Make Unison Transfer Newer Files During Sync?

May 24, 2010

I have unison running on both my laptop and desktop, both use Ubuntu 10.04 (AMD64), I have my unison script set up to copy new files, but when it have 2 files already in place I have to manually tell it how to deal with it (either copy laptop->desktop or visa-versa). I would prefer to just run unison and click go, or possibly have an icon on the desktop I can click to automatically run it. how to set it in the script file to copy the newest file over the older file, whether it be laptop -> desktop or desktop -> laptop?

I have it set up so I can do work on my desktop machine, then when I want to leave my desk to work elsewhere, I run unison on the laptop and synchronize my Firefox bookmarks, emails and schoolwork so I can continue from where I left off and when I get back I run unison again to synchronize all my changes back to the desktop.

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Ubuntu One :: Sync Folder From / Windows

May 2, 2010

I'm dual-booting Windows 7 and Lucid, and I want to sync my documents folder from /windows (a mounted ntfs partition) to Ubuntu One. I right-click and it lets me click on sync with Ubuntu One, but then it does nothing. I've checked and I am able to sync other folders from my ext4 filesystem. Any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Setup Sync With Windows Mobile?

Jul 10, 2010

Is there any way to set up sync with windows mobile 6.5?

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Ubuntu :: Two-way Sync Between HTPC And Windows Laptop

Jan 28, 2011

I am building an HTPC based on Mythbuntu and will also have a laptop running Windows.

I need some software that will provide two-way syncing between these machines:

1) Sync folders from HTPC to the laptop

As the laptop is new, all the media content I want to have on the laptop (music and photos) will be on the HTPC.

2) Backing up content from laptop to HTPC

New content (purchased music and photos) is likely to be added on the laptop initially so I'd therefore like to sync (instantly/automatically if possible) this back to the HTPC to make it available there as well.

Does anyone know of any good software to do this?

I'd originally been thinking of DropBox but, as I understand it, you have to use a DropBox folder however, on the HTPC, music and photos will be on different drives and it seems that putting symlinks inside the DropBox folder is not recommended.

This post also talks about using Ubuntu One. I think there's a Windows beta version available but does this sync between machines on a local network as I thought it was a cloud storage solution and I'm not looking to upload any content to the internet at this stage.

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Ubuntu :: TIP Sync Firefox Bookmarks Between Windows And It

Apr 13, 2011

Tip: Where you have Firefox in both windows and ubuntu it can be useful to synchronise the bookmarks across both browsers. Instead of using Firefox default bookmarks use zotero plugin. Create an account at [URL]Download and install the zotero firefox plugin in both browsers (windows and ubuntu) Use the zotero synchronise feature to sync between windows and ubuntu browsers.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Sync Clock Windows

Mar 13, 2010

I wanted to synchronize both clock from windowsxp and centos. whenever i switch to centos i have to change clock before use is there any method so that i can synch both windows clock and centos clock?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Sync With Windows-mobile Based Smartphone?

Nov 14, 2010

I have been using windows xp and microsoft outlook, mainly for the reason that Microsoft ActiveSync on my smartphone can only work with outlook. Now that I have diverted to Ubuntu, I'm wondering if there is any way to sync my smartphone calendar, to-do task list, and contacts, etc, with evolution under Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu One :: Sync Chewing Up CPU Cycles - Using From 50-80% Long After Any Sync-able Files

Sep 10, 2010

I've got Ubuntu One syncing a single 25MB folder on 4 computers. On one of these computers, the ubuntuone-syncdaemon process constantly pegs the CPU, using from 50-80% long after any sync-able files have been modified and successfully synced. The process is only using 8.9MB of RAM.

Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid)
Kernel 2.6.32-24-generic
1000.8 MB RAM
Pentium 4 2.53GHz
Free disk space: 280.9 GB
System monitor shows 56.8% total RAM usage, 15.4% swap file usage.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Sync Audio On Already Badly Out Of Sync Video?

Jul 9, 2011

Audio sync method. "Stretches/squeezes" the audio stream to match the timestamps, the parameter is the maximum samples per second by which the audio is changed. -async 1 is a special case where only the start of the audio stream is corrected without any later correction.Searching the net makes one believe that this command is just some sort of magic.People just put it in the line and it just works. Isn't that nice?

It says nothing about how to change the TIME the audio starts syncing. Like do I want it to start 5 seconds delayed? Or what about 5 seconds sooner?What if the audio gets more out of sync as the video goes on? Can I slip it a little at a time? What? No magic?No one mentions a file that already has badly synced audio.So what -async 1 really does is simply start the audio at the beginning of the file. LIKE AS IF THAT ISN'T STANDARD PROCEDURE?So what is the exact solution to syncing a messed up video? And why can't it just do the proper "timestamp" sync in the first place?No docs, no info and you are left out in the cold.

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OpenSUSE :: Sync Pim Data With Palm Treo 680 Via Bluetooth - Jpilot Sync Suddenly Broken

Oct 24, 2010

I use jpilot on opensuse 11.3 64bit to sync pim data with my Palm Treo 680 via bluetooth. This worked fine until today. Now I get the following error message when I try to sync: Syncing on device bt: Press the HotSync button now dlp_ReadSysInfo error Exiting with status YNC_ERROR_PI_CONNECT Finished.

The last successfull sync was on the 20th October and today is the 24th October. I did not change any settings in jpilot or on my palm device. So I guess there must have been an update of opensuse which causes this error. But I do not now how to look up the updates during this period or how to undo them. Was there an update between the 20th and the 24th Oktober, which might affect either jpilot or bluetooth functionality?

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Ubuntu :: Unison Cannot Connect To SSH Server

Aug 24, 2010

There's an error when I try to connect to an SSH server with Unison.It says 'Received unexpected header from the server: expected "Unison 2.32" but received "myuser@myhostname" ...'I use Unison for Windows as client to connect to Ubuntu Unison SSH server.Of course It is connected well from localhost to localhost with SSH,but not from a client outside.

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Ubuntu :: Unison Run From Cron Fails

Aug 26, 2010

I have unison set up (using the .unison/default.prf config file) to sync certain directories on my work computer with my home computer.

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Ubuntu :: Unison Hangs In The Natty?

Apr 29, 2011

Unison-gtk on a new 11.04 machine talking to a 10.10 machine hangs. It never connects to the rsync over ssh to the destination 10.10 machine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unison Not Connecting Via Ssh?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm having a little trouble getting unison to work on Kubuntu and can't figure out why.I have two machines. One is a dinky little box that I'm using for version control and as a file server. It has an IP address of My other machine is a laptop with an ip address assigned via DHCP. I can ssh from the laptop to the dinky box with no problems. However, in unison, I've set up a profile to sync /home/will with ssh://will@ However, when I try to connect, it just hangs on the "Contacting Server..." window and does nothing. How do I even go about starting to troubleshoot this?

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General :: Sync Thunderbird Contacts Between Computers, Like Firefox Sync?

Sep 19, 2011

I've discovered Firefox Sync a while ago, and it's absolutely awesome. Now of course I'd like most of my software to work this way! So is there a way to get the same behavior with Thunderbird?

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Ubuntu :: Unison Vs Freefilesync Vs Dirsync Pro Vs Synkron?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a home server that houses all my files accessible over SSHFS. I am looking for a tool that can bidirectionally sync the Documents Folder on the server with the one on my netbook, so that I can keep my work-flow up to date on both regularly. (the directory in question contains mostly MSOffice files and a few PDFs. It is about 1.5GB in size, most of which never changes.

From what Ive read all the apps I mention will do the trick. Which would you recommend I use and why? Note: I am leaning towards Unison, as it seems to have good SSH support which is important (as I often have to synchronize away from my LAN). Do the other three have any speed/feature advantages which I would be missing in Unison?

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Ubuntu :: Unison GUI Disappears - Process Remained Running

Dec 18, 2010

I've just installed Unison. I created the default profile, selecting one of my subdirectories as the source. That done, the GUI disappeared, although a unison-2.32.52- process remained running. I can start another GUI session and, regardless of if I kill the old process, I can only choose my profile before the GUI disappears again. There is no opportunity to do anything else useful, such as selecting a destination directory.

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Ubuntu :: Unison - Archive Locked But No Lock File?

May 19, 2011

I use Unison to synch files between my netbook and desktop. Have done for a while without issue. I hadnt used it for a while and now, when doing so, i cannot get it to work.I get the following error message:

Looking for changes
Fatal error: Warning: the archives are locked.


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OpenSUSE :: Any Good Bi-Directional Synchronization Tool (like Unison)?

Oct 25, 2010

I need a good bi-directional sync. tool like unison, that would work properly over ssh and allow manual decisions and merging if both sides (local&remote) contain changes. unison meets most of my needs, the only drawback is the compatibility - it needs to be installed on both sides, and with the same version. Nowadays it's a bit of a problem, if you have say OS11.3 on one node, SL3 on the other and a MacOS on the third. In my view one only needs the ssh connection, all the rest of the file analysis should be done by the local software. Anyone knows such a tool?

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General :: Cracking WEP With Aircrack And Kismet / Use It Peacefully In Unison?

Dec 25, 2010

Just a minor question, but I notice with aircrack when it lists networks, it does not list the encryption type of each network.

Which seems fair enough, as you can use Kismet, however on my machine when I end kismet and the server, the monitor interface is not removed and I cannot remove it manually, which screws with aircrack.

SO, is kismet needed to view encryption types of networks, and if so how do you use it peacefully in unison with aircrack?

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Fedora :: Firefox 3.5.8 Cannot Save Page / Download After Synched Using Unison

Mar 23, 2010

What follows is actually a copy of my yesterday post on users mailing list, which so far had no response at all. I hope I'll have more luck here.I have 3 PCs running Hardy, Karmic, and Fedora 12, with Firefox on each of them: v. 3.0.18 on Hardy and v. 3.5.8 on both Karmic and Fedora.I created "shared" profile on each system and synchronize them using Unison. Ubuntu 8.04 is a base system for synchronization.The synchronization itself works just fine on all 3 systems. No functionality problems on either of Ubuntu's.In Fedora however I'm having a problem. While using "shared" profile I can save neither a web page nor a download (unless I use some of add-on' as described below).

If either Save Page As... or Save Link As... menu items are selected the requests are simply ignored with no response from FF. However using Download Them All add-on does the job. Equally Scrapbook add-on allows me to save/capture pages.

The default profile works as expected. I thought SELinux is on the way but disabling it (for a test sake) did not changed things. All permissions in "shared" profile directory to me look OK.I'm new to Fedora and cannot figure it out myself, need you help, folks.

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Fedora :: Firefox Sync Can't Sync Well Under F13

Jun 3, 2010

It seems that selinux has stop weav to sync the bookmarks.I followed the fix code as SELinux suggested,but it can't work.Does anyone know how to solve it?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: File Server In Europe Synched To Another In Asia Office Using Unison

Aug 5, 2010

I am looking to implement a file server, in a small office we have users in 3 different continents, Europe(Ireland), USA and Asia(China) with 3 main offices, 2 in Ireland and 1 in China We currently have 1 file server in Europe synched to another in Asia office using unison Our USA staff and roadwarriors connect over vpn to the fileserver in Ireland Users indicate that access the files in the fileserver from outside the office is prohibitively slow....its served by a 12Mb/2Mb broadband line, which is used for all office traffic

We have hosted servers where we could setup a file server as an alternative to setting up in the offices... Can anyone recommend a good, free/opensource

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Ipod Nano 3rd Gen 4gig To Sync With Rhythm Box Or Sync Rhythm Box Back To The Ipod?

Jan 9, 2010

able to get an I pod nano 3rd gen 4gig to sync with Rhythm box or sync rhythm box back to the Ipod?

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Ubuntu :: Unison Not Working - Uncaught Exception Gtk.Error("GtkMain.init: Initialization Failed Ml_gtk_init: Initialization Failed")

Jul 30, 2010

So I installed the Unison synch software with sudo apt-get install unison-gtk. When I set up the two directories for synchronization it looks like this: $ unison ssh:\SERVER\pathpath /var/www/path/path/path

I am getting this error in terminal Uncaught exception Gtk.Error("GtkMain.init: initialization failed ml_gtk_init: initialization failed") Fatal error: exception Util.Fatal("Error in getLogch: /home/path/.unison/unison.log: No such file or directory"

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