Ubuntu :: G++ And Gcc Can't Detect Standard Library Files

Jun 26, 2010

I was have installed gcc and g++ both 4.4.3 Version They were working fine, but now they suddenly seem to have lost track. Both cant detect standard library files. not even iostream ,fstream. (i have already tried the .h variant) my /usr/local/include/ directory is empty, should not something be there.

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Programming :: Location Of - Gnu - C++ Standard Library

Jul 21, 2010

Where is the location of the header files for the c++ standard library?

I assume that they were installed by gnu g++, please correct me if i'm wrong.

I'm running ubuntu 10.04 with g++ 4.4.

I looked in /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4/include, but this directory contains only the following:


Which doesnt seem to include the really basic things like iostream, for example.

Where can I take a look at the header files for these standard c++ libraries?

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Programming :: Reverse A String Without Using Standard Library?

Sep 22, 2010

I am making a program to reverse a string

int main ()
int i,j;


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General :: Using A Non-standard Library Path When Compiling Software?

Jan 10, 2010

I was wondering if there is an argument I can pass to the configuration file to have it use a library from a non-standard path to compile with - for example I would like it to use my perl located in /scratchbox/users/jeff91/usr/bin/perl instead of the standard /usr/bin/perl

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General :: Why Can't The System Import Modules From The Python Standard Library In Ubuntu

Jan 22, 2011

The whole day was more or less spent reinstalling a basic Gnome Ubuntu system. Everything went swimmingly until I started with the XBMC part of the installation. After wrestling with PPAs and apt-get for hours I finally got it installed, but then it all turned awkward in a hurry. It simply refused to start up. I clicked the icon and nothing happened for a good few seconds. The screen then flickered black for an instant, but after that nothing. I started from a terminal and it showed an error message saying it couldn't import Python's os and shutil modules. I found that mighty strange since both modules are part of the Python Standard Library.

Finally, in a bizarre twist, it turns out this doesn't seem to be a XBMC problem, suddenly apt-get started complaining too. TL,DR: I (nor the system) can't import any Standard Library modules in Python in Ubuntu! Is this a path problem? Or have I actually managed to uninstall some vital python packages, if so which ones? I am running Ubuntu 10.10, but I don't think this is necessarily a Ubuntu specific problem. Here are some dumps to show the error messages: (I forgot to copy the XBMC error message, but it looked exactly the same as these below, i.e., it couldn't import the os module) First from apt-get:


tv@tv:/usr/lib$ sudo apt-get autoremove
[sudo] password for tv:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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General :: Update Standard Fedora Library Package Without Internet Access?

Apr 26, 2010

I need to get the libstdc++.so.5 library ( on a computer with Fedora 8 and don't wonder why it's so ancient,-there is a good reason for it) but I don't have Internet access from that computer, so I can't get to the online repo's.

However, I do still have the installation disk, and I'm typing this from a computer (SuSE 10) that is half a meter from the Fedora box.

I tried the "ADD/REMOVE Software" option on the menu, but it keeps on looking for the online repo and then if it doesn't get it, it fails.

Is it possible to get this library from the installation disk. How? Could I download the single package from the online repo onto the SuSE machine and then move it to the Fedora machine? How do I then tell the Fedora machine to "incorporate" it.

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Software :: Error - Cannot Detect Boost Library

Feb 17, 2010

I am new to linux and trying to install one software and it is constantly throwing me an error eventhough I downloaded and latest version of boost and tryed to add it to its path: The error is: "We could not detect the boost library(version1.38 or higher). If you have a stages boost library(still not installed) please specify $boost_root in your envireonment and do not give a PATH to --with-bost option. IF you are sure you have boost installed, then check 7youe version number looking in<boost/version.hpp>"

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Ubuntu :: Standard DVD's And Video Files Don't Play Well

Jun 11, 2011

Just recently converted and I'm running both Ubuntu 11.04 (the Natty Narwhal?) (about 10 gig partitioned) and Windows Vista.

As said in the title, All DVD's and Video files won't play well: DVD's are pixelated most times, jumpy and sometimes the sound is scratchy - sound usually sorts itself out in a minute or so, but not always and similarly with any video files, like MP4s and other ripped files. I usually use VLC but others also don't work well or not at all. When playing MP4's do work it usually freezes the rest of the computer and I have to force switch off by the main switch as nothing works.

I've tried out tips like the following from users with previous problems on Ubuntu forums but still nothing seems to work:
I've installed libdvdcss2 and the latest vlc. I've uninstalled all my players and reinstalled them.

I don't believe it's a restricted format problem as the DVD drive works fine in vista as does all the video files.

I wondered if perhaps my system specs aren't good enough for Ubuntu: intel(r) celeron(r) d cpu 220@1.2ghz 1.5ghz 2 gigs ram 32 bit operating system
I drew this while on vista - when I tried to check my system specs using these commands on Ubuntu the "commands were not found": sudo ishw -html > mySpecs.html and sudo 1shw

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Standard DVD's And Video Files Won't Play?

Jun 11, 2011

Just recently converted and I'm running both Ubuntu 11.04 (the Natty Narwhal?) (about 10 gig partitioned) and Windows Vista.

As said in the title, All DVD's and Video files won't play well: DVD's are pixelated most times, jumpy and sometimes the sound is scratchy - sound usually sorts itself out in a minute or so, but not always and similarly with any video files, like MP4s and other ripped files. I usually use VLC but others also don't work well or not at all. When playing MP4's do work it usually freezes the rest of the computer and I have to force switch off by the main switch as nothing works.

I've tried out tips like the following from users with previous problems on Ubuntu forums but still nothing seems to work: I've installed libdvdcss2 and the latest vlc. I've uninstalled all my players and reinstalled them.

I don't believe it's a restricted format problem as the DVD drive works fine in vista as does all the video files.

I wondered if perhaps my system specs aren't good enough for Ubuntu: intel(r) celeron(r) d cpu 220@1.2ghz 1.5ghz 2 gigs ram 32 bit operating system I drew this while on vista - when I tried to check my system specs using these commands on Ubuntu the "commands were not found": sudo ishw -html > mySpecs.html and sudo 1shw

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Debian Multimedia :: Convert Three Avi Files To Play On A Standard Dvd Player?

Oct 21, 2010

Recently upgraded to Squeeze, and have a problem with Devede I haven`t seen before. When I try to convert three avi files to play on a standard dvd player, the finished ISO is still only 2,2 GB. It turns out only the first file gets included in the ISO, even though I can see Devede processing all files during conversion.

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General :: Standard Procedure To Install Missing Files In Rhel 5.2?

Dec 19, 2009

I am basically very new to linux.. I have rhel 5.2 sever. while the system booting the following error had shown.

touch: can't touch '/var/lib/random-seed ; No such file or directory
chmod; can't access'/var/lib/random-seed ; No such file or directory
touch; can't touch '/var/log/wtmp ; No such file or directory
chgrp; can't access '/var/run/utmp; No such file or directory


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Software :: Cant Convert Audio Files Using Flac With Standard Input?

Jun 28, 2011

I cant convert audio files using flac with standard input. I tried the commands such as:

mpg321 -b 10000 -s -r 44100 -w - file.mp3 | flac - -o file.flac
ogg123 -d wav -f - file.ogg | flac - -o file.flac


All such conversions doesnt produce any *.flac file. It seems flac doesnt accept minus sign for the standard input although flac manual allows to use it.

So my question is how I can use the standard input in order to decode audio data with flac?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Library Files While Compiling

Aug 18, 2010

I have tried to compile several programs from source code and have into a similar error in each case. I try make the program and I get an error like: fail program confsdefs.h. Reading further into the log file, I see there is a long list of missing library files when I compile something like Samba 3.5.x:


I have searched for dependency information and used apt-get to add anything I can find. How can I identify and find the dependencies for source? I have checked the source documentation though typically does not list required packages. My other question is how to check the path used to locate the libraries? Given the length of the missing library list, I think the problem may be configuring make.

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Ubuntu :: Apt-get Command To Down Load Some Library Files Regarding Graphics?

Jul 17, 2010

I 've been trying apt-get command to down load some library files regarding graphics It is not working properly

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Programming :: Reading API Files From SO Library

Jul 27, 2010

If we have a .so library elf in linux, will it be possible to find out the APIs supported by it. Or in other words, the functions that can be used along with the argument types and return type.? Note that we dont have any other header files or documentations related to the library.

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Programming :: Find Source Code Of C Library Files In Ubuntu?

Feb 26, 2009

Where do i found source code of c library files in ubuntu.

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General :: Install Compile And Run Library .a Or .so Files?

Dec 23, 2010

i know how to install software but i don't know

1: how to install library .a or .so files

i: how to install tar.gz i use the method like ./configure. make make install but most of the time i got the message nothing to make .in lots of tar.gz there is no installation document no make file no .configure file that make me quite confused how to install them or run them.now i got sample source code of cuda i got them in tar.gz form when i extract them i found a folder in folder i found folder like c ,doc,shared etc when i open each folder i found more folder n file like that src, doc common ,lib, in these folder i found source code file header files libraries file make files .i don't know how to run this kind of project can the be installed on the system .how to run them they don't have .run file or script they don't have configure file .how to compile them ,how to run them & how to install them

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Programming :: Patch Binary Files From Different Library?

Jul 2, 2010

I am currently implementing an upgrade system for silent upgrades in my application. I am stuck. I need the code to patch binary files. But I can't find a good third party library. My code is in C# so I would prefer a C# library, but right now I would even go as far as using a library in another language and bind it into my C# code. But I just can't find a good patch/diff library. I must be missing something. Surely there must be some libraries out there that give us the ability to patch binary files?

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Programming :: Put Header Files For A Shared Library?

Feb 26, 2010

I have written a simple library and ended up with a .so file. I have a header file from writing the code that describes how to use the functions in the source code I have written. I think this .h files needs to be available to other programs that access this code.

I have seen lots of tutorials on how to copy the .so file to the relevant directories and make links with the version number. What I can't find is where to put the header file so that any programs I write to use my new library can access the header.

Hope this makes sense. For example, I might use <stdio.h> normally, I will need to access <mylibrary.h> once mylibrary.so is loaded (as far as I understand!)

It's weird, I've been using C compilers for embedded processors over ten years now and never given a second thought to how libraries and headers work behind the scenes!

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Ubuntu :: SWF Files - GStreamer Encountered General Supporting Library Error

Jan 6, 2011

I have a .swf file that I was going to play, but when I try to open it, totem (which apparently is my .swf program) says "GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error." Now since I know a little bit about linux, I opened up a terminal and redirected the stderr and stdout to a file called "error". Then I read the file and it said:

** Message: Error: GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.
gstffmpegdemux.c(1243): gst_ffmpegdemux_open (): /GstPlayBin2lay/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0/GstDecodeBin2:decodebin20/ffdemux_swf:ffdemux_swf0:
Input/output error

So then I interpreted that as meaning that there was a library called "gstffmpegdemux.c" that needed replacing. So I tried using synaptic to replace. Then Synaptic wouldn't let me get the package, Though I could see it existed (I would put up a screenshot, but for some reason it won't let me upload) then I tried aptitude, which claims it doesn't exist, and then apt-get which also claims that it doesn't exist.

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Fedora :: Shrink Library By Converting All The Flac Files To Ogg

Aug 6, 2011

I've been a Linux user for 5 years, though this I only recently started using RPM based distros. I'm still in my first week using Fedora and I love it. Hats off to the development team. Now, onto my question:

I have a rather large collection of music in three different formats: MP3, OGG, and FLAC. I'd like to shrink my library by converting all the flac files to ogg. However, since I don't want to convert from lossy to lossy, I'm going to leave the mp3s alone. Is there a program that will allow me to do this quickly and easily? I'd prefer a GUI, though I'm comfortable working with the terminal if needed.

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Programming :: Find Sys/types.h File / Library Files?

Mar 24, 2009

can anyone provide me with the path where i can find the library files. stdio.h, sys/types.h.......

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Software :: ./configure Problem For Libsf Library Due To Apparently Missing Libdb Library ?

Aug 4, 2011

./configure script fails to configure libsf. Please check the following last few lines of configure script error.

But find command shows the following;

It seems the file libdb does exist. man dbopen displays man page for dbopen. I also tried to ln -s /usr/lib/libdb.a and libdb.so /lib dir but all were in vain.

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Ubuntu :: Eclipse Plugins Don't Work / Doesn't Install A Bunch Of Libraries And Eclipse Cannot Recognize Standard Java Files?

Jan 19, 2010

I have been using Eclipse to program in Java for a long time, and have been using Jigloo for most of my GUI design. Recently I decided to try out the C/C++ plugin. I tried installing it, but it did not work. After many attempts, I finally gave up. However, after uninstalling it I found that Jigloo had stopped working. Any other plugins I try to install now also don't work. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling plugins, and reinstalling eclipse, but nothing I have done fixes it. Although eclipse says that the software has been installed, nothing shows up in the features list or the plugins list.

Another problem: When I install eclipse from the repositories, it doesn't install a bunch of libraries and eclipse cannot recognize standard java files.

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Debian :: Duplicate Files In User Library - Safe To Remove Outdated

Feb 8, 2011

I have just upped from lenny to squeeze. I didn't mean to, really, but the package manager was well into its stride by the time I realised what was happening. Mostly all went well, BUT /usr is now 100% full. I notice that there are duplicate files in /usr/lib, eg Oct 11 22:35 libgcj.so.10.0.0 and Sep 14 2008 libgcj.so.90.0.0 (I assume the latter has been replaced by the former?). Is it safe to remove the "outdated" lib files? Is there an elegant way of doing it?

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Fedora :: Grub2 Unable To Detect Iso Files?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to install distro directly from isoand came to know that this can be done using grub2so ,i installed grub2 in fedora 14 andIn /etc/grub.dpasted the following lines in

echo "Install" >&2


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General :: Detect Duplicate Files Using Md5sum ?

Feb 21, 2011

What i am trying is to check the file duplication in a folder and remove a file if it is a duplicate of another file ie the contents are duplicate; but names may be same.

Basically i am using md5sum to calculate the md5sum values of each file and redirecting to a file. And i am thinking of comparing the md5sum values.But i am finding it hard to decide how to complete the code after redirecting the output of calculation of md5sum to a file.

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General :: Finding A Tool That Can Detect Glitches In MP3 Files?

Aug 24, 2011

My collection contains some MP3s which have some glitches like

displaying the wrong duration on loading
minor jumps
suddenly ending despite the duration claims another minute remaining

I'm looking for a tool that can detect as many of these glitches as possible and fix those that can be fixed (obviously e.g. noise can not simply be eliminated in most cases).

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General :: Detect Which PC (IP Address) Copied Files In A NFS Folder?

May 17, 2011

I have iomega appliance, which is based on Debian distribution. There is an NFS share that I have created which is without password. Since it is without password, there are some viruses copied. I want to find out which IP address is the source of these files. In other words, I want to know which PC is copying these infected files on the NFS share

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General :: Installed Rhel5 With Xp - To Detect Ntfs Files

Feb 28, 2010

I intalled rhel along with xp on my hard disk..When rhel is running it is not possible to see ntfs partitions..What packages i want to install for this..

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