Ubuntu :: How To Destroy 1 Terabyte Worth Of Storage

Feb 15, 2010

I've been backing up a lot of my computer data for 2 years now and it has added up to a terabyte, so I went to bestbuy and bought a 1.5 terabyte external hard drive. I went home and I moved all my data on to it.Now it is starting to fail! As soon as I heard clicking noises I copied all the files over back to my original hard drive.

I had alot of personal information on the 1.5 TB hard drive that is failing(it is still working though), and incase when I try to take it back and they restore it, I do not want them looking through my stuff. I have tried the shred command but thats going to take forever just to overwrite one terabyte once.Will a format remove all my personal files from recovery? What are some other things I could try?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot SSD Non Raid - 1 Terabyte Raid 1 Storage "No Block Device Found"?

Sep 15, 2010

It's been a real battle, but I am getting close.I won't go into all the details of the fight that I have had, but I've almost made it to the finish line. Here is the set up. ASUS Z8PE-D18 mother board 2 CPU, 8 Gig Ram. I recently added an OCZ Agility SSD, defined a raid 1 virtual disk on the 1 terabyte WD HDD drives, which will holds all of my user data, the SSD is for executables.The bios is set to AHCI. Windows 7 installed fine, recognizes the raid VD just fine.

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 by first booting into try and mode, then opening a terminal and issuing a "sudo dmraid -ay" command. Then performing the install. I told it to install the raid components, and told it to let me specify the partitions manually. When setting up the partitions, I told it to use the free space I set aside on the SSD from the Windows 7 install as ext4 and to mount root there. Ubuntu installed just fine, grub2 comes up just fine, and Windows 7 boots with out a hitch, recognizing the mirrored partition as I indicated previously. When I tell grub to boot linux however, it pauses and I get the "no block devices found" message. It will then boot, but it does not recognize the raid array. After Ubuntu starts up I can run "dmraid -ay" and it recognizes the raid array, but shows the two component disks of the raid array as well. It will not allow the component disks to be mounted, but they show up which is annoying. (I can live with that if I have to)

I have fixed a similar problem before by setting up a dmraid script in /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top ... following the instructions found at the bottom of this blog:[URL].. To recap: My problem is that after grub2 fires up Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS (Lucid Lynx), it pauses, and I get "no block devices found" It then boots but does not recognize the raid array untill I manually run "dmraid -ay". I've hunted around for what to do but I have not found anything. It may be some timing issue or something, but I am so tired of beating my head against this wall.

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Ubuntu :: 2 Terabyte Limit On Windows

Apr 20, 2010

I know that most Windows OS's have a 2 Terabyte Hard drive limit..It's been making the rounds on forums and in print.Now the Chcken-Little sites state it as a universal limit:"limit to hard drive space reached... new software needed!"But the good reviews always mention Windows by name."32-bit Microsoft OS cannot handle drives larger than 2 Terabytes,you will need to upgrade to 64bit Microsoft OS"Does this 2 Terabyte Hard drive limit hold for Linux?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mainboard And Storage System - How Both Storage Devices Will Be Supported By Debian

Mar 11, 2011

I'm interested in buying a new hardware for my company. The old server (now 10 years old) should be replaced with a new one. Till now, I was looking on different hardware suppliers, boards and different other places. I found a Tyan board [URL]. The hardware spec is quite interesting and the board would fullfill our claims.

how both storage devices will be supported by Ubuntu or Debian??

- SATA-Controller: AMD SP5100
- SAS-Controller: LSI 1068E

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Ubuntu :: Raid 1: Does It Destroy Data?

Jul 4, 2011

my question is quite simple and at the same time should even sound weird for people that is used to use raids... but here we go! I have got 2 hard disks that do match in space. I'd like to use mdadm to create a raid 1, the mirror one. Since I don't want to format / erase / delete what's in my primary hard disk (/dev/sda, 3 partitions), how can I replicate its content into /dev/sdb and mirror it with the raid tool? Does something like this work?

- install madam
- fdisk /dev/sdb and replicate sda's partitions (using as filesystem "fd");
- sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1
- sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md1 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2
sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md2 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3

Do you have any page to point, with the right documentation to achieve a replication of the hard disk without a format of the source disk?

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Ubuntu :: Trying To Updelete, Found Terabyte Files In Trash?

Apr 20, 2010

I cancelled a partition resize accidently and the restarted it and it went on it's merry way. after it had resize my 500G partition into a 100 and 400 I noticed that most of my files were gone. I have my Documents folder, but my Music, Kids TV shows, wallpapers, and Pictures are gone. I starting going thru url to try an fix this as well as trolling the forums. At the moment I have 1 program going thru the drive's image, and another going thru the actual drive. While still waiting for this I looked in the trash. lots of files, I attempted to copy them out. Apparently on my 500G drive I have 14Tb of files.After sudoing Trash I was able to get in and I see that there are some odd sized files. The largest of them are:

File name file size
#6463091 2.7Tb
#14114451 2.5Tb
#6461878 2.1Tb

And these are about the size of I had on there, the largest being more or less what I had before I moved off some data:
File name file size
#6461059 544G
#6462620 52G
#14106973 7.9G
#3467474 3.9G

Also using ddrescue I made and imagine file, sadly I can't mount it as an iso. when I try to mount it following the datarecovery guide it says no file system found. I have e2fsck going thru it atm.

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Ubuntu :: Formatting 1.5 Terabyte External Hard Drive

Dec 17, 2010

I have this 1.5 terabyte external hard drive. It has some bad sectors and although I keep reading that you can't really do much about them, I'm going to reformat the hard drive. I was just wondering what utility would be best, or because it's NTFS and I need it to be NTFS afterwards, should I just do this on Windows?

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Ubuntu :: Setup File Server - USB Terabyte - Folder Management

May 28, 2010

I setup a file server using Ubuntu Server edition following the guid by Xam @ [URL]. With only a few exceptions to minor tweaks the guide worked perfectly. The difference is I use a USB terabyte for data storage but that's not an issue. It works FANTASTIC right now. I can manage files from any computer in the house (vista xp linuxmint, ubuntu etc).

The USB is mounted as /dev/sdb1 /media/store ntfs 0 0 in my fstab file. It's sharing the root directory of the disk and users have access to the entire thing. Now that it's all working, I want to know if anyone knows a way I can not let the entire disk be shared but only select folders off the root for example /media/store/Music or /media/store/Videos.

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General :: What File System For 1 Terabyte Drive

Mar 17, 2009

I'm going to be getting myself a TB drive for general purpose storage later on this month/beginning of April and I'm looking for opinions on what file system to use on the drive. Currently I have a couple of large drives, from ~250 - ~500 gig, formatted as ext3 but once in a while I have to wait for ages for a fsck to run. I know I can disable it if I want, or use another file system but just don't...

I've read that ext4 is hugely improved over ext3 in a number of ways, the time taken to do these scans included. But saying that I've also read, can't remember the source, that the one "huge" problem with Linux is the way it deals with large partitions, i.e the time taken to scan the drive for errors.So in a round-about way, what options do I have for a reliable, fast file system for large drives? I know there's plenty of documentation on the net about this, and I'm reading those, but I want some "real-life" opinions.Is ext4 stable enough to use now? What about JFS/XFS/ReiserFS etc?

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SUSE :: 4 Terabyte Hard Drive Limit

Jan 23, 2010

My new motherboard came with two on-board harddrive raid controllers,for a possible total of 10 sata drives. Now that 1-terabyte drives are getting down to near $100, I never need to run out of space again.Except: last night I read that Suse Linux has 4 terabyte hard drive limit.Is that true? Is the limit per computer, per drive, or per controller?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Installing - Destroy Digital-image Restore

Jun 4, 2010

If I partition and install Ubuntu on part of my pc's hardrive, would the digital image factory-settings restore feature still be available? If so, and if used, would a factory restore use 100% of the hardrive and erase the Ubuntu install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition HD To Place 11 And Not Destroy Windows Vista

May 20, 2011

I'm looking to partition HD to place Ubuntu 11, and not destroy Windows Vista, here's what I see, Allocate drive space,

/dev/sda1 ntfs 310641 MB unknown
/dev/sda2 ntfs 9428 MB 8346 MB

below that,

Device for boot loader installation
/dev/sda ATA ST3320820AS (320.1GB)

what to do next? *UPDATE: I think my HD is bad, I went ahead with the full install and get; Error: Input/output error during read on/dev/sda. The reason I started this was problems with HD and Vista OS, but after running Ubuntu live CD and being able to see the HD contents which showed Main partition with a boot exclamation and the recovery partition I thought it might be OK still.

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Security :: Search And Destroy Illegal Services?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm looking for a script that can look for illegal scripts/services that are being run on OpenVZ VPS from the host node. Things like IRC, EggDrop, Brute Force scripts and such.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Worth The Upgrade?

Apr 28, 2011

I am still relatively new to Ubuntu and still learning the various functions to Ubuntu 10.10. I use an IBM ThinkPad and have been very happy with Ubuntu, although there is definitely a learning curve. I would like to know whether those of you who have tried it think that Ubuntu 11.04 is worth the upgrade, or is it better for someone learning to stick with 10.10? I notice that there are some differences in 11.04 and I'm not sure whether these are advantageous or a liability!

I am just getting used to OpenOffice, for example, and I notice that 11.04 uses a different default editor. Of course I could probably download OpenOffice, but why this change? Also, there is a new default media player on 11.04--is this change necessary? I'm adventurous enough to move to 11.04 if it is an improvement, but I would rather stay where I am if it would just be inviting problems.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 1 Terabyte And Larger Drives On 11.3? Samsung Hatachi?

Aug 28, 2011

I have a machine running 11.3 and I want to increase my storage capacity but am maxed out with 6 SATA hard drives already. Does openSUSE 11.3 see and write to drives 1 terabyte and above correctly?

I have been using WD Green drives in this machine up until now but see Samsung and Hatachi drives at really good prices. Are these drives reliable? How is warranty support?

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Applications :: Finding A Program To Destroy Data On DVDs

Feb 7, 2011

What I want to do is force my DVD burner to use full writing power on the entire surface of a DVD. This should be able to invisibly damage the contained data, and should work on CDs, DVDs and BRDs too (in theory). I don't want to write data over it, so it's not a matter of having a RW disc or a R one. The result I want to obtain is simply an unreadable disc that does not look damaged. Do you know if there's a program able to ignore a disc being already full and perform this task?

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General :: Destroy Booting Logo Splash At Text Mode?

Jan 7, 2011

I installed fandora 14.I modified "/etc/inittab" for change "text mode".


And I want to disappear the booting logo splash. Beacuse I want to see kernel messages at the linux booting.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Worth Upgrading For A Personal Box?

Oct 10, 2010

I have an ancient computer that's been running Ubuntu since about last year. I started with 8.04.4 but then upgraded to 10.04 via apt-get.I mostly use this machine as a file dump for other computers on the network.

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General :: Is OS Worth Using Without Internet

Jul 4, 2010

i'm new to linux i want to know so manythings, like "is linux worth using without internet connection? without it how can i upgrade my OS ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: New Mdadm Version - Worth Upgrading?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm just about to commence a full reinstall of my home media server. Planning on using 1x 1tb and 7x 1.5TB drives in raid 6. I notice the version of mdadm distributed in Ubuntu is, but versions exist up to 2.6.9 (excluding all the 3.X ones) Is it worth using a later version? Or is used for a particular reason?

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Ubuntu :: Correct The 50MB Worth Of Corrupt Data?

Apr 27, 2011

I am currently downloading 44Gig of video files and I noticed that Transmission is reporting that I have downloaded 40.5Gigs already with +50MB corrupt.How do I correct the 50MB worth of corrupt data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Is Keeping NTFS Hard Drive Still Worth It?

May 14, 2011

It's been about three days since I've made Ubuntu my OS and I'm quite surprised to see, when I tried it first via wubi, that it actually reads NTFS partitions.It made backing up easy for me though now is it still alright that I still keep them NTFS or should I now start converting them to ext4? Except for my external hard drive.and what's the difference with ext3 and ext4? I was shown these options when I tried formatting my hard drive.

My other hard drive has two partitions which was done when I installed windows a few years back..If I would to reformat should I combine these partitions into one and make new partitions via that?

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Server :: Mdadm & Raid6: Does Re-create(with Different Chunk Size)+resync Destroy Orig. Data?

Oct 14, 2010

I'm having issue with raid6. I already created a thread in the "Linux -General" forum, but it seems, there is no right audience


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SUSE / Novell :: Program To Completely Destroy All Data In Free Space On Hard Drive?

Aug 10, 2010

I dont want to wipe the whole drive, and i don't want to delete only particular files. I want to completely destroy all data in free space.I've found some articles about secure-delete package for linux that would allow erasing freespace with the command 'sfill,' but I can't find it in the repositories nor through google. This would be ideal but it seems maybe it's debian only.

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Fedora :: Dwight Can't Chainload Worth Diddley?

Jul 25, 2010

I'm trying to setup existing Linux partitions to boot using chainloader following instructions from here:


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Security :: Is It Worth Encrypting Hard Drive?

Oct 21, 2010

I encrypted my hard drive on my media PC but it's really annoying having to type in a password every time I turn it on. I chose a short password so it was quick and easy to type in but is it worth encrypting data with a weak password?If the computer is suspended, someone could come along and resume the computer. They would be presented with a locked GNOME session) but the data would be unencrypted; does this go against encrypting the hard drive? Or does the locked GNOME session provide enough security to keep an intruder out?

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Software :: Is It Worth To Switch From Thunderbird To Claws

Aug 23, 2010

I've been using Thunderbird for a lot, but I would like a lighter mail client. I was checking Sylpheed but it lacks of HTML rendering for incoming messages, and that is a "must" for me. Then I realized that Claws started as a parallel branch of Sylpheed but included those features Sylpheed doesn't have (one of them is the HTML rendering).

I would like to know if Claws is as light as Sylpheed to see if it's worth it to switch to Claws, because the reason to switch is to get a lighter mail client.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dwight Can't Chainload Worth Diddley?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm trying to setup existing Linux partitions to boot using chainloader following instructions from here:

Cool Solutions: Install Linux Frequently, Without the Hassle

and here:

Error Loading Operating System after 11.3 fresh install

Here's fdisk -l:

# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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General :: Grepping Lines More Than A Screen's Worth Width

Jan 25, 2011

What If I wanted to scan a string like the following...


Anyhow just one giant string that's longer than my screen's width. If I simply copy and paste that string after a grep command, it seems that the terminal inserts newlines at the terminal's width and therefore not the whole string goes in. Even if I insert a quote before the beginning of the string and then paste it in, terminal still reads in a newlines somehow and obviously says command not found, etc.

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General :: Rsync Only Getting One Folder Out Of 350GB Worth Of Data?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to do an rsync from one RHEL box to another, but when I run it in verbose mode to see why its not working, all it does is show the root folder, then one folder in, then it stops. There are about a dozen folders under that root folder where the rsync starts, with about 350GB data spread between them. How can I tell why this isn't working? the same command is setup to run as a cron job, which was working.

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