Ubuntu :: Mp3 To Wave File?

Apr 25, 2011

using K3b to burn at the moment, is there any burning software that can convert mp3 format & burn at the same time like nero, if not what is the best converting software mp3 to wave file. ubuntu 10.4

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Software :: Unable To Author 24-bit Audio CDs Either From A FLAC File Or From A WAVE File?

Aug 16, 2010

Kernel, GNU (slackware 12.0).
KDE 3.5.7
K3b 1.0.2

I have a FLAC file with 24-bit samples instead of 16 bits. I could use the flac linux command to obtain a WAVE file and then cdrecord to burn the audio CD. Unfortunately, cdrecord requires 16-bit digital audio as input. Is there a program able to author 24-bit audio CDs either from a FLAC file or from a WAVE file?

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Software :: Writing An ISO File For Cd Audio From A Cue And Wave File?

Nov 30, 2008

I am running Intrepid Ibex 64-bit, and I have recently ripped a cd with EAC on one of my windows boxes, and it produced a cue sheet and one single wave file for the entire cd. My question is this, is it possible to take the wave file, burn an ISO image that acts exactly like the original cd? In other words, take the single wave file, using the cue sheet splitting it back into it's individual tracks, and then reading the subsequent ISO image from a program like Sound Juicer, so it can write all the metadata and convert it with my own preferences. I know this is a very strange predicament, but it's one that would save me a world of hassle.

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Ubuntu :: Samsung Wave Internet Tethering In 10.10?

Jan 25, 2011

I searched the forum but could not find anything to solve my problem. I installed Ubuntu via Wubi.exe from windows first time, before deciding to completely format and start with a Linux Ubuntu clean install (64-bit). When I installed it with Wubi.exe, I simply plugged in my Wave and it connected to the internet...no fuss!

Problem is, after clean installing Ubuntu, the same does not happen. I cant connect to mobile broadband. It is worth mentioning that this is my only internet connection available (mobile broadband) and I am thus unable to update, get necessary repositories from Linux etc.

I read something about usb_modeswitch being involved, manually did that, but I still cannot connect to the mobile broadband. Mobile broadband is enabled when I right-click the connections too. I set up the connection for CellC, removed the "Cellcis" username, added it and more, but it still does not connect.

Can anybody give me some pointer on how to go about fixing this connection, because as you can imagine, my Linux install is pretty useless without internet.

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Ubuntu One :: Information About Sync Samsung Wave?

May 25, 2011

I tried to google, but didn't find any solid information on this. Is this supported yet?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Generate Square Wave?

Aug 16, 2011

I am trying to modify the sample program pcm.c(which generates a sine wave) from the alsa website to produce a square wave.Square wave = sign(sinusoidal wave)So then why isn't the following code creating a square wave:

int sgn(double d){
if (d>=0) d=1;


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Opening Huge Wave Files?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a wav file bigger than 8GB. i recorded it on a windows PC. unfortunately wav files cant be bigger than 2GB. somehow i got a file that is almost 9GB. I tried to chop the file under ubuntu into smaller pieces to open it part by part. i used gnome split to divide the file and made 10 parts out of it. now i have these parts of the data which i cant read with no program except for gnome split to merge them together again - which would only bring me to the beginning of my problem. so my question is: is there any other way to open/ split&open a wav file of that size or maybe a way to open the splitted file partially?

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General :: Wave Motion On Laptop Screen Using Ubuntu 10.04

Dec 24, 2010

I installed 8.04 ubuntu on my Dell Inspiron 9400 laptop. I upgraded it to 10.04. My screen now has a terrible wave on it when I scroll up or down.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Click Repair Vs Gnome Wave Cleaner?

Jul 29, 2010

Any-one using the Linux version of Click-Repair? [URL] I have been trying Gnome Wave Cleaner but no matter how I configure it there is unacceptable deterioration of audio quality when used in any auto modes. In the past I have trialled Wave Repair and found it acceptable though they have no Linux version. [URL]

Can I expect an improvement over GWC using Click-Repair ? for the outlay of some $$$, or is GWC the best I can hope for using Ubuntu. Or, is it back to the tedious 'manual de-click' for every LP.

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Ubuntu :: Current Support For Logitech Wave / K350 Keyboard?

Jan 5, 2011

Is there is anyone who owns a wave keyboard who has had any problem with the media keys or regular keys please tell me. I found somethreads about problems with the media key, but I could not fine any recent ones.

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Ubuntu :: Shock Wave Flash Crashes Constantly In Chromium

Mar 26, 2011

past few weeks i have been getting shock wave flash crashes in Chromium 10.0.648.133 (77742) Ubuntu 10.10,Now it crashes constantly, Ive tried reinstall of flash-and updates

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Ubuntu :: Install A DLNA Server For Samsung Wave S8500 Mobile?

Aug 17, 2010

I've got Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope. How may I install and configure a DLNA server on this laptop to share music, photos, and videos, with my Samsung Wave S8500 mobile

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General :: Repeat Gapless WAVE Playback On Windows 7?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a .wav file (a drum beat) that I want to use to play along with. The problem I am encountering is that I can't get either VLC or Windows Media Player (both on Windows 7) to play the file in repeat mode gaplessly, which makes it useless since it's a drum beat and it needs to be precise.

Is there some program on either Windows 7 or linux that you know can do this?

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General :: Getting Plane Wave Basis Set On Gamess Or Gaussian?

Jul 27, 2010

Is there some way of getting plane wave basis set on gamess or gaussian. If not suggest a software with this facility.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Wave Magic Wand So Ubuntu Will Mount Disk

Mar 7, 2010

I look at other threads where 10's 100's even 1000's of people view them and in most cases at least one or more people respond / reply.I put this thread up about 10 hours ago. Almost 50 people viewed it.I was way over tired and frustrated and probably rambled too much.I have this funky computer with a pt800ce-a mother board.I have a 500GB SATA hard drive with lots of files on it.I have this wonderful Ubuntu installation that sees the "Unallocated" disk.All I want to do is learn how to wave the magic wand so Ubuntu will mount the disk.

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Fedora :: Install Gnome Wave Cleaner - "Gnomeui2 Development Libraries Not Found"

Aug 3, 2011

I'm trying to get Gnome Wave Cleaner (audio wave cleaner) working. I get an error when I try to configure saying that "Gnomeui2 development libraries not found." Goggle just shows several other people having the same error, without any having any success getting GWC working. Anyone familiar with this?

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Software :: Acoustic Simulation Program Or - Sound Wave Simulation Program

Feb 21, 2010

I am looking for a very particular sound wave simulation program. To get an understanding of what i want let me describe it to you in a different way.

Imagine your look at a bowl of water from above and you poke the water at a specific frequency you will see wave patterns showing. Well im after a program that can generate that pattern with any particular frequency that i set, and to allow me to place different shapes and objects around the sound source or sources (i may want to use more than one sound source that may or may not be at the same frequency as first.) and see what kind of reflections i get.

I was also wondering if instead of a point sound source you could have an entire shape giving off a specific vibration. This will give very interesting results that i am also after.

There are some programs that show sound simulations that i have described but nothing that can do the requirements that i desire. Do any of you guys know of any programs that can do this? if not how much would it cost to build such a program?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Convert An Ogv File To An Ogg Or Mp3 File - Or Really ANY Audio File ?

Jul 16, 2010

I would like to convert OGV files to audio format.

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General :: Convert Fdf File To Xsf File Or Xyz File On Ubuntu 9.10_32 Bit?

Nov 7, 2010

I want to convert fdf file to xsf file or xyz file on ubuntu 9.10_32 bit .

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OpenSUSE Install :: Creating ISO-file From Burnt ISO-file On CD-R Gives Different File Length

Jul 25, 2010

I downloaded three iso-images, 1 dvd-image and 2 cd-images:


Being paranoid, I created iso-files from the burnt DVD-R and the two burnt CD-R to verify integrity.

The iso-file of the DVD-R was identical to the downloaded image. Both iso-files created from the CD-R were different in size.

The original size of openSUSE-11.3-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso is 719.323.136 Bytes.

I only got 718.938.112 Bytes when recreating an ISO-file from my CD-R.

The CD-R is from Sony. When the length of my ISO-file doesn't correspond to the downloaded one, the checksum file verification doesn't work.

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General :: Generated .exe File From C File - Run .exe File When Linux System Starts Up?

Apr 6, 2010

i have generated .exe file from C file (ie filename.c ) after compiling in linux machine with -O option. I wish to know about how to run that .exe file when linux system starts up ?

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Ubuntu :: Edit File Inside It, Open It, Edit A File, Then Remake The Bin File?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a linux.img image for ubuntu.I want to edit file inside it, how can open it, edit a file, then remake the bin file?

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Debian :: File Upload Using Firefox - Smaller Image File Is Previewed While Bigger Image File Is Not

Dec 16, 2015

I am trying to upload some pics on my Facebook account using Firefox. When I click on Facebook's file upload icon, Firefox bring up a 'File Upload' window. I noticed that smaller image file is previewed on the lower right hand corner, while bigger image file is not. Is there anyway I can change this behavior or maybe change what Firefox is using to browse my files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Libotcl.so: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Feb 15, 2010

there are number of threads floating on installation of ns2..however i am unable to get it on my 64 bit system ns: error while loading shared libraries: libotcl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu :: Downloaded The Demo Of Penumbra Overture, It Is A .sh File (113Mb) Can't Open The File?

Jun 2, 2010

I downloaded the demo of Penumbra Overture, it is a .sh file (113Mb). I can't open the file. In a terminal I ran chmod +x PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh and then sudo ./PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh and I get an error "./PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" . The quotation marks are my own. Is the file corrupted? One of my lugmates thinks it might be a shar file, but Karmic says that it is a shell script. Another friend says that it is too large to be a shell script. Here is the code:

john@john-laptop:~$ cd /home/john/00
john@john-laptop:~/00$ chmod +x PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh
john@john-laptop:~/00$ sudo ./PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Create Trashing Info File: Read-only File System

Jul 21, 2010

I plugged in my USb drive into my computer yesterday and tried to delete a folder. I was unable to do so and got the following message

Cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately? The file "my file" cannot be moved to the trash. Show Details Unable to create trashing info file: Read-only file system

So when I click on delete I get another error message:

Error while deleting.
There was an error deleting Case Study Database. Show Details Error removing file: Read-only file system

At this point I can only click on Skip, Skip All, or Cancel.

I have not changed anything on the stick recently so I dont know what is causing the problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Libpython2.5.so.1.0 - Cannot Open Share And Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Jul 27, 2010

When running the beta of blender 2.5, I get the following error. blender: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory In previous versions of ubuntu you could 'apt-get install python2.5' to resolve the issue, but it doesn't appear in any/all of the repositories. where I can get python2.5 for lucid-lynx?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Libgtk-1.2.so.0: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Aug 8, 2010

I was looking to download "America's Army" and was doing alright until I hit a slight snag, It had an error while loading libgtk1.2, so I scoured the Internet for a way to fix this and the find command I found just told me it couldn't find the package, this is the first error I got when I tried to uncompress the "America's Army" version I downloaded:

/home/zac/.setup3597: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: can not open shared object file: No such file or directory.

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Ubuntu :: When Open Any .pps File With OO.org (impress), It Starts A Slideshow And It Doesn't Let Edit The File?

Aug 24, 2010

When i open any .pps file with OO.org (impress), it starts a slideshow and it doesn't let me edit the file. If i click on "end slideshow", the program exits.i ran it in a terminal and there's no error messages.[EDITED]Well, i found the answer, just renaming it to ".ppt".

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Ubuntu :: Shell, Auto Append Number To File And Read From External File?

Oct 31, 2010

cat ${SOURCE}/{start,universal,index,end}.txt > ${SERVER}/index.html
cat ${SOURCE}/{start,universal,02042010,end}.txt > ${SERVER}/02042010.html


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