Ubuntu :: Unable To Find Any Images?

Mar 2, 2011

If i click on places. Instead of being able to look at my pictures/music/home folder etc.Eye of gnome loads up and says it is unable to find any images?How have i done this? Is it a ubuntu bug.Any tips on how i can resolve this.BTW i can still access these folders if i go in thru shotwell. So the folders themselves are working.

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General :: App To Find And Remove Duplicate Images ?

Dec 13, 2010

I am looking for a Linux app that can find and remove duplicate images (with different filenames if that's at all possible).

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Software :: Imagemagick To Find Duplicate Images

Nov 18, 2010

I have a folder that over 70,000 images (within it is a complex hierarchy of subfolders). Of these 70,000 images I assume that I only have ~10,000 unique images; the rest are copies that have been resized. I would like to somehow delete all of the resized copies of the larger originals and remove them, keeping only the original image.

Is there a way to use imagemagick (or any other application) to scan this folder recursively and determine which files may be (resized) copies?

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Programming :: Find The Orphaned Images Using Grep

Jun 16, 2010

I have inherited a wordpress theme with a folder of images that I think are no longer being used. I wanted to find the orphaned images using grep, so I wrote this script:

echo $PWD
for i in *.*; do
cd ..


Its seems like I got some false positives out of it, but it worked pretty ok. I guess. :| Of course, it is not checking for images in the content of the database.

Orphan finding has to be a wheel that is already invented.

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General :: Find All Debian Release Iso Images With Kernel 2.4.x?

Jun 9, 2010

where can I find all Debian release iso images with Linux kernel 2.4.x?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access Images From Either OS

Mar 5, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to fileshare between two operating systems that are on the same computer? I have Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows XP partitioned on my computer, and it would be helpful for me to be able to access images from either OS; so i could edit them from XP on photoshop, and then continue to use them on Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Gramps Gallery - Unable To Add New Images

May 5, 2010

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but I can't find anywhere to contact the Gramps developers outside of bug reporting.

I found that the path to my images was not recognised by Gramps when I restored the backup after reinstallation. I had not changed the actual path where my images are stored.

I was able to fix the above problem by running Media Manager to change the path name as recorded by Gramps. However, when I try to add new images to Gallery, I get this error message: "Cannot import /home/alan/Pictures/<filename> The filename supplied could not be found."

This is even though the file was selected in the normal way when adding a new image to the Gallery. It happens every time so I now am unable to add new photos.

Does anyone know what a "relative path" is? It's possible I have got this part mixed up. I presume an absolute path is /home/alan/Pictures/ . Why am I now unable to add new images to the Gallery?

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Ubuntu :: Edit PDF - Unable To Add Images Into A Page?

Mar 23, 2011

I would like to edit a PDF file I have; in particular I'd like to overlay a JPG image at a certain position.

I have tried PDFEdit, but it seems it is not able to add images into a page. Any alternatives?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Terminal - 'unable To Read Input Images'

Apr 28, 2010

1.) Whenever i am starting a new instance of terminal, it is giving messages 'unable to read input images' five times. Actually i had run a shell script that gave this message, but why is it appearing every time, i am opening a new terminal, (that script is already over and it generated the required outputs)? Because of this, when i run 'ls' command, it is showing all the files and directories with the same color, otherwise it used to show them in different colors.

2.) Once my panel had crashed, then i have made a new panel, but after that my instant messenger icon is no more keeps sitting on the system tray as it used to do before, it closes as i close its window otherwise even after closing the window, it used to keep me logged in and the icon use to be there at system tray.

3.) automount for usbdrive not working? Note: all these problems are there only in my own user account. Other user account like root and guest has everything correct.

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Debian :: Unable To View Jpeg Images / Resolve This?

Mar 15, 2011

Somehow I got libjpeg out of my system, and can't get it back working. I have installed jpeg-8b package, applications installed by it work, but not "system-wide" support for jpeg. Eg. I can use "cjpeg", but Eye of Gnome (image viewer) gives me "Unrecognized image file format" error.

Could you please point me to some right solution? Where does Debian look for this library?

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Upload Images Because It Cannot Create The Directories Required

Jun 1, 2010

I'm running OpenSuse 11.0 in a lamp configuration with Apache 2. I configured Apache with the .conf files instead of YAST because I am running virtual hosts (that's another story).

My problem is that my server will not render the pages unless the permissions are set to 775 which I know is not necessary. This is also causing a problem because I am trying to install WordPress onto the server. WordPress will run, but it unable to upload images because it cannot create the directories required.

Apache2 is running as 755 with root as owner and www as group. I changed the owner of the htdocs sub-directories to myself, and created a group that has permissions to write to the directory. WordPress runs as my user and has the same permissions (775).

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Installation :: Unable To Watch Animated Images / Videos With Firefox

Sep 7, 2009

I installed "flash-plugin-" manually to my system in order to let firefox enable watching animated images and video ,but even though firefox still not able to do so. I'm running RHEl 5.

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Ubuntu :: Images Available 2.6.31-17 Generic And After The Download Is Complete Both Images Exist?

Jan 6, 2010

using the update maneger to update on ubuntu new linux images available 2.6.31-17 generic and after the download is complete both images exist in the grub menu should i remove them ? or just remove them from the boot menu ? and if so how could i do each.

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Ubuntu :: Software That Can Compare And Find Similar & Duplicate Images For Ubuntu?

Apr 1, 2011

Here's the problem I hope to solve: I had to recover a hard drive with pictures and other data on it after the file system was erased. Now, in some cases there are 5 or more instances of the same image with different sizes and different file names. Sometimes the images are also in different formats such as jpeg or pnm...

Some of these images may be duplicates of images in a backup hard drive. I am just asking to see if there is a software that can visually compare images, find visual similarities, and ask me which to keep.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Create Bootable USB Drives With SuseStudio Iso Images?

Jul 3, 2011

I am attempting to use SuseStudio "preload" and "live" .iso images and the instructions at SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE to create a bootable USB drive.dd_rescue ends after the expected amount of time--without reporting errors--yet "fdisk -l" reports that the device does not contain a valid partition table. The USB key does not boot and appears to have no data.

For what it's worth, my build host is Gentoo on 2.6.39, and I have the latest dd-rescue available. The USB disk is a PNY attache 4GB and works fine with any ISO's supported by unetbootin. The only other bare metal I have here is a netbook running Mepix, so I can't make use of solutions that start with "Boot your existing OpenSuse workstation

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Software :: Download Some Images From A Website - Single Column Of Links To The Images?

Jul 26, 2010

I am running Linux from a DVD, not installed. I am not good with installing software, but since the DVD cannot be corrupted, I am content to operate this way. Lately, I have been having problems that previously did not occur. When I try to click on the checkbox to get rid of emails, it doesn't register in most cases, or when it does, I am clicking multiple times so it registers twice, meaning it is unchecked again. Even more frustrating is some issues that are affecting my ability to update my business. I am trying to modify spreadsheets (text not calculations).

Whenever I try to click & drag to select something to change, it keeps jumping around to select only some of what I want, something else or some combination of the 2. When I try to copy and paste several fields from 1 column to another, everything from the several fields in the source column ends up together in the last field in the target column. I am also trying to download some images from a website. There is a single column of links to the images. I have to click on the link to get to the image in order to copy it, then back out to continue looking for more links to do the same.

My computer keeps jumping back 2 steps, then forward 2 steps, and sometimes I lose my place in that list. I could deal with it if it were a small number of links, but this is a list of probably close to 20,000 links. Again, i am operating off of a live DVD so this should not be corruptible, but this has just started happening, and has been an issue the last several sessions.

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General :: Concatenate Several Images Into A PDF File With Several Images Per Page

May 2, 2011

I know that ImageMagick's convert program can be used as follows to convert a collection of images -- say, in PNG format -- to a PDF file:

convert *png output.pdf

The problem with this is that each image is then stretched to fit on one page, whereas I would like to keep the original dimensions of the images and put as many as possible on one page in the PDF file before moving on to another page.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Kubuntu 10.4 - Unable To Find A Medium Containing A Live File System

Aug 15, 2010

I cannot install Kubuntu (or Unbuntu) 10.4 on my husband's computer. I have spent 5 hours on this and cannot get anywhere. I am deeply frustrated. The iso I burned to CD is good (works on 2 other computers). His computer will not boot from USB, no matter what I do to the drive order in BIOS. After loading the blue screen with the Kubuntu logo on it (and the blue-white dots), the screen changes to black and shows the following text:

BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash) (initrafs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.

He really needs to get rid of WinXP. Kubuntu is what I have on my computer (and love it!). Here is some info about his computer:

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation


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General :: Replace DVD / CD Install Images With USB Images

Sep 21, 2009

I am just spent half an hour hunting for a thing that should be totally available already:USB install images of Ubuntu, knoppix and all the others.And, the only good way are so far complicated tutorials where you extract the stuff from an CD image. Why??Hasn't everybody notices that CDs/DVDs are vanishing big time? That more and more systems don't have the readers anymore? Instead of following a 10 point instruction list, it would be nice to just be able to download a Ubuntu 8.10 or whatever USB image and be able to beam that DIRECTLY to a USB stick with a dd command.

Or am a missing something here? Does this exist?It should by no means be mariginal, considering how important USB stick in specific and flash memory in general have become.

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Fedora :: GNOME3 - Unable To Initialize Clutter: Unable To Find Suitable Fbconfig For The GLX Context

Jun 27, 2011

The machine boots, graphics come up, login window shows up, but after login there is only the background window (and mouse). My .xsession looks like this:


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Fedora :: "Unable To Access Certain Websites And Getting "unable To Find Host" Error

Dec 26, 2010

I have a lenovo x200 laptop running Fedora 14, fully up to date with the Fedora repository. Seemingly out of nowhere, some websites will no longer load. First it happened to www.facebook.com, next (after a day or so) wikipedia.org, now the Fedora forum. Other Internet access seems fine, but when I try to go to these pages I just get "unable to find host" errors. Its totally bizarre. It first happened in an airport so I thought it was just a strange network there, but now it happens at home. I can't get on these sites in firefox or elinks browsers (in a terminal) BUT I can ping both sites no problem. Also, the other computers in this house have no problem visiting these sites.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find Menu.lst In 10.04?

Jun 19, 2010

Iam not able to find Menu.lst file in the /boot/grub in Ubuntu 10.04, as i want to change the grub menu i started searching for it and couldnt find it

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find The Package

Apr 18, 2011

I am not able to find following packages:


Does any one know if package names have been changed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Find Any Of My Files / Where They Go?

Mar 28, 2010

I just switched my old computer from Windows ME to the lastest Ubuntu. It's working fine, except...

I can't find any of my files.

In the Installation, it said it was deleting everything from my old OS, and Partitioning my Hardrive... Are they all gone?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find The Partition To Boot Into It

Jun 24, 2010

I've had Ubuntu for quite some time, but recently I got my hands on a copy of a Windows 7 Upgrade disk, and thought that I would like to dual boot between Windows and Ubuntu. I wiped Ubuntu from it's partition because I know that Windows is picky and needs everything to be clean to be installed. Then I proceeded to install Windows 7 using the upgrade disk only to find that the product key to activate Windows wasn't valid. This was because I tried to clean install Windows 7 instead of upgrading. Then I reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 on my computer and was able to dual boot between Ubuntu and Windows. After reading online, I discovered that all I had to do was reinstall Windows once I was running Windows for the product key to be valid. Now windows is running great on my computer, but I am unable to find the Ubuntu partition to boot into it. Every time I turn on my computer it goes straight to windows and I don't even have the option to boot into Ubuntu even though it is still on my computer.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find The Volume Control

Jun 28, 2010

I was just playing some .flv files on my laptop with Ubuntu Lucid. At the start they played okay but after playing a few of those files the next files stopped playing. I tried playing one which had played just two minutes ago and it could not play. So evidently the problem was not with the files. Since I was using VLC I got an error message saying that the file could not be opened. So I restarted the laptop and tried playing them again and they did work(play). But the problem now is that the volume control which is placed at the top panel was not there anymore. I right clicked and selected Add to Panel. I searched for Volume Control but could not find it.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find The 'scanner' Drivers?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a CanonMP280 printer and Ubuntu 10.10. Mp280 is not recognized by Ubuntu 10.10. Through 'cybertechhelp' I was very lucky to get the printing drivers to install. So the printer works.

No-one seems to be able to find the 'scanner' drivers and Canon_help is useless. So I must dual-boot with Windows to be able to scan.

Although win7 is a vast improvement on vista. I would much prefer to single-boot with Ubuntu. I tried other Ubuntu and Ubuntu-Based distros, but, the printer-drivers I have, only work in Ubuntu 08.04 - 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find / Connect To Any Routers At All

Jul 18, 2011

I just installed my Ubuntu 11.04 alongside with my Windows 7. The only problem I have with my Ubuntu is that it cannot seem to find or connect to any routers. I think it COULD be the drivers that are missing. When I try to use the router I have at home with my Windows 7, (on the same laptop) it works fine. I use a Airport Extreme router.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Find The Files

Jul 28, 2011

I've just started running Ubuntu from a USB stick as the OS on my pc has failed. I can now turn it on and use the computer, but I can't access all the files that are on the computer already, and I need them! They are still there, all 70+GB of them, but I can't see them or move them to an external hard drive. How can I get them?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find 915resolution Package In Apt-get

Mar 28, 2010

I've enable the universe deb in /etc/apt/sources.list yet i still can't find 915resolution. However I've manage to download the source and make install which result in /usr/sbin/915resolution, but when I type 915resolution -l no such command was found. Why?

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