Ubuntu :: Unable To Configuration Server After Installing 11.04?

Jul 22, 2011

I did a fresh install (the installer erased 10.04 and installed 11.04) of Natty. Now as soon as I boot into Ubuntu I get the error "There is a problem with the configuration server....exited with status 256" This comes up before the log in screen, and once I type in my password, after as well.Also, I'm getting the error The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly.contact your computer administrator.

I cannot log in. I just get sent back to the log in screen.I have searched and searched for a solution to both of these errors, and it seems that no one can find a solution to the configuration server error.

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Software :: Installing Visual Python To Fedora 12 - Compile: Unable To Infer Tagged Configuration Libtool

May 15, 2010

I'm having problems installing visual python on Fedora 12 (64-bit). Here are the steps I've taken:

- downloaded visual python 5.32
- ran ./configure without problems
- ran make and got this error: Compiling ./core/util/atomic_queue.cpp make[1]: *** [atomic_queue.lo] Error 1

(From src/build.log): libtool: compile: unable to infer tagged configuration libtool: compile: specify a tag with '--tag'

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Server :: Ubuntu 8.10 - Unable To Read Configuration Data For Ventrilo

Mar 5, 2010

I am running ubuntu 8.10 on an old gateway as a server. I have vent up and running just fine. I went to configure the ventrilo_srv.ini file and now that I have made the changes, I need to restart the server program, which I am having problems doing. The following command returns the following:

sudo /home/taylor/ventrilo/ventsrv/ventrilo_srv restart
Ventrilo Server - Public - Version 3.0.3
(c)Copyright 1999-2008 Flagship Industries, Inc.
Unable to open configuration file 'ventrilo_srv.ini'.
ERROR: Unable to read configuration data. Exiting.

What am I doing wrong? Did I change something that shouldn't have been changed. I only set the name to something other than default and set the admin password.

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Server :: Unable Able To Do Complete Cluster Configuration

Feb 1, 2010

I m Not able to do complete my cluster Configuration. I have done my Cluster configuration but when i m running the system-config-cluster command the cluster configuration window appear, but after closing the window it is giving me the following error [root@node1 ~]# system-config-cluster. # when the window opens, I get the below error. When I did a search everthing pointed to the 2 rpms. I verified the version of the rpms cman and openais, they are:


error code res was not 0, it was 1 error string was /usr/sbin/cman_tool: Cannot open connection to cman, is it running? When I try to issue service cman start, I get the error:


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Server :: Installing Lighttpd From Svn Unable To Start Script?

Aug 4, 2010

I have followed all the steps as mentioned on documentation.except automake (I am not clear as where to make automake)

I logged in as Root on a Ubuntu system
and then

cd /opt
svn checkout svn://svn.lighttpd.net/lighttpd/branches/lighttpd-1.4.x/
cd lighttpd-1.4.x
make install

After this what do I need to do to be able to start the lighttpd ?After this I did not found any script /etc/init.d/lighttpd. so what more has to be done ?

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Debian :: Cups Not Starting With The Server / Getting Error Unable To Read Configuration File '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - Exiting?

Feb 24, 2011

cups does not start with the server. When I try to start from the terminal I get the error message

cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting!
cupsd: Child exited with status 1!

The log files show nothing. cupsd.conf exists. It is user - root and group - root with permissions set at 0644.

My interpretation of this is that the program is not launching from either boot or terminal for a fundamental reason. I do not quite see what that reason is .

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Ubuntu Servers :: When Installing Server Ask About Installing DNS Server?

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to install a ubuntu server to serve sites. More than one, so Ill use Apache VirtualHost.When installing ubuntu server ask me about installing DNS Server? do i need it?

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Server :: Server Configuration For Small Office Server, Which Smtp, Pop Imap Server And Backup?

Apr 2, 2010

I have installed a linux server in my office to run 16 machines. Its main use will be a internal mail server but will be also running websites.

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 server x64 and have got apache running.

I am looking for the simplest more robust solution for smtp, pop3 and imap. I have only ever used qmail before and found it a pain to configure and its getting old so I though I should probably try something new. I have not much experience with running pop3 or imap on linux so would love a suggestion on that.

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Debian Configuration :: Reboot Both The Server And The Client Machines Every Time Change The SAMBA Configuration?

Apr 5, 2010

I am *finally* getting around to rebuilding my file-sharing computer. I'll be sharing files with both Linux and Windoze machines. It's a home network, so there's nothing fancy needed. I know I have to tweak my smb.conf file until I'm satisfied with the features and security. I'm using SWAT and I'm starting with a bare-bones conf file. It's not secure but I can see the server and selected files/directories from my other Linux box.

My really dumb question is, do I have to reboot both the server and the client machines every time I change the SAMBA configuration? I thought I just had to stop and restart the SAMBA service in the SWAT software - but then the server disappears from my client. It looks like I need to reboot both machines for the client to see the server.

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Server :: Minimum Partition Size Required In Redhat Linux Server For DNS Server Configuration?

May 5, 2011

Right now i have a HP DL 180 Server with 130 Gb Hard Disk & 8 Gb ram after Raiding0+1. i want to configure Domain Controller Server for my office for 200 to 300 Users. what should the partition size must be mentioned in my 130 Gb Hard Disk, is that going to be Sufficient for ME ?

i am bit confused about /Usr /Var /Boot partitions, as i need to manage perfectly in 130 GB

if i go with 4 Gb swap and remaining for " / " is that will be fine ? should i need to specify partition sizes separately for / tmp /var / usr ..

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Debian Configuration :: Install A Multi-core System And Configure It To Run Several VMs, One Each For A Firewall, A Caching Proxy Server, A Mail Server, A Web Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I will be relocating to a permanent residence sometime in the next year or two. I've recently begun thinking about the best way to implement a home-based network. It occurred to me that the most elegant solution might be the use of VM technology to eliminate as much hardware and wiring as possible.My thinking is this: Install a multi-core system and configure it to run several VMs, one each for a firewall, a caching proxy server, a mail server, a web server. Additionally, I would like to run 2-4 VMs as remote (RDP)workstations, using diskless workstations to boot the VMs over powerline ethernet.The latest powerline technology (available later this year) will allow multiple devices on a residential circuit operating at near gigabit speed, just like legacy wired networks.

In theory, the above would allow me to consolidate everything but the disklessworkstations on a single server and eliminate all wired (and wireless) connections except the broadband connection to the Internet and the cabling to the nearest power outlets. It appears technically possible, but I'm not sure about the various virtual connections among VMs. In theory, each VM should be able to communicate with the other as if it was on the same network via the server data bus, but what about setting up firewall zones? Any internal I/O bandwidth bottlenecks? Any other potential "gotchas", caveats, issues? (Other than the obvious requirement of having enough CPU and RAM).Any thoughts or observations welcome, especially if they are from real world experience in a VM environment. BTW--in case you're wondering why I'm posting here, it's because I run Debian on all my workstations/servers (running VirtualBox as a VM for Windows XP on one workstation).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Graphics Configuration After Installing XBMC?

Jan 16, 2011

I recently installed XBMC on ubuntu 10.10 thereafter I am unable to login in to my default ubuntu. While booting, ubuntu displays the popup message saying that my graphics configuration does not match my hardware.It give me option to reconfigure my graphics configuration but I don't know how to do that. I have uninstalled the XBMC using the command:apt-get purge xbmc xbmc-standaloneMy graphics card is "ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series".

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Ubuntu :: Installing Packages Suspect Repository Configuration

Mar 18, 2011

I completed an installation of Ubuntu 10.10 LTS 64-bit as a guest operating system on a VMWare server. Somehow during the installation process, I neglected to install a GUI desktop. I want to install the gnome desktop, but I am running into a series of errors similar to the one shown below:


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Debian Configuration :: Installing Anything New On System

Jun 11, 2010

I came across one strange problem. When I try to install a new package on my system, I get this error, connected with libgnutls26:


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Debian Configuration :: Installing With A Later Kernel ?

Sep 10, 2010

My girlfriend got a 'new' (second hand) laptop, a HP Compaq 6715s. When I tried to install Debian on it, the install went immensely slow - glacial, even. It was a very minimal install but it tooks hours to get to nowhere.

I found out online that this was because of a problem between the current kernel and the hard drive (or HD bus, something hardware-y to do with the disk) which meant file operations were extremely slow. I thought "easy, patiently install Debian and then install newer kernel". Except that after six hours, the install wasn't even halfway.

So I install Arch Linux with the 2.6.35 kernel: no problems with the drive speed at all. After a lot of researching (I only played around with Arch once, more than a year ago) I got the system into a usable state. But now wlan0 has suddenly disappeared, together with some other problems - and a usable laptop wasn't exactly what I had in mind, it was supposed to be awesome (or at least good). Which, with Debian, it would be

So... is it possible to make a Debian installation use a later version of a kernel? I'd want to install Debian with the 2.6.35 kernel, not install Debian and then afterwards update the kernel (because I don't have 24 hours to install an OS, if it'll ever even install).

I've found some stuff online but it might well have been written in the Cyrillic alphabet. All I understand, I think, is that in theory it's possible.

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Packages From 5 DVD Set

Dec 7, 2010

I have downloaded the entire Debian 5-dvd set. I want synaptic, apt-get and aptitude to first check online if there's a new version of the packages selected to install, if there's a new version, then get the packages online and install, if not, then ask to insert the corresponding dvd and install from that. Is there anyway to configure this?

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Debian Configuration :: Installing The KVM From Source?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a fresh install of Debian Squeeze AMD64 which I'm trying to install KVM on. I have no idea what I'm doing so I figured someone on these forums might be able to explain it. I have already verified VT support and enabled it in the bios. I have googled and read about KVM installation but everything I can find is either confusing or doesn't work. Also I am trying to install it from source because I want to experiment with modifying it later.

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Libpam-systemd

Aug 12, 2015

I upgraded my machine from Wheezy to Jessie, opted to not install systemd yet. When i try to upgrade kde-plasma-desktop, apt doesn't let me do it.

For some reason "libpam-systemd : Depends: systemd (= 215-17+deb8u1) but it is not installable"

Installing systemd-shim doesn't work. Libpam-systemd package site gives impression that you would be able to use systemd or systemd-shim.

Tried looking through changelog, but it didn't really give any hint.

At 215-6 there are just
Code: Select allSwitch libpam-systemd dependencies to prefer systemd-shim over
    systemd-sysv, to implement the CTTE decision #746578. This is a no-op on
    systems which already have systemd-sysv installed, but will prevent
    installing that on upgrades. (Closes: #769747)
Version of libpam-systemd that would be installed is "Candidate: 215-17+deb8u1"

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Kernel Headers?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm trying to install vmware server 2 on my lenny and first I must install the kernel headers but I'm having troubels with it.

apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-

I have even tried with apt-get install linux-headers- but same thing Searching apt-cache search linux-headers- shows nothing.

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Debian Configuration :: Installing MySQL 5.1 In Lenny

May 17, 2010

I've been trying to install MySQL in Lenny via source binaries, following the instructions given on the MySQL official website[url]

But when i try to run the scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql command, doesn't work.

For the record, i'm particularly interested on installing MySQL with the generic source binaries.

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Via Apt Applications On Usb Drive

Sep 8, 2010

I have installed a core debian install on the NAND on a little ARM dockstar, which is fine as a slow little media storage server but really i need to put squeezebox server on it and my media collection. Theres no issue slapping in a 2.5 usb HD in to the dock with my media on ... the issue i have is i do not have room in nand for the server application/associated dependancies (plus a lot of read/write issues if i put them in nand) so i am wondering if its possible to ammend the configuration somehow to have apt automatically install the server software (a pig to do manually with all the dependancies) to the USB HD (rather than the default nand paths) without affecting the operation/dependancies in the core install in NAND

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Wireless From Disk?

Dec 17, 2010

How can I load packages from the cd? I installed from cd1 which I burned on a desktop, then installed Lenny onto a laptop. Works great, no problems except I have no way of connecting the laptop other than wireless.
I've found the network manager package on the cd, but don't have a clue how to install it. I really need to get the wireless working so I can install package manager, wi-fi radar and some other things. I tried putting the disk back in and thought rescue mode might bring me back to where I could select the individual packages I need, but that didn't work, it just wanted to go through another install. Thought there was a way to select individual packages and add them to the installation.

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Debian Configuration :: Apt-get Auto-remove After Installing Jessie

Jun 20, 2015

After installing Jessie, apt-get gives me a huge list of packages with the suggestion to autoremove them. Now, I've tried auto-remove once and was left with a naked Gnome, so I was wondering if there's another way to find out which packages I should keep and which I can safely remove. Is it safe to delete packages that cannot be found using the search function for the stable release? I checked them one by one here URL....How about linux images that won't appear in the above search?


How about results shown by deborphan?

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Debian Configuration :: After Installing GRUB Win 7 Fails To Boot

Nov 26, 2015

I have a ~ 2008 notebook (Compaq CQ60-137EL) on which I had Windows 7 only (it was sold with Windows Vista installed).

Later I installed Debian Jessie 8.2.0 Stable ("Graphical expert install" from DVD), along with GRUB as a boot manager (I chose not to install it on the EFI removable media path).

Since then, if I select Windows 7 on the GRUB boot screen, I see "Starting Windows...", and after few seconds the screen flashes for a moment, and then the PC reboots: I see the bios screen, followed by the GRUB screen again.
What's even more weird about this is the fact it just happens only in like ~50% of the cases. In the other 50%, Win7 starts flawlessy.

I even tried to install Debian first, then Windows 7, then re-install GRUB, but I got the same issue, even with both system freshly installed.

On 6 attempts, 3 times it worked and 3 times it didn't.

On my desktop PC I'm in the same setting, but I don't have this issue. I think it may be related with the fact I have Win7 on a SSD and I installed Debian on a separate HDD, while on my notebook, as you can imagine, there's just one single HDD.

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Debian Configuration :: Installing ATI Open Source Drivers

Mar 1, 2016

I just set up a computer with debian (im no linux expert) and now i have trouble with getting the packages for my graphics card (its an RV635)

Im tried to do it like this page says: [URL]....

However when i try to Code: Select allapt-get update he throws an error:

W: Fehlschlag beim Holen von http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/Release Erwarteter Eintrag »nonfree/binary-amd64/Packages« konnte in Release-Datei nicht gefunden werden (falscher Eintrag in sources.list oder missgebildete Datei)

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Latest Version Of Clamav ?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm trying to install the latest version of Clamav (0.95.3), but I'm getting the following error messages in Synaptic after adding the recommended repository to my sources:

Here's a listing of my sources:

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Debian Configuration :: Installing LottaNZB Screw System?

May 14, 2010

Okay so a newb question but I typed the simple command sudo apt-get install lottanzb to install lottanzb after adding the testing repositories (currently using Lenny stable) and got a huge shed load of things updated including AWN from the testing source as a result (pages of them flashed by) and it removed some things like Epiphany browser.

Got a load of errors at one point during this including
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
Usage: /etc/init.d/cron {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}.
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
Status of Common Unix Printing System: cupsd is running.
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
checking separate queue runner daemon...done (not running).


Am I being dumb here or does that mean I`m now basically using Debian testing as a result and if so how can I undo it yet keep LottaNZB? With the errors am concerned in case I reboot and the system goes from stable to unstable. I chose Debian for the stability so don`t want the testing versions, and have no idea why a simple install command updated so much stuff. EDIT: It bigtime messed it up, when I logged out and logged back in system was unusable and I had to reinstall as tried apt remove but it didn`t undo it. Quite surprised that Linux breaks easier than Windows though

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Debian Configuration :: Is The Order Important When Installing Packets

Oct 20, 2010

I would like to know if the order is important when one install some packets at the same time. For example : apt-get install apache-ssl php4 php4-cgi libphp-adodb. If I start with libphp-adodb ( apt-get install libphp-adodb ) then apache-ssl ( apt-get install apache-ssl ), may some errors occur ? Should I respect the order which is indicated in the installation guide?

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Radeon Drivers For Wheezy?

May 27, 2011

I need some help installing the driver. I am very noob. so when I try to build a deb file with sh ati-driver-installer-11-5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Debian/testing

# sh ati-driver-installer-11-5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Debian/testing
Created directory fglrx-install.7aYYig
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing ATI Catalyst(TM) Proprietary Driver-


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Debian Configuration :: Installing Grub On Cloned Drive?

Jun 16, 2011

Im running Squeeze (in VirtualBox on a Win host), and I need to clone my drive to a bigger one and boot from that drive. I used gparted from a live cd for the cloning, and got the following result with fdisk -l:

Disk /dev/sda: 8589 MB, 8589934592 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1044 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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