Ubuntu :: Make Some Partitions To 750gb HDD For Windows 7 And It - Use 32 Or 64 Bit?

Sep 26, 2010

1. I want to make some partitions to my 750gb HDD....i want a partition for my windows 7, parition for ubuntu and parititon for alll my DATA.... so how big should i make each partition?

2. Should i use 32 or 64 bit ubuntu? are the rules the same as for windows? where 64bit is faster and if your processor supports 64 bit u should get it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error When Make Partitions - Windows XP And 9.10

Sep 8, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10. When it got to the "partition manager" stage of the installation, not only was I not able to decrease the Windows partition's size, I was also told that there was an error when partitioning and that the process has been aborted, I'm now just using the Ubuntu Live CD..

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Fedora :: Make More Than 4 Partitions (Damn Windows)?

Jul 27, 2011

I was trying to create a partition to share between Windows 7 (pre-installed, and I use it for some games and specific programs) and Fedora 15 (I use it for everything else), but when I tried to do this, apparently I already reached the maximum of primary partitions, 4. So I have 3 for Windows and 1 for Fedora!

The schema I have (see picture) is, 10.5 GB for windows recovery, 100MB for windows boot, 341GB for Windows 7, and 48 GB for Fedora, and it's in a dual boot. My intention was to leave about 100GB for Windows, 50GB for Fedora and the rest for shared files.

But I also don't want to format the recovery files, I had luck when windows broke and I could recover it with this files (I don't have the installation DVD, but it is original and validated), so I would like to keep those files.

1. I make a backup (I have no idea of how or if this is even possible) from fedora of this partitions and save them as files.

2. I try to include the /boot of windows in the big windows partition, but, is this really needed? Can I just delete the 100MB windows booter? (is it enough with the Fedora one or do I need this one?)

Is there a way to make more than 4 partitions? (it would be actually a 3rd option, but I didn't find any info online)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Order Of Partitions For Root / Home And Swap With Respect To Windows Partitions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Windows 7. The partitions of Windows 7 have already occupied the left part of the hard drive. From left to right, the Windows partitions are one partition for Windows booting, one for Windows OS and software installation, and one for data which is planned to mount on Ubuntu. I was wondering how to arrange the order of partitions of root, home and swap, i.e. which is on the left just besides one Windows partition, which is in the middle and which is on the far right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using Just 11GB Out Of 750GB Of Disk Space

Mar 28, 2010

I currenty run Ubuntu 9.10. When I was installing the OS I've probably just didn't pay an attention to this step when it asked me how much of free space to use for Ubuntu. Now it's using just 11 GB and I want it to use 100% of space of this partition. Installed it with Wubi (btw when installing using Wubi, can I just dump the Windows OS and run Linux itself or when I install it with Wubi the windows and linux are connected in any way?). What method should I use for 9.10?

This is actually my 1st day of using Linux. Before that over 15 year Windows user (since Windows 3.1x). So far I love it much more thn Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Upgraded To 11.04 Within Windows Xp - Fails To Recognize Windows Partitions

May 1, 2011

I have 10.10 installed within my Windows Xp.All was fine.Then,I upgraded to 11.04.Boot screen etc is fine .Log in is automatic in Classic.Unity & Compiz not supported.Now,again everything is fine except that my xp partitions are not recognised and hence I can not mount them and access them.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Utility To Make 2 Other Partitions?

Feb 16, 2010

I have ubuntu 9.10 installed on one partition and wanted to make 2 other partition. One to be able to put all my video files on that partition and another one for my home folder. What is the best way and utility to use? Is gparted the way to go on the live CD (or usb stick in my case) and then do the partitions that way?

Total size of HD is 320gb. how much room is needed for the OS , 4gb?? How much for the home folder, 16gb? I know the biggest partition is going to be the last one for my video files which I think should be 300 gb. Or should I just do two partition and leave my home folder and videos in the same partitions? [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Won't Letting To Make Partitions

Jul 22, 2011

Ubuntu won't let me make partitions

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Make Partitions

Aug 2, 2011

I'm new to the linux just few days ago, tried my slef to install Ubuntu on my laptop then I have help of friend to install Opensuse for me in my laptop I face problems with Opensuse and couldn't solve it so my friend install the Ubuntu in the free partition which was 120Gb, and the rest of the 320Gb was dedecated to the OpenSuse, I see no use of having OS with problems in my laptop so I wonder how can I install Ubuntu once again in my laptop and give it the entire 320Gb at least to be usable in storage data
my laptop is dell xps it seem work fine with ubuntu
Model M1330
RAM is 4 Gb I think of upgrade it to 8 if it work with it
HHD is 320Gb 7200rpm
I'll be thankful to show me how I can use the maximum HHD size for Ubuntu
I'll use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit

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Ubuntu :: Make 11.04 Ask For Password Before Mounting Partitions?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm currently using an older version of ubuntu (Karmic) and want to finally update. Is there a way for me to get ubuntu to ask for a password before mounting a partition like Karmic did? I've been looking for a way to solve this problem, but I haven't been able to find any solutions. I know a lot of people found it annoying but I rather liked it.

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Ubuntu :: Use GParted To Make Partitions Then Install Disk?

Jun 17, 2011

I will be installing Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS. The partitioning install section is text based and IMO a bit cryptic. I was wondering: Can I first set up my partitions with Gparted live disk and then pop-in the server install disk and install using the partition structure I made with GParted?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Make LVM - Partitions

May 24, 2010

Texts about partitioning with LVM are quite technical.However I should like to find a text explaining me how to manually make LVM-partitions in OpenSuSE. Like which ones, how big, how to do it. I made an auto LVM with /home. Problem is my entire disk is not used (/root was 5GB max /home was only 7GB max on sda2)and I was not able to make the partitions the seize I wanted.

I have now sda1 configured as /home 280GB and sda2 with the proposed partitioning of Yast. So only 5,9 GB for root. It looks like my try-out is working fine, however. Using normal partitioning is not a good option on my PC. He shows lots of black screens. With LVM no problem at all.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Make SSD Root And Mount HD Partitions / Filesystems

Jun 28, 2011

I'm setting up an Ubuntu server to replace my aged Pentium IV Slackware box. It's a Dell Inspiron 560 with modest core-2 duo processor, 8 gigs of ram, and a pair of good sized hard disks. I came upon a good deal on a couple of 40gig Intel SSDs. I'd like to use one in the server. I'd like to use the SSD for the relatively invariant stuff, because they write slow, and are life-limited in the # of writes. So:

The best way IMHO to achieve this would be to make the SSD the root, and mount hard drive partitions/filesystems to it to places such as:
/media (Here you read and write giant files. Hard disks do this just fine. One will work especially fine if one particular hard drive is dedicated to this.)

A quick "df" yields a list of filesystems. There are four that are not tied to any device!

(df also discloses that the root filesystem is presently standing at 502megs. Guess it'll fit in a 40-gig SSD). These deviceless filesystems worry me. Are they created magically on boot? What's required to make the system magically create them on boot? If I copy the filesystem over to the SSD and redo the grub config, will it Just Work? Web searches reveal subtleties WRT mount points.

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General :: Make The Partitions On The Hard Disk?

Jan 4, 2010

I want to make the transition from windows (sick of it). Im using Lenovo G530 Laptop and was wondering which would be the best Linux Os (meaning Ubuntu, fedora or something else). Keep in mind that I mostly use my laptop for college work and a lot of video and audio editing. I also want to be able to run Dual operating system (meaning that I wanna run both Linux and Windows) from the same computer as it might be easier for me to make the transition a little bit more easier. That being said I need someone to give me tutorials (video preferred) on how to make the partitions on the hard disk and step by step instruction on how to install both the two OS in my laptop.

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CentOS 5 :: Install Of Centos Onto A Pair Of 750GB Drives?

Jul 9, 2010

I have run into a bit of a problem. Trying to get a new install of Centos onto a pair of 750GB drives.

These were once part of a software raid setup. The installer reconises them as a ddf1 raid set. so it does not list the drives as 2 individual drives. I can get around this with the nodmraid

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Debian :: Make System Ask Password For Encrypted Partitions Only Once Not For Each Of Them?

May 29, 2011

I have installed debian 6 on two of my laptops. During installation I chose to encrypt my partitions (swap, root and home). Now I find it annoying that during boot up I'm asked for password, for each of these partions seperately. I have given same password for all three of them. How can I make the system ask for the password only once. I know it can be done because on fedora it was like that before.

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General :: Format HDD And Make 2 Partitions (20gb And 60gb)?

Dec 4, 2010

I have windows XP now with 3 partitions (5gb *containing XP*, 35gb and 40gb). i have backed up my data and now want to install Ubuntu only (no XP). i also want to format my HDD and make 2 partitions (20gb and 60gb). My idea of doing this is that i will delete my 35gb and 40gb partition and then while installing Ubuntu i will be prompted about using the unallocated space and i will install Ubuntu on it and then delete the 5gb partition using GParted once Ubuntu is installed.

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Fedora Installation :: Didn't Make Custom Setting Changes To Partitions

Sep 23, 2009

I installed Fedora 11 on a server with 2 equal sized disks. I used the gui installer and didn't make custom setting changes to the partitions. One of the steps asked for me to choose the disks i wanted to use for this installation. I selected both disks and after the installation Fedora only sees one volume the size of both disks combined.Do I now have software raid0 or do I have something else?

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 Install From Live CD - How To Make The Partitions

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to install from the Live CD. I read the sticky about needing a /boot and a / partition. I think that sticky applies to me but I'm not sure; once the Live CD loads, I click the "Install to Hard Drive" icon on the desktop. It thinks for awhile but ultimately doesn't display anything.What I'm not sure about is how exactly I go about making those partitions. My current HD is a Ubuntu system (Karmic Koala), and its network slowness has prompted me to try FC12. I've backed up everything already, I don't need to preserve anything on the existing drive.

I'm looking for the easiest way to get FC12 installed. Should I fool with the partitions? I just download a different install CD i.e. a non-Live one? If so, which one? Do I need all 5 or so CD images? I don't have a DVD burner so downloading the DVD isn't an option. I'm comfortable working from a Linux command line once the system is working, but I don't have much experience "close to the metal" i.e. actually getting a system up and running.

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Software :: Make (c)fdisk Divide A Drive Into Equal Size Partitions?

Feb 11, 2010

Anyone have a script, or method, that would allow (c)fdisk to divide a hard drive up into equal size primary partitions?

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Software :: Mount NTFS And VFAT Partitions And Make Them Case-insensitive?

Feb 16, 2010

Is there a way I can mount NTFS and VFAT partitions and make them case-insensitive? Somehow I installed Linux this time around and it's all case sensitive. Argh.

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Ubuntu :: Wont Start - Create A Partition On My Hard Drive - Error - Couldnt Make The Partitions

Jul 4, 2011

I was trying to create a partition on my hard drive on Linux using the GParted program. I noticed my hard drive had a key next to its name but could not find information regarding it online. I proceeded to unmount the drive and made 2 partitions. However, it game me an error saying it couldnt make the partitions. I turned my computer off thinking i would get back to trying tomorrow. Today i turn on my laptop and see the usual hp screen. But after that it goes to a black screen with a blinking underscore looking thing. It goes nowhere from there. It usually goes to a black screen after the hp logo, that says GRUB loading.

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Ubuntu :: Switching Between Partitions, Windows Xp Pro To 11.04

Jun 27, 2011

I was running 11.04 as my main OS untill I installed Win Xp Pro. 50 GiB Ubuntu and 100 GiB Win Xp Pro. Now when ever I boot my computer (Acer Extensa 5620) it AUTOMATICALLY goes into the Win Xp Pro OS. So I have no idea how to access all of my Ubuntu files and programs etc. This is a really big problem as I have yet to hook up Win Xp Pro to the internet. It is an older OS and it has made things very difficult. So I really need to be able to switch OS partitions.

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Ubuntu :: What Partitions Are Windows And Which To Delete?

Jul 21, 2011

I installed GParted Editor on Ubuntu. I'm looking at it. There's 4 partition selections, all apparently deletable. The problem is... I don't know which partitions are Windows. Therefore, I don't know which to delete.

None says Windows. There's the word label at the top. I do see DellUtilty and DellRestore under label on two partitions... and pretty sure my computer is a dell. Are the latter two windows and therefore can be deleted? The two remaining partitions, are Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Manage Detection Of (Windows) Partitions?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 together with Windows 7 and when I launch Nautilus I have a list of all my (Windows) partitions in the navigation bar on the left. However I don't want to see all those partitions in Ubuntu (eg. the Windows system partition or the partition reserved for the Win boot loader. Is there a way I can control which partitions will be detected and listed for mount in Nautilus?

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Ubuntu :: Copying Files Between Windows Partitions

Jan 20, 2010

I need to copy ~300GB of drives from one Windows hard drive to another using a Ubuntu live CD. (I currently don't have enough power connectors for my Windows system drive AND both existing and new data drives. Stupid power supply.)

By Windows drive, I mean the drives are only data drive (no Windows install) but the files on the first drive were created and are used by my Windows system, both were formatted NTFS in Windows, and the files will again be used by Windows on the second drive.

Are there any pitfalls I need to be aware of, or can I literally just drag the files across in Nautilus? Is there a faster copy utility available (I know there are Windows programs that can copy faster than drag-n-drop, but I'm sure Ubu doesn't have the same problem ) Will using a Live CD cause any specific issues?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Not Detect Partitions Or Windows

Feb 11, 2010

I've installed the last year ubuntu 8.10 on dual boot with winodows XP, but then I had to format the XP so I lost the dual boot and access to ubuntu and I used only XP...Now, I downloaded Xubuntu 9.10, when I was trying to install it, when preparing the disks a message tell me that the PC has no operating system, then when I choose to manually partion the disk, xubuntu does not read the different partition I'm having and just display the hole disk as free space

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Ubuntu :: How To Not Mount Any Windows Partitions By Default

Apr 6, 2010

I am booting off a persistent pen drive running Ubuntu 10.04. How do I tell the pen drive O/S to NOT mount any windows partitions by default? I want to keep the drive from being able to modify the windows install.

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Ubuntu :: Readjust The Partitions And Install Windows 7 As Well?

May 5, 2010

OK I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but I recently changed from 9:10 to 10:04. I did a clean install as I wanted readjust the partitions and install Windows 7 as well.

There seems to be an issue with the start up. Not every time but sometime (most of the more recently) it won't start correctly. It stops on the start up and reboots the computer. It always at one of two places either on the first Ubuntu screen during start up after the Grub loader (the purple screen with "Ubuntu" and the loading dots underneath), or if it gets past that to the loading screen it will happen after I enter my password and try to log in. If it does manage to fully boot into my desktop, it seem to work fine (aside from the odd minor bug) Also it doesn't seem to do this with Windows as of yet, though I don't use Win as much as Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Read Extra Partitions In Windows 7?

Jul 23, 2010

I have Ubuntu Linux installed on a hard drive in a seperate computer. I want to transfer some stuff so I pulled the drive and hooked it up to my main machine. I then installed Ext2Explore so I could read the drive. I am able to read it now and see all of the folders but it appears that I am only able to see the main partition. With the other partitions, I see them listed in the Media folder but I click on them and they are all empty. Does anybody know how I can retrieve the data in these partitions?

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