Ubuntu :: Mp3 Files - Garbled Sound In 10.04

Jul 20, 2010

I'm having with playing some mp3 files. When using Totem or Rhythmbox, after some time (it may be 10 seconds or a couple of minutes), the sound gets garbled, sped up by approximately 5% and in higher pitch. If I exit the player and play the file again, the problem is gone (until it comes again, not much time from that). That affects audio from some video files. Also, there is a quick scratchy noise at the very beginning of playback, as well as with sound preview on mouseover in Nautilus.

Other players don't have that issue (SMPlayer, mpg123...) My PCM volume is not 100% and setting it to lower values doesn't work. The problems are more noticeable if I do something that uses hard disk (installing software, for example.) They weren't present in 9.04 nor 9.10.

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General :: Firefox 3.5.2 - Sound Gets Garbled And Echoic

Jan 30, 2011

I run slackware 13.0 with firefox 3.5.2. The sound works great for the most part. But sometimes after the browser has been open for more than a few hours, and after a few hulu and ..... visits, I start up another movie and the sound is all jarbled and echoy. So I just 'pkill firefox' Run firefox and restore the sessions and everything is back to normal. Seems like it's just a firefox bug.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Java Apps Online Have Random Garbled Sound / Fix It?

Nov 7, 2010

All Java apps online have random, garbled sound.
i do have the real Java, not icedtea.code...

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General :: Flash Videos Playback - Sound Garbled And Distorted

Aug 11, 2010

I play a flash video, and then play music natively the sound doesn't work. Or I can play flash and have sound but not play music with sound that's on my PC. Or I play my music on my PC, say one song, and the other is high pitched distorted, and rings. I have to exit the program and start it again for it to play nice. How do I resolve this most irritating bug?

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Fedora Installation :: MP3 Sound Not Functioning With 11 / Cant Get The MP3 Files To Produce Sound?

Jun 21, 2009

Installed Fedora 11 successfully, but I cannot get the MP3 files to produce sound.

Have tried the default configuration for sound, the Pulseaudio and the PulseAudioSoundServer.Installed and use KDE interface. Sound works for SKYPE (after selecting HDAIntel) and the Firefox 3.5 Beta 4.

Below are the configuration details.

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphic(rev 03)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02

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Ubuntu :: Screen Gets Garbled At Login Prompt?

Feb 26, 2010

I had received ununtu HH CD, which I loaded few times in few machine without problem (CD is ok). But in a perticular machine ubuntu HH, makes the screen garbled during installation and after installation at login prompt, but screen is just OK before the login prompt. This is happening in one machine and when i tried to load ubuntu 9 and fedora core in this machine, all goes fine (installation and use) means machine is reasonably ok. As I load edubuntu on HH, hence this ubuntu loading is important for me.

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Ubuntu :: Garbled Printing At Grub Screen?

Mar 1, 2010

i moved a computer from a house into another which has a printer, i hooked it all including the printer(through USB) it seems whenever i turn on the computer, just getting to the grub menu, the printer prints 3 pages with garbled messages things in | are me explaining the sysmbol

page 1
page 2


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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Garbled Screen Captures With Compiz

Apr 29, 2010

I am trying to use screen captures in compiz but they are garbled and unusable. I am running ubuntu 9.10 on a dell latitude D520. I attached a copy of one of the screen shots.

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Ubuntu :: Applets In Gnome Panel Are Garbled Up

Mar 9, 2011

The clock applet and indicator applet in Gnome garble up from time to time. I have 2 Ubuntu installations at home and several others at work, some 32-bit and some 64-bit, all exhibiting the same issue occasionally. I think it's a bug in the Gnome panel. In the attached screenshot you can see an example of how the time in the clock applet is garbled up.

It's not always the clock that is affected, some other times it's the login name, the weather, or the shutdown button... Worst case, the shutdown button becomes totally invisible preventing me to log off (workaround: use the three-fingered salute).

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Ubuntu :: Flash Garbled Graphics On Firefox 4?

Apr 13, 2011

my ubuntu with flash 10.2 oftentimes gives my a garbled text and images on websites here and there this is what happens on this tv website [URL] it happens on many other websites, this is just an example Kernel 2.6.38-2 running on 64bit ubuntu 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Upper GNOME Panel Is Garbled After Login

Jul 23, 2010

Whenever I log in, the upper right hand corner is garbled, and there are small white rectangles. If I log out and log back in, the problem is fixed. Could someone please help me fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Garbled Display After Upgrade To 2.6.32-* Kernel?

Feb 4, 2011

I used Ubuntu 9 (Karmic Koala) for some time with no problems. When I upgraded to Ubuntu 10 (Lucid Lynx) I ran into graphics issues.After I log in, the screen scrambles (a purple/green mess)--impossible to decipher anything, although I can get out by marking the spot on the screen to click for a restart, so Linux is working behind the scenes.If I start in recovery mode with basic graphics, I have no problems at all (other than limited functionality). If I start the old 2.6.31-22 kernel, I see a bunch of "unmountable" errors in the startup script, but I can use Linux normally with no apparent problems. I'm running an IBM ThinkPad A30 with ATI Mobility graphics. Just to reiterate, the screen looks fine until I log in, at which point it goes bonkers. I've tried lowering the resolution, to no avail. I'm not running any proprietary drivers. What do I need to change in order to fix this?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 KDE 4.4 Image Previews Are Garbled?

Aug 14, 2010

I am trying to get this new install configured.

I searched for a previous thread but didn't really see one.

My image previews are trashed.

How is this repaired?

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Slackware :: Garbled Screen When Exiting X?

Oct 5, 2010

I also have had the garbled screen problem when I exit X. I have fresh Slackware 13.1 64 bit install. I have no xorg.config file. The install process installed an xorg.config.vesa instead. Within X, everything is fine. I have the correct screen resolution and all software works great. Within the xorg.config.vesa file my monitor and graphics card have been identified correctly. When the problem first occurred, I experimented by renaming xorg.config.vesa to bad.xorg.config.vesa and using my backed up xorg.config from my previous installation of 13.1, 32 bit version.

When X started, it complained the xorg.config was not found. So, I deleted the xorg.conf, renamed bad.xorg.config.vesa back to it original name and rebooted. Then, everything worked fine except when I exit X I now am put into a huge font - I'd guess somewhere abouts 768x640, or less. It is no longer garbled. If I reboot, text mode comes up as it should with 1048 resolution and the penguin graphic sits on top. Then, X is still fine to work with, and kconsole works fine within X, but when I exit x I am always put back into this graphics free humongous font.

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Slackware :: SD Card Mount Name Garbled?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm on slackware 13.1 using XFCE for my desktop manager. Out of the box, verything is configured to just mount any device by some name the system determine. If the device has no labels, it may just say "160GB" or "SD/MMC".

It was working fine but all of a sudden, my SD card started appearing with "1(LA" in place of something like "SD/MMC". I've tried rebooting, remounting but haven't figured out how to fix this.

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Ubuntu :: Gforce 6150le And Garbled Screen With Nvida Drivers?

Jan 11, 2010

I just switched from xp on a HP s7613w (gforce 6150 le) to ubuntu 9-10. I can not see anything over 800x600 to select unless i enable the nvida drivers. There are three choices and i have tried them all, After i activate them it will let me select the 1024x768 that i need but the screen is garbled. There will be garbled text till i run the curser over the text then it will stratin up. The buttons on a page will move down and to the right a little bit when i put the cursor over them. When i uninstall the nvida drivers everything goes back to 800x600 and the screen is fine. My monitor is a Sceptre X20 is that helps. I am new to linux so please use easy to follow instructions if you can help me. I tried pc linux and it did the same thing. I like this version better so i am going to try to get it to work.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Splash Screen Garbled On Acer Aspire Laptop?

May 1, 2010

I upgraded my wife's old Acer Aspire 1350 laptop to Lucid Lynx, which works fine, except for the fact that the splash screen both when the OS boots and is shut down is completely garbled and unreadable. The screen is also unreadable when accessing a tty via CTRL+ALT+F2 etc. The GNOME desktop resolution is completely unaffected and is perfectly usable. The splash screen works on MY desktop PC, but it does seem to be using some strange video timings, as my monitor recognises it as 640x480 but doesn't seem able to centre the screen properly. I strongly suspect that this is the cause of problem and my wife's laptop display just does not like the video mode. If I plug my wife's laptop into my monitor, it displays OK.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Names Random Garbled Characters?

Apr 16, 2011

So... as I tried to connect to the internet i saw a load of garbled characters as names of wireless areas. I took pics w/ a camera (because I suck and don't know how to take screenshots) and I'll try to get them up. Its all nonsensical and is really making me concerned about the state of my computer. [URL] That link contains pics of my issue.

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Debian Installation :: Korean Comes Out Garbled On Web View

Apr 17, 2010

I just installed the LXDE on minimal (netinstall) Lenny. On Iceweasel and chrome Korean email comes out garbled and unreadable.

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Fedora :: After Installing Updates, F13 Goes To Garbled Screen After GRUB

Jun 3, 2010

After applying the latest round of updates last night, I turned on my laptop this AM (ATI X1300 Mobility graphics running the default drivers), selected the latest kernel in GRUB, and waited to log in....only problem is that instead of seeing a normal loading screen (Blue with Fedora icon filling in), I instead get a black screen mostly covered in multicolored rectangles. I don't believe there was a graphics driver update, so I'm rather confused as to what went wrong/how to procede. I can still boot using a previous kernel.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 - VMware And VBox (Webcam Video Garbled)

Mar 25, 2010

I am running OpenSuse 11.2 64 - I have vmware Player and Vbox loaded and working fine - I have XP running in each VM - I have a Creative Live cam and was accessing it in each of the VM's, because I can't access it in Suse. This worked very well until recently. I received updates for Suse, one of which was a kernel update - I installed and rebooted. All of a sudden my time to boot took for ever - however - once up and running every thing seemed fine. After a few boots the system started booting normally and the video from my live cam in both VM's is garbled and and essentially not working right.

Video seems to work correctly in all other areas - I removed the creative software and reinstalled in each of my VM's No change. One last thing - I recently (a week or so before my problems) installed an Nvidia video card. I previously used on board video (also Nvidia) I had no problems either in the VM's or Suse until the kernel update. I have removed Vbox and reloaded and set it up (/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup) problem still there.
My OS is:Linux x86_64
New Video is: G96[GeForce 9500 GT] Driver - nvidia

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Debian :: Garbled Screen On SPARC Console Install

Feb 5, 2011

So this also happened to me when trying to install an old version of Ubuntu (hardy I believe). I have a Sun Netra X1 that I am trying to install the latest stable Debian Sparc64 port on. I'm doing a TFTP boot, and am able to get the kernel to load. However, once the kernel loads the installer, the screen gets garbled (attached is a screenshot from my console session) This server has no graphics card, so I have to install using the serial console. I don't recall having this issue when I installed the last stable version. Any ideas what's going on or how to fix it? I even passed the option "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text" to the kernel, but it didn't seem to do anything.

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Software :: Firefox Printing Produces Garbled Output?

May 7, 2010

I've noticed in the past week or so that any time I print something from Firefox I wind up with a pile of paper that has either nothing on it, is a mess of graphics characters, or a combination of the two. No other applications seem to have problems printing. I can successfully print from gedit, OOWriter, OOCalc, as well as other browsers (well, I'm not 100% certain of Opera yet). Output from LaTeX/dvips and even an old handcrafted PostScript file can be printed correctly with "lpr". I've tried printing to a file from all the browsers on my system and they all produce output viewable with "gv" except Firefox. So... I suspect that something's gotten horribly misconfigured in my FF settings.

Q: What does one do to go back to FF defaults without blowing away the entire browser configuration? I'm not keen on losing all the browser settings if I can possibly avoid it. Especially bookmarks and stored passwords (though those could be written down, I guess, and re-saved). This problem started with FF 3.5.4 (if memory serves) that I had gotten from OpenSUSE's download site. Today I uninstalled that and grabbed a copy of the 3.6.3 tar archive and installed that. It didn't help so I suspect it's a configuration problem that 3.6.3 has inherited from the old settings.

One thing I will try as soon as I can is to login into the system as a different user and see if that account is able to print correctly from FF. I will post the results as soon as I attempt that. I was looking around in the "about:config" page and noticed that there are definitions for ancient print queues that no longer exist on our network. I can see no way to remove these. Is there a way to remove these unneeded configuration settings?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Completely Garbled When Attempting A Skype Conference Call?

May 14, 2010

This just started happening recently.. I have no problems with 1on1 skype calls but as soon as I try to bring in another party all of my skype audio just sounds like some really really bad video game from the 70's. Just beeps and borks. The other people on the call can hear each other just fine and dandy, but on my end I can't hear anything except for beep boop beep boop.

Using 10.04 btw

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Debian :: Cups-pdf Creates PDFs With Garbled Text Information

Mar 14, 2012

I print something with cups-pdf. The pdf appears, it LOOKS as it should, BUT if i actually select text from the pdf viewer and try to paste it somewhere, i get messed up characters (sometimes no characters). So this means that searching too is out of the question i guess.

Why is this happening? I dont know if its a ghostscript issue because on Windows there are several gs based pdf printers and those create perfectly searchable pdfs. Is this a cups/cups-pdf specific issue?

PS Printing through the "Print to file" dialog creates good pdfs but i dont know how to replicate that via command line.

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General :: Escape Forward Slash But Not Working Statement Garbled?

May 2, 2011

I am trying to use sed command to repalce one string with other but somehow replacement string contains forwards slash hence getting the error statement garbled!


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Debian :: Booting From A Live USB - Screens Turn To Garbled Static And It Just Hangs There

Aug 2, 2015

I am trying to make a live usb drive with persistents and so far I have used win32DiskImager to write the debian-live-8.1.0-i386-gnome-desktop image to a usb drive. (im using a windows machine to get this set up) and it all went fine. The problem shows itself when i boot from the drive however. it boots fine and i select the live option when prompted. then i get the debian loading screen and once it finishes loading both my screens turn to garbled static and it just hangs there.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Horizontal Bars And Text Occasionally Become Garbled

Jun 24, 2015

I've been having trouble with rendering issues in Gnome for the past few weeks, running Sid on x86_64, Occasionally Blue and Grey horizontal bars show up, they go away partially if I scroll up or down, and the bars disappear completely if the window is resized. Select characters/letters will also occasionally become garbled, if I change the font in Gnome Tweak Tool it seems to temporarily fix the issue though.

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Fedora Installation :: F13 Live CD Garbled Screen Asus M2V-MX / NVidia 7600 GS

Aug 2, 2010

I am completely failing to boot the Fedora 13 i686 live CD (MD5 check OK), in every case after the progress bar at the bottom completes I am presented with a garbled screen. My system has:

Motherboard: Asus MX-M2V
Graphics card: Gigabyte nVidia GeForce 7600 GS
2GB RAM, AMD64 dual core, etc.

Some websurfing this might be a graphics option and I have tried adding different commands to the boot option before the "quiet" namely:

nomodeset nolapic / nomodeset noapic / nomodeset noapci / nomodeset acpi=off / nomodeset xforcevesa

None of which worked. Both Asus and nVidia offer linux drivers for download:


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Ubuntu :: No Sound Using VLC To Play Avi Files?

Mar 12, 2010

Trying to figure out why when I open an avi file in VLC I get no sound.

I ran it from Terminal and this is what was spewed out...

VLC media player 1.0.2 Goldeneye
[0x98b3140] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[0xb7326880] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1


As a side note I did remove PulseAudio and install Esound then removed Esound and installd PulseAudio again, hopefully I did it right, because I get system sounds and no problem with music or ..... for example.

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