Ubuntu :: Error - You Are Now Disconnected

Oct 12, 2010

So the other day I just booted into ubuntu and the there was no internet connection, didn't think much of it, I can still connect in windows. The thing that's curious though is that it shows my wireless network under connection with full signal, I click to connect to it, it tries to connect for about a minute and the says "You are now disconnected"

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Ubuntu :: Grub Boot On External HD - Error 21 If Disconnected

Jul 5, 2010

Here is my current setup for my laptop: I dual boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.04. Vista is on the laptop's HDD while Ubuntu is on an external USB HDD. When turning my laptop on, if the external hard drive is either not on or disconnected, I get "Error 21" and nothing happens. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but when I need to take my laptop somewhere where I do not have access to my external HDD, it is rendered completely useless. So is it possible to set up GRUB (or possibly another bootloader) to boot regardless of whether or not it detects the drive Ubuntu is installed on?

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Ubuntu :: Remote Desktop Disconnected Because Of Protocol Error Detected At The Client - Code 0x1104

Sep 16, 2009

I love Ubuntu but there is just one thing that I cannot get working. I have vista on this computer (Which I am going to delete after I get this working) when this computer is booted into vista then I type "" (which is this computers internal ip address) and it connects to it without a problem. When I try this on ubuntu with KRFB running I type "" as it tells me to do with the added port number. This computer (This is the one I am Connecting to says "The remote user has been authenticated and is now connected." and when I hover over the icon it says "Desktop sharing - Connected with" which is my laptops IP address. On my laptop however it says "Remote Desktop Disconnected Because of a protocol error detected at the client (code 0x1104), this session will be disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again." No matter how many times I try it doesn't work.

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Fedora Installation :: Error: Unexpectedly Disconnected From Boot Status Daemon

Feb 13, 2009

I downloaded F10 x86_64 live Developer Spin ISO file from fedora project spins website and burned it onto a DVD...Now when I try to boot from it, I get a menu as usual. Here I select the 'boot' option. Now it shows a 'loading' page with a progress bar and 'Fedora 10' written on the right side [as usual].. After that, on the next page I get the following error..

error: unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon I somehow did a reboot, and again the same problem. Microsoft XP and another Fedora are already installed on the same system..

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Ubuntu :: Using Messaging And Voip (app)let - Error "Disconnected This Resource Is Already Connected To The Server."

Jan 19, 2011

i am trying to use the Messaging and VOIP client that manages multiple accounts in the bar on top of the screen in the unity desktop. i am trying to connect to irc freenode but when i try to add the account i get an error message that says... "Disconnected this resource is already connected to the server."

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Networking :: Wireless Error "the Network Connection Has Been Disconnected"?

Apr 6, 2009

This computer is using a Linksys WMP54G network adapter, and running Linux Ubuntu 8.10 with all of the latest updates. It was working fine for a couple months, then one day the internet quit working on it. I've tried playing with all of the settings, and can't get it to connect to the network. The windows computers in the house work fine. I also hooked my Linksys WUSB54GS USB network adapter and that worked right away. When I put the WMP54G back in, it will detect the networks but it won't connect. It gives the message, "the network connection has been disconnected", right away. Can someone please help with this. I work doing tech support for a small ISP and am excellent troubleshooting Windows but Linux is another story.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Getting Disconnected In 10.10?

Oct 25, 2010

currently using Ubuntu 10.10 and I have a problem with my wireless internet connection, which often gets disconnected and then re-connected automaticallyonce in every few minutes. This is really annoying

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Says Disconnected - But It Isn't ?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm having problems with my Internet. I just recently downloaded 10.04 (went from 8.04) and now I can't get online! I could yesterday! I don't have access to the router, but the internet works great on all my Windows computers. On my panel it show's my wireless connection bars with an exclamation mark and says disconnected. I don't know what to do! It's a Toshiba Satellite computer.

Also, I can't update anything, or install anything because I don't have direct access to the router. I know there is a lot of information about this problem already, but everything I've seen needs me to download new drivers. If you know how to do it from one computer to another I can do that. I'm just not very techy.

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Ubuntu :: Mountall: Disconnected From Plymouth

Feb 7, 2011

I boot into the CLI (by changing gdm.conf) and before it gets to the logon, it produces this error. So far, I haven't seen any effects but I'd like to get rid of it. Sometimes, I also get the error

mountall: plymouth command failed

I removed and reinstalled the Plymouth packages to no avail.. Anyone know how I can at least get rid of this error from appearing (like somehow changing a .conf file to not even try and "connect" to Plymouth)?

I did try the sudo apt-get update and all those other commands as listed on other sites. I went through the basic Google search so after the first 4 pages, I'm outta ideas.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disconnected From Wireless Asking WPA Key?

Feb 19, 2011

This morning I connected to internet, using the 'hidden network' feature of Ubuntu, like I always do. In the beginning it worked well, but after a while, while playing a game, I got disconnected. As I closed this game, I discovered that Ubuntu was asking for the WPA key (it was already filled out correctly) There were no changes made in the network while I was playing. My brother and his girlfriend can both connect using their Windows 7 laptops, so the network itself should be allright.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Keep Getting Disconnected From All Im Clients / Resolve This?

Apr 18, 2010

I use a t-mobile usb mobile broadband stick; model usb stick 120.

the signal strength is 3g yet i randomly get disconnected from the likes of
amsn messenger

can anyone tell me why, or how to fix it

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 ATI SVideo Shows Disconnected And TV Not Working?

May 8, 2010

i've installed 10.04 on my computer with a radeon 9550, it's an old one I know. Anyway I'm trying to get the TV output working. I've tried this solution: [URL]

the xrandr says that the S-video is disconnected alhouth it's connected. I've tried another solution here: [URL]

This thread didn't solved the issue also: [URL]

but I can't find a xorg.conf file on my system so I don't know how to add the lines. also in my case the s-video seems detected just disconnected.

Does this bug applies to my situation? if I understand correctly there is a patch for that, how can I apply it? [URL]

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Ubuntu Servers :: Being Disconnected From Wireless Internet

Jun 7, 2010

My Ubuntu web server is left on all the time, sometimes I notice that it is disconnected from the network so I have to goto the server and re-enter the password in the network connections, this allows me back onto the network. Why is the server being disconnected? (The computer is running all the time because if it re-starts the terminal window is open on the screen). And how can I stop it from happening? It's got to the point where I need to check it every hour which really defeats the purpose of having it!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network: Disconnected - You Are Now Offline

Jul 18, 2010

Everything worked fine until I downloaded some Ubuntu upgrades. Now, every time I try to connect to internet via network manager it says: " Network: Disconnected - you are now offline". so what to do...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Network Disconnected After Update?

Jul 23, 2010

I installed 10.04 yesterday. The computer had an MS OS on it but I chose to format the entire HD for Ubuntu. The install seemed to go fine. When logged in there were updates available, and I installed all of them. After a reboot I tried getting on the internet and found that my network was 'disconnected'. I've checked the cabling, and that the LAN is still enabled in the BIOS. I assume the network had to have been functioning to do the original update. How do I figure out what changed. I've been reading the network section of a Linux book and came up with a little data that might help. My hardware is listed after the host file.

$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr e0:cb:4c:b6:6b:d6


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Networks Disconnected

Oct 10, 2010

I am quite new to Ubuntu, so please give me easy to follow steps.So, I have just installed Ubuntu 10.10 x64, but cant get my wireless to work. It detects my networks and tries to connect to them - infinitely, whithout success.I have tried it on an unprotected and on a WPA2-personal protected network with the same results.My card is a RaLink rt3090.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Disconnected (You Are Now Offline)

Nov 20, 2010

The title message appears when I log in. Neither wired nor wireless network adapters show in ifconfig output. Network manager shows a simple networking disabled greyed out message. Both adapters work in live cd boot. Everything was working properly before; I'm not sure what happened.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Kismet Without Getting Disconnected From Internet?

Dec 3, 2010

Is there anyway I could use KISMET without getting disconnected from a network. I mean now whenever I start kismet, I lose my network connectivity. I dont want that. is there any possible workaround for this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Says Disconnected But Works?

Apr 18, 2011

Im using Ubuntu netbook remix on my wife's hp mini. Ever since I switched my router out this netbook will connect to my wireless network, then show a disconnected icon, yet the internet still seems to work. I've searched around and seen that other people have had this issue but I haven't seen anything on how to resolve it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network - You Are Now Disconnected

Jun 12, 2011

I'm having network problems and I have no idea how to fix it. At first, my internet connection was suffering on all computers on my network (Mac, Windows and Ubuntu 11,04). So, I disconnected my cable-modem and then reconnected. Nothing.... So, I rebooted my Windows machine and the internet came back on that computer.

I then went to my Ubuntu computer and clicked on "auto eth0" (per the way I interpreted instructions from the internet). The symbol turned from the "two arrows" to what looks like a wireless, looking for a signal. I thought that maybe I should just reboot, as I did with Windows. However, when I did reboot, that same wireless symbol was there, then a message came up saying:

Wired Network: You are now disconnected
I can't seem to get my internet connection back on my Ubuntu computer, though it is working on every other computer on my network.

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Ubuntu :: Internet Connection Gets Disconnected Within 2-3 Minutes / Fix It?

Jan 28, 2009

I'm using Xubuntu and i have set up my DSL connection manually. I get disconnected from the Internet within 2-3 minutes. I have to again select eth0 from the network icon in the taskbar. it connects well but gets disconnected again and again. I don't face such problem when i use Win XP.
Any idea what might have gone wrong ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Internet Not Working - Disconnected

Feb 14, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu. I just installed ndiswrapper so I could install my wireless PCI [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]card [COLOR=blue ! important]drivers[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

I did that and it is recognized and so is the network I want to connect to. But for some reason, it just wont connect. It will spend a long time trying to connect, but then just says "disconnected". It's not like I have a bad connection or anything. My internet on Windows is fast.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Multiple Wireless Connection - Disconnected

Feb 16, 2010

Since I have started to use Ubuntu 9.10, I have had multiple wireless connection troubles. First of all, it says the signal is 2 bars, when in fact my router is right next to me as of right now. Second of all, when I try to connect to it, it asks for my password 3 times, then says disconnected. I'm on a hardwire right now, it's across my keyboard, and I'm in a tangled mess.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager (Disconnected) Cannot Connect To VPN

Mar 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Karmic Server with Xfce desktop, the problem is the network manager, it says it is disconnected, even though I am connected to my network and getting an internet connection. It wouldn't normally bother me, but I'm trying to setup a VPN using the network-manager-openvpn plugin. I put in the required details for the VPN connection, but as soon as I tick the "apply to all users" box, the information is lost. The information will remain if I don't tick that box, but it will not connect. when I try to select the VPN connection I just setup, nothing happens.

I've tried the exact same configuration on another desktop, running Ubuntu Karmic with Gnome desktop, the network manager works fine, my ethernet connection is showing as connected, and I can connect to the VPN no problem, the problem lies with the network manager in Xfce. Is there anyway I can get it to show as connected? it wont allow me to connect to the VPN otherwise, it's silly, because that adapter has a full working network connection.

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Ubuntu :: Wifi Network Gets Disconnected - Why Is Authentication Required Again And Again

Apr 18, 2010

If the wifi network gets disconnected why is the wireless authentication key needed again and again...cant ubuntu store and retrieve it...

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Ubuntu :: Execute A Command When Power Supply Is Disconnected?

May 16, 2010

Is there a way to do that since the computer and OS is aware that the power supply is disconnected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Finds No Wireless Network And Just Disconnected On 10.04?

Jun 6, 2010

Ive installed 10.04 on my laptop and notebook. It works perfectly on laptop. On notebook the problem is it finds no Wireless network and just says disconnected. I have no idea how to connect it, I tried reinstalling Ubuntu but no luck. I tried looking it up on internet but no luck in finding help. its an MSI U130. The wireless is defently turned on.

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Ubuntu :: Power Surge Disconnected Internet Connection

Jul 10, 2010

Our area was hit by a power surge and I cannot get the internet connection to work? What can I do. I'm using an AT&T modem which is connected to a netgear router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Installed - Wired Network Disconnected

Jul 25, 2010

I installed xubunto 10.4 on my pc the other day and every thing was working fine and then the next day my wired network card went down. So I restarted it and it say Wired Network Disconnected. I tried doing sudo ifconfig eht0 up to try and bring the card back online but nothing happens. I also tried reinstalling xubuntu on my computer. Again my internet works then starts freezing up so I restart it and my ethernet card goes down again. I have tried also plugging it into the second ether net port on my computer but that does not seem to work. Also I went into my dhclient-script and went to the bottom to look at my network card stuff.

It reads
#Changed from 'ifconfig $interface inet 0 down' - see Debian bug #144666 ifconfig $interface inet 0
exit_with_hooks 2 "$@"

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Ubuntu Networking :: WiFi Disconnected - No Option To Connect

Dec 29, 2010

I tuned on my netbook and my wireless signal had a red exclamation.
Wireless is enabled.
Wireless Networks shows disconnected

I don't get it. Can't seem to get it to connect? How? If I open the connection information I can see the wifi networks around me. And edit/add/delete. But when I go back to the signal and click. it just shows wireless network disconnected and no option to connect. What to do? I have restarted the computer, router, cable modem, etc. Done the updates.

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