Ubuntu :: Sudo: Unable To Resolve Host / Setting Up Network Sharing With Samba?

May 21, 2010

I am having a problem with Ubuntu 10.04. I was setting up network sharing with Samba. Set up went fine, then I decided to change the hostname.

Following instructions I found on the web, I edited etc/samba/samba.conf to reflect my desired hostname.

Now I have to use superuser to run synaptic or update center. I don't know what else I have "broken".

I would like to change my hostname, if I did it incorrectly for 10.04 please enlighten me.

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Ubuntu :: Sudo: Unable To Resolve Host Username Getting Error?

Nov 26, 2010

When I try to launch something from terminal, it shows this error.

gksudo gedit /etc/hosts

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

My computer always had this name and I never had concerns related to his name. So, what's wrong now?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Domain - Unable To Resolve Host Whenever Try To Use The Sudo Command In The Terminal

Nov 4, 2010

Whenever I try to use the sudo command in the terminal I get the message unable to resolve host, then my computer name. Here's some command line output with some files which I think may be causing the problem. I have Operating Systems homework and need sudo

steve@steve-laptop:~$ sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf
sudo: unable to resolve host steve-laptop
steve@steve-laptop:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
domain domain_not_set.invalid
search domain_not_set.invalid

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General :: 'sudo -i' And Resolve Host

Mar 10, 2011

why does a machine try to resolve host when I issue 'sudo -i' or some other command prefixed with sudo.What is happening in the background?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Sharing With Samba?

Feb 12, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu on one of my computers and am trying to get all my sharing worked out so I can access stuff with my windows machine. I'm still very stupid when it comes to linux.

Setting up sharing with Samba, I got my /home/user/media folder to share just fine. However I made a folder located on my second drive that I would like to share.

I have this entry for it in my smb.conf

comment = /media/Sifl_80GB/Shared/ folder share
path = /media/Sifl_80GB/Shared


the second drive is mounted on /media/Sifl_80GB and it was formatted as ext4.

My windows machines see the 80GBshare entry but I get the error "network path not found" when I try to open the folder. Does this mount need to be listed in my fstab for this to work correctly? I'm noticing something in the comments of the smb.conf for auto-mounting a cdrom drive when a cdrom drive is accessed by adding a fstab entry, so I'm wondering if this needs to be done with my second drive?

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cannot Resolve Host Names On Local Network?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a mac and an openSUSE box connected wirelessly to a router. From my mac, if I ping the Linux machine by both ip address and hostname "elmo.local", I get a response. If I ping my mac from the Linux machine using its ip address, I get a response. However, if I ping the mac from the Linux box using its name "kermit.local" - nothing!

This means in order to share files between them via the network, I have to use the ip address rather than name, but I'd rather not. When I had Ubuntu installed instead of openSUSE this all worked fine out of the box, so I'm assuming it's a problem with the setup of openSUSE rather than the router or the mac.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Resolve Host / Hostname Is Set To (none)?

May 25, 2010

I just built out an Ubuntu Server 10.04.

My problem is setting the hostname. I cloned the machine, then normally on the clone, I would change the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts file.

However, when I do this, upon restart, I get the message, "init hostname main process (some process number) terminated with status 1"Then, when the machine finally boots, the hostname is set to (none). Literally has braces like: user@(none):

I've tried: sudo hostname machine_name but it says can't resolve hostname (none).

I've Google'd around a lot but can't get it. It may have something to do with 10.04? I have been using 9.04, 9.10 with no problems.

eric@(none):~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Resolve Host Tims-Laptop

Aug 11, 2010

i am having a problem in the terminal window. When i try to do various operations i get the following message before the operation starts.

sudo: unable to resolve host Tims-Laptop

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Slackware :: Unable To Resolve Host Address `dls.urt.voxel.net'

Jul 17, 2010

when tring to install (AssaultCube, UrbanTerror) i get this: unable to resolve host address `dls.urt.voxel.net'

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Networking :: 'Unable To Resolve Host Address' Errors With Newer Distributions

Mar 10, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot some strange networking problems. The pattern seems to be that only newer distributions are affected. CentOS 5.4 and Ubuntu 8.04 work fine out-of-the-box. But Arch, Sidux, AntiX, Fedora, etc. show the same pattern of errors.Certain websites cannot be found unless I disable ipv6 in Firefox. And certain addresses cannot be resolved using various terminal commands (wget, apt-get, yum, etc.). What I would ideally like is a permanent solution, perhaps changing some settings on my router, so that I don't have to deal with this each time I test-drive a new distro. I have a hunch the issue has something to do with my DSL provider (Fairpoint) filing for bankruptcy.

One more piece of information that may or may not be relevant: I recently switched a website from one hosting company to another. I noticed there was a delay of several days where I saw the old version at the old host, but viewing the site at a friend's house or the coffee shop showed the new site on the new host. This leads me to suspect DNS issues perhaps, but this is not an area of expertise.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Resolve Host URL - Domain Setup / Home Based Web Server

Jan 18, 2011

I have setup a home based web server to host a photo blog for myself and my friends. I will be running wordpress and possibly a phpbb3 forum. I'd like to open this to discuss server administration, server setup, and server maintenance. However, I have a pretty good start on all of those but serving a domain name to my static ip. Here my static ip is I registered a domain through [URL]... It appears that I have the domain working to forward to my ip. However, I am still getting this output file from apache.


I have tested the domain name across a few different computers on different ips. It works appropriately. I just want to make sure I have it set correctly on the (apache) server side of things. Then I can get more into Zone Editing etc.

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Server :: Samba On Network Sharing Dir?

Jan 19, 2010

below is testparm O/P.

[root@cserver ~]# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[testing]"
Processing section "[export]"


if I am tring to connect shared dir on windows machine \16.x.p.export, then i am getting error message : this path was not found. So meanwhile please let me know..what was i have missed in smb.conf file ?

Note : 1 >i have configured samba shared dir in differet network i.e : 16.x. 2 >I am trying to access on : 16.y series network. 3. i have host-allowed on both network at smb.conf file .

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access Samba Share By Hostname / Resolve This?

Apr 30, 2010

I got my server set up with 10.04, and with everything installed: DHCP, SSH, Samba, VBox, etc.

DHCP, SSH work fine, but I am having problems where I cannot ping the hostname of the machine.

It worked for a few minutes after I got everything installed and now it's not letting me connect via hostname. I can connect fine if I use the IP address. I cannot ping the machine by hostname unless I add it's IP address to the hosts file.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up File Sharing In A Home Network?

Jan 6, 2010

have a home network with two desktops and I also have a netbook. The netbook and nettop (desktop) both run UNR 9.10 and my other desktop runs Ubuntu 9.10 with all updates in place. So all 3 machines are hooked up to my home network via wireless router (secure and password protect). I want to set up file shares between machines in order to move files between machines and also to have all machines connected to and accessing one shared printer. Fair enough. According to Ubuntu help I click on a folder, then properties then the share tab and click all checkboxes and give the share a name. Then I do likewise on my two other machines. So in theory once every machine has a share setup then you should be able to access via the other machines by simply going into Network, finding the machine, opening it and mounting the shared folder. In some cases I see the other machines but when I click to open them it says "unable to mount location". So now I would like to ask... where should I look to resolve this? The wireless router settings? Some type of network or security settings on each of my machines?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Upgrade To 11.4: Can't Resolve Host / Error Code: Connection Failed?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm currently running 11.3 and decided I'd try upgrading to 11.4 following the instructions here: SDB:System upgrade - openSUSEUnfortunately, my attempts are defeated at the point of trying to refresh the new repos; I get the following message (for the oss repo, in this case):

Download (curl) error for 'url':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host 'download.opensuse.org'

With 11.4 replaced by 11.3 in the repo url, it refreshes just fine. The only repository that works when I change 11.3 to 11.4 is the Packman repo. I'm not really sure why the connection fails for 11.4 but not 11.3!

Further info: I have an old router with no IPv6 support, but have IPv6 disabled system-wide. I can enter the url for the repositories into firefox and they come up just fine - it's only with zypper/YaST that I get the above error message.I also tried upgrading using the network CD but ran into the same sort of problem. In this case it may be because the CD installer doesn't disable IPv6. (I didn't want to download the DVD at my connection speed, and the KDE live CD is not listed as suitable for upgrade).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Advance Sharing On The Samba?

Apr 19, 2011

I want to know if you can make a share on Samba and if you access the file you need to put a username and password in and can you save that to the server. If you can give me a step by step guide how to do it or give me a link where I can go read up on it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Home Network - Setting Up File Sharing Between Two Machines

Nov 15, 2010

I'm having issues setting up file sharing between two Linux machines. I've tried the forum cookie cutter answer of "right click folder, sharing options, share, allow others to write and edit, allow guest accounts", but I simply cannot get my two Ubuntu 10.10 machines to see each others shared files. I HAVE been able to download and use the program "Personal File Sharing", and with it I CAN share the "Shared" folder between both machines. I'd prefer to learn the correct way to link these two boxes up though, and be able to share more than 1 directory. Am I missing any programs to complete this link? Do I need to use Samba? I've tinkered with it, and I can get both computers to see a workgroup name I set up, but cannot get them to view each other in it.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Does Not See Windows Workgroup / Resolve This?

Aug 15, 2009

After installing Samba as per procedure, Samba does not see Windows "workgroup".

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Networking :: Sharing Files On Windows Network Using Samba?

Sep 18, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.04 .I tried to share my files on windows network using samba , I changed theworkgroup name in samba configuration file ..but it dint work for me will you please tell me the exact procedure to share the files on windows network ..

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Host Name On Router

Apr 8, 2010

I am running


On my laptop (HPDV7), using DHCP for network access, KDE4.

I use Network Manager to manage wired and wireless connectivity.

I also have Samba server running for connectivity to Windows machines.

My router runs DD-WRT.

How do I tell this HPDV7 system to propagate a Host Name up to the router?

In the DD-WRT status screen, I see Host Name as "*" associated with the assigned IP address.

I cannot, for example, ping my HPDV7 machine from my windows machine, I assume because the router (also providing DNS for my network) does not provide the name to address translation.

I CAN ping the IP address directly, and Samba connectivity from the Windows machine to HPDV7 works.

The file


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Ubuntu Installation :: "unable To Resolve Host" / Method Driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https Could Not Be Found?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to use a flash drive to try to repair the Intrepid installation on my netbook.

when I drop to a terminal and try "sudo apt-get update" i get

sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found
E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found

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OpenSUSE Network :: Set Up A Samba File Sharing System But Workgroup Asks For A Username And Password?

Mar 30, 2010

I set up a samba file sharing system but my workgroup asks for a username and password see this-This is the text in /etc/samba/smb.conf:

# smb.conf is the main Samba configuration file. You find a full commented
# version at /usr/share/doc/packages/samba/examples/smb.conf.SUSE if the
# samba-doc package is installed.


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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Setting Up And Tweaking

Aug 19, 2009

i'm following the tips from Samba and Suse: HowTo Set up an openSUSE-Windows Home Office LAN/Network. Versions 10, 11 to set up samba and tweak it to my needs.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up Print Drivers In Samba?

Apr 26, 2011

i'm trying to add windows print drivers to smb for them to be automatically downloaded to the client upon printer installation. I've followed the samba.org Printing documents which have been helpful to some degree. I have an HP printer and i'd like to just upload and register the .inf,.dll.cab files that the manufacture cd comes with for the client to use the .inf file to install the drivers from that location but i keep getting Werr_invalid_PARAM

here is the syntax of what i'm trying to do.

rpcclient -d 4 -U 'username%password' -c 'adddriver "Windows NT x86"
"HP_Color_LaserJet_3800:hpbicoin.dll:hpc3800c.inf:hpc3800c.cat:hpc3800c.cab:hpcp3800.cf_6i2arww.cab6i2caww.cab6i2csww.cab' Server

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Resolve DNS On VPN

Jul 9, 2010

I'm able to connect to my company's VPN network using GNOME NetworkManager but when I try to login to the remote system using SSH it is not able to resolve the DNS name, It works fine if I use IP instead of the FQDN.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Network - Setting Up The Unbutu PCs To Browse The Workgroup

Dec 30, 2010

I have a home network with Ubuntu (3 PC) Windows (XP 3, 7 1 vista 1) and Lacie networked drive. I have successfully edited fstab to mount the lacie drive at startup on my main ubuntu PC and it works a treat. My problem is setting up the Unbutu PCs to browse the workgroup. This was working but now (since my last update of Unbutu I think) I get prompted for a password and no matter what I do it does not let me browse.

Now I have read a few things on Samba and do not have the time or ability to become a network engineer. All I want to do is is have on my Ubuntu the same browsing ability that seems to come out of the box in Windows.

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Debian Configuration :: Setting Up A CUPS/Samba Shared Network Printer?

Aug 19, 2010

how to get clients connecting to an office printer. during a migration from windows server to debian/samba.

We have:

5 windows XP machines one Windows Server 2003 machine, PDC of the old domain One debian Samba PDC (of TEST domain)/print server (with CUPS installeD) running in a virtual machine hosted by the windows server One Toshiba eStudio 3511 printer

Using the CUPS control panel, I've been able to autodetect and add the printer, and it appears as an available share in SWAT for samba. However, the driver isn't perfect. CUPS could only supply drivers for the 3510c, not the 3511.

However, clients on the TEST domain are unable to access it. Doing so gives an error about a local policy preventing a connection to the print queue. I've tried googling this error and the fix that comes up in every result about changing a point and print policy setting, does not work.

however, I've been able to work around the issue. by first logging in as local administrator, navigating to the domain server, then inputting the domain root account credentials at the prompt. That allows me to attempt to connect to printers, but with a different error

"The server for the printer does not have the correct driver installed...."

I very strongly suspect that the 3510 driver actually will work, but it's just not being shared properly. The printer driver share folder is /var/lib/samba/printers, and that directory contains only a few empty subfolders. CUPS did not place the driver there as I would expect, and that is where clients are looking for it.

The thing is, I have no idea where CUPS DID put the driver.

On the old domain, the printer uses drivers for es4511, and looking on the toshiba site, this seems to be what they provide. The Toshiba Site provides a huge variety of drivers, including several windows ones, a universal driver, and a CUPS PPD. Cups asks for an optional PPD during install and I tried supplying that. It said installed successfully, but didn't change anything.

I've tried pasting the windows drivers into /var/lib/samba/printers/W32X86 too, and likewise with other drivers from toshiba's site. but this doesn't change anything either, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

how to install/setup drivers on a samba PDC, for windows machines?

Also relevant, my smb.conf:
anyone see any possible causes of problems?
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN ()
# Date: 2010/08/19 13:03:07


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Fedora Networking :: Samba And Network Manager In 9 - Setting Up A Wired Connection?

Feb 3, 2009

I have 2 workstations that I'm trying to network together so that I can backup each to the other. One is XP sp2 and the other Fedora 9. Since installing Samba on the Fedora box and trying to get it configured, I have a problem that Add/remove programs won't do installs because it says there's no connection to a network. Network Manager says there aren't any connections, but it worked before the Samba install. Mozilla and Thunderbird can access the internet OK. Both workstations are connected by cable to my router and thus to my ISP (DNS server).

Two questions:- where can I find hints on setting up a wired connection (which card's MAC address does it want? router or wrkstn?) and Am I right that Add/remove is stuffed because of Network Manager?I now have Samba working from Linux to XP, but still can't get into Linux from XP. I tried the Linux PC's MAC address and set up a wired connection in Network Manager. NM still thinks there isn't one...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Setup 10.3 As Samba PDC - The Network Path Was Not Found

Jun 1, 2009

I am trying for the last many days to setup my opensuse 10.3 as Samba PDC Server according to the URL mentioned below, but in vain:How to setup SUSE 10.3 as Samba PDC - openSUSE When ever I try to join a Windows XP machine to the domain setup on Opensuse, I get the error:'The following error occured while attempting to join the domain. The network path was not found'. What could be the reason for this error despite of the fact the I am able to ping the FQDN of the PDC from the XP machine, but the XP machine simply denies to join the domain because of the above mentioned error.

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