Ubuntu :: Network Manager Icon Isn't Visible On The Top Panel?

Jul 15, 2010

I have had a bit of experience with previous distros but I am pretty much a newbie. So I setup 10.04 but I can't get my net to connect. It's working fine on Win7 (posting from it). It's a dsl connection. I use an ethernet wire to connect to the net.

I opened terminal and used the 'sudo pppoeconf' command and followed the instructions. This is how I used to get my net working on previous distros but it dosen't seem to work in 10.04. The terminal says that my connection is active but it isn't. The network manager icon isn't visible on the top panel.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Network Manager Not Visible In Panel?

Dec 16, 2010

New to 10.04, not to Ubuntu. Fresh install of 10.04, recommended proprietary nVidia driver installed because text rendering in Firefox is terribly with the 'standard' non-proprietary driver.Also new to Vodafone / Huawei modems. My previous experience with a Vodafone modem (type unknown) was with 9.04 when I helped my daughter-in-law fixing her Windows computer. It worked out of the box from the live CD and she is now a happy Ubuntu user

Optimistically, I recently bought a Vodafone K3765 modem as backup for my standard internet connection. I eventually got that to work after installing the USB mode switcher. So no it works out-of-the-box experience here Problem:The network manager (I assume that is what it is called; little antenna with signal strength indicator is not visible in the panel (right top). It is there but it's only one pixel or so wide (at occasion a one pixel wide vertical line occurs at the position where it is supposed to be). So when I want to connect I have to click a number of times in the panel till I hit it and the menu shows. Once it is visible, it will stay visible till the user logs off.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Icon Disappear From Panel

Feb 10, 2011

I am using ubuntu 10.4, network icon to manage wireless disappear suddenly.Wireless is working fine. I just don't see network-manager icon.I tried:Right click on pannel and try to add Network Manager. But there is no network manager.I also try, $killall $nm-applet, then $nm-applet --sm-disable.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Battery Icon On LXDE Panel?

Jun 30, 2011

I haven't got Lubuntu as such, I've installed LXDE to try it out with Ubuntu 11.04 sometimes. For it to be practical for me I need the battery icon and Network Manager on the panel. I'm assuming this can be done easily enough as Linux Mint LXDE has got it, or Network Manager at least. i need NM to easily start my Mobile Broadband dongle's connection.Also, can touchpad tapping be turned off in LXDE, and how? I have it set up to have no tapping in regular Ubuntu but this is undone when I boot LXDE.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Make Network Icon Permanently Visible

May 22, 2011

hello guys, i had a problem regarding my network icon missing. two days a go it just work fine and I'm using this desktop pc almost 6 months with no problem.just yesterday the network icon suddenly disappear.I've put the notification area it doesn't solved my problem. well this is odd, because when I go to the terminal and "nm-applet" their the network icon appears from where it is and became visible BUT when I close the terminal/terminate the terminal it disappears. HOW CAN I PUT BACK THIS NETWORK ICON VISIBLE AND PERMANENTLY VISIBLE?

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Ubuntu :: Make Network Manager Visible?

Apr 23, 2011

I have Wlan available but I cannot connect to itI don't have wire network available so I can't connect to internet at allI'm writing this trough dual boot (win)how to make network manager visible so I can choose witch Wlan connect to?SOLVED:Quote:Originally Posted by gandaranif the network manager panel icon is missing all you have to do to get it back is right click on the empty panel area where you want it to bechoose add to panel and select the notification area applet and click add.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Error Icon In Panel

Jan 25, 2011

There has been a red circle icon with a big white bar through it in the notifications area of my panel for days now. The alt-text (is that what it's called for an icon?) says "A problem occurred when checking for the updates." When I click on the icon the update manager appears and "builds data structures" but says there are no updates available.

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Software :: Gnome-power-manager Icon Missing From Panel

Dec 7, 2008

I am using fedora8. I suddenly noticed that the gnome-power-manager icon (battery icon) has gone missing from my panel. How can I get it back ? I donot see it in the add to panel list so it must have got uninstalled somehow, isn't it so ?

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Ubuntu :: Accidentally Removed Network Icon From Top Panel?

Jun 26, 2010

I accidentally removed network and sound icon from top panel. Is there any way how to put it back? I've read several howtos that I've to add notification area but it doesn't really work.I know that if I delete this user and create a new one the icons will be there again but I'd like to do it cleaner way.This is how it should look like (untouched user account):And this is what I've done :-/Network icon is missing in both accounts (removed by accident while trying to remove something else :-/ in user "tata" it at least shows sound button.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Icon In Panel - Switch Users

Nov 8, 2010

Have a strange problem with the network icon on my laptop.

I have two users (me & my wife). We often log in and use switch users so we're both logged in at the same time.

Whoever logs in first will get the network manager icon in the top panel, and whoever logs in second won't get the icon.

The second user does get a message (growl notification?) saying the wireless network <whatever> is now connected & it is indeed connected.

It's a bit annoying, as if I log in second, I can't chnage my wireless network to the other one we have, I'm stuck using whichever one my wife selected.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Connection Icon Is Missing From Panel

May 16, 2010

everything was excellent till yesterday evening but from the evening, when i switched on my pc, the Network Connections icon is missing from the panel of my fedora 12 os. i'm being able to connect to internet from Systems->Preferences->Network connections & check Connect Automatically to my Mobile broadband connection. but i'm not being able to disconnect it. i've to remove the mobile phone from my pc.please put some light on how will I be able to disconnect it (without removing the phone)?

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Icon Restore?

May 4, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 32bit. I removed the network icon from my panel & I would like it back now. How can I icon back? I use the icon for my wifi networks.

enjoy this picture of my panel.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Icon Disappeared

Jul 25, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx 32 bit version alongside my Windows OS.I wanted to enable my DHCP configuration in my modem.So I did what was to be done from Windows and when I switched to Linux, I found DHCP enabled connection not working in Linux and also the network manager icon had vanished from the systray.I have now switched off DHCP and wanted to revert back to my original settings but still no network manager icon is there.

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Ubuntu :: Network-Manager Icon Has Changed ?

Dec 19, 2010

My Network-Manager icon used to show as a diagonal line with a ball in the middle, now it shows as an Up-Arrow-next-to-a-Down-Arrow. Anybody know why the icon has changed? Is its appearance controllable by me--can I change it back to the old icon display?

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Icon Missing After Update

Apr 15, 2010

As the title says after upgrading all packages in ubuntu 9.10, network manager icon in notification area is missing, I've tried deleting and adding notification area to the panel but no luck there.

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Ubuntu :: Magic Spell Req'd To Re-appear Network Manager Icon From Top Bar

Jul 8, 2010

The small icon from the top bar which allows me to choose which network I connect to, as has a bluetooth icon that was there. I don't know how it's gone but I've had no success in making it re-appear. Is there something that I could put into a terminal (i.e. a magic spell!) that would make it re-appear.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Network Manager Icon / Get That Back?

Jul 13, 2010

I've accidentally deleted the network manager icon from my panel. It's still working - I'm getting a network connection - but I'd like the icon back.

I've tried re-starting gnome - the recommended soluton - but not joy.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Icon Gone Missing?

Sep 3, 2010

(Ubuntu 10.04)I've been struggling for over a week now to get the network-manager icon back in the notification applet. I don't exactly know how and when it disappeared, but I have not been able to get it back eversince. I need it to start a VPN connection.To be clear:- The notification applet is running (battery icon etc is showing)- Network manager is running- Wireless connection works flawlesslyWhat I've tried so far:Solution 1 (did not work)

sudo nm-applet --sm-disable
Gives me


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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Manager Icon In Top Corner

Oct 21, 2010

After a recent dist-upgrade I have lost my network.There is no Network manager icon in the top corner.My switch and the RJ45 port on the PC are both lit green and connected. There is an internet connection from the other PC on the LAN.I am now able to ping the other PC on the LAN but still no internet!My router is at so I have also tried:sudo route add default gw

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Icon Aint Showing

Nov 20, 2010

Network Manager icon aint showing, neither is the power manager. Im using "alt+f2" the nm-applet to get the NM work but removes after reboot, so i have to do this all time.. uhm, when trying to enable desktop effects is sats "searching for available drivers" and then "Desktop effects could not be enabled". When trying to install apps from Software center, neither of the apps installs, the button install just keep refreshing, but if i go terminal: sudo software-center im able to install everything.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Icon Missing On New Install 10.10

Dec 4, 2010

Just installed (clean install) of Ubuntu 10.10 on an old desktop pc. The network manager icon is missing, Buy the way i had to run install from safemode. As I was having problems with login in, I kept trying to login in to the normal desktop but Ubuntu kept thinking about it for approximetly ten seconds and then asking me to login in again repeatedly. however when i switch to guest user on the guest desktop the network manager icon appears. I have used this icon to enter a mobile broadband account and to connect up to and down load all updates surf etc.Read a number posts and find this problem with the network manager icon are quite common. On the main (problem) desktop i have Tried installed a new panel but unable to add the notification area can add other icons Tried adding the notification area to the old panel get brief white flash on panel Removed the other icons and reinstalled these icons and tried adding the notification area.looked at "!nm-applet-sm-disable" appears ok

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Network Manager - Lost My Icon

Jan 10, 2011

In my top bar (where i also have the, bluetooth, sound time and date and so on icons) i have lost my icon to manage my network. Wired, wireless and VPN. How do i get it back?

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Ubuntu :: Recover Missing Network Manager Icon?

Jan 17, 2011

I installed ubuntu10.04 on my Copaq laptop. I configured net on it. After some days, thte network manager icon in the panel suddenly disappered. how to recover network manager applet icon?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Update Took Out Network-Manager Icon

May 27, 2011

Using Ubuntu 10.04 (2.6.32-31)on a Dell studio today.Update manager offered four updates, one about networking. I accepted. After restart the Network-Manager icon had vanished from the tool bar and was replaced by a second loudspeaker control icon. No ability to link to the internet. Starting Network-Manager from the pull-down menus did not help.Muggins Noob thought, un/re-install Network Manager. Duh! Uninstall is fine, but re-installing from the web without Network-Manager, tricky. Sadly no ethernet wire available, either wifi or GSM/3G.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Missing On Panel?

Feb 14, 2011

For some reason when I booted today the network manager icon to disconnect and connect to different wireless networks was missing. I've read various post and have been unable to resolve this issue. Here is what I've tried.

1. Clicking in Add Panel and adding network monitor. This seems to be not included on the list of choices.

2. Clicking in Add Panel and click the Add Notification choice. This didn't seem to add anything to the panel.

3. Remove the Notification area and then re-add it. Did this and not the area is blank except for my dropbox icon. I don't have the date, logon or logoff dropdown, or network manager icon anymore. I've rebooted several times.

I can't connect to my wireless network anymore. Is there another way to manager wireless connections other then that panel tool?

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Networking :: 10.04 - Network Manager Icon Suddenly Went Off

May 24, 2011

I have been using ubuntu 10.04 LTS for the last 5 months, used tata photon plus for networking. Everything went fine when couple of days ago, after doing normal updates as listed by the update manager, sound went off.. to solve this, I had to remove and reinstall certain packages as listed in [URL] ...+documentation, I had to restart, after restarting, the sound problem was gone but the network manager icon went off, the modem was not getting power from the computer though the LAN wire was connected. To add to dismay, the mobile broadband connections that I had added to the network manager were gone. I tried adding the tata photon plus (huwaein) again but could not be added, reinstalled usb-mode switch data and related packages, but still the computer does not detect the photon as usb device. I have broadband dsl connection and tata photon plus too but cant use any of them.

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Ubuntu Networking ::Get Back Network Manager Icon From Task Bar At Top

Mar 5, 2010

I accidentally removed the network manager icon from my task bar at the top. How do I get it back? I don't see it in the add to panel box!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Icon Doesn't Show Wireless APs?

Feb 10, 2010

I deleted all APs in my Wireless Section of network manager. After that, the whole network manager icon disappeared. I added the icon back on the panel, but I don't think its the right one. It doesn't do the two green cicles thing when I connect my ethernet wire in. It also doesn't show any wireless AP when I left click on the icon. It doesn't even have an X mark on the bottom left of the icon when no network is detected

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Ubuntu :: Multi-user Network Manager Applet Icon Not Showing

May 11, 2010

My family uses a computer running Ubuntu 10.04. We each have a separate login. This computer connects to the internet via wifi.

A behaviour which I have noticed is as follows - the first user to log in gets the network manager applet icon. So they can control the network connection. Any other user that subsequently logs in does not.

Now this is a real pain in the butt as sometimes our wifi connection drops and I might have left my wife logged in and used the 'switch user' function to get access to my login. The only way I can access the applet is by switching back to her login.

Is there any way to make this appear in everyone's login's at the same time?

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Fedora :: Network Manager Missing From Panel

Nov 24, 2009

I've upgraded to F12 from F11 (with a completely fresh install) and today is my 4th day using it, Now, mysteriously my network manager has disappeared from the panel, and it is not connecting me to the internet or showing wireless APs.I am able to get online using command line so it is only a minor problem but still a hassle.how can something so vital break so easily?Also nm-applet is listed in my processes and is "sleeping"?

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