Ubuntu :: Broken Down Rant - Boot From A Live CD Does Not Work

Feb 8, 2011

I have had one headache after another, first the updates break the bootstrap loader, this is a known issue yet they still continue to release grub updates that effect this and break the boot sequence. I am very surprised that this is done. so onto the next issue, they say use a CD to boot from and move the files for grub2 over, well that has been a nightmare taking two days to only find it deleted my initial Linux install, so wasted days, no real back up for the entire system and lost emails etc. The CDs lock up on boot, they do not load from the CDs and the instructions for fix grub are very lacking.

I would have thought a windoz based solution would have been offered so that this was more easy to do. This boot from a Live CD does not work and the CD downloads are not working either (using them to load via windoz again, but have lost months of work AGAIN). If an update is known to break the bootstrap loader, why on earth would you release updates that continuously break it?? Just ranting as support seems lacking....seems like you are on track to performing like windoz well... I am not impressed in the least given I work in the Open Source Community and havve done so for years..

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Ubuntu :: PC Won't Boot After Using Live Cd / Get It To Work?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm having a problem with my Vaio laptop after using an Ubuntu live cd, when I turn it on it doesn't boot, a black screen is displayed and it beeps three times (one long , two short), I think this has something to do with the video card. The last time I used the live cd I didn't wait for Ubuntu to shutdown completly and removed the cd when it was still on the process of shuting down. What can be causing this problem?

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5 :: CentOS Live CD Won't Boot / Get It To Work?

Jun 20, 2010

I've recently gained interest in CentOS. So I went to the site to download the OS thought one of the mirrors. I downloaded the i386 version of CentOS 5 LiveCD2.iso and burned it to DVD to install.

When I booted up the disc a screen showing a CentOS background appears then quickly fades to black. After that nothing happens.

Maybe it's the architecture? I'm using a single core AMD64 Athlon.

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Ubuntu Installation :: The Ordeal Of A Clean Install Of 10.10 (rant)

Oct 12, 2010

The system:
motherboard EP-8K7A+
memory 1 GB
Processor AMD Athlon 1.4 GHz
Video card AMD Radion All In Wonder
Monitor Sony GDM-FW900

This system had been running windows 2000 without problems for years until I replaced it with a faster computer. It then spent about a year running Ubuntu as my fathers computer without problems. I use it now a a test setup.

With 10.04 it was unusable because of this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s...ti/+bug/572104

So I decided to do a clean install with 10.10. To that purpose, I downloaded the ISO for the i386 desktop install on my main system that is running Ubuntu 10.04. When the download was complete, I started the download of the 64 bit install CD. While that was downloading, I started Brasero, selected the i386 iso from a list of about 5 ubuntu install isos in the same directory and burned a disk. I took the disk down and booted from it in the above mentioned computer, it failed claiming to be an i686 disk. Annoyed I went back to my main system and started Brasero again, I selected the i386 iso again, clicked ok and looked at the name it had there. It had actually selected the first name on the list, not the one I had selected. I repeated this several times with the same result. I finally moved the i386 iso out of that directory was able to get it selected and burn the disk. During all of this the i686 was being downloaded into the same directory. I think this was part of the problem because once it was complete, I was able to select the i686 iso from the list without trouble and burn it.

When I finally got an i386 install disk, I booted it on the old computer. Being paranoid I ran the disk check. It went to a dark blue blank screen and sat there.Remembering my problems with my previous install, I rebooted, and went back to the menu looking for "safe video mode". This option did not exist. Instead, I found under F6 "Other Options" a list of undocumented options. Remembering that I was told to add "nomodeset" to the boot when debugging problems previously, I selected that option and was able to start the disk test. I left and came back several hours later and found a screen blanker had engaged. I hit the space bar to clear the screen blanker and started cursing as the results of the test flashed too fast to read as the system re-booted.
I restarted the disk test and happened to be in the room when it completed successfully.

I then selected install Ubuntu. After a bunch of thrashing, this got stuck at the second problem with this system. It chose a resolution that the monitor can handle, but the video card can not. In this mode, I can only see the stuff that is on the far left edge of the screen, and that data is repeated about 6 times over the rest of the screen.

I next tried running Ubuntu directly from the CD. This again chose the wrong video resolution, but under System->Preferences->Display one can change the resolution. The problem is that I could only see the left half of the System menu. After a bunch of trial and error trying to guess where the "Display" menu item was on the screen, I finally found it and got the Monitor Preferences window up. Of course it opens in the middle of the screen and I can't see it. So I alt-click and drag the invisible window to the left where I can see it and select the next smaller 16x10 resolution and click apply. This works, I can finally see the whole screen.

I then click on install, and the entire install appears to work fine... until I reboot. Kernel Panic!!! I get the following error message:

[ 1.805028] kernel panic -not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
[ 1.805085] pid:1,comm:swapper Not tainted 1.6.35-22-generic#33-ubuntu
[ 1.805133] Call Trace:
[ 1.805188] [<c05c6468>] ? Printkt 0x2d/0x35


I tried running the recovery mode, that said something about not being able to use a particular disk ID and claimed to be about to list the available disk IDs, but instead of listing disk IDs, I got another kernel panic.

As a last resort, I decided to try installing again. I followed the same procedure, but this time after a reboot, I did not get a kernel panic, I got a blank dark blue screen. One would think that since I had to select "nomodeset" every single time I booted the install disk that it might be a good idea to add that option to the install. But no. Now I had to try and remember how to get to the grub menu on boot since it was not being displayed by default. After a few wrong guesses I remembered that I had to hold the shift key down during boot. Adding "nomodeset" got past the blank dark blue screen, and got me to a login screen with the resolution set so high that I could not see the important parts. I blindly hit enter and typed in my password. This worked and I was presented with a desktop, again in a resolution too high to be useful. I had marked on a business card the offset from the top of the screen that the "Display" menu item should be when using the liveCD, but of course there are more menu items in the actual install, so I was in for a few more rounds of trial and error. After getting the resolution down to something that actually works, and setting that to default, I ran the update manager which already had a kernel update. After the update I rebooted. I missed the grub menu so I did not get a chance to add the "nomodeset" option, the booting screens were garbage, but I was surprised to find that the login screen was now working, and I was able to login. So it looks like I have a working system.

While all of this was going on, I was attempting to backup my home directory on my main computer. I have a USB hard drive attached to a DD-WRT router that is shared as a FTP drive. I attempted to copy my home directory to this drive several times, each time, it would copy for a while, then just stop transferring data. I then turned on an old windows 2000 machine with lots of free disk space and tried to copy the home directory to that using smb with the same result. I finally did the backup my moving the USB drive from the dd-wrt machine directly to the computer I was trying to back up. That worked.

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Ubuntu Installation :: (Rant) Can't Edit The Mount Points In The 11.04 Installer?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm fuming about this again after doing my third install of 11.04, this time on one of my laptops. Why was the ability to edit mount points taken away in the 11.04 "Allocate Drive Space" portion of the custom install? In earlier versions, you could choose a mount point in the file system from a drop down (i.e. mount this partition as /, or /home, or /opt, etc.). You could also enter your own location to suit your needs. This allowed me to do tricks like mount my home partition under /media/home, to prevent my settings being clobbered by the installer (later, after integrating the settings created by the installer with the settings in my home directory, I could edit fstab to mount the home partition in its rightful /home location). Or to put my windows partitions under /media/WinXP or put my old Linux parition under /media/oldlinux. I could do whatever I want. Now, I have limited options. I can only choose a location from the drop-down. I cannot edit it. Want to mount a partition under /media/home? Tough. Want to mount Window under /media? Nope. Can't. Instead, if I select an ntfs partition, I only get the choice of mounting it under /dos or /windows. WTF do I do if I have three windows partitions (like I do on my desktop)?

Listen, if I'm doing a custom install, and I know enough to partition my drive, don't you imagine I don't need the mount point option dumbed down for me? If I've gotten to this point, I obviously know what I'm doing (or, if I don't, I'm already screwed bcuase I'll probably nuke a partition that I want to keep)limiting my choices here is stupid. I know, I can clean this up afterwards by editing fstab or using some other tool but my question is, why should I have to? What's the logic in removing this options from the user?

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Debian Multimedia :: The Evr Popular Rant On GTK (or QT) Vs Lightweight

Apr 5, 2011

One one my criteria for client machines is the ability "just work" from a generic business standpoint. By this, I mean any user needs the ability to drop in a jump drive or download that contains MS office formatted stuff, work with it, and save it in the same billie friendly format.

That means OOFFICE, right now. Which NEEDS the GTK libs (I confess I have heard of a QT version, but it's the same dilemma, really)

So, why do I bother with Openbox, XFCE, LXDE, E1[6-7], Blackbox, Fluxbox, etc? All the bloat I'm saving on WMs is rendered superfluous by the monsterbig GTK+ libs for the office suite Why not just give up and run a stripped gnome core?

This is really an open rant, but I'd love to hear if anybody has addressed this problem successfully. I guess I'm craving an opensource suite with Office's power and no bloat (I'd also love to meet st. nicholas, the easter bunny, and that guy who smokes marlboros in 'the x files')

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall Driver From Live CD To Fix 100% Broken System ?

May 30, 2011

I just installed a new driver from the Realtek site for my wireless chip, and it broke my system. Ubuntu won't boot in normal mode or recovery mode, and I'm sincerely hoping beyond all hope that I can avoid reinstalling the system I just got working yesterday.

At my connection speed, it will take about two days to download all of the packages I use. Is there any way to get rid of this driver and restore my system back to how it was... about twenty minutes before I posted this, without booting in the system?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Silent Soundblaster 24 Live USB - Find The Broken Config File?

Jul 24, 2010

My sound card (Soundblaster 24 live! USB) stopped working shortly after upgrading to 10.04. everything was fine until the upgrade as well a immediatly after, so I assume that an update was to blame. If I boot the PC off a live CD, all is well and the sound card works fine.

I've tried running

aplay -l

but it assured me that I do not have a sound card on the system to setup! how I find the broken config file or busted driver?

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Ubuntu One :: U1 Completely Broken / Get It To Work?

Jan 31, 2010

Whats going on with Ubuntu One, in the pas few days.

The authorization is getting worse in the past few days, was asking me everytime I logged in. Now it is happen several times a day.

You cant even access the web side, you get a message saying:

OpenID failed

OpenID authentication failed: Nonce already used or out of range

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Ubuntu :: Grub-pc Broken / What To Get It To Work?

Mar 10, 2011

I just downloaded the recent updates and system asked to reboot and went to grub> i do know know what to do.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - JGR Partly Broken - Features Don't Work

Feb 9, 2010

JGR still works -sort of. That is R works through JGR, but many of the nice features of JGR don't work. Notably, the object browser and package manager do not work, and the function hinting (pop up window showing arguments accepted by a function) dont work either.> JGR :: package.manager()

Error in JGR :: package.manager : package 'JGR' has no name space and is not on the search path
> object.browser()
Error: could not find function "object.browser"

As far as I can tell, this occured on upgrade to 9.10. I've tried using different Java environments, but no real success. I wonder if I should just go for a removal and reinstall of R and JGR?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken Dependency / Get It To Work?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a broken dependency. The package is libsdl-image-1.2-dev. When I try to fix it via synaptic, it says E: libsdl-image1.2-dev: cannot remove `/.' What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Broken / Get It To Work?

Nov 24, 2010

I believe my Update Manager is broken. When I try to launch it through System > Administration > Update Manager, it quickly appears and then disappears. When I try launching it through the terminal, I receive the following message code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bootsplash And Terminal Broken / Get To Work Again?

Apr 30, 2010

I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10.
The terminal and boot show nothing but some random colored pixels at the top.
I also saw the old grub menu on boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Package Manager Is Broken / Get It To Work?

Dec 8, 2010

I just installed brother DCP-350c drivers from here
When I finished I tried to install a scanner driver from brother.
My package manager is broken.
The page mentioned something about that here(just a scroll down)
I tried what they said but the manager is still broken.
It gives me this error report code...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Webcam Used To Work, Now Broken (maybe Update Related)?

Oct 31, 2010

Just when I thought I was getting my Ubuntu 10.04 system stabilized and really usable, the webcam magically stopped working. When I first installed 10.04, the webcam worked perfectly right out of the box. Tonight, I tried to start the video in a Skype conversation, and nothing. Video preferences in Skype showed no options for a camera. Rebooting the machine didn't help.

The one relevant thing I can think of that happened between the last time it worked and tonight is installing a number of updates. I'm not sure how to look up which packages were installed when -- I'm happy to run commands if someone can provide them.

Unfortunately, I don't remember how it was configured before. Since it was working, I didn't look at /dev to see where the camera shows up. At the moment, there is no /dev/video*. Clearly the system doesn't recognize that the camera is there, but it did before.. I don't recall device specifics. I looked online for a spec sheet that would say who is the webcam manufacturer, but I can only find the resolution. Tomorrow I have to boot into Windows to do some other work and I can get hardware info then.The machine is an MSI A6200 220US; the specs seem not to be available on MSI's website anymore.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Broken / Get It To Work?

May 21, 2010

Gnome has decided to break on me.
When I log in there are no panels, no menus and lots of other things have gone awry.
Fail-safe is fine.

I have read lots of articles, deleted various .gconf files, problem remains...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot A 10.04 Desktop Live From An Iso Image In /boot Partition?

Nov 9, 2010

My laptop can't boot from cdrom becouse it is broken and it can't boot from USB becouse it has never been able. Ubuntu 8.10 now run in my laptop withgrub 1.I've just try the following trick.1) I put grub4dos in /boot2) I put iso image in /boot3) I add the follwing entrt in source.list

# =========== GRUB4GOS ===================================
title == Use grub4dos for the following entries: ==


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Fedora :: FC12: Use --skip-broken To Work Around Dependency

Sep 13, 2010


You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem. You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest. how can I fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Live CD - Automatic Boot From CD - No Asking For Language & Livecd|hdd Boot

Dec 30, 2010

i do software (learn keyboard) for blind people. I selected ubuntu and festival and TTS. Please i NEED (mandatory for disabled people) live cd what can be inserted into cdrom and everything is done - automatic boot, settings done, software is on start-up... created own distribution, programed software, done settings, but what kills me is : How i can run AUTOMATIC (without asking, no enter) boot from CD-ROOM. Now CD asking :

- 1) What language want you (here is only czech) - need ENTER (killer for disabled people)
- 2) Boot from CD or hdd - need ENTER (killer no. 2 for disabeld people)
- after 2) I m ok, i can handle it myself, works.

I edited file in isolinux menu.lst etc - I can edit text but i do not know how run defalut choice automaticly. timout 0 does not work I spent a lot of hours reading tutorials grub/isolinux and have nothing ...

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Fedora :: Unable To Update Properly - Error - You Could Try Using - Skip-broken To Work Around

Aug 19, 2010

When i am updating the following error is coming:

You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem

You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

By using yum update --skip-broken i am able to update only some applications

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Ubuntu :: Broken MBR On Attempting To Dual Boot 10.10 And XP ?

Jan 1, 2011

I've just gone and modified the MBR by following this article: [url]

What now happens is that I boot up the machine and all that comes up is an error:

The disk drive for /home is not ready yet or not present Continue to wait; or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery

I have /home on a separate partition. Using the manual recovery I can see that the partition still exists and has all the files.

What do I need to do in order to get /home mounting again? Is this even the issue?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Broken With Upgrade?

Sep 1, 2011

I had been running a dual boot of both ubuntu and windows 7. I recently upgraded to ubuntu 11.04. After doing so i no longer have the option to select to load windows from the grub loader. Instead of the options presenting themselves my screen remains black before loading ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Broken - LiveCD Won't Boot / What To Do?

Oct 7, 2010

The computer I'm using is a Dell Vostro 1000. If you need any specific stats, let me know and I'll post them, but I don't have access to anything that will list them.

As of this afternoon, Grub will not longer boot. I don't know what prompted it; the only change I made was to the power management settings and installing IcedTea. It brings me to "BusyBox" after saying "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg." Then it brings me to some command prompt that doesn't respond to most bash commands I know, and it says "(initramfs)."

I had that problem two or three weeks ago after Fedora broke Grub, but I fixed it by using "grub-install" in an Ubuntu LiveCD. (No easy task to find what command I needed to use, though.)

But, now the LiveCD won't load. It hangs on the splash screen that just says "Ubuntu" with the dots underneath that indicate it's loading. This exact same disk (and I've reburned it, of course) worked fine when I had to clean up the mess that Fedora made. I tried switching to a terminal at the point where it hangs and there are no messages at all.

I already tried using acpi = off and burning the disk at the slowest speed (from two different computers).

I tried with the Mepis LiveCD, but the GUI just shows a blank screen. I can run commands using Alt+F2, and the cursor is visible, but that's it. I can switch to a terminal, but I can barely use grub-install at all as it is, and I can't figure out how to mount a drive through the command line.

An older version of a Sabayon Linux LiveCD works fine, but, unfortunately, doesn't do anything useful. I haven't tried Knoppix because it never worked on this computer.

If there are any other distros that I can use to run grub-install (preferably lightweight; I'm getting impatient downloading so many 700 mb iso files), I'm open to suggestion. Those are just the ones that I'm familiar with already.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Get Wireless To Work With Live CD 10.04 On PB G4?

May 17, 2010

So I have been testing out the Ubuntu Live CD 10.04 on my PowerBook G4 and most everything seems to be working fine (with the exception of wireless and the dim/brighten buttons.) When connected to the internet via ethernet cable, I was able to download the broadcom hardware (I guess needed to make wireless work??) This is pictured below. However, even after the hardware thing was activated, when I unplugged the ethernet cord and clicked on the icon for wireless internet under wireless, it says, "Device not ready." Can you get wireless to work with the live cd?

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Ubuntu :: Live CD 10.10 Wireless Fail To Work

Dec 28, 2010

With Ubuntu 10.10 live cd Lan and Wireless work fine but when installed on Hardrive Lan and wireless fail to work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Broken After Reload Of XP?

Jan 14, 2010

I am at my wits end with trying to figure out why this machine won't dual boot any more. I had to reload XP and it broke my grub. I have tried everything I can think of to fix it. I have to use SuperGrub cd to boot. I get the grub menu and when I select the kernel it gives an error 17, can't mount selected partition. Also, my sound is broke....again. I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and had to uninstall grub2 to get everything working again

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Broken After Upgrading To 10.04

Apr 12, 2010

I just upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10 and now my Windows XP will not boot from grub. It shows up on the grub boot list but when I select it, all I get is a black screen. It worked perfectly just minutes before the upgrade, but now I cannot use windows, which I need really badly at this point.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Broken And Evolution Mail Stranded

Jul 3, 2010

Running HP with 64 kbit AMD. Have upgraded to 10.04 and everything was good. Then I got the bright idea to use a live disk of 9.04 to create a working bootable flash drive (not a live iso). Now that it is done, the grub loader fails with error 21 and the flash drive goes to la-la land on bootup. All my data was backed up except the mail system. So can the grub loader be repaired or can the evolution files be off loaded using a live disk?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Broken Grub: Triple Boot OSX / 10.04 / 10.10?

Aug 2, 2011

I've been running Ubuntu for some time on an old MacBook 3,1. It has been a happy OSX / 10.04 dual boot. I'm attempting a triple boot: OSX / Ubuntu 10.04 / Ubuntu 10.10. The partition scheme is similar to this, I've lost exact partition sizes:

1 20.5kB 210MB 210MB fat32 EFI System Partition boot
2 210MB 32.9GB 32.7GB hfs+ Untitled
3 33.1GB 33.2GB 105MB ext2 Untitled
4 33.2GB 33.9GB 734MB linux-swap(v1) Untitled


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