Ubuntu :: Unable To Use The KDE [4.5 RC] On Lucid

Jul 9, 2010

I am rather irritated right now. I managed to install kde 4.5rc alongside gnome 2.30. And the 1st impression is barely ok. It seems stable and fast, but because wi-fi doesn't work for me, it's really limited in where it can go. Considering I'm typing this logged in thru gnome on the exact same system, connected to the wi-fi network kde refused to connect to, it's rather baffling. Update: Used networkmanager-gnome to get me connectd in before I login since network doesn't use security (even gnome doesn't play well with that.

KDE issues (some from 4.4.2 and still in 4.4.92). Plasma:

1.Tooltips aren't persistent, they shy away after a few seconds. Also they should update with data they're representing (yes system monitor, I'm looking at you);

2.Allow setting of colours for graphs e.g. ram monitor, cpu monitor. Was there but now gone;

3.A more convenient way to exit the plasma dashboard (right click on background perhaps?);

4.Individual wallpapers per desktop; (again, there before in 3.5)

5.Panel auto-hide show delay still not adjustable; choice for fade-in animation;


1.The present windows effect wastes a lot of space under 'natural' without 'presenting' the windows optimally; other setting (fixed & flexible grid) make programs like audacious look utterly horrible; the placement algorithm needs to be sorted;

2.Oxygen menus have too much border, give impression of bloat;

3.Kwin compositing freezes everytime I change decoration, style, font, etc. Have to use key shortcut to disable then re-enable. This is somehow connected to my system using more swap as time goes on, while mem usage remains ~40% (of 2gig)


1.Ability to show basic media file metadata without need for nepomuk (as was possible in konqueror in 3.5.x), e.g resolution of jpeg/png/bmp images, id3 info from mp3/ogg/wma files; pdf [this marked as done in the feature plan, yet to see it)

2.More columns for sorting in details view (windows explorer excels in this). Above point will be needed before this is possible;

Amarok (2.3.1):

1.Still no proper use of album artist tag (for compilation albums and such) and/or proper detection of various artists listed in the 'artist' tag;

2.All embedded album art is useless;

3.Album art isn't shown prominently in the collection browser (22px crap doesn't count, the art itself is >300px);

4.Can't queue files from collection. Can queue from playlist, albums applet but not collection. Why?;

It is a stable pre-release software but stable can only get us so far. The basic features users have clamored for aren't being provided, resulting in my playing music with banshee and viewing my pics with geeqie.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid 64 Unable To Shutdown

Apr 30, 2010

A clean install on an all linux AMD desktop machine. Problem is lucid will not shutdown. All that you can see is the background staring at you for good.

I have not had the guts to install fglrx either.

Some software I did install:

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install LibreOffice From PPA In Lucid

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to install LibreOffice 3.3 by following the instructions I found at [url]

Below is the output I get after running these commands:





The following packages have unmet dependencies:

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I have OpenOffice installed. Is it possible to install LibreOffice 3.3 from PPA even though it is said that the commands target Maverick? Do I have to uninstall OpenOffice before installing LibreOffice?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Start Live CD 10.04 Lucid?

May 3, 2010

I have downloaded 64bit desktop CD Iso installer form ubuntu site. when i boot the live CD, i get the first black screen of keyboard and man symbols at the bottom. then the ubuntu splash screen and it is stuck there for ever. also my HDD activity is over since no CD derive blinks and HDD led blinks. if i press CTRL+ALT+backspace i get a text screen with several error messes most of them input output error and errors like unable to create /tmp. I will attach a pic shortly..

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Ubuntu :: Intel 845 Chipset - Unable To Get Lucid Stability

May 8, 2010

1. Sometimes when I try to shutdown my computer the display becomes filled with pixels of different colors as shown in the image (The problem is very random so I was not able to take a photo, I tried to recreate the effect using GIMP). Then the display turns off (Analog power saving mode) But my system never turns off.

2. While working on my computer the display sometimes goes kaput and blinks as in the second image. It stops responding completely I am not even able to go to terminal (Ctrl + Alt + F1). Leaving me with no option but to use the reset button. Causing me to loose all the work in progress.

3. Firefox responds very slowly upon closing it takes 5-6 seconds for the window to close.

PS:- KMS is also disabled in my system. Enabling it didn't improve stability. and here is the output of my videocard (lshw)

*-display UNCLAIMED
description: VGA compatible controller
product: 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device
vendor: Intel Corporation


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Mysql-server On Lucid?

May 11, 2010

I've tried installing mysql-server on Lucid, and I get errors that it cannot set the root password. A screenshot is attached.

I have no idea what to do. I've tried purging configuring and reinstalling. Same problem. I can't find anything in the logs.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx Unable To Remove Package

May 17, 2010

I recently ran "sudo apt-get autoremove" in the terminal and I was given an error message citing the following:

I believe this is a result of a failed Banshee Media Player installation that left the specific package installed. I ended up removing Banshee entirely. I have tried using Synaptic Package Manager and Computer Janitor to remove the package, but neither has worked, both returned the error exit status 2 message. Computer stats are in my signature.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Get The Cisco Vpnclient Installed On Lucid 10.4

Jun 8, 2010

i'm unable to get the cisco vpnclient installed on lucid 10.4.I have tried a few guides from the 9.05 and even 8.10 but most of them require patches that are for them kernal versions i'm unable to find anything for 10.4 patch wise. anybody come across this yet and more importantly did you win ?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use The Logitech MX1000 With Lucid Lynx

Jun 21, 2010

I can find various information on the tinterweb about configuring a Logitech MX1000 under various old releases of Ubuntu, but I can't find anything relevant to Lucid Lynx.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Setup VirtualBox 3.2.8 On Lucid

Oct 2, 2010

I am trying to set up Vista on my Lucid within VirtualBox so I can run 3CX IP PBX. I have installed the virtualBox and set up a virtual space called "Vista", but when I start it (Power on) I get an error message - see screenshot enclosed. If I run the command

HTML Code:

'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'

as instructed in terminal I get.

HTML Code:

root@server:/home/server# /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/dahdi, it will be ignored in a future release.
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/dahdi.blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Sopcast In Lucid / Resolve It?

Apr 30, 2010

Can't install sp-auth code...

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Lucid: Ata4: SATA Link Down

May 3, 2010

After correcting my grub bootloader problem earlier, I seem to be running into a different problem. I am unable to boot Lucid Lynx, either through recovery mode or normal boot. In recovery mode, I get the following message:

ata4: SATA link down

It then goes on to tell me, after a long wait, that it's unable to start TTY, and shows a (initramfs) prompt.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use USB Drives After Upgrading Karmic -> Lucid Lynx

Apr 6, 2010

I have just upgraded my OS from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04.Now I'm facing problem of not having write permissions to USB drives (Pen drives).I have to use terminal with sudo to copy , move files and unmount media.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Drag N' Drop Stuff From Applications Menu In Lucid

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to drag and drop apps from my applications menu and into cairo dock, but the icon won't drag, it did in karmic but i don't think lucid lets me, how do i enable that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Lucid Lynx: Unable To Mount USBFS

May 9, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx this morning but received this error message after the restart. "An error occurred while mounting usbfs. Press S to skip mounting or M for manual reboot"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Use Quad Monitor ATI FGLX On Lucid Lynx?

May 23, 2010

I'm having an annoying issue with my display configuration.

Some specs:

Motherboard: MSI 760gm-e51
CPU: AMD Phenom II 955 Quadcore
MEM: 8Gbs DDR3
VGA: ATI Radeon HD4850
ATI Radeon 3000 (on board)

All four monitors work fine with two X servers ( 2 monitors each instances) on Ubuntu 9.10 with surroundview enabled in the BIOS. I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.4 and all i get is 4 blank screens. when i disable surroundview in the BIOS with PCIE as default display the HD4850 work great. I should add that on both installs i used the latest atalyst 10.4. It seems like there's something wrong with Ubuntu 10.04.

Here's the xorg.conf of the working Ubuntu 9.10:


Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 1050
Screen "amdcccle-Screen[1]-0" 624 0


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Reach Lucid From Dual Boot Vista?

Jul 22, 2010

I run Lucid on ext3. I really miss not being able to reach Lucid from my dual boot Vista.I have installed the latest fsdriver. I have also tried this:[URL].. which does not work. (Is it because fsdriver is still in the system?) I also tried these methods but to no avail.[URL]. The problem seems to be related to fsdriver not being able to handle ext3 with Inode size = 256. Going back to ext2 for only the home partition seems complicated?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access Windows Shares On An All Lucid Network

Oct 26, 2010

I marked this solved when I discovered, after much reconfiguring, I had a faulty Netgear router - I just thought I'd save you reading all this to find the answer.I have 3 machines at home all running Lucid. All have Samba and shared folders but I can't access files on any machine from any other. This worked ok when they were running Karmic. I'm also unable to set up printing across the network from the two machines without local printers. The main machine has 2 printers connected via USB, the others are using WiFi. I'm not using firewalls on any machine.

On any machine I go to Places, Network and Nautilus opens at network:/// and shows me 'Windows Network' I open that and see the Workgroup folder which I open and see the folder is empty. (I did see the 3 machines before I completely removed Samba and re-installed a few minutes ago)

On one of the remote machines I go to Add Printer, Select Device, Network Printer, Windows Printer via Samba, Browse but I can't see the machine with the printers attached in the Workgroup. Another clue is that when I look at the printer properties, policies on the main machine all 3 boxes are ticked, Enabled, Accepting jobs (but it says Not published) and Shared.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot From Grub Prompt - CD On Lucid / Sort It?

Sep 1, 2011

First, I know there are numerous threads on grub errors but I have tried all possible solutions and that's why I'm here. My issue is that I'm not able to boot from the grub prompt as described for installing grub from a LiveCD https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gr...0from%20LiveCD. I can see grub is installed but is missing the kernal and other files. code...

I ran the boot_info script and the output is attached. From what I can tell it cannot even detect an OS being installed, but I've kept everything up to date and never had any issues. Everything was fine yesterday and now this. Also, I tried the Boot Repair CD and that did not work.

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General :: Unable To Find Iptables Config File In Ubuntu Lucid

Jun 1, 2011

let me know where is iptables rules stored?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Softwares From Software Centre In Lucid Lynx?

May 26, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 , but after updating ubuntu using update manager, I am unable to install software using software Centre.When I click install button the software centre does nothing. Update manager concluded

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Software :: Unable To Tethering Motorola Milestone With Lucid (10.04)

Aug 10, 2010

I want to tether my Milestone phone with my Lucid 10.04. I did a search regarding the software needed on the PC side to support this but unfortunately I found none. What all I got is a S/W named Pdanet to be used with windows only.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Lucid System Upgrade : Now Unable To Burn DVDs / Enable It?

May 3, 2010

Applied the Lucid Lynx 10.04 over the weekend.
Since then - I am unable to burn DVDs, although I can successfully read DVD's.
Everything worked fine before the upgrade.
Under Lucid Lynx I am able to burn CD's (both data files and .ISO) so it isn't the hardware.

I have tried Brasero and k3b as burners - they issue messages that the burner doesn't like the medium, which is standard DVD-R.
Bear in mind that I could burn similar DVDs *before* the upgrade...

Any help or suggestions on how to fix this please?

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General :: Ubuntu Lucid User And AnyData Adu 560d Modem - Unable To Connect To Internet

Jan 25, 2011

I'm an Ubuntu lucid user and i have AnyData adu 560d modem.i try to connect to the internet using my modem, but Ubuntu read it as usb tell me how can i using usb mode-switch to solve this problem,in otherworld i know what is the problem but i need the steps to solve this problem .

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Ubuntu Installation :: How Stable Are The Lucid-proposed And Lucid-backports Options In The Software Sources Settings

Oct 11, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 how stable are the lucid-proposed and lucid-backports options in the software sources settings?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Procedure For Updating From Lucid Beta 2 To Lucid LTS?

Apr 30, 2010

What's the procedure for updating from Lucid Beta 2 to Lucid LTS? Is it just "apt-get upgrade"? Or would I be better off with a clean install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Switch From Lucid 32 Bit To Lucid 64 Bit

May 9, 2010

I recently upgraded from Karmic to Lucid via the Update Manager. I would like to upgrade further by switching from 32 Bit to 64 Bit. I downloaded the Lucid 64 Bit ISO and wrote an install disk. When I reboot the computer with the install disk nothing happens.

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Ubuntu Installation :: LUCID: Downloading Repositories/Packages - Get This Message " Unable To Find Expected Entry Deb-src/binary-i386/Packages In Meta-index File "?

Jun 24, 2010

I did the UPGRADE from Karmic Koala to Lucid, and everything was going well. But now I've been having problems with the UBUNTU UPDATE tool for the last 2 weeks. Every time I try to do an update check on the packages, I get the following message:Failed to fetch http:[url]....Release Unable to find expected entry deb-src/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)

Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.I've tried changing the servers to MAIN and others, and still no way to solve it. I've also checked for other posts, but haven't found a solution yet. Here's my SOURCES LIST (gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list)# See http:[url].... for how to upgrade to # newer versions of the distribution.

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Software :: Lucid-wx Instead Of Lucid ?

Mar 23, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 10 and when checking the version using system|about it says:


You are using Ubuntu 10.10 - the Maverick Meerkat - released in October 2010 and supported until April 2012. Now, I run some shellscripts and they check the distro. lucid-wx is not in supported versions but lucid is. Where can I change the lucid-wx to lucid?

Is it somewhere in a textfile or so? I cannot find it in /etc/issues or using man -n of man -a or so.

Also, it is not mentioned in /etc/lsb-release.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Play Audio CD's Or Video DVD's - Unable To Mount Disc: Location Is Not Mountable

May 24, 2010

I'm totally unable to play or mount audio CDs and unable to use video DVD's on my box right now. When I insert an audio CD I get a dialog box saying:

Unable to mount disc: Location is not mountable

and if I check messages in the Log File Viewer I see the following text repeated (save for the last line) a couple of dozen times.


May 24 13:04:37 Amber kernel: [ 6680.434685] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
May 24 13:04:37 Amber kernel: [ 6680.434691] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Illegal Request [current]
May 24 13:04:37 Amber kernel: [ 6680.434695] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: Illegal mode for this track


on a similar but ultimately unrelated thread someone was asked to enter a few commands so I tried them and the following was the output:


main@Amber:~$ ls /dev/scd*
main@Amber:~$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0


An error occurred: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file. As far as I can tell I have the relevant CSS libraries installed I'm lost without being able to play CD's and DVD's on my system.

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