Ubuntu :: Can't Get 11.04 64 Bit Alt To Install 64bit Cd?

May 12, 2011

install alt 64 bit 11.04 off cd - get through partioning and then asks for another cd - in this case "Ubuntu 11.04+Natty Narwhal_=Release amd64 (20110426) i'm assuming the alt 64 bit cd requires some sort of vanilla 11.04 64bit cd - where can i download the vanilla version that will work with my alt version. love the os and features but getting beaten down like this - maybe the evil empire will win after all

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Install Skype On A 64bit Fc14 And The 32bit Doesn't Work

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to install skype on a 64bit Fc14 and the 32bit doesn't work.

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CentOS 5 :: Install DomU 5.3 64bit On 5.4 64bit

Mar 5, 2010

I did a full install on 5.4 64bit. the installation aborted with the following errors:

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 64bit Install Freezes After Reboot During Autoconfiguration - GeForce 9300 Chipset (MCP7A)

Sep 15, 2010

I just wanted to install openSUSE 11.3 64bit. Installation works fine until reboot request. It switches to console, saying that it tries to load without reboot, screen becomes black, i got a cursor with animated wait-symbol and then it freezes. Can't move the mouse, no reaction on keyboard inputs, HDD-led not blinking. If I reset my PC and boot the new installation, it says that an error occurred and asks me to complete the unfinished installation. It starts auto-configuration and freezes again at about 3%. I tried again and some time it did not start the graphical yast but in textmode. The freeze came at the same position, but it posted many lines on console with error messages. I could not scroll, so I saw only parts of it, saying kernel panic and many addresses.

I guessed that it has to do with my chipset and graphics card, it is a nVidia GeForce 9300 chipset (MCP7A) with onboard graphics. It works fine with openSUSE 11.2 64bit by the way, but it was not supported in earlier versions than 11.2. So I tried to install it with proprietary drivers. I started the installation again and added the nVidia repository and a Packman repo and selected the driver which works fine on 11.2. Error was same as above. Next I tried an openSUSE 11.3 32bit Live CD that came with some PC magazine and lay around and it is booting and works fine!

This was confusing to me, so I wanted to try the 64bit version of the live CD. Which was again not booting. It freezes at some part, maybe when it tries to start X. But it also freezes booting with 'nomodeset' (found it somewhere here), in VESA mode and even in textmode! So i guess it's not X what causes the freeze. But it is sometime at the end of booting up, as far as I can say. I would like to use the 64bit version but I don't know where to search for the problem. I checked every checksum before burning, so a broken media should not be the reason

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Install 64bit Versions / Sort It?

Jan 19, 2011

I tried to install on an Armari Gravistar machine Open Suse 11.3 and 11.2 at 64 bit but both haven't worked, after the welcome I press install, it loads something and then the computer is on the screen black and nothing happens. The 11.3 at 32 bit installs but in this manner I cannot use the 16GB RAM of the machine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Install 64bit Version Of 11.x

Jan 12, 2010

If I boot from the opensuse 64bit DVD (Ver.11.0/11.1/11.2 - its the same effect)-the bootmenu appears-i choose to install opensuse in the menu-now the kernel is loading-then i see shortly the next screen-and then my notebook reboot.I have the effect also in the live-version 64bit.The 32bit version works properly.i haven't any problems with vista 64bit or Ubuntu/Kubuntu 64bit, but the same effect with mandriva 2010.0 64bit.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install VLC 0.9.9 On 10.04 (64bit)

Feb 11, 2011

I've found VLC to be the most difficult to understand by far. I've followed many guides on installing different versions and want to now try VLC 0.9.9, as I've read there's a chance this version might work for what I'm trying to do. I've followed a couple of guides to installing 0.9.9 that were written for 8.04 but am getting errors.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install A 64bit Deb On/in A 32 Bit O/S?

Jun 15, 2011

Can one install a 64bit deb on/in a 32 bit O/S?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Acroread On 10.04 64bit?

May 10, 2010

how to install acroread on ubuntu 10.04 64bit? There is at adobe only .bin file to download, and i have no acroread in synaptic.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Could Not Managed To Install 64bit Version?

May 15, 2010

Anyone managed to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a box with Intel Core i7 920@2.67Ghz processor. I downloaded ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso & ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.iso ran md5sum's, burnt them to DVDs & CDs but couldn't manage to install the 64-bit version. For some reason the installations abort. I've got Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit version running on the box right now.

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Ubuntu :: Install The 32bit On 64bit Computer?

Dec 18, 2010

I don't come across as dumb but here it goes *L* I have 2, 2gig usb pendrives. I have Ubuntu on both of these drives 1 is Ubuntu 10.10 32bit the other is Ubuntu 10.10 64bit. When in the live environment can I tell which bit I am currently running. (Yeah I forgot to mark them) I don't want to install the 32bit on my 64bit computer (I know it would work but still) I really dont want to redo the usb's if it is at all possible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Tar.gz Files In 64bit 10.4?

Jan 12, 2011

Is it Possible to install tar.gz files in ubuntu 64bit 10.4?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 64bit - Unable To Install Truecrypt

May 16, 2011

I'm running Natty 64 bit and cannot install Truecrypt 7.0. I downloaded the tar.gz from [URL] and have tried to install it several times, all without success. I've tried to install it via terminal by running


Each time it goes through the normal steps of having me accept the user agreement and the popup which tells you to run the "truecrypt.uninstall.sh" script to uninstall. The problem is that each time when I click 'ok' at the last step, my desktop environment freezes. I'm running unity 3d. The terminal I started the install process in doesn't produce any output.

Sometimes when the freeze occurs I can still move my mouse, but none of the menus or windows will respond. Other times the mouse will be frozen as well or it will just log me off. I haven't found anyone else talking about this issue and I honestly don't know where to start looking for a way to fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 64bit On An HP Laptop?

Sep 1, 2011

so i am trying to install 64bit ubuntu on an HP Laptop that was given to me i know the laptop is 64bit capable as i have win7 x64 on it HP Pavilion DV6208nr laptop

AMD turion 64 mobile
nvidia geforce 6150 go
3gb Ram

now the actual issue is not install failed but when i boot the install media it has weird black and white lines across the screen to trouble shoot i have re-downloaded the iso 2 times and downloaded the alternate installer once (which installs but on first boot is just a black screen) tried installing via usb and 2 separate discs (brand new) what would cause the issue? and should i maybe try an older one like 10.04 LTS? i know 32 bit worked before but i would prefer to have a 64bit OS

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General :: How To Install Thunderbird On Ubuntu 64bit

May 1, 2010

have you know how to install thunderbird on ubuntu 64 bit?i have download file and checked the content folder no file to config. any suggestion?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Skype Static Version On 64bit FC10

Mar 16, 2009

Downloaded from here: [URL] then ,it is 32-bit and I need to know what all 32-bit libs are needed as dependency for skype to work. I am on Gnome Fedora and purposefully selected static version of skype to prevent installation of libqt4.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Same Fortran Code, Different Results For 32 And 64bit System?

Jan 15, 2010

I have the simple fortran codes as:

integer :: i1=2455121, i2=2455121
real :: s1=0.19123840, s2=0.20749992
real*8 :: a1, a2
a1=i1+s1; a2=i2+s2


When s1 and s2 are stated with 'real*8', the 64bit and 32bit systems get the same results.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: No Sound In F X86 64bit In Sony Vaio Laptop?

May 24, 2010

I just bought sony vaio laptop(EB16) couple of days before.I had window 7 OS. Two days before i downloaded Fedora-12-x86_64-DVD & installed in my PC.Everything is working fine except when i play any video or audio file such as .avi, .mp3 from any player such as vlc player, movie player ,xine etc , i don't get any sound.I tried to search this problem in internet but still i am not able to resolve this problem.


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Fedora X86/64bit :: F15 64bit Send Receive Sms Via Usb ZTE Mobile Modem?

Aug 18, 2011

Im trying to set up my 3G modem to recive and send sms but I had no luck so far


Bus 002 Device 010: ID 19d2:0031 ONDA Communication S.p.A. ZTE MF636Im I tried with gnokii and wammu and many other things and did not want anything to do

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General :: Ubuntu 64bit - How To Install Python 32bit

Aug 6, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 64bit, and I would like to run python 32bit.The current Python version used is the 64bit one.What can be some good ways for installing the python 32bit version without compromising the OS. I'm kind of new to this, so I don't really know if I could substitute the python version, or know how to make it available by using short commands such as python or easy_install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Teamspeak 3 64bit Server

Apr 7, 2010

installing a Teamspeak 3 Server 64bit on Ubuntu 6.10.I am trying to get all my windows server in Linux and I only lack a few servers.you can download it here [URL]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install Flash On Lucid 64bit

May 2, 2010

i really need to install flash but i don't know how to on 64bit ubuntu 10.04

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On 64bit CPU Under ESXi 4 - Error

Jun 4, 2010

I tried to install Ubuntu Server 10.04 AMD64 onto my Dell blade server running ESXi 4. I get the following error when i try to install:


My server have 2 Intel Xeon Quad core CPU's installed.

I have allocated 2 virtual CPU's to the VM. My VM is also set to Linux 64bit.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install 32bit Libsasl2 On 64bit Lucid

Jul 23, 2010

The current libsasl package on 64bit Lucid is libsasl2-2 (2.1.23). However when I was installing Scalix, it needed 32bit libsasl2 which is 2.1.22 or something old. Although I can download 32bit libsasl2 package from web, it requires a lot of other libs and some of them are not available.So my question is: is it possible to install an old 32bit package on Lucid 64bit? Or are there other ways to solve the problem without installation of new packages?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Internet On New Install Of 9.10 (64bit)

Aug 2, 2010

I've just installed ubuntu 9.10 (64bit) on a new Dell Precision M4500 (actually I've made it dual boot with Win7).

I'm unable to connect to the internet. For now, I'd like to get the ethernet card working.

Connection is fine under Windows 7, so I think it is not a hardware problem.

To start with in ubuntu, I *was* able to connect to the internet via the NIC. Subsequently (not sure why), the ability to connect became intermittent: at startup, I would either be able to connect or not. If able, I remain able until reboot; if not, I remain unable until reboot. Now, I am not able to connect at all. All this makes me suspect that the NIC driver in ubuntu is OK.

On the suggestion of a local expert, I manually edited /etc/resolv.conf(originally blank) to contain the lines: search tamu.edu nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (using the IP the expert gave).

less /etc/network/interfaces shows: auto lo iface lo inet loopback

The output of "ifconfig" is shown below.

ifconfig shows:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:26:b9:e3:03:81
inet6 addr: fe80::226:b9ff:fee3:381/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:175 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 64bit Install Halts At 61% File Copy?

Oct 23, 2010

I am having some issues installing Kubuntu 10.10 64bit, I have tried two ISO's from different mirrors, multiple writable disks (seriously I had to go buy another 20 pack) and the install halts at the exact same point each time.I have run multiple HDD checking tools using Hirens 9.9 boot CD, I have recreated and formated the partitions twice but still each time the install will stop at 61% stating there was an error copying files and to check the media.

I grabbed the ISO's from Kubuntu.org and the second one from the NZ mirror ftp.citylink.co.nz in the hopes that maybe the image came down corrupt - the disk check before installing cannot find anything wrong yet it still happens ... its very upside down face


Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8
4GB DDR 2 Ram
SDA: 1TBsda1: ntfs /windows
sda2: Extendedsda5: ext 4 /
sda6: ext 4 /home
sda7: swapSDB: 1TBsdb1: ntfs /steamnvidia 9800GTX

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 LTS 64bit - Flash Is Not Working/ Won't Install Correclty?

Jun 10, 2011

I am using the distro in the title and version, and I can't get flash to work properly either in konquer, or in chromium. I have looked in the package manager and it says flash has been installed. I tried again to install it through the terminal, it downloads a bit, and then it says that is installed as well. I know chrome in particular is supposed to come with flash built in so this is frustrating. How do I install flash and get it working? Never had this problem before

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On 64bit Intel Machine

Sep 1, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio laptop core i5 2.3 Ghz processor . Firstly , i know its prudent to install 64bit OS in my laptop , but will 32bit ubuntu also run in my system ?

Secondly , when i try to download the 64 bit OS , it shows amd64. Is the ubuntu64bit common for both amd and intel machines ?

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Ubuntu :: Flash Player 64bit Install (Not Plugin)

Oct 10, 2009

I'm trying to install flash player 64-bit on ubuntu 9.04 (obviously 64 bit). I have no idea of what to do.

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Ubuntu :: Alternate 10.04 64bit Install Hangs At 75% And Asks For CD?

Jul 2, 2010

Had problems with hard drives yesterday, wouldn't recognise them after I'd installed Linux. Today I fixed that problem (another thread on here, in the hardware section) but now, every single time the install gets to 75%, it asks me to insert the CDROM and basically hangs.

Hitting enter doesn't try to fire up the CDROM, there's zero noise from it. It did this once yesterday but all other tries worked fine. Today it's failed the 7 different times I've tried, in exactly the same place, each time asking for the CD, even tried re-burning the CD, still failing at the same place. It's just after doing something to APT, then storing something (not very helpful I know). Can get a command prompt by CTRL-ALT_F2, but have no clue as to how to proceed when I get there.

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