Ubuntu :: Taskbar Won't Show And Login Sometimes Fails?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm running a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10. Sometimes, on attempting to login, the screen resets and I'm brought back to the login screen (though I know I have the right login information). The only way around is to restart. Also, sometimes when I do finally get in, my taskbars won't even appear.The machine is an HP workstation x1100 with Pentium 4 and fairly old graphics card (using AGP). Is the computer just not compatible with linux?

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OpenSUSE :: Am / Pm For Digital Clock Fails To Show In The Taskbar

May 27, 2011

Re: 11.4 LXDE. I've changed the clock setting from the default 24hr "%R" to "%r %p (or %P)" but the am/pm fails to show in the taskbar. Is there anything else I can do to get the am/pm to show?

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General :: Make Taskbar Show Preview Like Windows 7 Taskbar?

Jul 29, 2010

In Windows 7 when you hover over an open application in the taskbar, it shows a small image of that application. Is there a way this can be done in Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Show Folder Names On Taskbar?

Nov 5, 2010

I would like to configure my desktop so that I have taskbars on the bottom and sides. No problem. However I also want to put folders on these taskbars where the NAME of the folder is shown with the folder icon and not just when the mouse hovers over it. In other words, I want to be able to determine what the folder is just by looking at it. I like the way the program icons clearly show what the application is on the taskbar launch bars but how to achieve this for folders also ?

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OpenSUSE :: Taskbar Does Not Show Applications?

Oct 7, 2010

Often I open FireFox, get information, which I want to save in an OpenOffice Writer or Calc file.So I go to the left lower corner on the screen, tap on Computer, and then on OpenOffice Writer.When the OpenOffice window has opened, I do not see, as I used to do, the FireFox button on the taskbar (or panel), I have to drag the OpenOffice window, so I can access my FireFox window. When I do that, the OO window bounces, which makes me feel rather sea-sick.Is there a way to have the button for the open applications visible on the task bar (or panel) so that I can go immediately to the other open application ?

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CentOS 5 :: Can't See Minimized App Icons In Taskbar / Show That?

Oct 29, 2009

I am using Centos5.4
My applications, after minimized, seems to disappear from the desktop.
I can still access them using Alt-Tab.

In the taskbar setting, I have enabled "Show Application icons". But that does not make the icons appear
in the taskbar after minimized.

Any suggestions to show my minimized icons in taskbar?

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Taskbar After Login / Boot-up?

Sep 19, 2010

I request assistance to fix the following annoying problem: In SuSE 11.2, GNOME, the taskbar and menus are not available after boot up. Consequently I do not have access to applications which I urgently need for some work I am doing.

Lately I had to reboot a couple of times (by way of terminal window) in the hope that it comes up. Now, however, the taskbar/menues do not come up any more.

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OpenSUSE :: Open Windows Show Just An Icon On The Taskbar Instead Of The Icon/text/rectangle

Jun 23, 2011

I'm looking for a way to may the open windows show just an icon on the taskbar instead of the icon/text/rectangle that's default. Something similar to Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gui Login Fails In 10.04 But TTY Login Works?

Jul 11, 2010

I installed 10.04 on my pc. I also have 9.08 and XP installed. Both work. The 10.04 gui login screen displays and asks for the password. I enter the password. The screen goes blank but after a few seconds the gui login box re appears and again asks for a login. I rebooted into the TTY, created a new user, checked the new user was in in /etc/passwd and that I could get into the new user's account. When I rebooted into the gui the new user was there and I entered the password but again I just got back to the gui login window. The pc I am using is at least 5 years old. I have tried startx and I do get the gui background but no controls are displayed. I am using 32 bit 10.04. Using the TTY I have uploaded all the current fixes.

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Ubuntu :: Plasma Desktop Fails To Show Up?

Jun 3, 2010

After the recent upgrade to Lucid, my gnome session is working fine, but my kde session leaves much to be desired. Basically the plasma desktop is not showing up.

I am seeing plasma-desktop in synaptic unchecked and in the process of installing it.

Why was it removed in the first place and will it show up now?

Will report back after a reboot.

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Ubuntu :: Login Re-show It Self After Login ?

Jun 28, 2010

When I try to login the login screen show it self again after a successful login! I get a typical error if I use wrong password So what can be the issue here?

I have a dell Laptop with Ubuntu 10.04 nVidia drivers installed it worked well for a while but after installing Citrix client and some other apps I shot down my laptop and today I get this problem

I tried different sessions type, and it did not help. I'm using my Wifes MacBook for now.

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Fedora Installation :: Benq FP731 Fails To Show 72 Hz Refresh On F11?

Jan 2, 2010

I try to stay max 3 releases behind with Fedora, and now it is time to upgrade from a well behaving Fedora 8 to Fedora 11, not to slip too far behind. I have an Intel motherboard with a 82865G video chip. My display is a BenQ FP731. Fedora 8 the display works nicely giving 1280x1024 resolution at 72 Hz. On Fedora 11 the 865G chip ensists on setting the refresh rate to 75 Hz. I have copied the xorg.conf I use in Fedora 8 to /etc/x11/xorg.conf in the Fedora 11 installation. The chip sets itself to 60 Hz or 75 Hz, but not the desired 72 Hz which would give clear picture. What am I missing here?

Below a copy of my xorg.conf that gives the crystal clear and desired 1280x1024 @ 72Hz in Fedora 8 but gives a shivering and unusable 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz in Fedora 11:

---- clip clip ----
# Xorg configuration created by system-config-display
#Section "Module"
#Load "glx"
#Load "dri"
#Section "Serverflags"


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Ubuntu :: Show History Of Reboots On Login?

Jun 15, 2010

I was wondering if there was a script that would run on log in telling me the history of when the server was rebooted or such, along with the last user and motd (which is a roflcopter in my case)

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Ubuntu :: Set Certain TTY's To Show Specific Programs Upon Login?

Jul 7, 2010

Can anyone imagine a way to set certain TTY's to show specific programs upon login?

If I were to log in under my normal account, it'd be cool if I could set one up to load top upon authentication, maybe watch tail /var/log/syslog on another, and so on.

I know they require authentication, but would there be a way to say on startup if isTTY and TTYnum=y and if user=x execute script z?

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Ubuntu :: Login - Does Not Show The Password Textbox

Oct 1, 2010

I'm using 10.10 beta. When I start the computer it shows the screen listing all the usernames and the 'other' button to login as a different user. However, when I click any button it does not show the password textbox (or user textbox in the case of the 'other' button). It does show only that username for a second as make the screen smaller just like it is does when it works but the textbox doesn't appear and after half a second it reverts to the list of all the users.

On the other hand, booting into recovery mode, pressing escape, logging in through the terminal there, and using startx loads GNOME just fine. Doing the same with ctrl+alt+f2 on regular boot doesn't work because startx fails since it is already running. After logging in on that terminal and going back to the login screen it shows that I am logged in but again pressing my username does not take me anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Does Not Show Login Screen At Startup?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm a beginner with Linux. I'm using the version of Ubuntu 10.10 installed in a notebook HP Pavilion tx 2000 (Turion 64 x2). My Ubuntu is 32 bits.

I'm passing for the following situation:

When I turn on my notebook, if it is running on battery (even with the battery has 100% of charge), a login / password screen does not appear, and the screen goes dark and nothing more I can do (that I knew!). So I re-start the machine.

However, if the notebook is plugged into electrical energy (with or without battery), a login / password appears normally.

If, with the notebook plugged into electrical energy, I log in Ubuntu operating system, then great. After loaded the operating system, I can turn off electrical energy and the notebook works normally (only with battery). In other words, just the login screen that is with this electrical energy problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot And Show A Login Screen

Mar 24, 2010

Ive been using it for a few days and it kept reminding me to update some files. (about 200mb worth) after it finished installing i rebooted but it won't show me a login screen. it only shows me a commmand line. it allows to 'exit' and then it boots windows.

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Ubuntu :: Create A User That Will Not Show Up In The GDM Login Screen?

Jun 10, 2010

Is there a way to create a user that will not show up in the GDM login screen? This user also needs to have sudo access

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Ubuntu Servers :: Show History Of Reboots On Login?

Jun 15, 2010

i wanted to know what script i would put where that would tell me the last 5 times the server rebooted whenever i logged on.

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Ubuntu :: When Login In KDE It Will Show Total Dark Screen

Jun 22, 2010

i have upgrade ubunto 9 to 10.04 so that in log in section there is a KDE session appears. when i log on in KDE then it will came a new KDE screen with drive icon and setting icon also desktop icon.. unfortunately i click on there and these desktop screen disappear.. so how to do for come back KDE in right position.Now when i login in KDE it will show total dark screen.

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Ubuntu :: Login Screen Doesn't Show: Meerkat

Oct 21, 2010

I upgraded kubuntu from lucid(10.04) to Meerkat(10.10). problem is login screen doesnt show up on boot. A black screen shows, Ctrl-Alt-F1 doesnt show the tty1. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace doesnt work either, neither does Ctrl-Alt-Del.

I switch off the computer and reboot into recovery mode, I get the graphical recovery menu, on choosing boot normally, I get the tty1 login prompt.

Upon logging, I check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old. There is no error, nvidia 260.xx driver is loaded successfully and all other modules are loaded as well.

I have done 'apt-get update' to see if there is any update in repository but there isnt.

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Ubuntu :: Don't Show User On Login Screen / Control It?

May 18, 2011

How do I control which users are seen from the login screen?

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Ubuntu :: How To Show User-names At Login Screen Lubuntu

May 2, 2011

I'm Running Lubuntu 10.04 on an old P3 PC Every time i want to log in i have to type the user-name and password. Is there any way Lubuntu can show the user-name to the login screen so that when i reach the login screen i see the usernames an i just click on the user-name enter the password and login ? s that achievable in Lubuntu 10.04 ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gdm Login Fails 11.04?

May 1, 2011

After login-in with gdm, the desktop fails to launch.

I can only move the mouse, clicking does nothing, no hotkeys; no desktop.

All I can do is change to a TTY.

I have tried restarting the gdm service; this just lets me log in again to the same stalled desktop.

The panel at the bottom of the gdm doesn't list any sessions, all it has is universal access and the time.

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Fedora :: GDM Greeting Show Only Others Login After Systemboot?

Dec 9, 2009

After running yum update my F12 today the gdm greeting shows only other user login. I always have to type im my user name. This change after the first login is closed and gdm shows up login screen again. This happens on both of my machines laptop and server.

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Fedora :: 15 Machine Accounts Show At Login?

Jun 15, 2011

I recently upgraded my Fedora server from 13 -> 15 and imported all the linux and samba accounts from the old setup. I have the machine operating as a domain server for my network using samba and tbm files for storing user info for samba. I now have all the machine accounts (machine$) show up at the login screen after startup as well as the user accounts. How can I hide these machine accounts like before?

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Ubuntu :: Prevent System / Gnome To Show User Name(s) At Login Screen?

May 22, 2010

Is there a way to prevent ubuntu/gnome to show the user name(s) at the login screen?

Only asking "username" and not "login as"?

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Fedora :: Set User Not To Show On Gnome Login Screen?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm wondering if there is an option to not show specyfic user on login screen in my gnome desktop - so f.e. I've got 3 users: "a", "b" and "c" and I want only "a" and "b" to be shown in login window.

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OpenSUSE :: Show User Pictures In Login Screen?

Sep 3, 2011

On openSUSE 11.4 KDE, is it possible to show user pictures in the Login screen? I added a picture to my user account in the "Password & User Account -- KDE Control Module" but when I logout the picture does not show in the Login screen.

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OpenSUSE Install :: NOT To Show All User Accounts At Login

Dec 25, 2009

I'm using Gnome as my desktop in openSuSE 11.2. How do I set my login so that all users are not shown?

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