Ubuntu :: Workspace Switcher Panel Screens Gone Huge?

Feb 3, 2011

my 4 WS screens in the bottom panel have suddenly gone really wide. They take up most of the panel now and things are getting squashed when I have a few programs open.Can't see any options to adjust the size/width? Using 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Switcher On Panel Does Not Show All Workspaces?

Jul 2, 2011

I have a workspace switcher on one of my panels, and it has ten columns by one row. However, when Ubuntu first starts up, it only shows four workspaces. By screwing around with the settings, I eventually get it to show all ten, but it would be nice if I didn't have to do that. What is going on?

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Rows Without Workspace Switcher?

Mar 31, 2011

Is there any way to have workspaces on multiple rows without the workspace switcher added to a panel? I have limited screen space so i want to try and remove any unnecessary items. I have tried using a drawer, but the workspace application is not loaded until the drawer is opened once. Also note I am not running compiz as the computer is a netbook.

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Ubuntu :: Bug In Workspace Switcher

Nov 11, 2010

Maverick 10.10

I believe these are bugs or omissions.

When using the Workspace switcher you can no longer drag an application from one screen (workspace) to another. I like to use 8 different screens to avoid clutter.

You also were allowed on the Preferences menu to change the default name of the workspace from "workspace 1" to just "1".

Before Maverick you could hover the mouse over a workspace and the name would appear. Now the only things that appears is workspace 1 without regard for whatever workspace you are on.

To me an omission of a necessary or important feature is a Bug. If this was done by design than it is a design bug.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Workspace Switcher

Apr 30, 2011

How to i change my workspace switcher in Gnome 3

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Ubuntu :: Old Workspace Switcher On Unity?

May 2, 2011

I've been using Natty(unity as desktop) since the beta now and it is really growing on me except for the workspaces. Is there a way to see what workspace I am on? *When typing I usually switch with ctrl-alt-"left/right/up/down" but after some work i don't always know what desktop i am one so switching is usually trial and error jumping from desktop to desktop or pressing super-s to get an overview. Seeing which desktop I'm on (maybe in the unity workspace button) would help with that.

*When just using the mouse I used to click on the workspace launcher and I would be on the desktop of my choice in one click but now I need to click on the switcher, identify where I am and where I need to go and it breaks the flow of fast switching, its no advantage anymore compared to just opening all programs on 1 workspace and using super-w I guess there are upcoming changes on the switcher as unity is still in its infancy so is there a way to put the old switcher in the top panel again?

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Ubuntu :: Restore Workspace Switcher Menu?

Mar 28, 2011

Just a little annoying. When I first installed ubuntu I had the option to name the workspaces and move the windows around. Now all I have is context to change the number of workspaces. How do I get the rest of the menu back

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Switcher Not Configurable On Second Screen?

Apr 7, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on a laptop with a second monitor configured as a separate x screen.

I configured the workspace switcher applet on the laptop screen to be 2x2 and it changed appropriately. When I go to the preferences for the workspace switcher on the second screen it says it's set to two columns and two rows but still displays as the default four columns and one row and any changes made have no effect.

I changed the setting num_rows from one to two under apps/panel/applets/workspace_switcher_screen1/prefs using gconf-editor and restarted my gnome-panels but it had no effect.

Is there anyway to make the workspace switcher on the second screen display as 2x2?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Unity - Can't Get Rid Of Workspace Switcher?

Apr 29, 2011

I don't want to use more than one workspace. On previous versions of Ubuntu, I was able to reduce the number of workspaces to 1 and and remove the workspace switcher from the panel. I want to do this in Unity and can't find a way to. Right clicking doesn't let me remove from the launcher and I can find no way to reduce the workspaces.

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Switcher Missing Important Functionality?

Mar 20, 2010

I just installed a fresh copy of 9.10. My problem is the way Workspace Switcher 2.28.0 (the default of the installation) with compiz running (I haven't tried without compiz) Old behaviour: (9.04 and 8.10) a) rolling the mouse wheel over a workspace of the workspace switcher means: move to the next or previous workspace b) click on a the representation of a window (a little square) on the the workspace switcher and then drag it to another workspace means: move window to other workspace

In 9.10 the workspace switcher does work (the number of workspace can be configured, Ctl-Alt-left & right arrow, Ctlr-Shiht-Alt-right&left arrow) but the functionality described in a and b is missing.


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Ubuntu :: Can Workspace Switcher Show Minimized Windows

Mar 9, 2011

Is there anyway that the Workspace Switcher can show Minimised Windows.I can see Maximised Windows OK but can't see if I have any minimised unless I do the Alt Tab move then they show up in the centre of my screen.

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Ubuntu :: Cairo Dock Workspace Switcher Freaks Out?

Apr 19, 2011

Whenever I enable the workspace switcher, upon clicking on it, it'll fly out of the desktop altogether. I can reset X/Y position, but every time I click on it it displays this buggy behaviour.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty - Workspace Switcher Not Working

Apr 30, 2011

I just upgraded to Natty, from Maverick and I can't get 'Workspace-Switcher' to work. As a matter-of-fact, I was completely dumbfounded when Natty launched for the first time, and I was presented with 'no' menus. What I got instead was some black-screen with some very attractive icons on it; but the icons had no organization to them that I could comprehend, and the categories that were presented didn't make any sense, based on the applications that I had installed. Apparently the designers of Unity thought that it would be a good idea for me to go 'fish' for my applications. Also, the most frequently used applications that I had pinned to gnome-panel disappeared, and I couldn't even rebuild them. The 3D menu, on the left, that combined my desktop icons, with the icons that were 'formerly' pinned to gnome-panel was also very attractive; but provided me with no useful functionality, other than complete disorientation and confusion. The scrolling was also slower than poo. All-in-all a very beautiful 'boat-anchor.' This distro should probably be renamed 'Virtual-Vista.' Fortunately, when I reenabled 'Desktop-Cube' and 'Rotate-Cube' and I think some other options related to Gnome, I got my menus and icons back. What a relief!!! I'm a power-user, and I have something on the order of 100 applications loaded. I just 'can't' go looking all-over-creation to find them...

Unfortunately, Workspace-Switcher could not be activated by clicking on it, only by <ctrl-alt-left/right arrow keys>. Also, unfortunately, all the desktops displayed the same applications. Definitetly 'not' a ready for prime-time player. I assume that this is a bug? Is there a work-around for this? If so, can someone please share it with me? For now I'm stuck with a ruptured-duck that can't swim. I usually have all four desktops populated, and switch between them whenever I have to wait on an application that's busy, or I get tired. I really 'need' this functionality.

P.S., It's more than Ok with me that a distro not be released, if it's not ready. I'd certainly prefer that to 'shock-and-awe.'

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Switcher In The Unitiy Launcher Not Working?

Aug 22, 2011

i use compiz in unity(ubuntu 11.04) for my desktop effects and have configured it manually using ccsm. everything works nicely except the workspace switcher in the unity launcher. what can i do???

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General :: Create A Key-binding For The Workspace Switcher?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a problem with GNOME and virtual desktops. I use Compiz, and when I use the keys to rotate the cube the cube will spin, but all the programs remain in the panel. It works if I manually press the buttons on the "Workspace Switcher" which I've included on my panel.can I create a key-binding for the Workspace Switcher so I don't have to press on the buttons on the panel?

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Switcher Changed After Hooking Laptop Up To HDTV?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm having a really odd problem with my workspace switcher. First off, I keep 5 workspaces all in one row.

My problems: When I use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Alt + Left or Ctrl + Alt + Right I can switch workspaces just fine, however I have a xbindkeys install set up to detect specific keypresses from my Logitech MX Revolution and spit out those very shortcuts, and they aren't working. When using the keyboard shortcuts to switch workspaces there's a new look to the visual aid that pops up in the middle of the screen. It's much boxier and ugly looking, and I'd like to get it back to the way it was before, with the larger boxes with rounded edges and no text. This started last night when I plugged my laptop into my Panasonic HDTV via S-Video. Can anyone tell me how to uninstall the workspace switcher component and reinstall it? I'm fairly new to Ubuntu and just want the default settings back. I'm running 10.04 btw.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Classic - Lost Workspace Switcher After Upgrades?

Jun 16, 2011

I use the Gnome Classic DE in 11.04. Last night, safe-upgrade made a small number of package upgrades (three or four). When I rebooted my PC, this morning, my workspace switcher (the four tiny squares in the bottom panel on the right side of the screen) are gone. I use them regularly.Also, is there any history to identify what packages were upgraded last night so I can look for bugs?

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Ubuntu :: Natty - Compiz Workspace Switcher Can't Switch Down From W/space #1?

Jul 16, 2011

I've just (finally) upgraded to Natty from Maverick. After the faffing around to restore my favoured AWN and Compiz combo, all's now ok, except for one annoyance to do with Compiz (0.9.4) and the workspace switcher. I can use the mousewheel to rotate workspaces up/down (actually, left/right) to go from 1->2->3->4->5->6->1.. and 6->5->4->3->2->1, but it won't rotate down / left from 1->6. It works ok if I use <Ctrl>left arrow from w/space #1.

I've checked the mappings for Button4 and Button5 in CCSM, and there's no clash. So, am I right in thinking this is probably a bug? Has anyone else had this problem and is there a fix? Is downgrading to Compiz 0.8 likely to fix it?

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OpenSUSE :: Workspace Switcher Bugged After Gnome 2.32 Upgrade?

Dec 18, 2010

After doing the upgrade per this thread my gnome panel gets bugged when the workspace switcher applet is attached to it. Also the Cairo Dock bugs out with the workspace switcher applet attached to it. I can change desktops with key commands fine. It would just be nice if this could be fixed. I am sticking with gnome 2.32 because of my affinity with Evolution which performs better in 2.32.

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Ubuntu :: Natty: Dash Icon Size And Removing Workspace Switcher?

Apr 30, 2011

I did my best to search for any solutions but came up empty-handed. Is it possible to reduce the size of the dash icons in Natty? They are unnecessarily massive for my taste. Please note that I am not talking about the launcher icons which can be resized in Tweak.

Is it possible to remove the workspace switcher icon from the launcher? [solved] I've removed the places icons as per this thread and wouldn't mind removing this icon as well.

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Ubuntu :: Huge - Startx Does Not Work - No Screens Found

Oct 18, 2010

I was trying to install the nvidia drivers then when I reboot all I get is a command line. Startx does not work, it says no screens found. I was dumb and uninstalled the nvidia drivers too not realizing my internet didn't work in the command line. I need to install the drivers from the live cd unless there is another way. I don't want to have to reinstall!

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Ubuntu :: Kde Panel Task Switcher?

Aug 2, 2010

I have accidentally deleted the Panel in KDE. What is the window / task switcher called and how do I add it to the panel,

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General :: Auto-start A App On Another Window (from Panel Switcher)?

Aug 25, 2011

I want to start a virtual machine on another window panel, but I'm not sure what the command for this would be.

I have:

virtualbox --startvm myvin &

in my autostart.sh.

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Ubuntu :: Search Files, Add New Keyboard To Switcher, Pidgin Icon In The Panel?

Jul 20, 2011

switched to Lubuntu from Ubuntu - HW problems. I have run into several problems.1. I can't search for files in my system. I knew how to do it in Ubuntu, here I have no idea.2. How do I add another keyboard layout to "Keyboard Switcher"? What if I want to switch keyboards by CTRL+Shift? Is it possible?3. I would like to put my Pidgin into the panel so I could close it. I am used for it to go to the indicator applet but when I installed it it was empty

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Fedora :: Remove Desktop Switcher Applet From Bottom Panel?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm using Fedora 15 in fallback mode.

Is it possible to remove the desktop switcher applet from the bottom panel? Or autohide or even delete a panel? That is, is there software I can install to do these things in Gnome 3?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Panel Bug, Power/user Switcher Applet Does Not Load On Startup

May 6, 2010

I'm having a weird issue with Lucid. On startup the power/user switcher applet doesn't load correctly, instead I see the me menu applet twice. I don't think I'm explaining this very well, so here's a screenshot.


After killing gnome-panel, this corrects itself.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Screen - Gnome Panel On Both Screens?

Jan 28, 2010

I reinstalled and forgot how I added a panel to my second screen, cause when you add a panel you choose left right top or bottom, but no option for second screen... finally I added a new panel, then right click on the new panel> properties, then unchecked "expand" then was able to move the new panel to second monitor, then set to whatever side and recheck "expand" then it sticks to the second screen, then add to panel, and select window list, then all new windows will be shown on the appropriate panel/screen

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Panel Not Visible Across Both Screens In Twin Screen Mode?

May 11, 2010

I am using 10.4, and an NVIDIA 5500 video card, two screens....

I have a problem with the Panel, top and bottom. It only shows on the main screen. When I set-up it showed on both, right across, was beautiful. I was quite happy to live with the shrunk down version until I noticed two things:

1. If an app or document is in the second screen (in this case the left) then it does not show up on the panel, until I drag it to the primary (right) screen.

2. Documents open in the secondary screen in full screen mode have a "white out" banner (which I assume is the hidden Panel) across the top and bottom ribbons. This is a BIG problem, because it means there is no access to the Max, Min, Close and drag facilities, and as it is not visible in the Panel that is showing, read 1 above, then it just sits there.

Screen shot enclosed. Not the min, max on this are the doc, not the ap... But you can see the blank Panel.

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Ubuntu :: Xinerama And Dual Screens - Create Another Panel On The 2nd Monitor?

Jun 6, 2010

I'm having some issues getting my two monitors (both 1600x900) to work well with Xinerama. The first thing I'm having trouble with is getting 1 wallpaper to span across both monitors..from what I've googled it's sounds like I'm not the first either The 'span' function in the change wallpaper window doesn't do it. The second thing is that I would like the panels to stretch across both monitors well, or at least be able to create another panel on the 2nd monitor which I can't do now.Here's my xorg.conf file:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "amdcccle Layout"
Screen 0 "amdcccle-Screen[1]-0" 0 0[code]....

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gnome Panel Disappears When Switching To Another Workspace

Jul 16, 2010

Linux 2.6.34-12-desktop x86_64
Gnome desktop

I updated from v11.2. to v11.3.I have 4 workspaces defined. The Gnome panel shows only in the first workspace! When I switch to another one, the panel disappears. As you may imagine, this is rather inconvenient. Once I am in another workspace other than 1, my only option is to reboot since there is no way to navigate anywhere. How do I set up the Gnome panel to show in all workspaces?

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