Ubuntu :: 9.04 - Setting Up Serial Communications Between Server

May 21, 2010

I am wanting to set-up serial communications between my server (ubuntu 9.04) and a picaxe chip (a pic with a bootloader) I need to send data in the format of "1,1,1" or "1,1,0" at 9600 baud 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control. the data must be sent as numbers not ASCII I have tried
echo 1,1,0 > /dev/ttyS0
Any simple shell script or even python.

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Software :: Disable GRUB Serial Communications?

Sep 2, 2010

I have two linux boxes A and B. Each of them have serial ports (ttyS0 on both) and these ports are connected using null modem serial cable. "A" box is always on and it has getty process on its ttyS0 (I need this getty for serial communication). If I reboot box B, it doesn't boot default entry - just displays grub os select table. After some investigation I realized that getty process on A sends some data to grub on B while it's booting and grub behaves the same way as if some key is pressed during timeout period - it doesn't boot default and waits for interactive user response. I need to reboot B remotely so its no good for me.

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Programming :: Serial Port Communications - CPU Bandwidth

Sep 15, 2010

I have an application written in C (by somebody else) monitoring a device connected to a serial port. I'm using an old laptop w. tinycore linux for an os. The app works well enough, and the communication speed is relatively slow, 9600bps, unidirectional, comes in packets of 18 bytes. The app is just picking apart the packets and displaying the contents on a formatted screen (ncurses), updating about once every 1/2 second. The trouble is, the app is polling the serial port and using *all* of the cpu bandwidth. The cpu fan runs full bore all the time.

Other activities are sluggish when the monitoring program is running. I'd like to modify the app to be a little more intelligent, use a receive buffer and interrupts to trigger processing each packet and, most importantly, not poll in a tight loop waiting for data. I'm not sure where to start, but I'm convinced this isn't that complicated of a change. Is there a good resource that would explain the basics of reading data from serial port software buffers, triggering on interrupts and suspending or sleeping when no interrupt is pending?

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Software :: Minicom Versus Gtkterm / Putty - App For Serial Communications?

May 21, 2009

I am running kubuntu 9.04. I have minicom, Gtkterm and Putty installed. minicom seems to be really good, but I am missing scroll back functionality on there. Either that or I'm a novice with it and don't know how to do it. Putty is a GREAT app. But what I'm finding is that after the terminal runs for a bit, the screen shows characters from the previous lines and goofs up the output. If I move the window, the gibirish disappears. gtkterm is adding several empty lines to any of the screen output.

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General :: Error : There Was An Error Setting Up Inter-process Communications For KDE

Mar 5, 2010

I've been using Kate for a while without any problems.

However, today I tried to install Kedit.

Then I got this message:

"There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was:

Could not read network connection list. /home/mikeb/.DCOPserver_XXX__0

Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!"

Then I uninstalled Kedit, hoping that the damage would be undone.

However, Kate still shows the same message upon startup.

So I reinstalled Kate, and got the same thing.

What did the Kedit installation mess up, and how I can I fix it so I can use Kate again?

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Ubuntu Networking :: LTSP Server - Routing Multicast Communications?

May 16, 2010

I've just set up an LTSP server, with all its clients on a separate subnet to my main network - the main network is 192.168.1.x, and the LTSP clients are all 192.168.2.x. My LTSP server has 2 NICs, one on each network, and is merrily forwarding normal IP traffic from the clients to the rest of the network. I have a client/server application that has a server on one machine, and clients locate and attach to it using multicast protocols. The server is on the main network, and any other machines on the network can locate and talk to the server quite happily. The LTSP clients, however, cannot - I assume because the multicast communications aren't being forwarded by the LTSP server. How I can get this working?

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Debian Hardware :: Setting Up Serial Drum Printer

Aug 21, 2015

I recently got a pile of DEC equipment, and along with it came with a large DEC LP11 drum printer. I have yet to get the old system they were attached to up and running, I want to try to get the printer up and running under a modern linux install. The printer is a LP11 and attaches via serial. The most simple way to me seems to be via LPD, but Im not sure on how to proceed.

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Debian Hardware :: Setting Up Serial Port - Command Not Found

Jun 23, 2014

I am a ham radio operator and I want to use my computer to run "RTTY", "PSK31", and other digital modes. Therefore I have to be able to configure the serial port.

I only have the onboard port (ttyS0).

I can get info about the port by using "$ dmesg | grep tty"

Code: Select alldebian@melsdeb:~$ dmesg | grep tty
[    0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[    1.533804] serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
[    1.534337] 00:06: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A

But when I try to use "setserial" by itself or with any parameters I get this...

Code: Select alldebian@melsdeb:~$ setserial -g /dev/ttyS0
bash: setserial: command not found

Even "man setserial" gives the same result.

I am using Debian 6

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Networking :: Setting Up Serial Communication From Desktop Through USB Port In Terminal?

Jan 15, 2010

I am new to linux terminal programming and all but i want to set up a simple serial communication from my desktop through USB port. The actual idea to to write some data in the terminal and build a terminal program that sends the data to the usb port with a fixed baud rate. are there ready made terminal programs available for this simple communication?or atleast any Graphical tools which could help me build and design such a terminal in ubuntu 9.04?

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Ubuntu :: Serial MIDI - Doesn't See Any Serial Ports?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm attempting to use a microcontroller to send MIDI messages over a virtual serial port. I want to (eventually) read them with Mixxx. I'm using an FTDI chip, so I get a /dev/ttyUSB0. I've tried spikenzielabs' Serial-Midi program, but it doesn't see any serial ports. NOTEMIDI looks really old and won't compile on my 10.04 LTS machine.

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General :: Windows With Putty Via USB Serial Cable To Serial Port - Output Ok, Input Isn't?

Jan 13, 2010

I am trying to get two way serial communications going between a Windows XP system and a Linux system (RHEL 5).I have /sbin/agetty -L 9600 ttyS0

in /etc/inittab. I am using a generic USB to serial adaptor on Windows (Unitek) and a null modem cable. I have putty configured for 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit, no flow control.I get the login prompt from agetty in the putty window but input does not work; I see weird characters in the putty screen. I can echo output into the device from windows and see it, but

cat < /dev/ttyS0. just prints out weird characters from what I type.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: NetMOS PCI 9835 Dual Serial Card - Can't Use The Serial Ports

Feb 21, 2009

On my CentOS 5.2 install I've installed a dual-port serial card based on the NetMOS 9835 chipset. I've followed the serial instructions, but everything they tell me to do is already done - see setserial outputs below. I've compared these values to the lspci output (below, NetMos card is at the bottom of the output) for the card and it appears right. Problem being, I can't use the serial ports. Oh and I did use search, and looked at every 9835-related article before posting this :)


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Ubuntu :: Windows Host To VM Guest Communications?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 desktop in a VirtualBox VM on a Windows 2008 host machine. The end goal is join the the Ubuntu VM to a Windows 2008 domain. I've downloaded likewilikewise-open_5.4.0.42111-2ubuntu1.2_i386.deb se-open_5.4.0.42111-2ubuntu1.2_i386.deb to get the joining of the VM to the domain. But from this point forward, I'm completely lost.

1) How do I implement this likewise package?
2) How do I get files from my Windows 2008 host to the Ubuntu guest VM?

The likewise file is burned to a DVD. When I try to read the DVD, I get the "My Disk" icon but only one file gets displayed. In other words, the DVD the likewise file is burned to has a ton of files. Ubuntu doesn't see any of them expect one .exe file. The /etc/fstab had no entry for cdrom, so I put a line in that says

/dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 rebooted and that didn't do squat. There is no entry /etc/cdrom but there is directory /etc/My Disc. And I suppose that's what gets mounted because I can see one file on that disc. So then I thought, to hell with the DVD drive and I'll just get the Linux guest to see a "shared drive" on the host. I shared out a folder on the host via the Virtualbox "shared folders". But how I get the Ubuntu guest to see this shared folder is as big a mystery to me as is the creation of life.

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Debian Hardware :: How To Get Old Serial-touchscreen To Work With USB / Serial Adapter

Oct 9, 2015

I am hoping to be able to get an old serial-touchscreen to work with a usb/serial adapter. I had this touchscreen working some years ago on different hardware. I would like to hook it to the machine I am setting up as a multimedia host with mythtv among other things.

Following the instructions I left behind when I got this to work way back when does not work. See [URL] ....

This info is a work around to get the xserver to see the touchscreen. [URL] ....

I do know that the touchscreen works as I am able to get garbage on the screen as in the first part of my howto. But I have not had any success getting xorg to see it. I wish I had posted a copy of the xorg.conf at the time, but......

There is an issue with the current xserver in testing that I am hoping the next update (in unstable) will fix when it gets pushed to testing. That is that Code: Select all# X -configure fails with a segfault. So I am not able to generate the xorg.conf needed to get it to work. I was going to post a bugreport, that is when I found out there is an update in unstable, so I am waiting for it to get pushed at the moment.

Anyway I am hoping that I can link /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/tty0 and get it to work. I would like some kind of guess as to my chances of success before I go to all the work of getting the monitor hooked to the host.

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Ubuntu :: Vpn - Software That Can Install On 2 Computers To Have A Secure Communications?

Jan 3, 2011

A relative will soon be traveling to China to adopt a child. China is cracking down on communication tools like Skype. Some people are using Virtual Private Networks (VPN) to ensure they can communicate with families back home. I know nothing about VPNs so I have some questions.

1. Is VPN some kind of software that you can install on 2 computers to have a secure communications?

2. Is there something in Ubuntu's Software Center that I should try?

3. If China is cracking down on external communication, is VPN the best tool to ensure communication back home?

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Software :: Connect A Serial Cable To The Serial Port?

Mar 23, 2010

We have a new machine with RedHat enterprise 5 on it. I need to connect a serial cable to the serial port and talk to another system (old alpha system) instead of using a VT connected to the alpha.Does RedHat come with anything like Keaterm/hyperterm/etc etc?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Nokia 6270 And 11.2 USB Communications?

Jan 8, 2010

I can't find a way of getting them to talk or exchange data, esp. pics.

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Server :: Hdd Serial No

Apr 6, 2010

hi all,

How to find out server's HDD Serial no tried below command but didnt work,

#hdparm -I /dev/sda

so please help & Thanks in Advance.

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Server :: Using Of SOA Serial Number?

Feb 19, 2011

Except faster reading of zone records there is not other purpose of correct SOA number,right?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Drivers For Atheros Communications Inc - AR2413 802.11bg?

Jan 30, 2011

I'm trying to get WiFi up and running on an older desktop PC. lspci gives me the following information about the WiFi card: 00:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01) Is there an RPM package for the driver that I need? If no, what should I do to install the driver manually? The PC in question doesn't have any other form of direct internet access. It does have an Ethernet port, but the WiFi router is too far away to hook it up to the access point directly.

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Server :: No Input On Serial Console?

Oct 7, 2010

I've got a home server running ubuntu 10.0.4. It have no monitor or keyboard. So I want to access it from a serial console. (I use SSH currently but if something goes wrong, I need to be able to do something... so serial console seems a fine thing). OK, so on the server, I tell grub to output everything on ttyS0 and opened a getty on ttyS0. On the client side (Laptop running Ubuntu 10.0.4 with pl2303 USB to Serial adapter) I use Minicom.

Home server restart:I see grub menu, linux kernel messages, login prompt. But, I can't do anything:In grub or at the login prompt, no key press is recognized by the server.I've got write permission to /dev/ttyUSB0. I tried a different getty (mgetty)with no success.I stopped the getty on ttyS0 on the server. And run minicom.

From the server's minicom, if I type something, it appear on the client screen. From the client's minicom, if I type something, some garbage appear on the server screen :(One of this things for each char typed). If I short-circuit pin 2 and 3 of the client serial port, it echoed what I type. The two serial ports are connected with a nullmodem cable. (seems to be a full handshaking cable). Of course, same serial port config for both minicom, grub and getty. Hope I'm understandable enough. (English not my primary language). Can somebody help me make this *$*#! serial console working right ? I'm on it for 10 hours now with no success...

Edit : I nearly forgot to tell you I had to update the standard ubuntu kernel to 2.6.34-020634rc1-generic because there was a bug in the pl2303 driver in the stock kernel (2.6.32-25-generic) which prevented me from doing anything (even receiving).

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General :: Display Server Serial Number

Mar 18, 2011

How to display server serial number, type of os for that server and kernel version for that server. with seperate way.

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Software :: Shutdown Of Server Over A Serial Connection?

Jan 18, 2010

We have an APC UPS connected to our main server via a serial cable, with the APC Powerchute Business Edition up and running nicely. We also have another server which is protected by the same UPS I started looking at an APC interface expander which would allow shutdown of multiple servers from the same UPS, however it appears it's not standard serial cables but a whole proprietory nightmare.possible to hook both servers up with a serial cable and have the master shut the other one down through a shell script? Both boxes are CentOS 5.4

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CentOS 5 Server :: Serial Console Does Not Work?

Apr 16, 2009

I configured the serial consol on centos5 as follows

# dmesg |grep tty
Kernel command line: ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
serial8250: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A[code]......

But I could not consol Centos server from my labtop (win xp) Is there missing or wrong configurations ?

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Server :: Script For Managing SOA Serial In Zone Files

Feb 25, 2011

Here's a little tool that does this:
Without arguments, updates the SOA serial in a zonefile to the current date. If the date was already updated, just updates the revision number (incrementing up to 99, and then again 01). Uses RFC 1912* recommended format.
With $1 == <two digit number>, auto updates (if necessary) just the date part and uses your provided revision number.
With $1 == <eight digit number>, uses that as a date (no validation of any kind), and just auto update the revision number
With $1 == <full serial>, will just replace whatever the serial is with the provided serial, without any validation

* YYYYMMDDRR (4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2-digit day of month, 2-digit revision number)
This script + keeping SOA/NS/MX/CNAME RRs in a common file $included from other files with $ORIGIN and A/PTR/TXT RRs, made everything way easier to manage, enabling me to script some zone switchers, automatic failover/redirection of DNS on WAN changes, etc, etc. I think this stuff might be cool to integrate with something like this script and make nice CLI toolset for bind. Looking forward to implement it.

Code in pastebin
# globals
script_dir=$(readlink -f "${0%/*}")
script_version=1 .....

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Programming :: Getting Information From Serial Port On Server Unit

Jul 19, 2011

I'm working on program that is going through setting different baud rates onto a config file. After I set a new value i want to check if it's the correct one by reading from the serial port on the server unit. I know what to expect if it's the correct baud rate so that's no problem, but searching through the internett i've yet to find a compact solution to my problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up MySql Server (which Is No Server) For Local Use Only

Apr 20, 2010

I like to run a mySql database server on a Ubuntu (which is no server) for local use only. Is there some instruction how to do this? I downloaded several DBMS but they all seem to assume a running server.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - "Atheros Communications L1 Gigabit Ethernet (rev B0)" Wasn't Recognized

May 5, 2011

having used SuSE Linux ever since the April 1995 release, I thought installing 11.4 would be a straightforward task. Since it wasn't, I'm summarising here my experience. My PC is built around a 3-year old Asus P5B-plus mainboard, i.e. certainly not brand-new hardware.

1 - on installation, my "Atheros Communications L1 Gigabit Ethernet (rev b0)" wasn't recognized, so I had to "modprobe atl1" from one of the consoles available during installation. That worked but the installer didn't pick up the fact that network was now available.

2 - after completion of the installation, online-updating for the first time and installing the nvidia driver for my "nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce 7300 GS] (rev a1)" the KDE desktop showed the "blank desktop with mouse pointer" syndrome. Googling yielded that desktop effects had to be disabled in the kwinrc configuration file.

3 - logging in today after an online update, firefox (MozillaFirefox-4.0.1-0.2.2.x86_64) segfaults on start-up while loading the default website (opensuse.org). firefox will run in safemode but it won't run in normal mode, even with all add-ons disabled.

Now I don't have a useable system after a couple of hours of trying. Fortunately, I have a working installation of openSUSE 11.2 but I believe that updates for that distribution will be stopped shortly.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up Tftp-server - Cisco Switch Configurations Can Be Sent

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to setup CentOS server 5 with tftp where the Cisco switch configs can be sent. I have the following:


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Server :: Stop Setting Up An Open Relay Spam Server?

Jul 25, 2011

Because our visitors/customers are short term, and may be configured incorrectly with their own mail servers we automagically redirect all port 25 traffic going to internal IP's to our own mail servers while on our network.(postfix on centos 5.6)While I have taken some measures to prevent it from spamming, I would greatly appreciate some assistance.I will be putting in clamav, but I haven't configured it yet with the mail.I am using postfix, but can also put on procmail or even spam assassin

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