Programming :: Reading API Files From SO Library
Jul 27, 2010
If we have a .so library elf in linux, will it be possible to find out the APIs supported by it. Or in other words, the functions that can be used along with the argument types and return type.? Note that we dont have any other header files or documentations related to the library.
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May 3, 2010
I want to read a pressed key or a combination of pressed keys from the keyboard and perform some action afterwords.
Out of ncurses lib. and the termios struct which can be used best for the above purpose and why ?I tried to search on Google, the differences between these two but couldn't get much !
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Nov 11, 2010
I am currently writing an engine using SDL and openGL, and while I've gotten it mostly done, I've never really learned how to read configuration files. The configuration files that I'm hoping on using will be a straight forward syntax using "#" for comments and variables will be declared using "foo=hello". I don't need a lot of items in the configuration files, but enough to change needed settings. I'm not wanting to use external libraries (how are you going to learn if you can't do it yourself? :P) and I'm hoping to write it from scratch. If someone could please point me to a tutorial on how to do this or even some working code I may be able to figure it out. I am using the C programming language also(as I like it more than C++, sorry).
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Mar 17, 2011
I have a folder which includes bunch of folders each having data files in them. [ Folder A has F1, F2 F3 ..... F1000 folders in it, and F1, F2, F3 ... each has about 10 different files named FILE 1, FILE2, FILE3 .... in them.
I am interested in File 1 of each Folder, because that contains the data I need in it. More specifically, that File1 s have a line "ANSWER=..." in them, and i need to get that value of the ANSWER from each file. So doing it by hand is so hard, so I need to write a script that will scan all folders and give me a list of values of eache ANSWERs.
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Jan 1, 2011
Reading and writing text files in C?
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Nov 6, 2010
I am trying to write a simple script to list all the files in a directory. The script I wrote was as below where the pdb_files is a directory and all the files which I want to list are in that folder.
files=`ls -F pdb_files/*THERMO*`
for inFiles in $files
echo $inFiles
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Jul 2, 2010
I am currently implementing an upgrade system for silent upgrades in my application. I am stuck. I need the code to patch binary files. But I can't find a good third party library. My code is in C# so I would prefer a C# library, but right now I would even go as far as using a library in another language and bind it into my C# code. But I just can't find a good patch/diff library. I must be missing something. Surely there must be some libraries out there that give us the ability to patch binary files?
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Feb 26, 2010
I have written a simple library and ended up with a .so file. I have a header file from writing the code that describes how to use the functions in the source code I have written. I think this .h files needs to be available to other programs that access this code.
I have seen lots of tutorials on how to copy the .so file to the relevant directories and make links with the version number. What I can't find is where to put the header file so that any programs I write to use my new library can access the header.
Hope this makes sense. For example, I might use <stdio.h> normally, I will need to access <mylibrary.h> once is loaded (as far as I understand!)
It's weird, I've been using C compilers for embedded processors over ten years now and never given a second thought to how libraries and headers work behind the scenes!
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Mar 24, 2009
can anyone provide me with the path where i can find the library files. stdio.h, sys/types.h.......
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Jul 25, 2011
I just saw library application of ipad, and i am wonder if there is any application for ubuntu like that?I searched on web and found somethings like :
but these apps just show some data of e-books like author, publishers , ...i need something that adds pdf files that are IN MY HARD drive
presents them and lets me to read them
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Feb 26, 2009
Where do i found source code of c library files in ubuntu.
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Apr 7, 2009
I'm reading about shared, static, and dynamic libraries. What is SDL? Is it static, shared, or dynamic?
I always thought a library would be a lot of .h and .cpp files compiled separately into .o files and then if you compiled your own program you could use the -l parameter to link the library and it was all compiled together. Now I'm not so sure.
I don't even see any SDL .cpp files in my system anywhere. All I have are lots of SDL .h files in /usr/include/SDL and I don't really understand the code in them.
I'm making a wild guess here: SDL is a shared library. SDL itself is NOT compiled into my program, therefore SDL must be on any system my program tries to run on. When I compile and link SDL all it needs is the header files to know what SDL function and objects it can use. And then on every system it uses an already compiled SDL shared library thingy somewhere.
So... where is that part of SDL? All I can find are header files.
I'm thinking the advantage of shared libraries is that someone could say update SDL on their own system and take advantage of the new features without having to download new executables with the new version of SDL compiled into them for every program that uses SDL.
So if I'm making an editor and a game engine and they both use a lot of the same .cpp and .h files that I wrote and I'm tired of updating one and then the other and I need to turn them into a library, then a shared library might be kind of a silly solution. I could just make a static library. Right? Because it's not SDL. Nobody else is ever going to use this library.
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Mar 8, 2011
I have a set of files containing data that I need to re-arrange into one single property list.
The files that I have look like this:
# cat uk
So the lines in the files match up but I haven't found a way of reading several files line by line.
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Nov 18, 2009
How can we convert a dynamic library ( to a static library (filename.a) using gnu gcc . Can we get a static library form a dynamic library . I saw a few post in which the conversion form a static library to a dynamic library is mentioned but, unfortunately, not the other way.
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Jan 2, 2011
I have over 200 old .doc files that I cannot read properly with oo. Some of the files just give e one line of what looks like formatting info and the rest of the files show the text but in the middle of garbage and not formatted. If I use a winXP machine and get the MSWord add-on from MS it will read these. I do not like to use Win machines and also I need a batch method for the conversion, either to odf or docx format.
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Jun 27, 2011
i would like to burn an image to a dvd but the image file is in .mdf format like that of many images created in alcohol 120%. what do i need to do in windows to burn such an image or be able to read the file?
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Apr 26, 2010
Well, I have a web application in Linux server. All my Java codes are there. FYI, whenever user entered non-ASCII characters(e.g. ∞,�,�) in a text field in my web application, and I check the log of my Java code in Linux server, it returns weird characters.
Suppose user entered ∞ in the text field. I should get ∞ in my log too. However, I got weird characters in return.
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Oct 25, 2010
I am trying to read the fields of a file and manipulate them, record by record. Lets say using awk :
awk -F":" `{print $1 $2 $3 $4 $5}' TrackMsgFile.0806`
This prints my fields on screen.But I dont want to print these fields while reading the records instead store them in some variable and manipulate them as per my logic. Does "awk" or some other shell command provides something for this ?
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Dec 25, 2010
The other day I got a SMC Network EZ-Stream Internet SMCWAA-G radio device and I am having some issue serving music to it from Linux.
It says it runs with MusicMatch or Rhaposdy on Windows. I want to run this from my Linux CentOS system.
So I was looking at Rythmbox which is on the OS already .
I have my mp3 and dvs on a Buffalo link station. I can mount the drive and see the music files OK at the browser level.
When I go into Rythmbox and select the files to be loaded into the library they appear to be grayed out.
Also I cannot select an entire older. I want to take everything in my mp3 dir that has my music broken out via artist and type etc.
Can this SW also be used to server out to my device like MusicMatch or Rhapsody? How do I configure the sw to be a server and run in the background?
I dont want to leave a windows system up on-line just for Music. I prefer Linux.
Is there other sw that might be better fro this function?
The device works fine on the network and gets Internet radio fine.
I just looked at the error file for Rythmbox and notice an error of
The GStreamer plugins to decode "MP3" files cannot be found
What is that? I tried a yum install gstreamer And I got the following : Setting up Install Process Package gstreamer-0.10.20-3.el5.i386 already installed and latest version Nothing to do
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Jul 24, 2010
I'm trying to make several files: each named after the display and containing resolutions. But for some reason I get null when trying to read lines.
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Aug 17, 2010
I've been reading about getopt and getopts but it doesn't seem like it's possible to parse arguments like --foo or even -foo. I've started my own script trying to achieve this, but I'm still wondering if I'm losing performance and if there is a better way to do this task.
Also I'm using the [[ =~ ]] regex syntax which seems to be available only in newer bash versions, should it be a big issue? My bash version: GNU bash, version 4.1.7(2)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
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Jan 9, 2011
I have a binary file, which I need to process using my C++ application. Only thing I know is first chunk of the file is long, second chunk is int, third chunk is char etc... The binary file actually contains something like below. (which is represented in hex base).
D7 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 37 18 00 00 DE 07 ............ so on.....
I need to procees the file in the following way.
* I know the first data segment in my file is long. So it takes 4 bytes.
* so I need to read the first four bytes. That is D7 07 00 00.
* Then I need to reverse this as 00 00 07 D7.
* Finally I need to get the decimal value of above hexa decimal line. ( 00 00 07 D7)
* i.e. 00 00 07 D7 (in hex) = 7D7 (in hex- after removing leading 0 s) = 2007 (in decimal)
Like wise I need to process the whole file.
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Oct 20, 2010
I know that this is a really simple thing to do but I just can't figure it out. How do I read a text file into an array in C++?
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Feb 10, 2011
I have two files of data with different numbers of columns and rows. I want to read this two files in two arrays and then compare for example the second column of first data file with the third column of the other text file and if the difference between of two numbers is less than a threshold then the program print the information in the rows which fulfill this condition in the third text file. I have written below program but the problem is that it does not go through all rows of second file.
declare -a a
declare -a b
r=` awk '{n++} END {print n}' second.txt `
echo $r
awk '
Actually I have two data files one of them contains 44406 and the other one has 12066 rows and I want to check whether the difference between the components of two specific columns is less than a threshod but I have simplified it here. I had written this code and then I have realized that this code just goes through the number of rows as the same as the first.txt file and ignores the rest. I could not find the problem yet.
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Dec 16, 2010
I made a string key-value mapping struct in C, and functions to add and remove entries. I would also like to write a function to read in this file format:
key: value
another: another value
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Nov 8, 2010
I need to Read a path of a file witch is written in Text file i used this
while read line
echo $line
done < $FILENAME
it worked and showed me the Line witch was written in my file but now my problem is how am gonna use that line as a path i mean for example if am gonna execute a linux command on that file like dpkg -i /path/to/the/file how am gonna export it from The $Line variable and use it after the command.
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Sep 17, 2010
I plan to make a script for the console server via mail, but I find difficulties in the reading of email applications, to email me using the mail command, but how to read the incoming mail
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Mar 16, 2011
I am trying to read certain lines within a file and give the output of the certain lines that dont equal my value, I think showing you would be easier. There is multiples of these inside one file...
LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol1
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 300lable/syncd
I want to read everything in the file, if the status is not available then it should display the name (directly above status). If they are all availbale then do nothing. I think I know how to do it which includes putting the info in string form and placing in hash but it is proving to be out of my skill range.
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Sep 10, 2009
To save on the writing of WAY to many files with very little in them, I want to put it all in one file and read a specific few lines. There will be six variables to be read at a time. Format is as such:
//Set 1
string name
From name to 5th number is a set. The name will be of different lengths for each set. This will be a big file of probably 40+ sets. My problem lies in reading one and only one set be it set 5 or set 34. It needs to be done in C++.
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Dec 3, 2010
I would like to write a program that can read every ethernet frame arriving on a specific hardware NIC, without a TCP/IP stack otherwise doing anything on that NIC. Likewise I want to be able to write out to that NIC. So every arriving ethernet frame, of all types, would be readable (probably one at a time to preserve frame boundaries). And every write of exactly that same data would send frames out. The data read and written would be the whole ethernet frame. The kernel would do nothing else with this data, but other NICs would still operate as usual.
What I would be doing is that on 2 separate NICs, copying frames from one to the other, as in bridging. But I would also be doing modifications per what my program needs to do (not at liberty to say what that would be). What facility would I need to be looking at to do this? There is no ethernet device file. Would raw sockets be able to do this? The programming language will be C.
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