Ubuntu :: Backup Or Clone The System Daily Using Ssh?

Feb 13, 2010

I have ubuntu 8.4 can i backup or clone the system daily using ssh ??

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Ubuntu :: Best Choice To Clone Or Backup System?

Mar 2, 2010

I am new Ubuntu. I have a new Dell Mini10 running that I have configured and running. I want to clone or backup the system at it's current state. I have been looking at the options and Clonezilla seems to be recommended often. Are there other choices that are easer or better? My real goal is to make a bootable DVD that will restore my system back to the point it was cloned.

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Security :: Write A Script To Manage Daily Backup On A USB HDD?

Aug 13, 2010

I am about to write a script to manage daily backup on a USB HDD. The server that holds the data works 24 hours a day and therefor, is seldom rebooted. I have 2 options :

OPT 1 : I mount the usb drive once and for all, and copy the data to it when I need to (twice a day, no more) and never unmount it. Except when the server is rebooted of course.

and OPT 2 : I mount the drive, copy the data and unmount it ASAP twice a day when the time has come to backup the data.

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General :: Crontab - Backup Database Daily At Fixed Time

Jul 28, 2010

I'm trying to back up my database daily at 2:30am. is this the right format?
30 2 * * * mysqldump -u root -pPassword database > backup_$(date +%y%m%d).sql

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Ubuntu :: Backup Or Clone Install To Usb Hd?

May 25, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.10 installed on 1TB HD. I would like to back up the full hd, on a 2TB usb HD I have. I would like an easy way to clone/backup the full installation, so if my hd fails I would be able to book the usb hd to get files or do a full reinstall. I have tried dd, but not certain if it worked correctly.Also tried clonezilla and that did not work

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Backup Or Clone

Aug 9, 2011

I have a file server running in an office that's mostly used for file sharing and a scanner saves pdf files to the server. I'm running the latest LTS ubuntu server edition and I really only have ssh installed and samba. My question is that I've done so much to the server as far as premissions and configuration and I'd like to make a clone of this to another computer and not sure how I would do this?

I'm not sure if clonezilla or something like this can perform this task? I basically just have a very old computer and now I have another very old computer that I want to make into a spare just incase something happens to the original. Any recommedations on how I would accomplish this?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Can Clone A Directory?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm looking for software that can backup all the files in my /home directory including hidden files.

I liked Lucky Backup, but it puts everything in a tar file, meaning that the backup fails if the file gets too large (4 GB I think). I would prefer to avoid using tar/archives anyway, as often I only need to recover 1 file from a backup (an archive holding my 50 Gb of data would take ages to open).

Does anyone know of a program or a way to get rsync or the like to copy all the files in a directory, including hidden files, into another directory ( so I end up with effectively a carbon copy of the original). Disk space is not an issue so I don't need to compress anything. I'm not bothered whether its a fancy GUI-based program or a rsync command, just so long as it can save my previous files from.... myself.

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General :: Backup Program To Clone The Partition Of Ubuntu?

Mar 9, 2011

I am looking for Backup Program to clone the partition of Ubuntu.

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Server :: Backup /clone CentOS Over Network?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a finely working CentOS server. I want to clone the complete OS (over network) so that I can use it for same functionality on several other machines..

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Software :: Clone Partition To Create A Backup?

Jun 28, 2011

i want clone my linux partition for create a backup. i want use dd command but i have some question.my linux partition is 30GB and linux only used 10GB of it if i use dd command for create a image i must have 30GB free space? can i use dd command in X window or i must first exit from linux and use live cd? in fedora i use dd command for create a backup when linux is running but after restore some command like su not work!!!

i use some tools like partimage for make a backup but it show me an error about block 0!!

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OpenSUSE Network :: Backup / Clone Of Server In Case It Goes Down

Apr 20, 2010

The place I work has a web/dns server on opensuse 10 up and running hosting a few websites (our company one & a few vhost ones). The box was set up before I got here. Now we are wanting to create a new 11.2 server that is basically a backup / clone of 1st server in case it goes down.

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Debian :: Create A Warm Backup (clone Disk) Of O.S. Without Restart Computer?

Jan 17, 2011

I use clonezilla cd live to backup my Debain Squeese O.S.,

there is the possibility to create a warm backup (clone disk) of O.S. without restart the computer ?

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Debian Configuration :: Cron.daily Not Running Daily On Laptop?

May 31, 2011

I am running on a laptop and cron.daily is set to run at 0625 So I wonder what happens if my machine is not turned on at that time.. At that rate it could also be off for the other periods as well (weekly, monthly) Is there solution that will allow them to run once they are online after the appointed time? using a cron entry that runs every 15 or 5 or 1 minute.

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CentOS 5 :: Daily Backup Of CentOS Server To Disk?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm looking for a simple solution to backup my CentOS Server (5.x) on a daily base to a mounted disk. I found the glastree tool but I have no clue if it will work on CentOS.All recommendations, tipps, hints and maybe scripts are welcome. Unfortunatelly I'm an Linux newbie and starting with Linux CentOS a couple of weeks ago

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Security :: Clone Hard Disk With Cat /dev/sda >/media/disk/backup?

Apr 16, 2009

Can this be done and to restore the disk with a similar cat command.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Clone System On Different Hardware

Feb 19, 2010

I am getting a new server and would like to avoid the typicall install process of OS and applications.How can I clone my actual server on a new one that has different hardware?

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Debian :: Clone A System That Uses Spanned HDs Via LVM?

Oct 1, 2010

i recently installed Debian Lenny on my dad's EEE 900A. I initally tried Ubuntu's 10.04 version but it gave me problems with the WiFi function keys. Debian took me a while to configure based on the excellent Debian EEE wiki, and everything's so much saner now.

I installed Debian Lenny using LVM2, spanning the files over the built-in 4 GB SSD and a plugged-in 8 GB SDHC card. I followed the instructions in this wiki to set it up. I was wondering if there's a way to easily clone this system so that if my dad accidently screws it up the in the future, he would be able to restore it back easily. Obviously, he would have to make backups of his documents, etc. on a separate drive so he can restore them back after the cloned image with the basic drivers, partitions, apps, etc. is restored.

Here's the system's info. There are three partitions on /dev/sda (the SSD) and one partition of /dev/sdb (the SDHC card). /dev/sda3 and /dev/sdb1 have been combined to create a Volume Group, called 'vol-1'. 'vol-1' has two Logical Volumes - 'root' and 'home'. The file system on all partitions is reiserfs.


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General :: Clone A Running System?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm thinking about cloning a system without having physical access to its HDD. Is it possible to simply copy the contents of the filesystem (using ssh/scp) to a freshly formatted HDD (maintaining the source fs-type and -geometry)?

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Copy / Paste An Exact Clone Of A System Already Installed?

Dec 30, 2010

Id like to know if its possible to somehow copy an EXACT copy of my linux from one computer to "paste" on another!

And how would I be able to do this?

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Fedora Installation :: Clone System To SSD LVM To Ext4?

Feb 9, 2011

I am currently running x86_64 F14. I am replacing the HDD(s) with one SSD and one HDD. What I want to do is a fresh install but pull all of the packages over from current install. I am planning on backing up /home and all of that so I can just rsync it. One of the issues though is that I currently use LVM. LVM does not support TRIM yet for the SSD. So I was just going to use ext4 and an extended partition for all of my filesystems. Can I just make a kickstart file that will have all of my current installed packages in it and pass that to the install? Seems like I remember that from my RHCE class. Sadly I don't use kickstart enough to remember.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Tool For Making Clone Of System?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a computer, that has the bad luck to be equipped with buggy hard-drives. Actually, they need a firmware update. This firmware update will probably destroy the data on them. I also want to add one or two other hard-drives to the RAID. What I am looking for, is a tool, that makes a clone of the system as it is now. And then, when I will have upgraded the disk firmware and added the other hard-drives, I just clone the system back from the clone.

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General :: Full System Clone Snapshot Using Rsync?

Dec 11, 2010

I have automated backups running on my ubuntu box using rsnapshot (rsync) basically following this tutorial. My concern is how to restore if everything is lost. Since it does not seem that I can backup the entire drive and that I have to choose individual folders and some like proc/ cause problems.

Currently in my rsnapshot.conf I have (see below). Is there a way to just clone the entire drive? Or should I not do this? Questions:

1, Can I backup in a way such that it is a clone of the drive so that it can be swapped with the current drive?

2, If not yes to clone, If I had a total drive failure would I install a basic ubuntu and then replace all the files with the backups?

3, Anything I might not know about that I should.


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Debian Installation :: Clone Root System And Make It Bootable?

Aug 10, 2010

Running Squeeze here. I added a new SSD to my system. Root is /dev/sda3 and I want to clone that system to the new SSD on /dev/sdb1 and make it bootable. I tried:

mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ssd_root
cp -dpRx / /mnt/ssd_root




grub-install --recheck --root-directory=/mnt/ssd_root /dev/sdb

but to no avail. I cannot get the new system to be bootable and available through Grub. Part of the problem is that I do not know my way around Grub v2 so well, I could probably manage quite well with legacy grub. So, whats the easiest way to clone a system and make it bootable on another partition? Should I be using debootstrap, and importing/exporting the package list to install the same packages on the new system as the old? or is using cp -dpRx to copy the old ok? How do I make the new system boot?

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General :: Clone Or Copy Entire System To External Bootable HD?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a 16GB Ubuntu Webserver running on a Transcend SMART CF chip (Yes I know all the reasons not to). I want to move that entire system (OS, Files and structure) to an external bootable HD that will probably be closer to 100GB. What's the easiest way to do this and have it be plug and play. By which I mean I can then plug the drive into a new system and boot it up just as it was running on the old system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore System To 10.10 - Using A System Backup Made With REMASTERSYS - Grub Error 15

May 2, 2011

I am trying to restore my system to Ubuntu 10.10, using a system backup made with REMASTERSYS. When I reboot, I get the message: GRUB error:15 I found many threads discussing this issue, most notably here: [URL]


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Ubuntu :: Backup System A, To Restore System B?

Jan 25, 2011

Recently I've backupped my entire /home folder on my laptop with grsynch trough ssh.Since I already had a simply text file containing all installed programs, I figured 'then, when i go from the backup trough my desktop, all my program settings will be restored if i run the txt file to install all those programs first.So i installed al programs, then i went from backup to /home on desktop, logged out and back in. Started up a random program (tried thunderbird and filezilla) and no settings were to be found.In retrospect, docky did start, but didnt have all the launchers i had on my laptop. so that could have been a clue.

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Server :: Phone System Reload Backup System?

Oct 7, 2010

At work we have a linux based ip phone system. Now this system was buggy for a bit but we now have it working perfectly. As it is we clone this hard drive and on backup I clone it back. This works but if for whatever I'm not in the office the backup can't go through because apparently no one can read the VERY simple instructions. What i would like to do is burn a cd with a copy of the hard drive (this configuration will change once every 6-12 months at maximum) as well as a VERY minimal linux install.

The goal is they stick the cd in and reboot. The system loads the super minimal linux then it runs a batch file that clones the portion of the CD that has the hard drive onto the system then it asks the nice moron....err....person...to remove the cd and reboot All I need is a a bootable system to a bash script that will run live from cd. I can make the nice bash script that puts to the screen a nice ascii graphic telling the lucky sap it's running and to come back in a little bit to make sure it's done.

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Ubuntu :: Backup To System Without Windows?

Jan 3, 2010

How can I work your backup to Linux system without Windows

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Ubuntu :: Backup Everything The System With Its Settings?

May 9, 2010

easy way to backup everything the system with its settings. I have seen many posts regarding this on google and in this forum but it was a bit hard for me.[URL]...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backup Of System?

May 29, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for a while now though not heavily. I want to try out the new 10.04 as I was not all that happy with 9.10. I would like to backup my entire Ubuntu System so if the upgrade goes south like it probably will and has every time in the past that I can restore it easily. Now in Windows I would use either Paragon Backup or Comodo Backup. So, I was wondering if there is a complete backup system like this for Linux. I have looked at several, but most only back up the home directory or specific directories.

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