Ubuntu :: Xserver Does Not Want To Start

Sep 22, 2010

Upon bootinh ubuntu the display refuses to start, i archived the log files but i don't know how to post them here, im on a windows dual boot

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Ubuntu Installation :: XServer Will Not Start After Upgrade 9.10 To 10.04?

May 2, 2010

I upgraded to 10.04 and when trying to boot, the computer would hang at the splash screen. Going into recovery mode showed nothing in the log files. The Xorg and gdm logs were zero bytes but had the proper timestamp. I tried and tried, but could not get it to boot until I removed the nvidia-current package. Then the computer will boot, but the screen is partially corrupted with just a blue background. I can hit enter, then type my password and I can actually login, but I can't see a thing. I can cycle through the resolutions with Ctrl +, but the screen just still has a blue background and nothing else. Trying to boot in failsafe X mode gives the same screen. I tried putting the vesa driver in the xorg.conf, but no change.

I've tried the i915.modeset=0 boot option. I've tried the "xforcevesa" boot option, but nothing will give me a readable screen. As soon as I re-installed the nvidia-current package and ran nvidia-xconfigure, the problem came back and it hangs again.At this point, I'm stuck. I would settle for a plain VGA screen at this point, but I can't even seem to get that. I've read several posts here with similar problems and tried every solution put forth, I think, but have not found a solution.When the upgrade wanted to install the new /etc/default/grub, I kept my old one. I compared the two files at the time, but I didn't see anything new, but maybe I missed something. What new items if any does the upgrade put into /etc/default/grub?

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Ubuntu :: Start Xserver Without -nolisten Option?

Sep 1, 2011

I have the following problem with Xserver which I think can be solved by starting it without the -nolisten option:

Server - (say has the X application installed
Client - (say is a stock standard ubuntu 11.04 client machine with screen and xserver installed.

I need to be able to run the X application on the ubuntu client by exporting the display on the server as follows:

export DISPLAY=
I have run 'xhost +' on the ubuntu client to disable access control however I still get the error:

Error: Can't open display:
I believe this is because xserver is started with the -nolisten option:

ps -ef | grep listen
root 1020 989 1 18:21 tty7 00:00:27 /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-V9E9KA/database -nolisten tcp vt7
Both server and client are not connected to the outside world and are in a trusted environment so security is not a concern (I realise doing the above is a serious security issue)

I cannot use ssh tunneling for the xserver traffic as the proprietory program relies on the DISPLAY variable been set to the correct client ip. (Would be great if I could though!!)

I have searched the /etc directory for the -nolisten option and have found the following file: /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc. I removed the -nolisten tcp option however the xserver still starts with the -nolisten tcp option.

I have been looking through the xserver manuals however cant find too much relating to this.

Does anyone have any pointers as to how i could start the xserver without the -nolisten option?

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General :: Cannot Start Xserver-mandriva

Feb 18, 2011

i'm using mandriva spring powerpack on a samsung n210. after the installation the screen went fuzzy. i logged on as root, and did XFdrake selected xorg vesa and nv but i still get the same issue. the screen res is at 1024x600. can anyone recommend an alternative xserver. the free version worked fine, i just don't know what it uses

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General :: Error: Cannot Start Xserver

Jun 10, 2011

Using GNOME2.X (default) and Fluxbox on ZorinOS4(upgraded from ubuntu10.10 to 11.04) When I boot up everything goes fine right up until the splash screen. Once I get to that, Screen goes black for 3 seconds or so, Then the command line pops up, Asks me for LOGIN: and PASSWORD:, and after I enter that it starts fsck then says something like:


/dev/sda5 mounted - sda5 mounted 22 times without check, Forcing check-- sda5 CLEAN Xnumberofblocks/Ynumberof blocks...

Error: cannot start Xserver

If needed I can reboot my machine and write the whole thing out and post it back. sda5 shows it is filesystem, ext4, 25g ,mounted at /,Partition type Linux(0x83), partition flags: - SO after it does a force check it brings me back to hevithan:$ ... I tried typing fluxbox to run that instead of GNOME and it says Error: failed to launch. Xserver is running.. So I reboot, and select: ubuntu-linux version(recovery mode). Look at the startup log it says what I already got in command: Failed to boot XServer is already running. So I select Restart X and it works fine after that.

Things I have downloaded/installed recently:

*Used additional drivers to enable propitiatory drivers.


*Simdock (Which I didn't like) so...


*A comic book reader (I forget the name but it was in the repos) and a few upgrades to software/programs I already had.

Why is X trying to start 2 times? Why is it forcing FSCK every time? Could anything I have downloaded changed my GRUB or Kernel info and confused the system?

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Debian Configuration :: #couldn't Start The Xserver?

Mar 26, 2010

im sure that my graphic card is good but after i installed the compiz manager ....the system failed to start the xserver this is the xserver output :

x.org x server 1.7.5
release date : 2010-02-16
x protocol version 11, revision 0


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Find The Right Command To Start Another XServer?

Jun 30, 2010

I tried my best on searching for the answer to this question. I couldn't find the right command to start another XServer. Maybe I just don't know how to look for it, or I'm using the wrong keywords. Anyway, what I want to happen is hit CTRL+ALT+F6 (F7 to return to my desktop) and start another XServer to run a full screen game. How do i do that? Is it possible to have multiple instances of X?

By the way, the error says that an instance of x server is already running on display 0 after I have issued this command: Code: startx In case you're wondering why this is my solution, it's because scripting is not my type for automatically making an xserver when I click a game, especially if you'd have to do it for all other games :/ So, let's stick to my idea D unless it's impossible, of course. EDIT: I was able to get a new xserver with xterm in it, but it seems there is no acceleration or some sort >.< OpenLieroX runs at a frame rate of 15 fps or so. Anyone have an idea on how to enable acceleration on openbox?

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General :: Unable To Start Xserver On Mandrake 9.2?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm basically a linux noobie, and have a problem with one of my machines I use for work. As the title states I am unable to start my xserver, using the startx command I have been using for the past 5 years. It goes to the blue loading screen with the x for a cursor, hangs there for about a min or so then goes back to the command screen. I get an error:

giving up.
xinit: Permission denied (errno 13): unable to connect to xserver
waiting for xserver to shut down
xinit: Server error.

I have tried logging on as root and trying startx again. Same error.

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Ubuntu :: Can't See Mountpoints On Xserver?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm opening this thread following the topic forum organization. The original thread are onAs above described, I changed all my system root to bind user and getting back to root. But a consequence of that are vary and maybe take some time to get resolved, but the topic of the thread is:I can't see the mount points on Places for all my drives (included HDD, CD/DVD and USB's). I doesn't use mkdir + mount strategies, because, I had some estrange troubles with, about that later, when I want to use the front end the drives don't mountEx.:Graphical: Click on Places > Filesystem 1GB = mounted on /media/MYBRANDon terminal: mount /dev/hda1 /media/usbstick = mounted on /media/usbsticGraphical: Click on Places > Filesystem 1GB = mounted randomly on /media/usbstick or /media/MYBRAND or doesn't mount.

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Ubuntu :: Xserver On 10.10 Is Not Starting?

Oct 11, 2010

I had a Ubuntu 10.04 upon which I had nvidia Proprietary Drivers,Now After upgrading the distribution to ubuntu 10.10, instead of getting to the login screen i get on the tty1 Terminal. upon logging in from tty1 and running xstart it says "Fatal error X server failed to start" how do I fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound On Second XServer?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm currently trying to get the game "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" working on a second XServer. So far, it runs nicely. However, I've got no sound which probably definitely isn't even connected to the game itself but rather PulseAudio, the XServer or the Ubuntu implementation:Sound on the 1st XServer (desktop) works perfectly. As soon as I start the game on the second XServer (and automatically switch to it), desktop sound is suspended (Totem even crashes) while there is no sound coming from the game. Also, people can't hear me talking on Mumble. When I switch back to the Desktop I can hear the game's (i.e. the second XServer's) sound, can listen to music again and people also hear me on Mumble again (and vice versa). A look at pavucontrol tells me that Enemy Territory is accessing and using the correct audio device. Switching back to the game yields the same result as 2)

Further notes:I have added my user account to the audio group. When started on the first XServer, Enemy Territory runs well and with sound. However, this is no solution for me as it affects the game's performance and I can't minimize the game then.)

Ideally, I'd like to continue listening to music and using Mumble while playing Enemy Territory. But first of all, sound in ET has to work at all.

At the moment I'm completely confused and don't even know where to look for an answer. I have found several bugs that might be involved in this which I'd like to mention for documentation purpose. The proposed solutions (1. using ck-launch-session, 2. running PulseAudio in daemon mode) haven't worked for me, though: [URL]

Unfortunately, I can't remember whether sound worked on the second XServer when I installed the game the last time (because there were other problems preventing me from playing it). According to this guy it did.

I'd be grateful for any hints that might point me in the direction of solving the issue. If necessary, I'd also get my hands dirty and look for the bug in the source code. If I just knew where to start? So, even if you don't have a solution for me, you can maybe answer the following? In Ubuntu, is sound (PulseAudio) supposed to be associated with an XServer instance? If so, is it only the X session currently being displayed which is allowed to play sound? Or should the sound of all sessions get mixed and be played no matter which X session is active?

PS: I'm running Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Apply A Patch For XServer?

Mar 11, 2010

I have compiz fusion and an ATI card (FGLRX driver) installed. This means that my windows are painfully slow to resize/min/max. This has bugged me for awhile, but apparently someone found a fix, as specified in: 107_fedora_dont_backfill_bg_none.patch

[Basically, they commented out most of a function].

how do I apply this patch? It causes problems for people using KDE on intel cards, but that won't bother me since I'm AMD on gnome.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reconfigure XServer - Xorg To Run

Aug 27, 2010

When I put sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg into terminal then hit the return key it asks for my password which I put in, it then seems to do nothing it doesn't open the xserver page to make any changes.

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Ubuntu :: Stopping Xserver In Lubuntu 10.10?

Dec 11, 2010

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop

This code isnt working. I get "command not found." Does anybody know the correct code?

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Ubuntu :: PC Crashes When Trying To Load Xserver

Jan 14, 2011

So, after the last Update, my PC crashes when trying to load Xserver. I can boot in the "recovery mode" from grub and then choose "resume" from the menu. This takes me to tty1. From there if I try to startx my computer crashes again and I'm left with a black screen with no hints as to what went wrong. I even tried


But the file stays empty because apparently my computer hangs before it has the chance to write anything to it.

Finally, I went to the /etc/X11 directory and searched for any xorg.conf backup files. I only found a xorg.conf.fglrx-0 which I renamed to xorg.conf and tried to load xserver again with the exact same result.

Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work either.

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Ubuntu :: Wine Crash And Locking Xserver On 11.04

Oct 23, 2010

Recently upgraded to 11.04 - everything was working well in 10.04. However, running programs in wine (or running wincfg) now causes the xserver to lockout after a random interval. At best, I get dumped back to the gdm, at worst it needs a hard reboot. I've tried using wine versions 1.3 and 1.2, but both cause the same problem. I've also tried installing ldfontconfig from 10.04 as I read that this was a resolution for people having similar issues, but no joy.

I'm running 64 bit ubuntu, and have an ati graphics card

This is a real deal breaker for me - I need MSOffice, but really don't want to go through the hassle of downgrading to 10.04.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xserver No Backfill For Lucid?

Apr 30, 2010

Have to say I am loving the new Ubuntu (Lucid), however I have the same problem I do every time I upgrade and that is the maximize/minimize delay in Firefox or any open window for that matter. In the past I have installed a deb file called xserver-nobackfill and it fixes the problem, but I cannot find one for Lucid. I try an older version and it tells me a newer version is already installed. I know Lucid just came out yesterday, but I wondered if someone knew where to look, or something to try

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Ubuntu :: Does KDE Work Differently / Can Different Xserver Be Cause Of KDE Not Working

May 29, 2010

Now I tried installing the KDE destop enviremont, the install went just fine but when I try to log into KDE I see the startup screen for a second then everything goes dark.It stays that way in the background i think the desktop is there because the mouse cursor is there, I can move it around but that's all.Does KDE work differently and so can the different xserver be the cause of KDE not working?

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Ubuntu :: Xserver Fails To Find Screen?

Jul 21, 2010

I've been trying to solve the well known problem of Xorg with Nvidia cards. But instead, I've made it worst.

When i try to start gdm, here's what it tells me

: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.152175 seconds
: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.143700 seconds
: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.138337 seconds


I tried to put the more information possible(btw, I'm on a laptop).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xserver Not Working Correctly

Oct 19, 2010

I had my Lenovo T60 laptop working on Ubuntu 10.10 with visual effects and everything except for one thing the screen would flicker constantly I began to fiddle around with the Xserver trying to fix the flickering but I somehow regressed and am now unable to use visual effects. The Xserver fails to load any devices when I try to start it. Included is a copy of my xorg.conf file.

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 260.19.06 (buildmeister@builder101) Mon Sep 13 07:06:38 PDT 2010


Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"


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Ubuntu :: Xserver With Nvidia Doesn't Work 10.04

Nov 13, 2010

It does this all the time whenever I reboot and I hadn't rebooted my PC in months simply because it's a GOD DAMN pain to figure this crap out. I need a REAL fix.

My computer turns off and boots, it goes directly into Recovery Menu. It refuses to boot normally. I load low graphics mode, it doesn't even let me make changes to the configuration file, OR let me have ONE session in low graphics mode. I've tried reconfiguring xserver, re-installing nvidia drivers, STILL the same effing garbage. It's starting to **** me off. I'm mostly a Linux noob, and I hate trying all these "tips" that don't work to make my stupid display work. I use gnome. Any advice, tips whatever to make this work? If you need something, I'll try my best to get it but I'm on my other computer right now so displaying my configuration files will be a pain. :/ Before I installed vesa, low graphics mode wouldn't work because it said the vesa module didn't exist and it also said no screens.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Xserver Not Working After Upgrading To 11.04?

Apr 30, 2011

I have upgraded to ubuntu 11.04... but after that i m not able to view full graphics of ubuntu.. desktop seems very dull. whenever i try to open my nvidia x server setting from system-> administration it says " You not appear to be using Nvidia X drivers".. Unity is also not working.. using ubuntu old theme,,

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia-xsettings Killed Xserver?

May 30, 2011

i tried to get some glx support to my X11/xfce4 so i read some threads and i just wanted to try out nvidia-settings to check out how far i've come. it told me to run nvidia-xconfig (which i did) afterwards X refused to start at all, so i copied back the old xorg.conf.i know that X has changed a year ago or so and xorg.conf isnt really of any use (so that file is "like" empty, just three lines or so).whatever, now i cannot login to my old xfce4 environment, i get the loginbox and type in password, after 2 secs i get a black screen with some errors (blinks away after half a sec) a black screen with a cursor and then get back to the login screen.

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Ubuntu :: Xserver Died On Kernel Upgrade ?

Jul 14, 2011

When booting to kernel 2.6.38-10 I get an error about it not being able to load the nvidia drivers/kernel module. 2.6.38-8 works fine. Actually I do not even get the error unless I run 'startx' but instead have to hunt through the logs for it.

I do not even get the usual low resolution mode, just the text terminal so this is an serious issue especially since grub no longer prompts at startup for alternate boot options. Probably the worst change in Ubuntu since it makes it much harder to recover from something like this.

I think it might be due to the GTX 460 card I have, I noticed other people have had the same issue in the past with this card.

Nvidia drivers installed from the kubuntu repository version 4.1.0 NVIDIA 270.41.06.

How do I fix the drivers, or alternately what is the change in the grub menu to change the defaulted booted kernel?

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Ubuntu :: Natty Xserver Crash And Matlab?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm having troubles with ubuntu Natty."Randomly" I'm thrown out back to the log-in page; I saw some threads online talking about xserver crashes but I didn't find any solution.I noticed it happens more often (but not always) when I use this matlab code to delete all the matlab figures.

Matlab code (not mine):

f = findobj(0);
f(f == 0) = [];
set(f, 'DeleteFcn', '')
f = findobj('Type', 'figure');;


I have a Radeon HD 6370M with proprietary drivers.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dpkg-reconfigure Xserver-xorg Does Nothing

Jan 14, 2010

I need a video driver for SIS M760GX for an ACER Aspire 5000 laptop.

Everywhere I've looked it says to run

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Supposedly, this is supposed to open a window where I can change settings. However it does nothing and just returns me to the prompt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Latest Updates Break The Xserver?

Jun 13, 2010

Ubuntu has been great and it is a great Linux distro. Unfortunately, the update of 9.10 desktop edition to release 10.4 failed on a couple of fronts.

1) Xserver is no longer working;
2) An upgrade of grub-pc causes an exception.

The system ran perfectly before the update was performed. The update resulted in Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of MBR. This is a BAD idea. usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and is use is discouraged.

Based on information found at [URL]... an attempt was made to execute the following command. sudo aptitude dist-upgrade But that resulted in E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run sudo dpkg configure ato correct the problem The later launches an upgrade of grub-pc. This routine requests the selection of which devices are to be used to store grub-install. When that was done ... GRUB failed to install to the followed devices: /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd4

Do you want to continue anyway? If you do, your computer may not start up properly. GRUB installation failed. Continue? Questions:
1) Can / should the upgrade of grub-pc be bypassed in order to get the system running?
2) If not, what values should be selected when selecting the devices to store grub-install?
3)Because the computer is a RAID configuration, would someone advise are there special considerations which should be considered?
4) Once grub-pc is resolved or bypassed, should the commands found in the aforementioned article be used to repair xserver.
5) Are there additional measures which will be needed to in order to complete the update to release 10.4?

Here are some helpful details on the system configuration

The computer has four disk drives using RAID 1 and RAID 5.In the following configuration RAID5 Device #0 750.2 GB Sotfware RAID device
#1 750.2 GB ext4
SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) 320.1 GB ATA WDC WD3200AAKS-2
#4 primary 250.1 GB K raid
#3 primary 16.0 GB F swap


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Ubuntu :: Restore Xserver To Working Or Default Values?

Jun 17, 2010

I made some changes to the Nvidia Xserver settings and now I get no signal to my monitors. I also have grub configured to only display the main ubuntu kernel and windows so there are no recovery options. How do I restore Xserver to working or default values?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Switch The Primary Within NVidia's Xserver App?

Jul 4, 2010

Currently Monitor 0 is the TV (S-video). I want it to be my Monitor. My attempts to change this are failing Seams I'm just tripping over some little thing:

Unbuntu 10.04
Graphics - NVidia 7600
Displays - 2
- Samsung LCD (DVI)
- TV (S-Video)

I do not see how to switch the primary within NVidia's xserver app. Background Info: In order to get the TV out working, I disconnected the Monitor and booted the system - The TV-out then worked for the first time. Reconnected the monitor and rebooted again - both worked..but TV is Monitor0. All other options failed me when I set this up the first time

Current xorg.conf
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@palmer) Fri Apr 9 10:35:18 UTC 2010
Section "ServerLayout"


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Ubuntu :: Installed Wrong Xserver Graphics Drivers

Feb 21, 2011

I accidentally installed ATI graphics drivers on an intel graphics system. They didn't appear to install properly, because upon next boot everything was fine, except for compiz and any 3d game.

compiz-check says that I've managed to get intel back as default, but I'm still missing a rendering method.

Does anyone know how to get the renderer back? I assume it has something to do with changing the kernel? I don't know how to change the kernel anyway.

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