Ubuntu :: Automatic Wallpaper Update?

Dec 17, 2010

I have Ubuntu Lucid and am wondering how to have the wallpapers in the Background tab of the Appearances dialog box update automatically when I add a wallpaper to /usr/share/backgrounds. Or should I be putting them somewhere else for this to happen? I have several accounts on my computer and can't go into each account and manually update whenever I add a wallpaper

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OpenSUSE :: Changing Wallpaper Causes Automatic Logout - Suse 11.2 KDE

Mar 21, 2010

Just ran into this issue with Suse 11.2. Everytime I try to change the desktop wallpaper, plasma crashes and returns me to the log in screen. This is the first time this has happened and it happens no matter what wallpaper I choose. Desktop effects are OFF. Strange that adding widgets to the desktop does NOT cause this crash, just changing the desktop wallpaper. The computer is using 855GM Intel Chipset.

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Fedora :: Automatic GUI Update Has Been Crashing - Transaction Error In Update

Oct 1, 2009

For the past few days, the automatic GUI update has been crashing, complaining of a "Transaction error."

Here is the output that pops up in a separate window:


I tried the following:


And got the following (similar) output:


I very rarely use xfce and I don't quite know what exo is, but I'd like to fix this problem if it's not too involved.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lastest Update No Menus - Just Wallpaper

May 1, 2011

I tried to update to the latest update 11.04 I think? and I after the upgrade my computer only shows the wall paper and nothing else. I can press crt+alt+del and turn it on and off and realized that I could press the help button on that menu and get "get up online" to boot up Firefox, but other than that I can't do anything. I thought I saw some possible solutions but I can't even try them since I have no way of getting to the terminal.

Other Info: Accer AspireOne running the Netbook Remix...

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Fedora :: F11 Boots To Wallpaper But No Gnome After Kernel Update

Sep 8, 2009

Applied several updates last night including a kernel and a suggest kmod-nvidia but the 5-43 kernel boots to a wallpaper gnome screen the first time.

Booted to the "fallback" 2.6.29....17 kernel and it worked fine.

Then also booted but without nvidia.

Installing akmod-nvidia as sugggested in other posts. Also see a kmod for this kernel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Log In After Automatic Update?

Apr 13, 2011

I've been using Lubuntu for the last 4-5 months as a virtual web server, for developing Joomla sites. I have been extremely happy with it so far. (Runs with ~300MB memory just fine)A few days ago I installed some updates and the next time I rebooted the login screen was different and I couldn't log in to the graphical environment any more.I hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 I can log in to the console bu

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot After Automatic Update?

Jun 5, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 performed an automatic update today which required a reboot afterwards. The reboot took me into a shell "GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu6", rather than the usual grub boot menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Automatic Update Doesn't Work

Mar 20, 2010

I have a kind o Kubuntu-Studio 9.10

I installed from Ubuntu Karmic minimal, so i did install KDE.

i have update-manager-kde, update-notifier-kde and kpackage kit installed. for manual installing i use synaptic though.

in the repositry-manager the automatic updates are anabled (daily).

but it is not checking for updates. i checked manually in synaptic, and there are updates available.

so, how do i let it check automaticly for updates?

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Fedora :: Automatic Update Mechanism In F14?

Nov 7, 2010

can someone please confirm or correct my understanding of automatic upgrades in F14:as far as i currently understand the automatic update mechanism in F14 it works the following way:

1.) PackageKit (packagekitd) periodically checks for updates using YUM as it's backend and displays a nice icon in the tray to inform the user when upgrades are available.

2.) PackageKit (packagekitd) only runs when a user needs it and terminates afterward. When a interactive Desktop session is running, packagekitd is always running because it's spawned by the session manager.

3.) When using a console only system (without X) or when nobody is logging in on the local graphical console for a longer time i need yum-checkupdates for configuring automatic upgrades (same as done per default in CentOS).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Set Automatic Update For 11.3 In KDE?

Jul 31, 2010

YaST2 now does not have an "Online Update Configuration" anymore.Where are we supposed to setup automatic update installation? In Gnome there is an item for this in the Gnome Update Applet, but there is nothing equivalent in the KDE Updater Applet.

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Ubuntu :: Administration Functions And Automatic Update Fail To Work?

Mar 27, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 8.04. Most of my Administration functions have stopped working. If I click on Hardware Drivers, Hardware Testing, Log In Window, Software Sources, Synaptic Package Manager, and Windows Wireless Drivers my pointer turns into the timer wheel, so I know it is working, but then it just disappears and nothing happens. When I click on Update Manager my computer freezes. If I try to update through the red Updates Available arrow at the top of my screen my computer freezes. I can update through terminal but the red arrow never goes away. I also have 17 updates that won't update. I have tried them one at a time through terminal but they just freeze the computer. The only way to unfreeze it is to shut the computer down.

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Debian Configuration :: No Automatic Update Of The Kernel?

Nov 1, 2010

I've just installed debian sid and see that I've the kernel 2.6.32. I was a bit surprise as on ubuntu I had the 2.6.35 and debian sid is supposed to be more up to date that ubuntu (maybe I'm wrong).So I checked what were the packages available :

mart@mart-laptop:~$ uname -a
Linux mart-laptop 2.6.32-5-686-bigmem #1 SMP Sat Oct 30 23:25:58 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
mart@mart-laptop:~$ sudo aptitude search ^linux-image


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Fedora :: F15 Automatic Update Without Notice To User?

Jun 8, 2011

So, I logged into my laptop this morning and tried to run a VirtualBox VM and it barked that I had not setup the kernel module yet. I found this odd since I was running it fine yesterday... so I was poking around my system and noticed that there was a yum update yesterday

Jun 07 14:03:21 Updated: 1:gdm-3.0.4-1.fc15.x86_64
Jun 07 14:03:22 Updated: 1:gdm-plugin-fingerprint-3.0.4-1.fc15.x86_64
Jun 07 14:03:35 Installed: kernel-debug-devel-
Jun 07 14:03:37 Updated: kernel-headers-


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OpenSUSE :: Automatic Update Doesn't Work After 11.2

Jan 4, 2010

I installed from scratch 11.2, but i see now that the Automatic update doesn't work. I run "Refresh" on Updater Applet and it come up with an error: PackageKit Error repo-not-available:

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OpenSUSE Install :: Automatic Update Not Working In 11.2?

Dec 23, 2009

I enabled Automatic Online Updates in opensuse 11.2, and set the frequency to "Daily", but after 24 hours I haven't seen an update. It may be because I had YaST still running and maybe the installed software database was locked.At any rate,ow can I verify that Automatic Online Updates are scheduled?

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Networking :: Automatic Update Of Squid 'whitelist'

Jul 8, 2010

i have recently configured squid with dansguardian. Squid was running on a whitelist mode, meaning i deny every single traffic, and allow traffic that matches with what i allow only.

this however, introduced a problem where i have to manually update the list of sites allowed for kids, which is not efficient. is there any websites where i can use' wget' to download recommended websites for kids, and plug it into the list of allowed websites.

or I'm thinking that maybe if there's some way to write a script where it will automatically add the search results to the list, from reliable search engines like www.kidrex.org.

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Fedora Installation :: Black Screen After Automatic Update?

Jun 25, 2009

I should have know, it's named after a windows "feature".On my laptop (Acer Aspire 5310) Fedora 10 offered me an automatic update to Fedora 11. Because I trust any automatic update Fedora brings to me (it's tested right) I automatically pressed yes. It started some downloads and everything seems to run pretty smooth. Then I had to reboot the computer, press that button as well.... and it reboots into Fedora 10 (untill the end of the bar). After that I have no clue what happens, because before X is started I get a black screen with nothing on it, even ESC doesn't do anything :O I don't even get the "_" to indicate the laptop is doing anything.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Automatic Update Hangs Computer?

Dec 21, 2009

I have managed to install SUSE 11.1 linux on an old ACER laptop. Everything works great unless I use the automatic install update tool. As soon as I do this the computer refuses to boot, it just gets stuck even on safe boot. What is going on ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Automatic Kernel Update To

Oct 28, 2010

my friend updated kernel today and it "stopped working" and I was asked to fix it he is new to linux, and I don't have physical access to that notebook from what I know main problems are:

1. no network devices exist (except for loopback)
2. sound card driver is missing (nVidia MCP79)
3. in grub menu after choosing new kernel uname -r sais the old one's version

wifi card is atheros, but I don't know specific model.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Automatic Online Update In YaST?

May 21, 2011

in the last few days, Kpackagekit, which I use to update my system (openSUSE 11.4) had some difficulties to

1. install updates for flashplugin, because whenever you accept the license, Kpackagekit closes, and starts from beginning = a never ending cycle is started

2. fetch updates from Packman. It always throws a message with connection timeout - in Zypper and YaST no such problem occurs

Thats why I have fiddled around in YaST online update and found a feature "automatic online update". For that you need an extra package yast-online-update-configuration. I installed it and configured it to do automatic Updates.

So now I have a question on how it works. Because I have some additional repos activated: KDE updated Apps, KDE extra and the KDE release 4.6 repo, which brings the most recent KDE updates for KDE 4.6.

These repos have priority 90 whereas all the other repos - Packman, OSS, Non-OSS, Contrib etc. have prio 99.

Will YaST install all the updates from KDE with this setup? I am asking, because when I did online updates in Yast before, with prio 99 for the KDE repos, it did not update them, unless I choosed, "Packages --> update all, if newer version is available". I would like to set Kpackagekit into silent and just stick with YaST for that, but have an automatic system update.

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Fedora :: Make 'yum Update' On CentOS Recurring And Automatic?

Dec 10, 2010

I run a few dozen dedicated web servers all running CentOS 5.5. A long time ago when one server was apparently compromised, I was urgently advised to sign in to the server and run "yum update" at least once a week to ensure that everything which I had installed using "yum", would get updated with any recently available updates, including security fixes, and that one reason I might have been hacked before was because I hadn't been doing that.

So, I'm still not sure if that would have prevented the original break-in, or how much this has reduced my chances of being hacked, but I've been faithfully signing in to each server every week for the past few months and running "yum udpate". Most times, this results in a lot of patches being downloaded and applied, so it's clear the machines are not doing it automatically. I figure it's about time to learn how to make the machines do this on their own. Is there a standard way to make "yum update" run automatically, every day, or every week? Yes, I'm sure there are many ways to do it, but is there a single way used by the majority of webmasters of CentOS sites who have automatic updates set up? Googling a bit for "make yum updates automatic" turned up some threads like:


in which people describe writing their own custom scripts to do yum update automatically. This seems odd. It seems like the kind of thing that there would be a standard way to turn on. Also, is there a reason that virtually every newly provisioned dedicated server does not have "yum update" set up to recur automatically? If it's true that people break into websites using exploits that have been found in older versions of webservers and other software, and that sometimes these breakins would have been prevented by the newest patches, wouldn't it reduce the number of websites being compromised if the OS had yum updates turned on automatically by default?

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Networking :: Automatic Internet Configuration Lost After Update?

Sep 10, 2010

After running a large update and rebooting a few weeks ago, I found that my internet connection had stopped working. My internal network still worked fine though, so it I know it's not the card itself or its configuration. After a bit of trial and error I discovered that simply running dhclient brings the connection up again, so it appears that something is interfering with the initial dhcp update to my ISP (or something like that; I'm no expert in this area. ) My usual policy in cases like this is to wait through two or three updates in the hopes that it's just a temporary problem, but it's been a while now and subsequent updates haven't fixed it.

I've tried looking around, but I can't come up with search criteria specific enough to narrow it down to my specific situation. I'm not even sure where to begin looking to diagnose the problem, nor do I know which package update(s) could've affected it. I'm not sure what might be useful, but here's the relevant entry in /etc/network/interfaces. I have it configured with a static internal address, with my router as the gateway.


# The primary network interface
mapping eth0
script grep
map eth0


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General :: Can't Open Terminal And Other Apps - After Automatic Update And Reboot?

Sep 24, 2010

I did an automatic update and rebooted this morning and I now have a bit of a nightmare situation where I can't open the majority of applications, including the terminal. When I rebooted, my desktop loaded as normal, but then when I try to open the terminal (from Applications -> Accessories or from my quick launch panel), nothing happens other than the quick launch panel disappears for a second then reappears. This is the case for most other apps, but not for Chrome (obviously).

Used Alt+F2 to open the terminal, ran safe upgrade and then rebooted, but still having the same issue. As Ubuntu was booting, there was a "Broken pipe" message, which didn't stop the boot process but is still a bit worrying. I've run a file system check but this hasn't resolved the problem either.

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Debian Configuration :: Automatic Update - Error Occurred While Saving Config Info

Nov 9, 2010

After an automatic update from Debian I get the following error while starting a root terminal:
An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnome-terminal. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly.
Failed to contact configuration server: the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-bus session bus daemon.

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General :: Get The Matching Kernel Headers Automatic On A Regular Kernel Update Via The Ubuntu Packed Manager?

Nov 26, 2010

Is there a way to get the matching Linux kernel headers automatic on a regular kernel update via the Ubuntu packed manager? Every time I get a new kernel I must do an aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`

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Fedora :: "Automatic" Update Caused Desktop Effects To Stop And Slow Downs / Sort It?

Aug 8, 2011

Seems like the latest Kernel (2.6.40-4.fc15.i686) update screwed with my setup a little bit.

This is what happened:

I had about 100 updates to my F15 pending in my taskbar's update notifier.
I let the system update itself.
Reboot and desktop effects don't work.
Takes a long time to open up Dolphin.
electricsheep (OpenGL screen saver) doesn't work.

I'm assuming it's a problem with OpenGL or my nvidia video drivers which I tried reinstalling from mjmwired's guide.

That didn't fix anything.

I'm looking for a point in the right direction or a way to revert back to my previous state before the system updated everything.

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Ubuntu :: Different Wallpaper For Each Workspace?

Mar 17, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 8.10... Is there a way to keep a separate wallpaper for each workspace?

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Ubuntu :: Different Wallpaper On Each Desktop?

Jan 16, 2011

I have tried to follow instructions on an old post from 2008 but on my 11.04 there is no section for desktop images and it is system>preferences>CompizConfig Settings Manager not system>preferences>advanced desktop settings

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Ubuntu :: Get A Different Wallpaper For Each Workspace?

Mar 9, 2011

how to get a different wallpaper for each workspace?

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Ubuntu :: No Wallpaper In Gnome 3?

Jun 2, 2011

Trying Ubuntu yet again (seems to occur every 6 months or so!)

I've installed Natty, and wasn't so keen on Unity so I decided to try Gnome 3. Not sure if I prefer it either but better than unity I think so giving it a go.

Anyway, my problem is that I don't have a wallpaper and changing it doesn't have any effect, it's just a solid colour.

At first I didn't have a desktop at all but changing a setting in the gnome 3 tweak tool (Have file manager handle the desktop > on) fixed that. Then I went to install nautilus elementary but that messed up my wallpaper, hence it's now blank. I've reverted to Nautilus now but I'm not sure elementary actually worked as it didn't look any different.

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