Software :: Make Unison Transfer Newer Files During Sync?

May 24, 2010

I have unison running on both my laptop and desktop, both use Ubuntu 10.04 (AMD64), I have my unison script set up to copy new files, but when it have 2 files already in place I have to manually tell it how to deal with it (either copy laptop->desktop or visa-versa). I would prefer to just run unison and click go, or possibly have an icon on the desktop I can click to automatically run it. how to set it in the script file to copy the newest file over the older file, whether it be laptop -> desktop or desktop -> laptop?

I have it set up so I can do work on my desktop machine, then when I want to leave my desk to work elsewhere, I run unison on the laptop and synchronize my Firefox bookmarks, emails and schoolwork so I can continue from where I left off and when I get back I run unison again to synchronize all my changes back to the desktop.

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Networking :: Unison/iwatch Sync - Files Disappearing From Server?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm trying to set up a synchronization with unison and iwatch to (more or less) instantly sync files upon change in a directory tree. iwatch calls unison like this:


unison /home/foo/vhosts/foo/my_vhost/bar.html ssh://server.tld//srv/www/vhostsfoo/bar.html -batch -terse -ui text -owner -group I would expect unison to sync all files between the two servers. However, that is not the case. Everything works fine as long as the files are only created/changed/whatever on the server running unison. If a file is created on the server that unison is synchronizing to, it gets deleted the next time unison is called.

For example:


on the host running unison:

$ cd /home/foo/vhosts/foo/my_vhost
$ touch
-- sshing to remote host ---
$ ssh


$ unison /home/foo/vhosts/foo/my_vhost/ ssh:// -batch -terse -ui text -owner -groupI expected that both files get synchronized - from the unison server to and hello_world.html from to the server running unison. Instead, hello_world.html gets deleted.

I've been working a while on this and don't seem to be able to figure it out. Maybe it's only an argument to unison to rectify it but I couldn't find anything adequate in the manpage either.

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Ubuntu :: Unison Sync Between OS And Windows

Feb 19, 2010

i set up ssh and unison on my windows machine and i am trying to do a sync on my ubuntu machine to windows. i am running into some issues.

certain paths give me the following error: Error: The path Music/Xxxx is ambiguous (i.e., the name of this path or one of its ancestors is the same, modulo capitalization, as another path in a case-sensitive filesystem, and you are synchronizing this filesystem with a case-insensitive filesystem. When i search for Xxxx on my ubuntu system i only see it in that one Music/Xxxx location.

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Ubuntu :: Unison Sync To Fat32 Permissions?

Apr 3, 2010

My system consists of a laptop running Ubuntu 9.10, a network drive (Samba share formatted fat32 the only option) and a desktop PC running Windows XP. For several weeks have been trying to set-up Unison to synchronise files between my laptop and a network drive with only limited success. I mount the network drive locally with:

sudo mount -t cifs //netdrive/store /home/gm/NAS -o guest,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=07 77.

Then in Unison (graphical interface),

root 1 is: /home/gm/Shared_Docs
root 2 is: /home/gm/NAS/HomeBackup/Shared_Docs_Backup

After clicking the �OK� button, Unison searches for changes files and I click �Go�.

An error is then produced, a sample of which would be:

�Error in renaming /home/gm/NAS/HomeBackup/Shared_Docs_Backup/.unison.Our-inv.xlsx.f3e8034159989f9de7081f9154319a2b.unison.t mp to /home/gm/NAS/HomeBackup/Shared_Docs_Backup/Our-inv.xlsx:
Input/output error [rename(/home/gm/NAS/HomeBackup/Shared_Docs_Backup/.unison.Our-inv.xlsx.f3e8034159989f9de7081f9154319a2b.unison.t mp)]�

If all files in the destination directory (root 2) are first deleted, all files are copied correctly without errors so, I think the problem may be caused by permissions where Unison is unable to overwrite the original file. I know formatting the network drive fat32 is probably making the matter worse, unfortunately I have no alternative.

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Ubuntu :: Sync Local Folders - Not Unison Or Rsync?

Apr 14, 2011

I need a program to run on Ubuntu that must be easily set up to do a series of different cloning operations at specific times between the USB drives on a single Ubunu pc, depending on the day of the week." So on Monday folder B is forced to match folder A, Tuesday C forced to equal D ... and on Sunday a whole bunch of these clonings happen. This must all run unattended (at 2am) and be robust with no "what do you want to do next messages" or having the whole thing give up if there is a problem with one file. Though I do need a log of success or failure. Windows programs that do this stuff are FolderClone and GoodSync. I looked at Unison and Rsync and one or two others, but none appeared set up to do what I need, or to be excessively complex / general. I don't need something that can sync two copies, or over internet ....

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Ubuntu :: File-Sync With Unison To A Password-protected Share?

May 11, 2011

Been thinking about a new backup-strategy for my family and me. In our house is an Ubuntu Server (10.10) and NAS (Zyxel NSA210). Now I thought I'd create a Cron Tab entry on all machines which will sync specific folders automatically to either the NAS or a specific backup drive in the server. So now the question is: "How do I do that without seriously compromising each family members privacy by making their backed up files available to everyone in the house?" So in essence I'd like to sync/back up the files to a password protected share for each family member. But this process should still be done automatically every few minutes or so without them having to enter any password at all as their specific password is stored locally.

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Ubuntu One :: Sync Chewing Up CPU Cycles - Using From 50-80% Long After Any Sync-able Files

Sep 10, 2010

I've got Ubuntu One syncing a single 25MB folder on 4 computers. On one of these computers, the ubuntuone-syncdaemon process constantly pegs the CPU, using from 50-80% long after any sync-able files have been modified and successfully synced. The process is only using 8.9MB of RAM.

Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid)
Kernel 2.6.32-24-generic
1000.8 MB RAM
Pentium 4 2.53GHz
Free disk space: 280.9 GB
System monitor shows 56.8% total RAM usage, 15.4% swap file usage.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Replace Newer Files When Extracting From Tar?

Jan 29, 2011

Oftentimes, I want to restore a directory from a tar.gz backup file.When I extract the backup tar.gz, is there a way to make it only replace newer files in t directory?Currently, I have only been able to achieve this bydeleting the entire target directory and extracting the entire backup file. This is timeonsuming because the backups are sometimes hundreds of gigabytes.

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Programming :: Copy Only Newer Files With A Bash Script?

Mar 29, 2010

I have to copy some log files with a cron job; I'd like to copy only the newer files added because I run the script with a weekly cron. all the log files are named like "10-03-29.CVS" and reside in a dir. When I copy I'd like to copy only the files not already copied with the last cron job.

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Ubuntu One :: Uploading Files/sync Files Doesn't Work

Aug 23, 2010

OS: ubuntu10.04 LTS running on latest oracle virtualbox. This works: I have opened a ubuntu one account. And I can log into that account. But I have to do so by: clicking 'ubuntu one' in top bar, and click 'account' in prompt that appears. Shouldn't log in take place automatically? Being logged in I'm able to make new folders. And appearently able to enter them (they are empty I quess) If I try to upload a file clicking 'upload file' in ubuntu one. A prompt appears and I choose the file to upload and click 'continue'. The prompt says "uploading" but nothing happens. If I choose a document folder and click 'mouse click right'. And then click 'sync with ubuntu one'. It prompts that it syncs the folders. But nothing happens.

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General :: Update Distro With A Newer Version And Not Disturb Saved Media Files?

May 3, 2010

Is there a way to update my distro with a newer version and not disturb saved media files? Music and pictures etc. Can I move them to another partition. Its there a better way than to save it to disk?

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Ubuntu :: Slow Transfer Speeds Via HDD To HDD (10.10) / Make It Up?

Apr 6, 2011

I have read many threads but cannot find a solution on this code...

Now no matter how i transfer if its from HDD to HDD or to SSD i never get more then 18-20MB/sec, i just tried booting to my live CD and was able to transfer with 24-25MB/sec

This is really slow, since the worst (2.0TB) can do a minimum of 30 READ

Anybody got any ideas, this seems to be something that has plagued ubuntu for years, and no i don't want to try other distros, i tried almost all of them a year ago and finally went with ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Make Evolution To Sync Content+header Of All Emails For Offline Usage?

Jan 27, 2011

I set up Evolution with a gmail account using TLS both for sending and receiving messages. Then I markd Inbox and All mail folders to be synced for offline usage from their properties (right-click folder and select Properties item).I tried File>Download Messages for Offline Usage and Send/Receive button and Work Offline / Work Online and pressing sync for offline usage when it asks before going offline. But in all situations, Evolution ONLY shows messages (at its status-bar area) about syncing messages, checking for new mail, etc. but DOES NOTHING without any real network activity. Time to time it sends receive some kilobytes, but I could not make it to start some gigabyte gmail syncing transfer.

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Ubuntu One :: New Files Sync But Old Ones Don't?

Jun 15, 2010

As per title really i'm running 10.04 and the client shows sychronisation complete. If i add a new file to the ubuntu one folder it syncs up and is available however old files on the server never load to the local system.

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Ubuntu :: Sync Files On Two Different Computers?

Aug 13, 2010

Looking for a app. to sync files on two different computers (Ubuntu and Windows XP) on home network. I don't want a internet storage app.

Unison looks good. Anyone familiar with it or other?

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General :: Run Rsync On Server A To Copy All Files From Server B When They Are Newer Than 7 Days

Jun 14, 2011

I want to run rsync on server A to copy all files from Server B when they are newer than 7 days.(find . -mtime -7) I don't want to delete the files on Server B.

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Ubuntu One :: Way To Manually Force Sync Files

Jan 3, 2010

Is there a way to manually force sync files? My files have not synced over a day and there's an "unsynchronized" emblem appearing over the Ubuntu One folder. The web interface for Ubuntu doesn't display the proper total size of Ubuntu One nor the current files/folders.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sync OGG Files With Ipod?

May 27, 2010

I want to have my whole library in OGG because it's free and has a better sound quality. The thing is that i have an ipod nano 4th gen and I heard that you can't sync ogg files with an ipod. So, how can i get my music into my ipod without having two separate libraries (that would take too much space in my HDD)?

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Ubuntu :: Sync Music Files Between Computers

Jun 12, 2010

I have a music archive on several computers, from time to time do I add, remove or change the archive on one computer. To keep this changes will I have to copy the new version of the music archive to all the other computers.

is there a program that can sync the music files. Let say that I update the info in one music file, then will the sync program notice the newer version and replace the old file with the new files on all the other computers.

I guess I would need a dedicated server for this where all changes are stored with some kind of version number of the music archive. Since not having a server would make everything (I guess) much more complicated. All computers would have to communicate with each other to check for a new version instead of only communicate with one computer (the server).

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General :: Files Picked For Sync But Not Appear On Folder

Oct 4, 2010

I have 2 Mounts /mnt/Movies and /media/Movies, mnt goes to a network drive that is mounted via cifs and media is also a network drive mounted via NFS. I normally keep drives in sync using rsync and have done so with these drives. But for some reason there's a bunch of files that on /media/Movies that just wont copy over to /mnt/Movies. I've tried touching the files and then running rsync with the whole file option it picks up the files need to be sync'd but they don't appear.

I've tried using cp on the missing files but the files just never appear but it does take about the right time for the prompt to come back indicating it would be copying the data. So my next idea was to use mc. I compared the 2 directories and it selects 83 files that are not in both folders, so then I tell it to copy them, and it comes back saying 'target already exists', if I overwrite or update they still don't appear. I've unmounted the shares, reboot the server and both network drives and run the network drives disk check but nothings helping. I'm trying to avoid deleting the folder and just rsyncing everything again.

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Fedora :: How To Transfer Files

Mar 13, 2010

im running fedora 12 and am relatively new to linux..i have been unsuccessful researching this issue.a complex task for an otherwise simple question.perhaps the phrase is not native to linux but the operation is to transfer filesr move files from one location to another.on windows there was a tweek i found that added an option to the context menu "move to".it would physically move the file.any file to any location.fedora has "send to" but leaves the original and may not be the correct method.fedora also has copy/paste but does that duplicate or merely produce a copy?i want to transfer or move video files both small and large and audio files as well.i want to move them from one hd to another.code is possible but would prefer a more manual solution such as an application or context menu option.perhaps copy/paste would be legit enough for linux and i can see why.but for windows copy/paste and "send to" were considered sub standard methods of file transfer.

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General :: Use Scp To Transfer Files From WAN To LAN?

Sep 21, 2011

I have machine A with a public IP address (addr_a), machine B within a LAN of private IP address(addr_b), the router of the LAN has a public IP address (addr_r).If I log into machine A by ssh from machine B, how can I use the command scp to copy files from machine A to machine B?

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Ubuntu :: How To Transfer Files

Feb 27, 2010

How do I transfer my files from Windows Xp to Ubuntu??

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Networking :: Transfer Files To My Pc?

Feb 13, 2011

I need to transfer some a large amount of file from my Linux lap-top to my desktop Windows machine. Can I connect the two computers through a simple crossover cable and simply navigate into the Windows machine and move to files manually or if not, what's the best way to do this? I don't want to burn a bunch of disks.

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Fedora :: Do The Updates Repos Xml Files Get Out Of Sync With Reality

Jul 12, 2009

Having problems with yum in FC11, it is updates for files that do not exist.Did a 'yum clean metadb', 'yum clean cache', 'yum clean all' as that normally fixes issues, not this time.It does pull down all the xml files just fine, the problem is that the rpm filesets it suggests for update from those new files just do not exist.It only finds about 30 packages to update (as I have been a good boy and keep things updated) but none of the files actually exist on the mirror servers. I selected a single one here as I'm sure you don't want to trawl through the lot...

[root@eagle packages]# yum update bzr
Loaded plugins: priorities, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Update Process


I then used firefox to browse the updates directories (at and some of the other mirrors) that were reporting the 404 errors, and the errors are correct, the files just do not exist (well not yet anyway).So are the updates repo files out of sync at that end or have I missed something obvious that I should also have deleted from the yum setup.

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General :: Ubuntu Sync Files From Active Directory

Feb 22, 2011

How can I sync files from Windows Server 2008 to a Linux box? Windows Server can sync files to another active-directory box automatically. Can i do that with linux too?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Sync Files From Computer Due To Locked Keyring

Jun 19, 2010

I've just started using the amazingly useful Ubuntu One, but I can't sync files from my computer, due to the pesky locked keyring, default, which wishes to be unlocked. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the password for the default keyring is. Is there any way I could find this out? I've included a screenshot, just in case.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MKV Files Audio/video Out Of Sync?

Mar 29, 2011

I put all my dvds on my "media center" by converting them to .MP4 with handbrake.

Recently I saw that with a MKV file you could do soft subtitles. I tested a part of a movie, and the audio and video are very out of sync.

With MP4/burned in audio everything is ok...

Edit: Ow yes I'm using XBMC for playing it. MP4 + MKV files are both H.264, they have the exact same settings except for subtitles...

Weirdly Enough: I tried another video and at this one the audio is in sync....

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Ubuntu :: VLC Media Player: Files Go Out Of Sync Over Time

Jul 8, 2011

I can't pinpoint when it started, but some time in the past several weeks, files have started going out of sync when I view them in VLC Media Player. Initially, sound and video are perfectly synchronized. After 10-20 minutes, it becomes obvious that the actors' mouths are not moving when I hear their lines.

If I stop playback, restart, and resume at the same point in the show, sync is again perfect for a while.

This is a really irritating problem. I cannot even get halfway through a half-hour TV show (really more like 22-26 minutes) without stopping & restarting.

As I stated, it's hard to point to a specific time when the problem started, but it could be connected to the upgrade to VLC 1.1.10.

Here's why I'm pretty sure this is not a problem with my files:

1) They are straight *.iso images of DVDs. No extra conversion/compression/processing so fewer opportunities for errors in the files.

2) The same files play back perfectly in Windows under all circumstances.

How did you fix it? Will we just have to wait for VLC 1.1.11, or is there a fairly easy way I can downgrade to version 1.1.9?

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Networking :: Rsync - Sync Files Modified Within The Last 60 Days?

Jun 3, 2009

Can anybody tell me how I can synchronise files between two computers in a network that have been modified or created within the last 60 days?

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