Ubuntu :: Can't Select Grouped Applications In AWN

May 24, 2010

This is an intermittent problem I am having. AWN now groups similar application windows under the same icon. I've been waiting for this for a while. Problem is sometimes, if I need to select an application from a grouped list, I click the icon, the list pops up, then as soon as I move the pointer onto the list, the list disappears.

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Ubuntu :: Scrolling In Select Applications (lyrics Pane)

Jun 11, 2010

I'm not sure if this is a known issue or not, but I have a strange problem when I scroll through certain applications. For example, whenever I scroll through songbird's lyrics pane or add-ons pane (does not affect the main library pane), the bottom 1/5 scrolls while the top 4/5 stays static. The same applies scrolling up, the top 1/5 scrolls and the rest stays static (the middle never moves either way I scroll).

I've tried using arrow keys to scroll, but it is the same issue. I vaguely remember another app that had this problem (can't think of it at the moment), so I don't think it's a songbird glitch. Does anyone else have this problem or a solution to it?

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Applications :: Forum To Select For Putty Queries?

Feb 17, 2010

Guide me which forum need to select for putty queries?

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OpenSUSE :: Java Programs Grouped Incorrectly On Panel

Feb 26, 2011

I primarily use IDEA for my Java development work, however, I sometimes use Netbeans for stuff like GUI editing.When I have them both open in KDE 11.3, they get grouped together in the application panel instead of being separate.I think that this is probably due to them both being java applications.Is there anything I can do to separate them?

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Ubuntu :: Several Applications Click On And It Takes To The Installer How To Remove Those Types Of Applications

Jul 28, 2011

I haven't used Ubuntu for a while, and just reinstalled it. I have one major dislike about the new version, There are several applications I click on and it takes me to the installer.How do I remove those types of applications or just install them all?

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Ubuntu :: 90% Of The Applications Install - Last Release - Do Not Show Up Later On In Applications Menu

Jul 24, 2010

I feel shy asking this question but, 90% of the applications I install in Ubuntu (last release), do not show up later on in the applications menu, so I cant run them. I know it seems silly, but I can't find the way to handle this inconvenience. Is there a place (like Start> All programs in Windows), were I could find and run all the programs I install?

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Ubuntu :: Erasing Applications From Installed Applications Menu?

Jun 5, 2011

I was wondering if there was any way to remove icons from the installed applications menu?I recently attempted to install GOG.com's Zork Anthology using Wine and when I de-installed, the icons for those files were still listed in installed applications. Is there anyway to delete them manually?

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Applications :: Automated Install Of 30 Applications Across Multiple Distributions?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm setting up a large number of virtual machines, each with a basic set of about 30 applications. Obviously, I don't want to do everything manually so I'm looking for ways to automate this process. Multiple distributions (Ubuntu, Red Hat Ent., FreeBSD, CentOS, etc.) will be used, meaning I will have a few Ubuntu installs with the basic set of 30 applications, and multiple Red Hat installs with the same set, etc. So, I'm looking for advice on automating as much of this as I can, even if it means a new form of automation for each distro.

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Software :: Get Installed Applications List And Applications Activity

May 25, 2009

Is there a programmatic way to get the list of all installed applications on Linux.

Also, how can we get the application activities in Linux OS like running applications name, time of day when they started, duration till the applications were running on system, application version etc.

Is there a way to do this in C/C++.

I am building an app that runs like a daemon and fetches the applications status and sends it to the network admin for him to monitor the application usage pattern on the user computers in the network.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Wine Applications To See Applications?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a windows app installed under wine. It works fine. However, it has the ability to launch openoffice to do further functions. Obviously I have openoffice installed under linux, but the wine app cannot see it. How can I make the wine app see across the emulation layer into linux to see the app it needs? Dont tell me I need to install openoffice under wine as well to get it to work!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Select KDE On Login / Why Is So?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the KDM package installed, but I can't select KDE as my desktop environment upon login. I'm running lucid. Any ideas why?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Select An Update

Feb 1, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 and tried updating the software after the installation. All of the updates seemed to have installed properly, except one - Event based init daemon. It remains in the update window and I am unable to select it to update it. I have tried refreshing the update window and even restarting my computer, but neither worked. I have tried updating it in the synaptic package manager but it gives me an error message stating that it would break libc6 if I chose to update event based init daemon.

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Ubuntu :: Select 32 Or 64 Bit Version Of 11.04?

Apr 28, 2011

Should I select 32 or 64 bit version of 11.04? I've been using 64 bit Karmic and Maverick but I see Ubuntu recommends the 32 bit version of 11.04. How come they recommend 32 and not 64 bit? Which one is best?

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Ubuntu :: How To Select Boot Order In HDD

Jan 8, 2010

I'm getting a new HDD today. I have SATA 500GB, and I'm getting SATA II 500gb. This is what I wanted to ask. On my first HDD, I have Windows XP and ubuntu and on the new HDD, I will install Windows 7. What I wanted to ask, are such things like jumpers on my HDD (master/slave etc.) used to select boot order? Or will I have to go into BOOT settings and choose Win7 Hdd first in the boot order etc.?

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Ubuntu :: Select Certain Screensavers Out Of A Deb Package Of Them?

May 4, 2010

Is there any way to take out just a few of the best screensavers that I want out of certain deb packages that are in the repos?

There are several in 'rss-glx' and 'xscreensaver-gl-extra' and 'xscreensaver' that I like but I don't really want to install and keep all of them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Partition To Select?

May 28, 2010

So I've installed Ubuntu before on this machine, but this time around with Lucid, it's just not working.

It all works fine until step four, where you choose your partition. There are no choices. Simple as that. Continuing just tells me to fix that there are no partitions, but I cant. There are questions similar to mine on here, but none are answered.

I really need this installed and cant use the live version where I'm posting from now.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Select Files From Dir?

Jun 3, 2010

So I'm trying to remove or move any files that are not mp3 or ogg from my music folder with the command rm -r *.jpg and I keep getting the message that:rm: cannot remove `*.jpg': No such file or directory{I'm trying to remove jpegs}

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Can't Select OS After 10.04?

Jun 21, 2010

Searched around but have not found this problem listed. I have upgraded my 9.04 installation by doing a new install of 10.04 and keeping my /home partition. I have a dual boot system with Win XP and an older version of ubuntu on another partition.The problem is that when I get the grub menu I cannot select anything other than the top option. Arrowing down it just keeps popping back up to the top option. I can hold the arrow key and it will go down through all the selections but just pops back up to the top if I let go.

If I press "e" to try and edit in order to manually select a drive to boot to the editor comes up and I can select up and down the lines but if I try to move the cursor to the right it just snaps back to the beginning of the line.So I can't select windows XP or my old Ubuntu install, I can only boot to the new 10.04.$ grub-install -vgrub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu6)

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Ubuntu :: How To Auto Select At Startup

Jul 5, 2010

I know this must be out there somewhere but I can't find the answer When I boot my computer there is a screen the lists all versions of Ubuntu and also a Windows partition. How can I have it auto select the latest version of Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Select Columns In Xgraph?

Aug 6, 2010

I am using xgraph with ns2. Is there any provision in xgraph to select columns. Man page didnt say anything about it.

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Ubuntu :: Using Grub2 To Select Between 2 Different Raids?

Aug 7, 2010

I am currently running a system that has Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 running on separate raids. Here is an outline of my system.

Raid 1:
OS: Windows 7
Raid Controller: Intel ICH5R
Raid Type: 1 (Mirror)
# of Disks: 2
Disk Type: Sata HDDs


I would have liked to put both raids on the same controller but Windows XP/Vista/7 will sometimes throw up a blue screen when a single controller handles two independent raids. My setup prevents this issue. The good news is that I was able to get both of the raids up and running without much difficulty.

Right now I can only access my Ubuntu raid by going into the bios on startup and changing the boot order. Needless to say, this has become somewhat tiresome. It would be much simpler if I could use Grub2 to select between operating systems upon boot. While I know the process of installing Grub2 on a dual-booted system is relatively painless, I imagine my setup would be more complex.

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Ubuntu :: How To Select An Option In Terminal GUI

Sep 27, 2010

i have script it is for installing a program when I run it on terminal an old type GUI with a scroll bar and options appears. I can go from option to option but the first one is default selected and I can not select any other one it is something like that:[*] option 1

[] option 2
[] option 3

I can go over option 2,3,.. but the first one is default selected [*] with the asterisk. How can I move asterisk to any other option? when i go over another option and hit enter it is executing the default one.

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Ubuntu :: Select To Boot From The USB Drive?

Oct 15, 2010

I want to try installing from a USB drive. I can create a USB start up easy enough. The problem is when I go into my my laptops BIOS and boot order set up there is no option listed to select the USB in the boot order. The "closest" option is "Floppy Diskette" which of course I don't even have!

How to set the USB drive as the first boot option or might it not be possible on this machine?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Select Windows 7 At Startup

Nov 11, 2010

I have Dell XPS M1330, i had Windows 7 x64 installed on a partition of the hard drive. I installed Ubuntu 10.1 64-bit on a an unallocated partition. Ubuntu installed fine except now when i restart my computer i dont get to chose which OS i want to use and Ubuntu starts automatically. What can i do to get to chose the OS at startup?

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Ubuntu :: How To Select Bluetooth Keyboard

Nov 13, 2010

I am trying to use an Apple BT keyboard with a new installation of 10.04.Using Bluetooth Preferences, I discovered the keyboard, and paired with it. No problem with pairing. If I click on the BT icon in the top panel, it indicates that the keyboard is connected. But any text typed on on keyboard does not appear on screen. I opened Keyboard Settings, thinking that I might have to select the connected BT keyboard as the input device. Nothing there. Is there another preference somewhere that has to be set for the BT keyboard to actually work as an input device (as opposed to simply being paired)? My USB keyboard is still connected (and is working). Perhap Ubuntu only tolerates one keyboard device at a time?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Select OS To Boot After New XP

Nov 27, 2010

I had win xp and ubuntu in the laptop, but I have to format the xp partition, so now I have a new xp, but I can't see the ubuntu partition that is at the end of the hard drive, I mean to boot selecting between Ubuntu OR XP. What to do?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Select The Desktop Session

Apr 7, 2011

I am running Elementary OS Jupiter which is Ubuntu 10.10. When I get to my login screen, it does not have the bar at the bottom which lets me select my desktop session.

How do I get that back, or install it. Elementary OS comes like that, it is already disabled, I guess. How do I get it back?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Select Any Text Using Shift Key

Jun 5, 2011

When I connect to my ubuntu machine at work via NX (shadowing the existing session), I cannot select any text using the shift key. Shift key itself works (I can use it to capitalize letters for instance). It is just that arrow keys, page down/up keys, home/end does not work with shift. Without shift, they work (so I can navigate, just cant select). I tried running xev to see the key events. In the local X11 session (XQuartz), keeping shift key pressed and pressing home prints the expected key press/release events. However, in the NX session, pressing shift prints "key pressed Shift_L" but then pressing home/end/page up/page down prints nothing.

I have no problems with any of the other keys within the remote session. Alt, for instance, works perfectly fine (I can open menus, do alt_tab). Ctrl also works. Ctrl - arrow keys switches my desktops. Editing code is like nightmare because I have to constantly select text using the mouse. I can possibly remap the selection keys to some other combination but that's the last resort.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 No Sound On Select Accounts?

Jul 28, 2011

I have two user accounts. "xubuntu", an admin, and "theseconduser", with regular desktop permissions

Neither of them are in the group "audio"

I auto-log into my admin account and no sound is present. I try various solutions found through google (listed below) and through troubleshooting find "theseconduser", another account, being able to to use sound.

I've tried the switch from pulseaudio to alsa; it made both accounts unable to use the sound card, so I reverted

I haven't included any CLI output here since I'm not exactly sure what to post / whether I should post it. Feel free to ask away.

I'm able to alter settings etc through Mixer; I have 4 available options in the "Sound card" dropdown there.

how to get sound back into this account!


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Ubuntu :: Can't Print Select Pages?

Feb 4, 2011

when i print a document and select only certain pages the printout still prints all thepages. this is very annoying, since i have to print everything from anther compusing ubuntu 10.04 with latest updates.

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