Ubuntu :: Drop All Elevated Priviledges?

Oct 10, 2010

Whenever i mount any disk to ubuntu,and after typing the password, a new icon is created on the taskbar which says "click here to drop all elevated priviledges".

The icon is of harm even i click it or not but i was just curious to know more about it.

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Ubuntu :: No 'Drop Elevated Privileges' Icon?

Nov 1, 2010

I believe the thread title says it all: I do not (always) see an icon that allows me to drop elevated privileges before time runs out. I've been trying to find the settings for this for an hour or so, but couldn't find it. Does anyone know where to look?

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Ubuntu Security :: Drop Elevated Privileges Through Terminal

May 2, 2011

How to Drop all elevated privileges through terminal?

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Debian :: Administrative Priviledges In GNOME

Feb 25, 2010

I have a feeling this may be a bit of a stupid question as it seems like one that must have a very basic answer so for that I apologise but I have yet to come across or work out the solution. The problem I have is that I cannot do anything that requires administrator priviledges from within GNOME without doing it directly from a Terminal using the su command. The reason being is that GNOME will not allow me to log in as 'root' from the normal login screen. So therefore I cannot do something as simple as edit a text file that is not in /home/'my username' as I do not have the required permissions.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Length - Elevated Privileges Are Up?

Mar 28, 2011

I get really annoyed when I am in command line or doing a big purge of software and I have to enter my root password every minute or so.

How to change the length my elevated privileges are up?

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Ubuntu Networking :: WICD Network Manager Needs Administrative Priviledges

Jan 4, 2011

I had to reinstall WICD to fix another problem, and now it always asks me for my admin password every time I start up.After I enter in the password, it doesn't work.I have tried removing WICD and reinstalling it but that didn't help.I tried searching for a cure to this problem but none of them seemed to have been SOLVED. One post said he solved it but he wasn't clear on HOW he solved it.

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General :: Java / Applying Elevated Permissions When Running A Particular .jar File?

Apr 11, 2011

regarding user permissions:

I have user A who owns a .jar file
I have user B. who needs to run the .jar file
I have Java which is owned by root.

I would like to work out whether/how user B can run the .jar file, in Java, with the permissions of user A. As I understand it, a running process in Linux typically takes the permissions of the user who executes it. However, the way I'd like to configure user B, the permissions I want them to have wouldn't be sufficient for the process to successfully run.I know you can also set a process to take the permissions of the owner of that process, but in this case the actual... executing process would be Java, which runs the .jar file, and I def. don't need this, let alone every single instance of Java on my server, to execute with root priviledges. So like I said, basically I am trying to work out how to let user B run this specific process with the process elevated to this set of priviledges which user B otherwise does not have.

I recently started running a Minecraft server for myself and some friends and am running it via Linux. I'd like to set things up so that a friend of mine can, as needed, telnet into the server and restart Minecraft as needed, as well as a couple of other things, without giving this friend the same access rights I've given myself to the same files. The minecraft server process runs in a screen, and I've worked out where screen can be set up so multiple users can get into it. However, if I'm running minecraft under my own user name, then that seems like it will just end up letting my friend, from his account, screen into my own account. SO the brilliant idea I had was, what if I had one user account which only existed to run the server, which both me and my friend could screen into as needed, which wouldn't have any more rights to anything than my friend has with the exception of being able to execute this one .jar in Java.

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Ubuntu Security :: Security - Change Home Priviledges?

Jun 15, 2010

I have read that to improve security in Ubuntu a good fix is to make the /home folder tree non-executable by default. This would mean that malware could not run in the /home tree without changing the setup.Is this a viable change, or is it just icing on the cake, any one any thoughts on this.

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Ubuntu :: Why Does A Key Drop All Privileges Appear

Aug 20, 2010

Why does a key drop all privliges appear? I will reply Tuesday, Going UpNorth

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Drop To Console In 10.04

May 1, 2010

After 10.04 upgrade I cannot drop to console, as well as the gnome UI takes overly long to load, letting me stare at my background for 10 seconds before arriving.Let me start off by saying my machine would not even boot when using the nouveau driver. After successfully installing the normal nvidia driver I was then able to get to my desktop.I cannot view any of the console's that are not using X(F1 F2 etc) None of these work, previously I received invalid input on the nouveau driver but now when i drop to console I am met with a black screen and no display until I return to the one using X.

I suspect it is using an impossible resolution with the consoles but I cannot figure out how to fix it. grub seems to be ignored for display resolution.I am using a TV/monitor that is 1360x768 @ 60hz

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Ubuntu :: Menu As Drop-down Panel?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm a bit of a newbie, so here is a newbie questionHow do i change my desktop menu, so that it becomes drop-down panels in the top instead of a menu on the left-hand side?I need the answer carved out in stone in order to understand

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Ubuntu :: Specify The Directory To Drop The Files?

Jul 8, 2010

I ran the Oracle .deb, but it didn't give me the chance to specify where to put the files.I have an SSD for my databases, so /usr/* isn't where I want Oracle. I was able to run the uninstall, but I've not found a way to specify the directory to drop the files.

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Ubuntu :: Unable Drop 8gb Iso Files In To The Hdd?

Dec 10, 2010

i bought a internal 2 tb and planned to use it for storage so i got a enclosure for it. i noticed that i was unable drop 8gb iso files in to the hdd. so to fix this i formated it to ext3/4 i did this by right clicking on the drive and format ext3/4. i am building a computer and now need to use the hdd as a main drive for my comp. so want to install win7 on there. i have no were to drop the data off(roughly 1.4tb). i went into disk ultitry to check if i could made the partition smaller and it showed me this: [URL].. basically saying that the drive isnt partitioned at all. i tried to install win7 on there another way by booting from disk and seeing if the disc would allow me to install it on my drive and win7 denied. i dont know what to do.

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Ubuntu :: System Drop Down Menu?

Jan 1, 2011

I lost both the application and system drop down menu but was able to get the applications back but having problems getting the system back.

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Ubuntu :: Everything In Places Drop-Down Opening In VLC?

Feb 26, 2011

Dunno how it happened but every single place in my Places drop-down menu opens up in VLC.Documents, Downloads, Mounted Drives, External drives - all open in VLC.The only one that doesn't is Computer. When I open this up and then go to one of the above mentioned places I've tried right-clicking and selecting "Open With Other Application" and then selecting "Open Folder" and ticking the box to remember it but this doesn't

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Ubuntu :: Lost Drop - Down Heading?

Mar 13, 2011

I've noticed that since that time I have lost the subject heading at the top of the page and also the arrows that allow me to visit a previous screen or a subsequent screen. Any suggestions for how I can retrieve the menu box at the top of the screen and the directional arrows?

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Ubuntu :: No Window Drop Shadows In 11.04?

May 30, 2011

I've tried disabling and re-enabling Window Decoration in ccsm, I've made sure "shadow windows" is set to "any". Running compiz --replace doesn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Drop Privileged Sudo Rights?

Feb 11, 2010

Is there a way to drop privileged sudo rights? a schellscript or applet?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Download Speed Drop To Almost Zero

Mar 21, 2010

I am having problems with download speeds in Ubuntu 9.10. Downloads start at a healthy speed and then drop to almost zero. This affects apt-get install, Pan newsreader etc. With apt-get install if I terminate the download (with [Ctl][C]) and restart it I get another burst at high speed then again back to almost nothing. It makes updates a nightmare. With Pan newsreader I get high speed for most files but when downloading some of the larger files the speed drops right back to almost nothing after a while. I am on wired ethernet (no wireless). Typically I will get about 1.1MB before the speed drops - although I think it may be a function of time rather than data. I am talking to my ISP via a Netgear FWAG114 router and a NetComm NB5 ADSL modem operating in bridge mode. Although a number of users appear to have experienced very similar symptoms here I haven't found an answer that works.

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Ubuntu :: Top Panel Locked (on Top) Can't Drag / Drop To Right

Mar 27, 2010

Just installed latest ubuntu netbook remix (for my eeepc).I can't customise the desktop the way I like it. On Debian I used to drag/drop the top panel and place it to the right. With this install the top panel is locked on top, gconf 'locked' checkbox is unlocked.Is this a bug or a feature? can we work around.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Drag And Drop Is Slow?

Apr 11, 2010

The GUI on nautilus is painfully slow to work with. Every time I drag and drop a file I have to wait for the nautilus to slowly shade the whole file window . . . . . . . before it stops and lets me drop the file. I searched for a way to turn off this "animation", but found nothing.

I've tried pcman, but it wouldn't open my files. Thunar insists on copying files instead of just moving them.

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Ubuntu :: Customizing The System Drop-down Menus?

May 6, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04, and now I can't figure out how to customize the color of the system drop-down menus (Applications > Accessories, etc.). After I made a change to the appearance, the colors became all washed out (as in the screenshot), and now I can't figure out how to darken the drop-down menus. Anybody have any tips? My ultimate goal is a darkened version of the new Ambiance theme (think XFCE Dusk colors with Ambiance buttons and layout).If it helps, I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04, and I've had KDE, XFCE, and GNOME all installed (and most of each set is still there, as I'm experimenting with each one).Also, the system tray is no longer home to a sound volume button, is it supposed to be that way? How to I get one back up there?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Drag And Drop Failing With VNC?

May 30, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bit) as a headless workstation, running a VNC screen. Worked perfectly for about 3 weeks, then suddenly, I lost the Drag and Drop capability, for all applications.

For example:

Dragging and dropping to move items on the desktop does not work. The item simply pops back to the original location. Dragging and dropping to move items from one folder to another does not work. Same behavior -- the item just pops back to the original location. Dragging and dropping Bookmarks in Firefox does not work. The attempted Drag and Drop is ignored. Copy and paste still works fine. The problem does NOT occur when using an attached monitor (primary display screen :0).

I suspected that the changed behavior was caused by an update (from Ubuntu Update Manager). I confirmed this with the following:

Reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 fresh from the live cd.
Configured minimal networking and installed VNC server.
Tested Drag and drop -- works okay
Applied pending updates (116) from Ubuntu Update Manager
Tested Drag and drop -- not working

I am using vnc4server and openssh-server installed from the repositories using Synaptic.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Drop Down Menu Not Activated

Jul 4, 2010

Recently the menus in Firefox will no longer drop down when I click on them. I also can't activate them by using the keyboard shortcut.

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Ubuntu :: System To Drop Telemarketer Calls?

Aug 6, 2010

I've been receiving a ton of calls from telemarketers and political callcenters. What would be the simplest way to use Ubuntu to automatically drop calls incoming from blacklisted numbers?

I have Comcast Digital Voice service, which is technically VOIP but I think it interfaces with modems themselves just like any other phone service would.
I have a dedicated Ubuntu server sitting next to a phone jack already, so I'd like to use that if possible.

I've seen FreePBX and Asterisk, and hear that they can do the job. However, I haven't been able to tell just how easily they could be set up. It sounds like they might require me to get rid of all my phones and use soft phones instead... Does anybody know if it is as simple as buying a voice modem and configuring a PBX software to interface with it?

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Ubuntu :: Steady RAM Increase, Then Sudden Drop?

Aug 7, 2010

I've noticed a strange pattern with my 10.04 ubuntu x64 install with 2 GB RAM. Suppose I'm using about 1 to 1.5 GB RAM (normal). Over a timespan of several minutes RAM usage will gradually & steadily creep upwards, until for no apparent reason the system will shed ~500MB in a couple seconds, & then this process will repeat itself indefinitely.

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Ubuntu :: No Desktop - Drop Into Shell At Boot

Oct 23, 2010

I have a laptop IBM R50e. A clean install using 10.04.1 has been done, and all updates have been loaded. At boot, the system does not start the desktop. It tries and drops into the shell. I have started the recovery boot, and tried failsafeX start, but it only returns into the shell.

The boot parameter i915.modeset=1 has been set. There are a number of issues with the Intel graphics card and 10.04, I have been through those without success.

The modeset makes it possible to start some graphical environmrnt using xinit or startx. startx starts gnome, but lot of functionality is missing, like the network applet. Additionally I notice that there is no file /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket, which my other laptop has when in gnome.

Started gdm when being in the graphical shell through xinit, gives the error message that /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket is missing.

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Ubuntu :: Program To Start From The Drop Down Menu?

Nov 11, 2010

When clicking on a program to start from the drop down menu (latest example being Quadrapassel) the program starts but then the tab at the bottom of the screen disappears and the program doesn't load.

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Ubuntu :: Wine Isn't In Applications Drop Down Menu

Dec 27, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.10 and I had Wine uninstalled it then reinstalled and now it wont show up in my Applications menu, It was there the first time I installed though.

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Ubuntu :: Drag & Drop Using The Right Mouse Button?

Mar 20, 2011

can nautilus be set up in a way, that it has the same right-click drag & drop behaviour like windows ? i mean, i want to drag & drop using the right mouse button, and then i want a pop-up menue like the one i get using the left mouse button and ALT.

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