Ubuntu :: Creating A Playable Dvd?

May 11, 2011

i have backed up a dvd on my hard driveit is in the standard videots/.vob formation & plays fine using vlc / movie player.how do i transfer it to a dvd disc to play on an external dvd player?i have tried using k9copy / brasero / k3b but none have produced a playable dvd. the dvd's produced fail to load on the dvd player connected to my tv.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Make Playable DVD

Jun 21, 2011

I am trying to make a DVD from video files, that will play in DVD players and specifically my PS2...My video files are mostly avi, wmv, and mp4, and im currently running 11.04...

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Ubuntu :: Making Playable DVD From Video Files

Oct 19, 2010

Does anyone use Ubuntu to make (video) DVDs? That is, not just burn an existing .iso, but take a number of video files (e.g. mpeg) and create a playable DVD from them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Convert .swf Video To Something Playable Like Avi Or Mpeg?

Jan 18, 2010

How can i convert .swf video to something playable like avi or mpeg ?

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General :: No Music Playable Using Mepis 8.5

Apr 15, 2010

No Music Playable using mepis 8.5

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General :: Game To Be Playable On Web Browser?

Feb 25, 2011

I have developed a game using c++ and GLUT few month back.w i want that game to be playable on web browser.What i need to do for it?Do i need to write the whole game again or just a slight modification will do the job?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Create MP3 Disc Playable In Car

Apr 19, 2011

I am trying to create an mp3 disc playable in my car mp3 player. Creating a data cd full of mp3's in brasero doesnt seem to work. i.e. It is not playable by the player though it is playable by the computer. How I can do this?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Make Avi File Into A Playable Dvd On A Dvd Player?

Aug 13, 2010

Ive got the file and blank dvd Rw. What program in the repos could i use?

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Ubuntu :: Creating Iso From 2 Dvds?

Jan 4, 2010

i have 2 dvds and i want to create an iso image out of it. is there any way to do that?

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Ubuntu :: Creating An App Launcher?

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to make an app launcher for Ubuntu which replaces the top bar (default) in gnome. It will be a menu system in the middle of the screen which you would click on parts to bring up lists of apps and locations. What would be the easiest way to do this, and in which code?

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Share With 10.04?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm having issues creating a share with 10.04 - but those I'll try and sort out by myself, how Ubuntu creates samba shares these days?

On a test machine I can create shares, but am having some permission issues. I go to the smb.conf file but can't find the created share? Where does Ubuntu store the new config file for creating samba shares? I assume I can just override by creating a share by hand in the smb.conf file like a always do, but I'd rather try and work with, rather than against 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Creating Another /tmp Folder On 2nd HDD?

Sep 6, 2010

if anyone knows any trick to create a folder that deletes its contents on every boot, like "/tmp" but on a different hard drive since i have 2 internal hdd's.

[For saving massive temporary cache files, to increase overall speed (1 hdd for use, 1 hdd for storage/temp storage).]

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Ubuntu :: Creating .deb Installers ?

Mar 10, 2011

Any idea how one can accomplish this? Oh, and is there a GUI tool that can help with the process?

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Secret Key?

Aug 2, 2011

I was in the process of registering with the ubuntu bug squad. As i was finishing the UbuntuCodeofConduct agreement form, I ran this command to create a signature key to sign the form.

#sudo gpg --clear UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt

After the program ran I got this message.

gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
gpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available

Apparently, I don't have a default secret key. How do I create one?

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Ubuntu :: Creating Folders For Different Users?

Jan 18, 2010

I want to make a script to create a videos , photos, and documents folder in all of my (or anyone's) user's home folder. Wildcards don't seem to work if I try to put in: sudo mkdir /home/WILDCARD/videos here is my error.

mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/*/videos1': No such file or directory

and just to clarify i want all user's to have there own seperate folders not shared.

P.S. I tried with the -p switch and no luck. I just got a new home folder for * with the videos folder inside.

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Ubuntu :: Creating A New User Account In 9.10 ?

Feb 3, 2010

I recently created a new user account in ubuntu linux, and created a file called xsession so that I can boot directly into xmbc when I log into that account. Is there anyway to delete the home folder for that account. I can view the file but when I try to delete it is says I do not have apporite permisions to delete the file.

I removed the account and deleted the group but it still shows up when I type in the address /home/xmbc

Is there anyway I can delete this file. It also will not let me create any new user accounts is there any way I can fix these prolbems without totaly reinstalling the system.

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Ubuntu :: Creating A New Command Prompt?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to create a new command prompt in Ubuntu? I have a assignment and I don't fully understand it. I have to make c files and then open them in the command prompt. Would this happen in a new command prompt or I'd have to use the already existing one? Is this even possible?

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Backup Notification?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a scheduled backup that runs via anacron, and I currently am writing the output to a log file and mailing the output to root via local mail, see I have tried implemented a notification using libnotify, see Two problems:) I don't get a notification when anacron runs the backup script, I get a notification (sent to my primary user) when root runs a "test" notification script (I strip out the rsync command)) I don't think that this notificication will get delivered if another user is logged in when the backup script is run.I have become accustomed to the notifications that I get from evolution calendar, and I know that if the computer is off when the alarm is to be triggered I still get the notification next time I log in.For what its worth, I am running a Jaunty desktop computer for househould use, and there are two users.



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Ubuntu :: Creating Package (.deb) Without Source?

Mar 3, 2010

Is there a guide on creating a package from PHP scripts or something? Example: if I've developed a system and I want to make it to a deb file to deploy to my friends and such. I've tried looking for one but I have not been lucky so far.

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Ubuntu :: Creating Custom Live Cd?

Mar 6, 2010

I am in the tasks section of the following tutorial [URL] I did the list package thing to see what packages there are. However now I cannot leave the list in order to run the purge command. How can I get back to the previous section so I can remove packages from the custom live cd. I want to make sure I am editing the live cd and not the current install. I am going to make two images. One cd that will still have a gui but I plan to build as a recovery tool. The other one is a dvd and will be for installing everything I want on any machine. I am doing the tutorial with Karmic. Also I have cursors, themes and icons I installed from gnome look. I then went to customize and created my own personal mix I like. I would like to make this a standalone theme and come as the default theme on the live cd and dvd. I have no clue what I am doing, however wish to learn to build my own custom live cd. Also I would like to know how to ad repositories to the live cd and how to add programs pre installed that are not usually included.

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Document For Windows?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to print some documents I created in OO (.odt), but our printers are not Linux compatible, which means I somehow need to transfer the files to a Windows computer. I can't use the .odt files because MW can't open them (I can't install OpenOffice on the machines), and saving in either .doc or .docx does not work either because it totally messes up the document. So I tried print to file and created several pdfs, but again Adobe Reader on Windows can not open them. I am sort of running out of ideas, and the other thing is I am not really sure if the files I created are pdfs at all. When you open them in gedit they all start with
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 which to me looks more like a post script file.

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Ubuntu :: Re-Creating Grub After HD Clone?

Apr 9, 2010

I tried to recreate my Grub setup after restoring a backup tar file to a new hard drive. Here is what I did.

I created a tar backup of my working 9.10 server install. I used fdisk to create the same partition structure as the old hard drive:

sda1 Primary bootable ext4 (83)
sda2 Extended
sda5 Linux / swap (82)

I mounted the new drive with the newly created partitions on the current system and extracted the tar backup to the new sda1 partition. I then recreated all the directories which were excluded in the tar backup (mnt, media, home, proc, sys, etc).

I then shut down, unplugged the old OS hard drive, plugged the new hard drive into the same cable as the old OS HD and powered it up. It told me that there was a GRUB error.

I did some looking around and found that I could use an Ubuntu Live CD to fix/install Grub on that hard drive. I burnt a 9.10 desktop CD, booted, installed Grub and here I am.

I am having a difficult time figuring out the GRUB commands.

This is what I was planning on doing:

1. Pop in the Live CD, boot from it until you reach the desktop.
2. Open a terminal window or switch to a tty.
3. Type "grub"


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Ubuntu :: Creating A Launcher For Storybook .sh?

Apr 9, 2010

I recently downloaded Storybook, and using the default storybook.sh from the terminal, or from nautilus works fine launching the application. The command being ./storybook.sh. I have the file set to allow executing the file as a program.The various combinations I've tried in the launcher include:

sh /home/tim/storybook/storybook.sh


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Ubuntu :: Creating A Partition For Installation ?

Apr 29, 2010

To install ubuntu 10.04, I've tried to create partitions on my hard drive, and an external hard drive. Both have failed. I have apparently exceeded the max number of partitions on my hard drive (came with 4 on it. Recovery, OS, and 2 others I don't want to mess with.), and the external hard drive won't let me shrink the NTFS volume to create space for a new partition. Can I get steps to create a new partition, preferably on the external drive (it has more space). My computer is a dell inspiron 1525 with a 225 Gb hard drive, And my external drive is a windows system Seagate 1 Tb Hard drive (I've checked, external drive works with ubuntu).

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Ubuntu :: Creating Bootable WIN USB Stick?

May 2, 2010

I want to install Windows on my netbook. In order to to so I need to create a bootable disk-on-key.How do I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Creating A DOS Boot Disk From USB?

Jun 8, 2010

I have a Dell Vostro 1400 with the Nvidia GPU running ubuntu 10.04. There is a problem with the GPU and dell has recommended that you upgrade your BIOS. I have the executable that can run from either dos or windows. The problem is, I can't boot the system long enough before the screen goes blank on me, my option is to boot from a USB disk to a dos command prompt and then execute the update. I have the file, I just need instructions on how to create a bootable dos disk using a USB pendrive.

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Ubuntu :: Soft For HDR Photography Creating?

Jun 16, 2010

Do you know any software that is usable by ubuntu to create HDR photographies?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Creating An Intranet On 10.04?

Sep 2, 2010

Installed 10.04 as a LAMP. I want to be able to create a new intranet site for testing purposes.

When creating a new site with in apache, what is the recommendation for the folder? With in the var/www? Everything appears to want a domain address and since its local only, what do I use as a domain?

I have webmin installed and I would think creating a virutual server would be my first step, but I am getting hung up on the domain address.

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Win7 Boot USB?

Sep 21, 2010

I've spent the past several hours trying to determine how I can mount a Windows 7 ISO onto my USB drive using Ubuntu. I have followed this post, as it is the only thing that came up on Google after hours of searching (mostly it shows how to make a Ubuntu USB drive on Windows, not vice versa.)

Using the method in that post, it seems like I was successful. However, after a few seconds it gave me an error like this.

Load Driver

A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now.

Note: If the Windows installation media is in the CD/DVD dive, you can safely remove it for this step.

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Ubuntu :: Creating The Partition For Windows?

Oct 4, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu 10.04 for awhile now, and I wish to create a partition for Windows 7 so that I can dual-boot. I know you all are cursing me right now, but I have no choice. I run too much high-end software for business purposes that I need to.

I have dual-booted before, but that was when I had windows xp on a primary partition, and I seem to recall that was necessary. I dual-booted ubuntu afterwards as a trial basis, and then I completely switched to Ubuntu 100% for the last couple years. Unfortunately I need to go back. Is it possible to create a file partition for windows as a secondary partition without wiping all my data?

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