Ubuntu :: Internet Conection - Transfer Rate - When Active - Is About 149b/s Receiving - And About 70b/s Sending

Apr 6, 2011

I checked task manager the other day and I discovered that on the network history monitor some bits and bites were transfered in a repeating pattern (like a beacon). The transfer rate (when active) is about 149b/s receiving. And about 70b/s sending. What is this?

No Internet-related program was running from my part...In an attempt to pinpoint what was causing this, I occidentally removed the tools located left and right on the time and date. I've rebooted since but still no tools. The 0/I button is also gone.

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Hardware :: PATA Socket Was Replaced With SATA Socket / Transfer Rate Of The Harddisk Would Be SATA Transfer Rate?

Jul 4, 2010

My friend bought an old hard drive. He noticed something with the hard drive that it was just replaced with a SATA socket. So meaning, the SATA socket was soldered to the PATA hard disk to replace the PATA socket to SATA socket to make it a SATA.

Now the question is:

1. Does the Transfer Rate of the harddisk (that has been replaced from PATA socket to SATA socket) would be SATA transfer rate? OR would still be PATA transfer rate?

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Server :: Postfix Don't Sending / Receiving Anything?

Nov 8, 2010

Yesterday i run a postfix everything works fine and today it hangs up. if i dial "telnet localhost 25" i get (before day i get 220 answer and ordinary hello):

Connected to trons.sk.
Escape character is '^]'.
and nothing go far.


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General :: Trouble In Sending And Receiving Email

Nov 23, 2009

i have a problem regarding our email server. all the users can send email but they cant received mail. .when hitting send receive on outlook there were no error found. .i have already reboot the server and restarted the sendmail services but still same problem.

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Server :: Dovecot Mailserver Sending But Not Receiving?

Jan 22, 2011

I have followed the guide for "The Perfect Server - Debian Lenny (Debian 5.0) With BIND & Dovecot [ISPConfig 3]" and all is well, except.

I can send mail (to GMail) from commandline. I can send mail (to GMail) from any of the domains configured in ISPConfig3 through SquirrelMail (how ever terrible that looks, but functions) or IMAP/POP.


I can't receive mail (from GMail) on any of the domains configured in ISPConfig3 in SquirrelMail or IMAP/POP.

I have my domains configured with proper MX records (just like I have them configured at work). I have all ports (80, 143, 110, 25, 22, etc) forwarded on my router that are needed.

I can Telnet to localhost and all checks are fine. I can send and receive from and to local domains on the same server, which makes sense. but

I can't Telnet from any external server to my server behind NAT.


I figured it MUST be a network/port-forwarding problem as the external Telnet requests fails to my machine on port 25.

Tested my router if it would let met communicate through port 25 and it would.

So it must be my ISP, as I read in different posts.


Maybe I'm a n00b, but in all other posts the problems were with receiving AND sending.

My ISP responded that port 25 is blocked because of spam issues.

But I can mail (and even spam if I would like to) to external domains while I didn't do anything weird to make that happen.

The only thing I wish for is to receive mails and if you'd ask me, port 25 would be solely for outgoing mails, not for incoming mail deliveries throught MX?

An ISP surely wouldn't disable their customers in having a mail-server for incoming mails, as long as they would send out through their own smtp server to make sure they wouldn't spam the world?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software For Sending / Receiving SMS From Huawei Modem

Feb 12, 2011

I'm using Huawei E1550 3G modem. Any tool so that I can send and receive sms, even USSD also...

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Networking :: Sending / Receiving Between Two Systems Using IPv6 Addresses

Mar 8, 2010

We have connected two systems with ethernet cables and have configured the two systems with ipv6 addresses. The IP of one system is 2001:0db8:0:f101::1 (let's say X::1) (This system runs OS Fedora 10) and the other is 2001:0db8:0:f101::2. (Let's say X::2) (This system runs OpenSuSE 10.3) We are able to ping from both systems to the other. We are able to ssh into the one with IP X::2 from the one with IP X::1, but not vice versa.

We have disabled iptables on both systems by using the following commands:
/etc/init.d/iptables save
/etc/init.d/iptables stop
on the fedora 10 system and
# iptables -X
# iptables -t nat -F
# iptables -t nat -X
# iptables -t mangle -F
# iptables -t mangle -X
# iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
# iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
# iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
on the openSuse system.

The error we get in trying to ssh from the openSuse system to the fedora system is:
ssh: connect to host 2001:0db8:0:f101::1 port 22: Connection refused

We're trying to write server and client code to send data from one system to the other using SOCK_DGRAM. The code works fine when we run both the client and server on the same system. However, we are not able to send data from one system to another when we use the IPv6 addresses to run the client and server programs.

The error we get is:
sendto(): Operation not permitted

The codes we are using for the server and client programs can be found here in beej's guide here : [URL]. We've only substituted the appropriate addresses in the right places... We've disabled the iptables...

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Networking :: Sending / Receiving Data Simultaneously Using BSD Sockets

Jun 25, 2010

I would like to send a data using one thread and receive a data using other thread by using a same socket connection using USD sockets. The calls i am using for sending and receiving are send(), recv(). let me know is it possible to send and receive the data parallel (Full duplex communication)?

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Server :: Block Email Sending And Receiving Using Squid

Jun 17, 2010

i am using centos 5.4, running squid for proxy, i want to block email sending and receiving of proxy users to secure my data. how is it possible that the proxy user can only brows websites but he can not receive or open and send or save as draft to mail box.

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Server :: Postfix Is For Sending/receiving Internal Emails Only?

Jan 21, 2010

One of our postfix servers is for sending/receiving internal emails only. When a user entered a wrong recipient address, it will take almost an hour for the user to get the "Recipient address rejected" email. What can be done to let the user get the "Recipient address rejected" email quickier.

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Fedora :: Finding Out What Processes Sending / Receiving Network Data?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a desklet that, occasionally after toying with network stuff, will tell me that large amounts of data are being sent/received. What's a good way to determine what processes are occupying these resources?!

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Networking :: Socket Programming: Sending And Receiving Msgs Back And Forth

May 19, 2010

I have a server which is used by number of client Apps. Now when a client initiates a sendto request to a server it has to respond(after recvfrom) by sending a message using sendto back to client and this should be done back and forth.

What I dont understand is, does the client have to open a new port to receive packets from client? If yes, then how will server know to what port of the client(assuming server ports are well-known to clients)?

I had given up on sending messages back and forth using UDP and switched to TCP. I could send a read and write message back and forth. But the trouble comes when I have more than one client wanting to talk to server using SOCK_STREAM. The first one gets through but the second client seems to get blocked forever(but I got no error upon socket creation or upon connect with the server on the same port as the previous client)..

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Server :: Sendmail Block Sending Or Receiving .exe Files As Attachment

Jun 22, 2010

Please tell me how i can block sending or receiving .exe files as a attachment in sendmail server

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Internet Conection Won't Work?

May 5, 2011

I installed it and it seems to run smother than windows vista so far but it wont work with my wireless internet the light that shows it is connected doesn't even glow. I am using a Compaq Presario Labtop.

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Software :: Look For Free And Well Known Fax Command Line Tools For Receiving And Sending Faxes?

Apr 19, 2011

I am looking for free and well known fax command line tools for receiving and sending faxes I wan it to save receive faxes in pdf format with file name included with caller phone number and date of receive:

for example:
and any other format that I want.

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Slackware :: No Internet Conection On Absolute 13.1.6?

Jan 30, 2011

I got the system installes. But it seems that I can't connect to the internet. Trying to pdate the system via gslapt doesn't work. Always says the repositories can't be reached. I use a home network with a skydsl modem and a router. All my other pc's can connect without a problem. It seems that something is not working right here with my Absolute install. I can't even set up a browser or add the Gnome BSG as said with lynx.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up An Internet Conection?

Aug 10, 2010

i got some bad virus on my windows and there is no way to remove it so i need to use linux some time till i find a way to remove the virus.I run a online test to see what linux distribution will be the best for my pc since i have very bad/old pc and i found this one.Everything was fine but when it come the part to get internet access it gone bad...I have adsl modem the model model is DSL-360R.This is how i create a internet access in windows.I open con.panel go to network conections and there is a local area conection icon.Right click/properties the select Internet protocol(TCP/IP) and click install i enter thoose numbers(given by my net provider) Ip address: and etc...(If you need the other numbers i will tell you.).

Then i create a new conection.I use a manual login i have username [URL] and password like 2003.I need to get internet on my linux.I aredy called the support of my operator but thoose noobs said they dont support linux and the man was kindly and said somethink about drivers and said to try somethink with spconfig or somethink like that i dont remmber all i know it didnt worked.That is it i tell you all i know and i hope that u can help me and tell me how to create a new connection. P.s my first impression from openSUSE> The os looks great, i love the instaled theme.

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General :: By Default - Configure SMTP And POP3/IMAP Sever For Sending And Receiving Mails ?

Mar 30, 2010

I want to know that by default do we need to configure SMTP and POP3/IMAP sever for sending and receiving mails in Linux server and client machines or we can directly send and receive mails without configuring these mail servers?

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Networking :: NAS Over WiFi Transfer Rate

Mar 27, 2010

I have a LaCie NAS which is mounted on my main linux machine over a wifi LAN using the cifs file system. I would stupidly expect the transfer rate between my hard drive and the NAS to be limited by the Wifi speed (54 Mbps) but when I transfer files, the speed tops at 1.9 Mb/s which is roughly 15.2 Mbps. The most puzzling thing is that when I do multiple simultaneous transfers, I reach approximately 3MB/s in total but none of the individual transfers goes beyond 1.8. Does anyone have an idea about what is keeping the transfer rate so low?

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Server :: Transfer Rate Is Very Slow

May 11, 2011

Iam using public ftp server,the server file transfer rate is very very slow & the server is also very slow,In which way can i check the server to make it fast,can any one give sugession on this.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Transfer Rate On Ext2 Partition (10.04 64 Bit)?

Oct 3, 2010

I would like to know if it is normal to experience 10MB/s data transfer rates during copying between partitions on my local hard drives (Toshiba 250GB 5400rpm SATA) while having three times faster (30MB/s) transfer rates between local partitions and USB drives (Kingston 8GB).

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Hardware :: Card Versus Ide Transfer Rate ?

Mar 23, 2011

Sd card transfer rate is 133mb/s and ide transfer rate is same 133mb/s. Using no extra wire and direct connection, why is that sd card is much gradual than ide?

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Networking :: Transfer Rate For Gigabit Ethernet

Apr 1, 2010

We have a Linux box which acts a a file server. Currently, files and directories are exported using NFS.At the moment, we are a bit concern on its data transfer performance. FYI, we are using a embedded Gigabit Ethernet port on the file server. We ran a few simple write tests between NFS client (also utilizes GigE port) and the NFS server. In these tests, both NFS server and client are both connected directly to each other with a Cat5E cable. Unfortunately, the write/transfer speed results are not as per our expectation. It scores roughly about 11-12MByte/s, where as theoretically Gigabit Ethernet transfer rate is able to reach up to approximately 120MByte/s.I wouldn't expect to reach the theoretical max transfer rate (it would be great if we can , but I would appreciate if you guys can share with us in terms of the following :

1) What's the practical max data transfer rate which you guys managed to observe in a normal Gigabit based connection? What about jumbo frames configuration?

2) Is there any additional tuning/configuration we need to do within the OS to reach those practical max data transfer rate figure?

3) Does PCI-e / system bus plays a role in achieving this speed? For example, we are using the embedded GigE port and we heard some people says embedded ports are actually sharing the system bus and resources with other devices, which might adds into performance issue. Correct me if I'm wrong.

4) Does converting to Cat6 cabling will guarantee an increase in the data transfer performance?

5) In the future (once we are clear on how much single GigE transfer rate we can go) , we are looking into doing bonding since that the NFS server's shared directory/volume read-write speed is way much higher (i.e 400-600MByte/s). Will bonding allow us to achieve higher NFS read/write speed? What are the bonding modes best used for this purposes? Appreciate if anybody who has experience in doing bonding for NFS can share their experience.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Expected Transfer Rate For Gigabit Ethernet

Sep 26, 2010

I have 2 10.04 machines connected through a switch, both with gigabit on board ethernet. Both machines show 1000 Mb/s connections.When I transfer large files (gig plus up to multi-gig) the maximum I get according to ftp 11472 kB/s.I did rough computer school math in my head and that seems low but I'll admit I know very little about network transfer rates.My question is what transfer rates should I expect to get between the 2?

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Fedora Networking :: Slower Data Transfer Rate In KDE V GDM?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a FC13 box that has both Gnome and KDE sessions installed.

I have noticed on the KDE session that data transfer rates are slower than when I use Gnome.

In Gnome, I can transfer files between my FC13 machine and my Ubuntu 10.04 pc at a rate of 6.5 MB/s (52 Mb/s if my maths is correct), but in KDE the rate is only 3.5 MB/s (28 Mb/s).

"ethtool eth0" shows my NIC speed as 100 Mb/s. Obviously I am not hitting anywhere near that speed in either session, (a separate article may be happen in the future to address that), but I am curious as to why KDE is that much slower for file transfer.

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General :: Data Transfer Rate Decreases With Dd Command?

Apr 25, 2010

anyone know why this would happen? I ran the following dd command:

dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=hard/old_dell_desk_part1.img

a USB external drive was mounted to the 'hard' directory with the standard mount command. it is a ntfs-3g filesystem. it is a mechanical drive.

same behavior with solid state memory (flash, and solid state hard drives)

3693492+0 records in
3693492+0 records out
1891067904 bytes (1.9 GB) copied, 274.562 s, 6.9 MB/s


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Networking :: Slow Transfer Rate Between 2 Gigabit Devices?

Mar 2, 2011

I am struggling trying to understand the reason for a fairly slow data transfer rate between two machines. ( tried point to point and also via a 1 gb switch )
One is nfs/http/ftp server ( with raid1 and lvm on top ), the other one my desktop pc. Both OS with default options, no changes to kernel in proc or other sort of thing.

Hardware is full recognized and perfectly working: The server has 4gb ram, Intel Core 2 Duo CPUE6850 @ 3.00GHz, 1000Mb/s NIC card and Lucid 10.04 64 bit, 250Giga Hard disk. The client has 3gb ram, Intel Core 2 CPU 6320 @ 1.86GHz, 1000Mb/s NIC card and Ubuntu Maverick 32bit , 150Gb Hard disk.

Raw data is good:
gettons@gettons-desktop:~$ iperf -c MYSERVER
Client connecting to MYSERVER, TCP port 5001


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Networking :: Two Network Devices For Increased Transfer Rate?

Jan 28, 2011

I have not tried this, and I am only wondering about the result.Let's say that I have a PC/Laptop with two network devices: an ethernet and a wireless. Can I connect both of the to the same network (if this network allows both connection) to increase the transfer rate between the PC/Laptop and the server???

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Debian Configuration :: Extremely Slow Transfer Rate On Flash Disk ?

Jul 12, 2011

Same computer and flash. Two results on different OS:

Write speed under debian: 0.4 MB/s

Write speed under Windows: 6.6 MB/s

From what i've been reading on the net I guess it's something to do with the mount - sync option.

I've notice that there are couple of workarounds but all of them are pretty tedious.

Is there any simple (GUI - one/two clicks) tool that allow to mount/unmount flash disk easily using the correct options?

I'm using Squeeze 6.0.2 (Kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64), gnome 2.30.2

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Debian Hardware :: Extremely Slow Transfer Rate On Flash Disk

Jul 15, 2011

Same computer and flash. Two results on different OS:

Write speed under debian: 0.4 MB/s
Write speed under Windows: 6.6 MB/s

From what i've been reading on the net I guess it's something to do with the mount - sync option. I've notice that there are couple of workarounds but all of them are pretty tedious.

Is there any simple (GUI - one/two clicks) tool that allow to mount/unmount flash disk easily using the correct options?

I'm using Squeeze 6.0.2 (Kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64), gnome 2.30.2

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