Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Resolve Host / Hostname Is Set To (none)?

May 25, 2010

I just built out an Ubuntu Server 10.04.

My problem is setting the hostname. I cloned the machine, then normally on the clone, I would change the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts file.

However, when I do this, upon restart, I get the message, "init hostname main process (some process number) terminated with status 1"Then, when the machine finally boots, the hostname is set to (none). Literally has braces like: user@(none):

I've tried: sudo hostname machine_name but it says can't resolve hostname (none).

I've Google'd around a lot but can't get it. It may have something to do with 10.04? I have been using 9.04, 9.10 with no problems.

eric@(none):~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Resolve Host URL - Domain Setup / Home Based Web Server

Jan 18, 2011

I have setup a home based web server to host a photo blog for myself and my friends. I will be running wordpress and possibly a phpbb3 forum. I'd like to open this to discuss server administration, server setup, and server maintenance. However, I have a pretty good start on all of those but serving a domain name to my static ip. Here my static ip is I registered a domain through [URL]... It appears that I have the domain working to forward to my ip. However, I am still getting this output file from apache.


I have tested the domain name across a few different computers on different ips. It works appropriately. I just want to make sure I have it set correctly on the (apache) server side of things. Then I can get more into Zone Editing etc.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Resolve Hostname From Windows

Mar 3, 2010

I have two computers.

Computer A = windows 7.
Computer B = Ubuntu Server 9.10

Computer B automatically receives an IP address from my router.

I can ping computer B from computer A using the IP address. I cannot ping computer B from computer A using its hostname.

My router did not show a hostname under it's active clients table. After some searching I found a threat where somebody suggested modifying /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and adding 'send hostname "blahblah"' This allowed me to see the hostname in my router but I still cannot resolve it from my windows box.

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Networking :: Unable To Resolve IP To Hostname

Aug 1, 2010

i searched the internet on how to resolve IP to hostname in my internal network. However, i could not find any solution to it. Any gurus around have any knowledge on this? i have tried whois, dig and nslookup however it doesnt give me anything.

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Server :: Unable To Resolve Hostname Some Times

Feb 28, 2010

I have squid on my RHEL5 server and a no of windows clients ,on clients some sites opened without any error but some sites whilw opening says unable to resolve hostname ,why this kind of problem ?This may be DNS problem ,but it should happen for all address not some .

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access Samba Share By Hostname / Resolve This?

Apr 30, 2010

I got my server set up with 10.04, and with everything installed: DHCP, SSH, Samba, VBox, etc.

DHCP, SSH work fine, but I am having problems where I cannot ping the hostname of the machine.

It worked for a few minutes after I got everything installed and now it's not letting me connect via hostname. I can connect fine if I use the IP address. I cannot ping the machine by hostname unless I add it's IP address to the hosts file.

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SUSE :: URL Link Launcher Creation / Unable To Resolve Hostname

Aug 6, 2010

I am updating all of the company systems from Novell SuSE Desktop 10 SP2 to 11. We have several links on the desktops of users that are URL's. In version 10, I just did a Create Launcher, Type was Link and I could type in a URL. The LINK type no longer exist. I checked on my system at my desk which is OpenSuSE 11 and it also does not have the link type. I have been searching on the Internet for creating Launchers and then looking for information on creating links and have not been able to find anything. Can anyone point me to a good howto or document on creating URL link launchers (we have a system that runs Apache and from the users PC they click the link to connect to the server). I tried just creating a bookmark in Firefox and then dragging the bookmark to desktop and customizing icon. But, I build the systems at our corporate offices, and when I build, the IP address on the system is the actual IP and since it is not at the final location it can not connect, and the bookmark creation on desktop fails with error 'Unable to resolve hostname'

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Fedora Servers :: Gnome Error - Hostname: Unknown Host

Mar 23, 2009

I installed Gnome on my server by when I run


[root@F026 ~]# startx


hostname: Unknown host
xauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.2915
X.Org X Server 1.5.3
Release Date: 5 November 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5 i686


I don;t have physical access to the system and it is a server located in Europe. Fedora release 10 (Cambridge) is installed in it.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Resolve Host Tims-Laptop

Aug 11, 2010

i am having a problem in the terminal window. When i try to do various operations i get the following message before the operation starts.

sudo: unable to resolve host Tims-Laptop

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Ubuntu :: Sudo: Unable To Resolve Host Username Getting Error?

Nov 26, 2010

When I try to launch something from terminal, it shows this error.

gksudo gedit /etc/hosts

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

My computer always had this name and I never had concerns related to his name. So, what's wrong now?

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Slackware :: Unable To Resolve Host Address `dls.urt.voxel.net'

Jul 17, 2010

when tring to install (AssaultCube, UrbanTerror) i get this: unable to resolve host address `dls.urt.voxel.net'

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Ubuntu :: Sudo: Unable To Resolve Host / Setting Up Network Sharing With Samba?

May 21, 2010

I am having a problem with Ubuntu 10.04. I was setting up network sharing with Samba. Set up went fine, then I decided to change the hostname.

Following instructions I found on the web, I edited etc/samba/samba.conf to reflect my desired hostname.

Now I have to use superuser to run synaptic or update center. I don't know what else I have "broken".

I would like to change my hostname, if I did it incorrectly for 10.04 please enlighten me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Domain - Unable To Resolve Host Whenever Try To Use The Sudo Command In The Terminal

Nov 4, 2010

Whenever I try to use the sudo command in the terminal I get the message unable to resolve host, then my computer name. Here's some command line output with some files which I think may be causing the problem. I have Operating Systems homework and need sudo

steve@steve-laptop:~$ sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf
sudo: unable to resolve host steve-laptop
steve@steve-laptop:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
domain domain_not_set.invalid
search domain_not_set.invalid

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Networking :: 'Unable To Resolve Host Address' Errors With Newer Distributions

Mar 10, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot some strange networking problems. The pattern seems to be that only newer distributions are affected. CentOS 5.4 and Ubuntu 8.04 work fine out-of-the-box. But Arch, Sidux, AntiX, Fedora, etc. show the same pattern of errors.Certain websites cannot be found unless I disable ipv6 in Firefox. And certain addresses cannot be resolved using various terminal commands (wget, apt-get, yum, etc.). What I would ideally like is a permanent solution, perhaps changing some settings on my router, so that I don't have to deal with this each time I test-drive a new distro. I have a hunch the issue has something to do with my DSL provider (Fairpoint) filing for bankruptcy.

One more piece of information that may or may not be relevant: I recently switched a website from one hosting company to another. I noticed there was a delay of several days where I saw the old version at the old host, but viewing the site at a friend's house or the coffee shop showed the new site on the new host. This leads me to suspect DNS issues perhaps, but this is not an area of expertise.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Upgrade To 11.4: Can't Resolve Host / Error Code: Connection Failed?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm currently running 11.3 and decided I'd try upgrading to 11.4 following the instructions here: SDB:System upgrade - openSUSEUnfortunately, my attempts are defeated at the point of trying to refresh the new repos; I get the following message (for the oss repo, in this case):

Download (curl) error for 'url':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host 'download.opensuse.org'

With 11.4 replaced by 11.3 in the repo url, it refreshes just fine. The only repository that works when I change 11.3 to 11.4 is the Packman repo. I'm not really sure why the connection fails for 11.4 but not 11.3!

Further info: I have an old router with no IPv6 support, but have IPv6 disabled system-wide. I can enter the url for the repositories into firefox and they come up just fine - it's only with zypper/YaST that I get the above error message.I also tried upgrading using the network CD but ran into the same sort of problem. In this case it may be because the CD installer doesn't disable IPv6. (I didn't want to download the DVD at my connection speed, and the KDE live CD is not listed as suitable for upgrade).

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Programming :: Script - If Telnet Root Hostname Fails Then Try To Ssh In - Error "Unable To Connect To Remote Host: Connection Refused"

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to make an SSH script for my place of employment. This script, I want to go out to the server hostnames we have specified (in another file) and change a users account password. We use Kerberized telnet, so if telnet root hostname fails, I want it to use ssh username hostname and use the old password (specified). If both fail, I want it to ask the user what the port should be and input the port in the ssh command.

But I'm having a issue having it try telnet root hostname and if it fails then, try to ssh in, I have no clue how to have it proceed. Is it an if statement? Here's the telnet failed message: telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

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Ubuntu Installation :: "unable To Resolve Host" / Method Driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https Could Not Be Found?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to use a flash drive to try to repair the Intrepid installation on my netbook.

when I drop to a terminal and try "sudo apt-get update" i get

sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found
E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Resolve Hostname For Ping - Ssh ?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a weird problem since yesterday that I can't solve. I can't ping / ssh my machine anymore using its hostname... says "unknown host", "network unreachable". I have no idea why - it used to work perfectly. I can still ping / ssh using the IP so it must be a problem of hostname not being resolved.

I have a dynamic IP (I'm at work...) but that doesn't seem to be the problem - network manager automatically adds a line in /etc/hosts with <mycurrentip> <hostname> (I checked, it's indeed the IP given by ifconfig and that I can use to ping/ssh).

2nd question: Another computer has a similar problem but slightly different: the hostname is resolved but points to a wrong IP (seen in ping or nslookup), different from what ifconfig returns. As a result, ping times out and ssh says "no route to host".

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Debian Configuration :: Ssh: Could Not Resolve Hostname

Apr 18, 2011

So I recently upgraded from Debian 5 to Debian 6 and now for some reason I cant SSH into my server FROM my server. All of the following fail with the same error:


They all come back with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known. I never actually tried this before upgrading so I'm not sure if its caused by the upgrade, but I would like to get this fixed. Also, ping with all of the above hostnames fails as well. I can SSH in from other computers and I can SSH out from the server. For whatever reason, I cant SSH from the server to the server though.

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Networking :: Configure DNS To Resolve Hostname

Sep 8, 2010

I got an application deployed on Websphere Application Server on SUSE Linux V 10. We are accessing the application using the IP address in the URL. Please let me know how to configure the DNS, so that we can use the Host name in the URL and the Host name is automatically mapped to the IP address.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows Can't Resolve Lucid Hostname

Aug 22, 2010

I am currently facing one issue with my network. I have several computers and this is what happens, everything works fine when I use the ip address, but when it comes to hostname.

-Windows computers can't ping/see the computer 5 (while it is running linux), but they can see computer 3 while running ubuntu 8.10 and computer 2 while on Mac OS X.

-computers 2 and 3 can see/ping everybody while on Mac/Linux.

-computer 5 can ping everybody.

-computers 1, 2, 3 and 4 (on every OS) can see/ping computer 5 while on windows xp.

Basically, the problem is with computer 5, it can see, but it is not seen by other computers (just when running ubuntu lucid)Computer 5 is supposed to be a printer server, so it must be seen by the others regardless of OS.When I ping computers 5 the TTL is 64, when I ping other computers, TTL is 128. I don't think this means anything, but I am not sure.Initially I thought this was a printer issue, but then I realized is something related to network when I tried to use ping/explore the computer 5 by ip/hostname (it works by ip, but not by hostname).Computer 5 is sending the hostname to the router properly, it appears in the dhcp client list.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Virtual Host Unable To Connect

Jan 18, 2011

I've set up a server running Ubuntu 10.10 (desktop) with apache. Problem is: When I try to configure multiple virtual hosts I can only access the first one. I'm sure that I'm missing something basic in my setup, but I cannot seem to figure out what.

What I want is simply two virtual hosts, one only available on the LAN where I can test my php files and one "live" available from the outside.

Heres what I've done:

Installed Apache2.2
Copy /etc/apache2/sites-available/default -> /etc/apache2/sites-available/dev
Modified "dev" config DocumentRoot and Document to point to /var/www/dev
Modified "dev" config VirtualHost to <VirtualHost *:1337> (port change right?)
Modified "default" config DocumentRoot and Document to point to /var/www/live


Live works fine, but dev cannot connect (as if there is no server there).

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Server :: Resolve Hostname Between Openvpn Clients

Nov 8, 2010

I've a fully working openvpn network but it works only using ip address.Clients should comunicate each other thought the server. To semplify the managment of clients I'd like to use their hostname instead their ip. there are a way to achieve it?Now openvpn assign ip address to the clients, but if is needed I can install other software on the server, it's a Debian machine.

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Software :: Cannot Resolve Hostname - Image Loading

Nov 21, 2010

I am using a Dell Latitude D610 that is a few years old, and running Fedora 13. I do not think hardware is too relevant to my problem, nor is it an issue with my OS itself. I do not dare perform an upgrade to Fedora 14 at this point because this is an active work machine, for school use. To the heart of the problem, I am extremely irritated by the erratic behavior of Epiphany Browser (and just an hour ago, Midori). If I open more than a few pages at once (e.g. ctrl-clicking a bunch of Google search results) more often than not I get a chain of "cannot resolve hostname" blank tabs.

Oddly enough, I refresh the pages (one by one, of course - I don't know how to mass refresh) and they load properly! The problem is more prominent on Wikipedia - most articles have images embedded here and there amongst the text. When I visit the page, none of these show up - the page loads, and after I see the blue mercury-looking progress indicator shoot to the end, the spaces where the images should be are blanked and in the centers lie a little thumbnail of a grey photo with the corner turned up - e.g. generic-can't-show-the-image.

This is remediated by visiting wikimedia.org or refreshing the article itself, whereupon the images fall into place. The problem seems to carry over into Midori browser, which I installed a few hours ago just to use as an alternative - I say "had" because just now, the problem resolved itself. I strongly suspect that it has to do with my changing my cache size from 169 MB to 13 MB, which I did just now. That issue is now trivial; next question: Google Docs behaves very strangely in my browser. Whenever I make a normal alphanumeric keystroke, it shows up fine; but "backspace" and "delete" and "enter" are both doubled.

I double-space between my paragraphs by accident and when I make a mistake in my typing I often suck myself into a cycle of mistakes. E.g. "Polanrd" --> "Polan" --> "Pol" --> "Pold" (hitting backspace twice to trim off "rd", but Google Docs redoubles the keystrokes into four backspaces and I end up taking off too much and adding the lone "d" in the wrong place). The problem shows up to a lesser extent in the built-in chat, wherein backspace is not affected, but every time I hit "enter" my chat appears twice (as though I had hit enter twice).

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Networking :: Mount -t Smbfs Error Can't Resolve Hostname

Sep 24, 2009

I am trying to mount a NAS device using the hostname on my linux computer (running slax)

The command I am using is
mount //hostname/sharename /mnt/test -t smbfs -o username=***,password=***

i am getting back the error
mount error: could not find target server. TCP name hostname/sharename not found
No ip address specificed and hostname not found

I can do this mount from an older version of SLAX but i can't from this new version. smb:/ can find then through the file explorer window but I can't mount them from the command line.Is there something i am doing wrong?

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Server :: BIND Directly Resolve Hostname To Internet

Feb 1, 2011

Is there away to resolve the hostname after creating a new subdomain. So we don't need to wait internet need some times to able to resolve the hostname. For example, if I add new subdomain to "test.example.com", I can directly ping to this hostname from internet.

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Debian Configuration :: Load A Webpage Gives A Cannot Resolve Hostname Error

Jun 11, 2010

Any attempt to load a webpage gives a Cannot Resolve Hostname error. i can ping [URL], but cannot load the page. However, the page will load by typing its IP address [URL] I have been trying to figure this out for days. cat /etc/resolv.conf nameserver

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Resolve Hostname - Connect To Internet Via Firefox

Oct 31, 2010

Cannot connect to internet via Firefox or Midori on my Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop with a Netgear wireless card. However, I can update via yum, I can ping google from the CLI, I can ssh to my desktop, I can point a browser to find my router which /etc/resolv.conf points to, but can't get a browser to resolve hostname. I'm posting from a different machine (desktop), here is my /etc/resolv.conf:


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General :: Hostname: Unknown Host

Jan 15, 2010

I am installing ISPconfig on a Ubuntu server 9.10. When i write hostname -f i get the unknown host message.

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Networking :: Ubuntu Server Cant Ping Or Connect External / Can Resolve Hostname And Domain

Oct 15, 2009

As the title suggest, I have downlaoded the latest copy of Ubuntu Server from the ubuntu website.Everything installed fine. DHCP configured ok as far as I can tell. I can ping other machines on my network (which are running Windows) and they can ping the Ubuntu machine and conenct to Apache which is running on it.If I try to ping google.com or any other domain, it gives the correct IP address but gives no response to any pings, dont telnet on port 80 (or any toher potr for that matter) on any machine on the internet. I checked the settings using ifconfig to see what DHCP had assigned, and they matched the windows machines configuration (other than the IP address obvisouly). I tried assigning a static IP, even reserving a particular IP for my NIC.

Whatever I do, i cant connect to any machine outside the network via IP or domain.I have searched everywhere and tried everything i can find on the net but still to no avail.The Windows machines are part of a domain called alcom-uk.local and run off of a Windows Small Business 2003 Server. Not sure if i need to manually setup Ubuntu to connect using a domain or anything.

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