Ubuntu :: Willmaker May Work Under Wine?
Dec 10, 2010Looks like willmaker may work under wine. Anyone know of any other will-making software that runs on linux natively or perhaps online?
View 1 RepliesLooks like willmaker may work under wine. Anyone know of any other will-making software that runs on linux natively or perhaps online?
View 1 RepliesI downloaded and installed Wine, but when I right click on an EXE file and select Open with Wine Windows Program loader, nothing happens. Also when I click on Configure Wine sometimes it brings up the menu, but most times it does not. I am not getting any errors or anything, it just doesn't load up. I even tried unintalling it and reinstalling it and still nothing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cannot get Wine to work on my ASUS 8400 with 312 meg ram. Picasa will not install and also not after I installed wine 1.3. Tried then Picasa 3.8, but it freeze when loading set-up page and the crash and back to desktop.I have tried Picasa 2.7 - 3.0 and now 3.8 with separate Wine installation. No luck. My distro is Lubuntu 10.10.
View 8 Replies View RelatedLike on games that use a Windows programing language only. Or one like Blockland. Or Portal/GMod(Steam)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI updated to Lucid and it works great except for the programs installed on Wine. They still appear on the menu but will not launch.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been having problems trying to run my .exe files and windows programs through wine. I first had the error message about it being an executable file, but I fixed that with right clicking and allowing it. Though the program is still not coming up, does anyone know which direction I go now to fix it?
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhether iTunes will work through WINE in Ubuntu? Or is it not that simple? The reason I ask is because I have one iPod left (my wifes) and I need itunes for this, but I want to be on Linux from now on. Am I stuck? Will I always need windows? Or can I really escape the circle of evil licensed software! (who doesn't love some over dramatics
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't get any software in wine to work?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI cant seem to get iTunes to work no matter what I try, I installed WINE and various versions of iTunes, depending on what the guide that im following tells me to do. I usually get most of the way through and then something that i'm suppose to put into the terminal doesn't work. Itunes sometimes freezes the computer when i try and use it, and sometimes it gets to the point where it says something about not being able to work because qucktime wont work and i have to reinstall itunes, which i try to do, which does nothing.
I have a computer with a 64 bit processor, and an ipod touch. I am willing to go to whichever version of Ubuntu that works best with whichever version of itunes, i don't have anything important saved so going to a different version of the OS isn't a big deal. I have to have itunes because I have to back up my music onto something.
So, which version of Ubuntu is best with itunes (i have ubuntu 9.10) and has anyone used a guide that is proven to work recently? If their easer method of getting my music onto my computer, im open to that as well.
i downloaded Wine, but it doesnt work i tried to play Wrcraft3 , but when i started it laggs a lot. (sorry 4 my bad English ) So, when i enter in the game it appears a gray window and it looks so bad. So i tried to open Frozen Throne and its the same like Wrcraft3. And i was thinking if wine supports Flyff or i have to mke a virtual machine?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Wine installed in ubuntu/Kubuntu Jaunty and I can play games like Roller Coaster Tycoon fine in it (it works great and has sound) but when I try to use my disk for Ear training (which is an .exe file) I can view/use the program perfectly except there is no sound, the disk works in the school computers so I know its not faulty, but the sound just doesn't work in Wine.
I changed the format in Wine to all the different Windows (Vista, XP, 2000, etc.) and the sound didn't work in them either, everything in Alsa mixer is turned up 100% and I've tested it with both my head phones and computer speakers, but theres never any sound.
I want to now is it possible to use and how to configure to work program My Heritage try Wine?Please help its important to me.P.S I'am totaly noob regarding Ubuntu netbook remix
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow well does Microsoft Office 2007 work under WINE? My mother is a school teacher for younger children, so she really only needs Microsoft Office 2007 and a browser. For the life of me, I've never met anyone that gets more viruses and problems with her computer. So I'm wondering if I can switch her over to Linux and use Microsoft Office 2007 in WINE. OpenOffice isn't a possibility, I'm already pushing it asking her to learn how to use Linux. (I know it isn't hard, I use it myself, but she will fight to the death about using Microsoft Office) So how's Office in WINE?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get a Rosetta Stone torrent to work with WINE with no luck,
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust installed Ubuntu 9.10 and fully updated .I tried to install itunes through wine and as you can guess it didn't work .What are my alternatives and will they still allow me to add and remove music form my I-pod because I'd rather not have to boot into my winblows partition just to update my music seeing as I've enough of winblows
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get ultrasurf work under wine. i get this error everytime i try to run it .
err:seh:raise_exception Exception frame is not in stack limits => unable to dispatch exception.
i'm using wine-1.1.38-1.fc13.x86_64
I was just looking through Skype.com and noticed that there's no Skype download, although there is a Static one and also for Debian as well as Ubuntu (amongst some other distros).Does Skype work well in WINE or am I just better off waiting for a Linux distro?
One slight reason for my concern is because I've heard that Microsoft bought Skype, and if that occurs we might not get as much support as we need and may have to resort to using WINE for Skype.
I re-added Wine to my application menu, but the winebrowser doesn't work. When I click it, then it just does nothing. The command related to the button is
xdg-open /.wine/dosdevices/c:
When I paste that into the terminal I got "No such file or directory", but when I normally browse the folders then it is there...
I have a new ipod and It was working just fine with my old windows system until I switched to ubuntu, I tried installing iTunes with wine but it didnt work and my ipod will only sync as a camera, i cant pass misuc over to the ipod and viceversa. What do i do to sync my ipod
P.S. I tried installing mulitple multimedia programs that sayd they synched to iTunes but nothing helped.
I'm trying to get a game to work, the mac/wine client for Fallen earth. After reading a few things i was able to download the fallen earth dmg file (named fm.dmg now) and converted it to a img file (fm.img) using dmg2img. Then i mounted it using these commands.
neon@neon-laptop:~/Downloads$ sudo mkdir /media/mount
neon@neon-laptop:~/Downloads$ sudo modprobe hfsplus
neon@neon-laptop:~/Downloads$ sudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop fm.img /media/mount
I thought i was done. But it seems i cant copy the main file FEUpdaterMac.exe becasue i dont have permisssions. Tried and got the following
neon@neon-laptop:/media/mount/FallenEarth$ sudo chmod +rwx FEUpdaterMac.exe
chmod: changing permissions of `FEUpdaterMac.exe': Read-only file system
Now I'm stuck is there anything anyone can think of everything else seemed to copy but this file.
i have MATLAB R2007b installed on my win7 partition and i would like to use MATLAB in LINUX of which i have version 10.04. i have installed WINE but have no clue how to make MATLAB work although i have been told and read that its totally possible. i'm sort of new to LINUX so please be general
View 5 Replies View Relatedwhen I tried to install wine I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"so I looked for wine-gecko and download it but also when I tried to install it I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"it seems that I am in loop each package need the other what to do please?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use Wine to play some games, but unfortunately my sounds doesn't work at all in wine. I have installed:
Garry's Mod
Red Alert 2
How can I enable sounds in Wine, without wine I can hear sounds normal.
I am currently using Ubuntu 10.10 and am wanting to switch to Fedora 14. I have always loved the way Fedora looked and felt. So I am finally making the transition. But I am wondering does Wine work well with Fedora 14? If so how do I install through the terminal. I know it is the harder way but I find it gives me more customization. I prefer it, so what would the command be? With Ubuntu it is sudo apt-get install wine1.2 what is it in Fedora?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently came across a new HTC Dash 3G. I currently use GnuCash to manage my finances, but I would like something I could sync with this new phone. I know SplashMoney is available on it but it doesn't work with wine, and there is no linux version available.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to Jailbreak my ipod touch 4g with redsn0w 0.9.6rc14 (in wine) but am wondering if it will work?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm currently trying to get a windows compiled program to work through Wine to run on Linux and MacOSX.
When I run the program through wine, it prompts me to install Gecko which I do. Later on in the program, it attempts to use MSHTML to render HTML but I get these error messages on my console instead.
err:mshtml:init_xpcom NS_InitXPCOM2 failed: 80004005
err:mshtml:HTMLDocument_Create Failed to init Gecko, returning CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE
fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {00000000-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} of class {25336920-03f9-11cf-8fd0-00aa00686f13}, hres is 0x80040111
I'm using Wine 1.1.34 and a similar bug was supposedly fixed in 1.1.33 [URL]
Well, I've been trying to get a program called SRS Audio Sandbox to work under Wine, but since it works with the audio output, it requires an audio driver and looks for the Windows one instead of the Linux one. Any way to emulateimitate that driver so it'll work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI use Wine on Kubuntu 10.10.
Whenever some-application to open the Internet, wine browser is opened in loop untill I end process tree of wine server.
Also when I use it to execute .exe program I have error
e.g. I tried to run DriverGuide DriverScan:
Component 'Codejock.DockingPane.v10.4.0.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid
Does anyone know whats missing ?
rosetta stone has had the mic function work before under wine but for some odd reason when i do the mic test it doesn't work i activated all of the drivers in wineconfig and still nothing what might be the problem here i am using rosetta stone v3
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