Ubuntu Servers :: Unreachable By Hostname - Desktop Resolves Fine

Jan 3, 2011

I have a home server running Ubuntu Server 10.10, it is running Samba for file sharing with a mix of Windows and Linux boxes in my house. My main problem is that the server is only accessible by IP or by using hostname.local, but it is not possible to connect to it by just typing the hostname. Further more, it is not being automatically discovered and listed by Windows or Linux clients.

What's really odd is that I also have an Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 install on a separate computer, and that computer is accessible using just the hostname and is automatically being discovered and listed by other computers.

What is missing on the server? What is responsible for resolving just hostname, avahi seems to only deal with hostname.local and that is working fine. I also compared the samba config of the desktop and server Ubuntu installs but wasn't able to find any setting that would be influencing this. Is there some package I'm missing on the server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Often Unreachable In LAN?

Jul 13, 2010

I am trying to set up a virtualized ubuntu server in a local lan.In short : The server does not always answer to ping/ssh/whatever, but sometimes does, it seems completely random and dependant on the clients, it drives me crazy, what can I do to track down the problem ?In long : I will give the exact environment further down, but first the symptoms :A very strange network behaviour : the server does not always answer to ping/ssh/whatever from another computer in the LAN. It *seem*s completely random if it does or not, however I have identified some facts :- it is able to ping any computer in the LAN, or even outside (using IP or hostname) so it's connection seems ok.

- it is able to ping itself using "ping localhost"- the hyperviser is always able to ping it, however the *first* ping always fails (ie 3/4 first round then it works fine).now for the strange/random facts :- from my linux client, I can usually ping the server for about 10 minutes after I restart networking (in the ubuntu server), then it does not answer to ping/ssh/whatever anymore (though it happened that it suddenly came back for a while)- from my colleague windows client, we can ping the ubuntu server (same as the hyperviser, 3/4 first round), even when the linux client can't anymore- from my virtualized windows client, it is equal to my linux client (does not work fine)- from another linux client, same (does not work fine)- from 2 another windows machines, it does NOT work either !Now for the environment :- Hyper-V is the hyperviser on a DELL computer (not my fault, didn't have the choice)- Ubuntu server 10.04 standard install, with the synthetic network drivers activated in the kernel and defined in Hyper-V.

- A static IP- All computers in a LAN with mostly windows servers (such as DNS, AD and exchange servers)- there is another virtualized server (windows) on the same hyper-v global virtual network, with its own IP, and this one pings perfectly fine from any client.- the hyper-V also answers to ping

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Networking :: Ping Between Two Servers - Network Unreachable

Mar 7, 2011

I have two linux servers, I tried to ping from one linux box to another and vice versa but error message is "connect: Network is unreachable" Where as If I tried from windows machine I am getting the reply from both the servers.
C:Documents and Settings>ping bnkprod

Pinging bnkprod.softtech.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 16ms, Average = 4ms

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Ubuntu Servers :: DNS / IPV6 Address - Error Network Unreachable

May 25, 2011

I use DNS on my server as a chasing DNS so its not fully configured. I seem to be having trouble with IPV6 addresses. I'm guessing this is linked to the 6to4 tunnel I have set up to my windows box, but I'm not really sure.

May 21 18:00:16 hyrule named[1148]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET/AAAA/IN': 2001:dc3::35#53
May 21 18:00:16 hyrule named[1148]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET/AAAA/IN': 2001:500:1::803f:235#53
May 21 18:00:17 hyrule named[1148]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'zg.akamaitech.net/AAAA/IN': 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53 .....

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unreachable /etc/fstab Cifs/smbfs Mount Halts Boot?

Jan 16, 2011

I have the following two lines at the bottom of my /etc/fstab

// /tmp/e cifs _netdev,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,gid=0 0 0
// /var/www/index/pub cifs _netdev,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,gid=0 0 0
My server address is

If the destination (which is my workstation desktop) is offline when the server tries to boot, the entire boot procedure halts with the following message: Unable to find suitable address. mountall: mount <destination> terminated with status 2 The problem is that my server runs headlessly, and every time something silly like this happens where you'd normally expect the OS to continue regardless, I'm forced to plug a monitor in and diagnose on console

So my question: Is there any way to make it proceed with the boot normally despite the host being unreachable? I could probably chuck a mount command into crontab or /etc/rc.local or a /etc/network/if-up.d script, but isn't this the way it really should be done (/etc/fstab)? If so, then we shouldn't expect the entire boot to halt just because a network share can't be mounted, right? While on the topic of a headless ubuntu server 10.10 not booting without some kind of intervention, I have yet another issue: If the server goes down without proper shutdown (power failure, for example) the grub menu displays the kernel choices and there's no countdown timer. Instead, I have to manually press enter to continue the boot. Is there any way around this? Clearly this should not be the case for a server distribution

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Desktop - Firefox Not Working Fine

Nov 10, 2010

I downloaded the 10.10 desktop version. Everything seems to work fine except Firefox. Sure, I can get on, but getting out is something of a chore. Half the time the page freezes and won't allow me to try anything else.

I tried: Clicking on the red "X" = nothing
Right-clicking on the page and selecting "Back" = nothing
Right-clicking on the task bar and selecting "Close" = nothing
Restarting the computer = nothing

The only way to get out when that happens, is to hold down the "Power" button. I know it's not good for the computer, but being held hostage in Firefox is not good for my patience. Even that is a crap-shoot. Sometimes it boots back up fine, only to resume what happened before the power went out when I log back into Firefox. Sometimes it won't let me out until I scan back to the main page by using the arrows one page at a time. This kind of thing never happened when I had the 9.04.

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Ubuntu :: Installed VNC Fine And Can Connect To The Remote Desktop With A GUI

Sep 7, 2010

Ok so I have recently purchased my VPS and I have installed the wonderful "Ubuntu 10.04 32bit". I have installed VNC fine and I can connect to the Remote Desktop with a GUI.Im looking to run "RsBot" but im unsure on how to run Java. I am really stuck and I was wondering how I can install java as when I try and run the setup it just open the folder up..currently installing OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime, ill update you when its done.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Ping By Its Hostname

Jan 3, 2010

I have installed a ubuntu 9.10 server to use mostly as a fileserver. When I installed the server I set it up as DHCP and later on I have changed the /etc/network/interfaces file, the /etc/hosts file and the /etc/hostname file. I have the ip set on the server and I can ping and SSH this address. But I can not ping my server by it's hostname enighet. I am setting up a NFS server and I would like to use my servers hostname when I do this. Why can I not ping my server by it's hostname? These are the 3 files I have changed...

johan@enighet:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo


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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Set Hostname On LAMP 10.4

Dec 22, 2010

I've looked at several tutorials and since i'm a newb I can't figure them out. I'm trying to set my hostname on my LAMP 10.04. What files do I need to configure? (all IP's below are fake)

Here are the first lines from /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
/etc/apache2/ports.conf has these lines after the comments


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Ubuntu Servers :: Hostname Name Or Service Not Known

Jun 22, 2011

I am trying to set up a web server, i have put in a hostname.In terminal command: hostname shows 'promisedland, but hostname -F gives me name or service not known.How do I associate hostname properly, I have registered a hostname through DynDNS.I can access the page in my browser so I know it is there, I see the blank "u made it page".I just want to host a web server w/ a directory to my shared files (movies, music etc) that are on my server.

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Fedora :: DVD Burnt Fine But Never Showed Up On Desktop

Oct 4, 2009

Before creating a DVD of an old movie, I tried to free up some hard disk space by burning a batch of old cartoons (Betty Boop, from the '30s.) to a data DVD, and deleting the directory after making sure the burn was good. The burn went fine, and the disc ejected correctly. (This is an important point!) I immediately re-inserted it so that I could check the contents, as I've done many times before, but it never showed up on my desktop.

(F10 with Gnome) I opened Nautilus and found two copies of the DVD listed, and both context menus listed both Mount and Eject, as though Gnome wasn't sure if it was or wasn't mounted. Checking, neither shows up in /media, /mnt or /etc/mtab. At this point, I can no longer mount it or any other disc. I've tried logging out and logging in, with no change. I'd consider a reboot, but my uptime has quite literally reached Biblical proportions and I hate to waste it if I don't have to. How to tell Fedora to let go of a DVD that isn't in the drive any longer?

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Fedora :: F13 - Fine Tuning Desktop Effects?

Oct 27, 2010

How to speed up the menu "fade" (or get rid of it all together) in desktop effects? I need a composite manager for docky but the slower response on menus annoys me as they have to fade in and out. Anyone know which key in apps -> compiz I should change? Is it one of the plugins or one of the general keys?

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Ubuntu :: USB Wifi Makes Desktop Crash But Netbook Works Fine?

Sep 2, 2010

Ok, i bought this usb wifi adapter: [URL]

used these drivers(dident work at all without it, no lights even): [URL]

and i first tryed it out on my netbook (aao, intel atom ubuntu 10.04 32bit), i ran make, then make install, done! i pugged it in and im happly using a 300mbps wifi network.

then i try it on my desktop (custom, AMD phenom x4, ubuntu 10.04 64bit), i install, no errors, then when i plug in the wifi usb, it lights up, then stops, the mouse also stops working(bouth keyboard and mouse is usb) but the kb still works. aftor restarting keeping it pluged in, ubuntu never finishes the splash screen, just stops their, i try again without the wifi and it works, i keeped trying and now the whole comp frezes, even the kb, and i see the system monetor is also frozen, what do i do?

one last thing, it works on bouth my netbook and desktop under windows 7, only on my desktop it wont work on ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Resolves To On Port 80

Jun 23, 2010

I see when going to websites in firefox that they resolve to on port 80. I added the ISP's nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf as below. Also configured my router to give the client;s the ISP's DNS server, but it's intermittent.. Some pages load, then when refreshing some time later, they fail again.

cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager

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Ubuntu Servers :: Fine Tuning Of ACL Using Samba

Oct 1, 2010

I was so sure it must be easy to set up the file permissions like I want, but obviously it isn't. Here is what I want to have: I have a samba fileserver (only Windows clients connecting) with a common share. Everybody is supposed to be able to put files on the share, but no one should be able to delete files which do not belong to oneself. I want several users to put files in a common directory, so they need write access to the directory, right?

But all the same they should not be able to delete files from others. So they are not allowed to have write access to the directory, right? It all works fine with modifying etc. but still I can delete files I am not supposed to do. I learned already that permission to delete is bound to the permissions of the containing folder and that sticky bits might help. But either they don't or I didn't get it right until now.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Resolve Hostname From Windows

Mar 3, 2010

I have two computers.

Computer A = windows 7.
Computer B = Ubuntu Server 9.10

Computer B automatically receives an IP address from my router.

I can ping computer B from computer A using the IP address. I cannot ping computer B from computer A using its hostname.

My router did not show a hostname under it's active clients table. After some searching I found a threat where somebody suggested modifying /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and adding 'send hostname "blahblah"' This allowed me to see the hostname in my router but I still cannot resolve it from my windows box.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Possible To Change Hostname Of Machine In GUI

Nov 27, 2010

I have a problem with server bcs of the machine name. I'm wondering how to change the server name to it's IP. bcs now it has name "chrochne". I've found hostname in /etc/host and in /etc/hostname. But I'm afraid of changing it in this files. I'm using webmin and virtualmin to admin the server so can I change the name somewhere in the GUI?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Possible To Turn Internal IP Into Hostname?

May 11, 2011

I saw in the tutorial "The Perfect Ubuntu 11.04 Server ISPConfig3" that it is possible to turn the internal ip into a hostname.
Example: -> myserver.example.com
Example: -> aserver.inet
However, when I edit my /etc/hosts file and after I echo the name to the /etc/hostname file, it still doesn't work. I am using Ubuntu Server 11.04 (Natty Narwal)
- ChosenOreo

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Resolve Host / Hostname Is Set To (none)?

May 25, 2010

I just built out an Ubuntu Server 10.04.

My problem is setting the hostname. I cloned the machine, then normally on the clone, I would change the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts file.

However, when I do this, upon restart, I get the message, "init hostname main process (some process number) terminated with status 1"Then, when the machine finally boots, the hostname is set to (none). Literally has braces like: user@(none):

I've tried: sudo hostname machine_name but it says can't resolve hostname (none).

I've Google'd around a lot but can't get it. It may have something to do with 10.04? I have been using 9.04, 9.10 with no problems.

eric@(none):~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface

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Ubuntu Servers :: Hosts And Hostname Resetting At Reboot?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm facing bit of a conundrum with my new server. It is essentially a distributed-virtual Plesk Virtuoso container with a rather simple LAMP setup (PHP5 etc) and virtual hosting. Running 10.04 LTS.

The issue is that on each reboot, the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files are reset with their original configs causing the virtual hosting to break, i.e. rather than hosting the vhosts correctly, it essentially routes all traffic to /var/www, or essentially 000-default ~ this beats the whole point of vhosting in the first place!

Is there any way to get around them being overwritten at boot? A very crude workaround would be to set a script to load at boot via init.d and have it rewrite both files to their correct configs - of course, I have no idea as to the point during boot at which they get replaced.

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Ubuntu Servers :: No Ip Address Specified And Hostname Not Found Boot?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a ubuntu server 10.04 that will not boot. I saysno ip address specified and hostname not found refer to mount cifs blah blah blahmountall mount /directory/share [863] terminate with status 32I know its because I had a share mounted at boot but the server cannot mount the share for some reason. is there a way around this so I can boot the machine.I can ping the server. I just cant ssh to it. I need to get to a prompt some how so I can remove the mount from fstab.

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Networking Hostname / Can Ping The Linux Box Using Its Hostname From A WinXp. But Cannot Do The Reverse?

Jan 3, 2010

I have a network of 2 WinXP machines and one linux box. I have fiddled around with the settings as you do when learning. The network is working. The network neighbourhood on the WinXP machines recognise the linux box and vice versa, (the linux Places|Network recognises the 2 WinXP). I can Ping the linux box using its hostname from a WinXp. But I cannot do the reverse. I get an 'unknown host' response. I can ping the linux to itself using its hostname.

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Ubuntu Servers :: LAMP And SAMBA Are Running Fine But FMS Doesn't?

Feb 28, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 9.10 server with LAMP and SAMBA I have also added FMS (Flash Media Server). LAMP and SAMBA are running fine but FMS doesn't have all its functionality, it cant stream rttp.I have read that their may be a port/ip conflict between apache and fms but was wondering if anyone else had the same issues as me. I have also installed FMS with apache2 on my XP laptop to get the httpd.conf file and see how its set up, here it is.FMS / APACHE2 XP

# This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cherokee Installed Fine But Not Get Greeting Page

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to set up cherokee on my vps that I have bought. Now I am able to get it installed and even was able to get to the to the cherokee admin manager so everything seems to be working fine even was able to start the server. What I am having issues with is the main page instead of getting the cherokee greeting page I get IT Works!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internal Hostname Appearing In Mail Headers?

Mar 24, 2010

We have an Ubuntu server running on Amazon EC2, hosting a website. We also have postfix, in order to send mail (receiving mail is done by another server which is specified in our MX records). My problem is that the internal hostname of the machine ("domU-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.compute-1.internal") appears in some "Received:" headers in the emails sent. Is that normal? It seems rather peculiar to me, and I'm thinking some e-mail systems might consider it spam because of this. GMail doesn't consider it spam, but not all systems are as smart as GMail

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Ubuntu Servers :: 9.10 - Using Bind9 As DNS Server On LAN - Does Not Seem To Translate Its Own Hostname Correctly

Sep 8, 2010

Im using bind9 as DNS server on my LAN, but it does not seem to translate its own hostname correctly for some reason. Other hosts is translated correctly, the problem only seems to apply to the DNS host itself. if i "ping <server_hostname>" from the server, it translates correctly. But if i "ping <server_hostname>" from the client it only says "unknown host" The client has the correct DNS-server assigned. How can i start troubleshooting this?


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Ubuntu Servers :: Upgraded From Server 9.04 To 10.04 And In The Process My Hostname Was Lost

Dec 8, 2010

Just upgraded from Ubuntu Server 9.04 to 10.04 and in the process my hostname was lost.


Although configure file looks fine:


The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

Have set hostname with:


But doing it this way you cant use '_' ..

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Networking :: Domain Name Resolves To Wrong Ip From Lan?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a peculular routing problem on my hands. I have a server running in my office. it has various services running on it (httpd sshd etc.) in order to access these services I have a domain name pointing to my IP.If I try to connect to the server from an external IP, all is fine and working as normal.However, if I am connecting from the interal lan to the server, my domain name resolves to the address of the routerSo for instance everywhere on the interent my domain name resolves to the correct external IP ( which is then connecting through my cable modem ( to my router ( and directed to my server ( if I resolve my domain from within my lan, I get my routers ip so trying to connect to my server times out while connection to the wrong device.My network setup is very simple. nothing fancy.I think I'm using google's for my dns server

Network Diagram


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Ubuntu Networking :: Pinging Hostname Rather Than Hostname.local?

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to ping another Ubuntu computer on my local network. If I try doing,ping <hostname>then I get the messageping: unknown host <hostname>however, if I doping <hostname>.localthen I get a response back. I was wondering how I can change it so that I can ping without having to append .localI've installed winbind and modified my /etc/nsswitch.conf file but this has made no difference.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Hostname Changed But Email Still Using Old Hostname?

May 22, 2011

I have an ubuntu 10.04 server with hostname "abc.domain.com". However, due to migration, we had to change to hostname to something else, "xyz".

I have done changing /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and run /etc/init.d/hostname start.

Checking the hostname and all shows it is now using hostsname of xyz. However, email sending out is still using old hostname. We have some scripts that will send out alerts like failed rsync or hdd space full to my email account. But I see the sender is still "root@abc.domain.com".

How do change that to xyz? I am using postfix. I have edited main.cf and restarted postfix but no go.

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