Ubuntu :: Some Cursors Broken / Resolve This?

Jan 27, 2011

After upgrade to 10.10 certain cursors became broken. Please see attached picture to get an idea what it looks like, I've circled the cursor. I had to take a pic with a camera, if I do a print screen the resulting image shows normal cursor. I've tried turning off desktop effects and different drivers for the video card. The cursor is broken for the following apps:
rdesktop - always when connected to the remote host
chrome/firefox - image zoom in/out
open office draw - when I try to resize a line.

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Red Hat :: Broken Shell / Resolve This?

Jan 21, 2011

How to solve broken shell problem

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Ubuntu :: Broken Icons In System Tray / Resolve This?

Dec 6, 2010

Since I installed Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick in a new computer (my lab's computer), there are three broken icons in the system tray. They are black rectangles, with white borders, and a forbidden sign in the middle. I can't figure out what program is related to them, and they don't respond to left or right click. Can anyone point me in some direction? I thought about using programs like xprop/xwininfo to figure out what program they are related to and kill it, but these don't work for system tray, only for windows.

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Fedora :: F15 Updates Broken / Resolve This?

Aug 4, 2011

Yum is unable to access any packages in the F15 updates repository. When I manually download and browse the repo filename list (http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fed...ateinfo.xml.gz) it seems that the files are listed as being available from the Fedora *5* address, which is obviously incorrect. This issue seems to have been going on for a few weeks now.

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Slackware :: Sound Broken / Resolve This?

Mar 3, 2010

I can't think what i've done to make my sound suddenly pack in. One minute all is working well, then its not anymore. The only thing I did in between was install claws-mail yesterday. This evening an error mssage popped up and now no sound.

My card is HDA Intel; The error when i open Kmixer is -

GStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices. Some sound system specific GStreamer packages may be missing. It may also be a permissions problem.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Usbmuxd Broken In 11.4 / Resolve This?

Mar 12, 2011

Did my 11.4 upgrade today, and so far things have been going pretty good, but I'm having a slight problem with my iPhone4 being "seen" correctly by my desktop environment, and I was hoping someone would be able to answer a question or two for me.

In the 11.4 RPM for usbmuxd, a udev rule is installed which controls the "mounting" and "unmounting" of the iOS device. The udev rule expects a certain username and group to be present, as it runs under that specfic username (but unfortunately the RPM doesn't create the username and group, and neither are created at install time). This prevents iOS devices from being seen correctly by programs like banshee, amarok, etc.

Logging in as 'root' and spawning the 'usbmuxd' process as root works fine, but it doesn't work so well for other non-root users.

Does anyone have any idea(s) as to what group, etc that the "usbmuxd" user should be in?

Once I get this working, I'd be happy to write up a FAQ for getting the iPhone working under openSUSE .. .this is something that has been hit or miss for me with OS (and has worked pretty well with some other distros)...

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Ubuntu :: Getting Rid Of KDE Cursors And KDE Splash Screen?

May 3, 2010

Some time ago I installed KDE on my machine, though I use gnome as the default. (I rarely login on KDE) .Since then, when I login in my default gnome I get those futuristic KDE cursors, which I hate by the way. I've been trying to go back to my default cursors but I've had no success. I go to System -> Appearance -> Customize -> Pointer and then I select Default Pointer or even DMZ (white) I click on close twice and nothing happens. I've even removed the "oxygen-cursor-theme" using the package manager. How can I get my default mouse cursors back?

On the same note, before I get the login screen and after clicking on logout/restart I get a Kubuntu blue (splash?) screen, I'd prefer not to get this screen. how to get rid of this, too? (Getting rid of the cursors would be most important, but if I can get rid of this screen it'd be nice, too)

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Ubuntu :: Custom Cursors Don't Work In 10.04?

Jun 18, 2010

I recently correctly installed a cursor theme in ubuntu 10.04. When I move the pointer around in a window the theme appears but when I move the pointer around on the desktop i changes to the default theme.

I think it's something with compiz because when I shut it down the theme appears on the desktop...

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change Cursors?

Jul 9, 2010

Whenever I want to change my cursor to something else, the "new" cursor only shows up when I'm doing certain things in certain apps. How do I make it so that my replacement, new cursor is OS-wide, instead of making little cameo appearances?

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Ubuntu :: Sun Java With Custom Cursors?

Nov 18, 2010

So, when I play Java games, Sun Java will use default cursor set instead of custom cursor set that i have selected. So, where is the problem? I can see the difference if I start that java game to window, and move my mouse from not-window to window :/

Very annoying, because i would need that custom cursor for that game

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Ubuntu :: Create Custom Cursors?

Feb 11, 2010

How do you create custom cursors? I found an xcursor tutorial but no installation instructions - it just left me with the cursor files.

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Ubuntu :: How To Get More Photos / Cursors / Themes / Sounds

Sep 9, 2010

How to get more Photos , cursors , themes ,sounds for my Ubuntu??

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Ubuntu :: Cursors / Pointers Doesn't Work Properly In 9.10

Jan 19, 2010

I am running ubuntu 9.10 on a dell mini 10v. I am experienced in running themes and xsplashes, but for some reason i can not successfully install pointers. I drag and drop the pointer themes to the appearance window found from System>Prefrences>Appearances. When i click customize i see that the pointers i instatlled are there, however when i choose them it doesn't work properly, if i go over text or resize a window i see the new pointers but the main pointer always stays the default white.

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Fedora :: Automated Mouse Cursors?

Mar 7, 2010

It there a way to enable automated mouse cursors in Fedora 12? About the only thing I miss from WinDoze is the animated hourglass cursor when I start an application by double-clicking its icon. With Fedora, I'll sometimes double-click an icon again, thinking that my first attempt didn't work, only to find that the program was loading and then I have two instances of the program.Yeah, it's a minor thing and, yeah, I can live without it, but it sure would be nice.

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Debian :: Broken Dependency - Mark Smartcam Package As Not Broken And Release Apt?

May 21, 2010

i'm running debian lenny - latest stable i have recently installed smartcam (mobile phone as webcam over bluetooth) from .deb package , get errors of unmet dependency , but application works like a charm, unfortunately broken dependences block my aptitude , i cant fix them either as latest stable use older versions of dependences even in backports... how do i mark smartcam package as not broken and release my apt?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updater Says Error 'Fix Broken Packages First' But No Broken Packages

Apr 24, 2010

I've been trying to fix this problem for quite a few days now and have done a lot of searching on these forums, Linux Mint Forums and some others Google lead me to and have has some success, but am now stuck.I have posted a thread on this same topic on the Linux Mint Forums, but have had no success (if you want check it out at:URL...Originally I received error messages when trying to update involving certain repositories which couldn't be accessed (because they either didn't exist or had been moved) and I hunted these down and changed or removed them.

I have done much searching, etc. and cannot find any broken packages. I have tried many many different commands which have mostly done nothing.I seem to be in a similar boat to this person: URL...

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Ubuntu :: Package Manager Says Have A Broken Package And Wants To 'upgrade' To The Older Broken One?

Sep 1, 2011

I was having a problem with a fresh 11.04 install and the VPN software I use for work. I found the fix was to upgrade the software, so I downloaded an RPM, converted it to .deb and installed it via dpkg. The install worked and the VPN software now works, but Package Manager says I have a broken package and wants to 'upgrade' to the older broken one. How can I fix this without breaking my VPN SW again?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log In / Resolve This?

Aug 19, 2010

After trying a "fix" I found on another thread, nobody can log into my laptop! After each attempt, a single message shows up in /var/log/messages code...

This worked for me:
Use a Ubuntu Live CD to boot up, and choose a command-line (shell) option.
With this, set your $HOME directory (/home/username) permissions to something appropriate (I used 755) and make sure all directories can be listed with the "ls" command. Then remove nautilus with code...

The only thing I did differently was I booted into recovery mode from the grub menu rather than from live CD.

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Ubuntu One :: Can't Connect / Resolve This?

Jan 24, 2010

When trying to log in I get the notice:

"OpenID authentication failed: Nonce already used or out of range"

I managed to use Ubuntu One once today. After that this started.

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Ubuntu :: Can Not Run Gdesklets In 10.04 / Resolve This?

Apr 30, 2010

I can not run gdesklets in ubuntu 10.04.
When I do gdesklets check I got this message:

ERROR:/build/buildd/pyorbit-2.24.0/src/pyorbit-utils.c:39:_pyorbit_escape_name: assertion failed: (keyword_mod != NULL)
- ORBit ...Aborted

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open .run / Resolve This?

Jun 24, 2010

I have that serious problem,when I can't install my newest graph drivers,because i can't run them.

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Ubuntu :: Static Ip - Can't Resolve Dns

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to set a static ip in Ubuntu 10.04 so I can use NX client on my Vista box.

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

However, when I try to use the Internet I can't get out. That seems like a dns issue to me, when I ping google from a terminal I get: unknown host [URL]

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Ubuntu :: CD Won't Boot / Resolve This?

Sep 24, 2010

I have been using 8.04 for a year & it's been wonderful. Recently I saw the invitation on 'update manager' to upgrade to 10.04 & went ahead wih the download, but when the system tried to reboot the problems started &, I see from the forums, this seems to be a widespread problem. You get as far as UBUNTU & 5 dots then nothing. I have read as much as I can, understood a little but got nowhere so I thought I'd recover my files (hopefully) with the 8.04 CD using photorec & then reinstall my 8.04. Problem is the CD will not boot. I've used 'help' & installed the boot helper but I get the BusyBox message and don't know what command to put in.

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Ubuntu One :: U1 Not Syncing / Resolve This?

Oct 11, 2010

I was able to get it to start an initial sync. I had to restart my computer and now all the green checks from my synced folder have disappeared and I cannot sync anything else.

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Ubuntu :: Not Able To Boot / Resolve This?

Mar 17, 2011

I have been using Ubuntu for many years.
I bought a new hard drive (has not arrived yet) and getting ready to install it when it arrives.
My computer/workstation has a number of hard drives installed inside that are all SATA drives.
The boot drive (Ubuntu only, I do not use Windows) is a 500GB USB notebook drive installed in an external case.

I have an 80GB internal drive with an old Ubuntu install. I decided to remove that drive (pulled the drive) to make room for the new drive.

But the new drive did not come in the mail, so I put the computer back together without the old 80GB drive (SATA 0).

To my surprise it would not boot to the 500GB USB drive?
Black screen with the blinking dash...

Removed every drive but the USB 500GB drive and the CD from the BIOS boot menu. Made the USB THE drive to boot to.
Black screen with the blinking dash...

Using a 10.10 LiveCD I can access that 500GB drive.
Thus, it is hooked up and works but does not boot. Gparted says there is a BOOT FLAG in the Linux partition of the 500GB drive.

My only conclusion was I altered the boot order for GRUB so I put the 80GB drive back in the computer.
I did not edit GRUB in any way, I simply physically pulled the drive when the computer was off.
Black screen with the blinking dash... code...

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Keeps Freezing Up On Me / Resolve This?

Jun 13, 2011

i don't know what's happening here, but my computer keeps freezing in ubuntu... i can't figure out what's triggering it, because it happens when i'm doing different things. the time between freezes is always different, sometimes hours, sometimes a whole day, and sometimes back-to-back after a reboot. the only way to get out is a hard reset. whatever sound is playing will just continue to loop. it's happened while watching (non-full screen) videos, while using eclipse (luckily had just saved work), and while just general browsing. i tried reinstalling 11.04 because it happened before, and for a little while i thought it was fixed, but in the past few days it has picked up again. the only thing i can think of that i have installed was some new drivers for my bcm43225 wireless because it was always slow.

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Ubuntu :: VCD Not Mounting / Resolve This?

Nov 5, 2009

I detected a strange problem in my box , whenever I tried to open a VCD which normally a .dat files , the CD cant get mounted , so after long time , when I try to eject it shows , probably no media in the drive .

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Ubuntu :: How To Resolve Error Message

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying to run a simple program in Ubuntu OS, Netbeans application but I cannot resolve the error message. Can someone please assist.

/usr/bin/make -f nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bee/NetBeansProjects/HelloWorld2'
/usr/bin/make -f nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/helloworld2


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Ubuntu :: Eclipse Not Starting / Resolve This?

Jan 22, 2010

Today, eclipse will not start for me. The initial splash screen comes up, then the attached window pops-up with not text in it...the only way to get rid of the window is to kill the eclipse process from the terminal/command-line.

I have completely purged and reinstalled java and eclipse, but am still having the same issue. Starting from the terminal also does not give any message besides the "(eclipse:15273): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times" warning. Any ideas or suggestions?

Btw, running Ubuntu 9.10 x86 and the most up-to-date eclipse that is in the repos.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Set Visual Effects / Resolve This?

Mar 5, 2010

I have acer 5738 laptop running on ubuntu 9.10...my problem is the visual effects are not being enabled.

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