Ubuntu Servers :: Recovery Required On Read Only Files System

Jun 23, 2010

My server is not accessible any longer locally ( If I attach a keyboard and login (I have done one pass of recovery from the Ubuntu live CD which helped) and check the IP address it seems to be set. However looking at the syslog file there is a line which says ext3-fs: info: recovery required on read only files system.

Is there a more extensive ext3 recovery facility I can use bearing in mind I will not (?) be able to install it?

I think I'm running 8.6 but not sure where to look to find it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Power Went Out, Now System Is Read Only?

Jun 15, 2011

I've done a lot of search and already kind of fixed part of the problem, so this is where the fun comes in. I went away for the week, and not until the day I got back I lost power while out, and my computer rebooted after the power outage to Mac osx, which it's supposed to do as I'm using a Mac Pro and have a regular version of OSX 10.5 on there and my ubuntu server. I restart my computer and I get a few errors and my raid5(3 1tb drives) doesn't mount and says read only for everything else. I finally found a way to remount that raid which while in root I could create new folders and move folders, but only on that raid. I wasn't able to do anything with my boot drive. The weird part is, that now I can't ssh into the server and webmin won't even load. I'm still relatively new(little over a year, but honestly, not much has gone wrong to need to troubleshoot) to ubuntu server, so I'm not that best at troubleshooting it. I won't be home till later tonight, but any tips/tricks/ideas I can try when I get home would be great, or if you need any info, I can get it to you.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Root File System Keeps Getting Remounted Read Only?

May 13, 2010

I have a 9.04 64bit Ubuntu server that I use for a home file server and for downloading duties, every few days the root filesystem gets remounted as read only, usually requiring a reboot and fsck to get everything running again. The box is tucked away in the roof space to keep the noise down so it's a bit of a pain to keep pulling it out to get console access.troubleshoot what might be causing this?/ is on a raid 1 array on 2 8GB usb sticks last few lines of DMESG EXT3-fs error (device md3): ext3_journal_start_sb: Detected aborted journal

[632280.290419] journal_bmap: journal block not found at offset 23180 on md3
[632280.290470] Aborting journal on device md3.


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General :: Recovering Data From Ext3 Partition With Hardware Errors - Recovery Required On Readonly Filesystem

Jan 10, 2010

I have an external 3.5" USB 250Gb HDD which is showing symptoms of hardware problems (repeated /var/log/messages errors of "reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd"). This was originally plugged in to my NSLU2 running Debian Etch. I have just installed Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 to a spare Pentium-3M laptop and was hoping to copy the contents of this HDD to a fresh drive. However, I cannot mount it even read-only; mount -o ro /dev/sde3 /mnt/disk fails, and the /var/log/messages error is "recovery required on readonly filesystem", "write access unavailable, cannot proceed". I cannot understand why mounting a disk read-only should require write access. Following advice I googled elsewhere, I tried running mke2fs -n /dev/sde3 to try to list the alternative superblocks - but once again I got the error that the device was read-only. How can I go about accessing the data on this disk?

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SUSE :: After Reboot All System Files Are Read-only

Mar 18, 2009

We are running SUSE 10 SP1 and MySql 5.0.62 with heartbeat configured cluster attached to a SAN and after upgrading powerpaths on the fiber switches we had to reboot the machines and remount the SAN luns.

The cluster successfully started and was working fine for about a day or so and then i logged in as root and hosts, fstab, known_hosts were all giving me this error when i tried to modify them "W10: Warning: Changing a readonly file"

I failed over to another node and same thing happens on another node. I can't modify any of these files

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Ubuntu Servers :: Running Php Files Without Setting Read / Write Permission?

Jun 26, 2010

On an Apache2 server someone else setup, I have a folder with drwx--x--x permission and the php file can still write in the folder. But on my own setup, I need to set the same folder to drwx--x-wx. Inside the folder, I have a index.php that runs just by setting rwx--x--x but on my own setup, I need to allow read permission for others/group before it can run: rwxr-xr-x (or else I get a blank page). I tried changing the folder and files to root but it's the same.

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General :: Error - 533 Read Only File System When Ftp Files To Moxa

Jun 15, 2010

I'm having problem copying files from my laptop (windows xp) to moxa (linux) using ftp.

The error im getting is "533 read only file system".

Tried reboot and fsck but problem remains.

mount output below:

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Fedora Servers :: Cannot Start Apache - No Read / Write Access To HTTP Files

Jan 14, 2009

I am trying to setup my webserver and I am trying to make a website to run under suexec but somehow I cannot start my apache it directly fails and SELinux is giving me errors and don't really know what to do with it, it is giving me some command to type but not sure if this will make my server less secure. The SELinux error is as follow:

SELinux prevented httpd reading and writing access to http files.

Detailed Description:
SELinux prevented httpd reading and writing access to http files. Ordinarily httpd is allowed full access to all files labeled with http file context. This machine has a tightened security policy with the httpd_unified turned off, this requires explicit labeling of all files. If a file is a cgi script it needs to be labeled with httpd_TYPE_script_exec_t in order to be executed. If it is read-only content, it needs to be labeled httpd_TYPE_content_t, it is writable content. it needs to be labeled httpd_TYPE_script_rw_t or httpd_TYPE_script_ra_t. You can use the chcon command to change these contexts. Please refer to the man page "man httpd_selinux" or FAQ [URL] "TYPE" refers to one of "sys", "user" or "staff" or potentially other script types.

Allowing Access:
Changing the "httpd_unified" boolean to true will allow this access: "setsebool
-P httpd_unified=1"

Fix Command:
setsebool -P httpd_unified=1

I will write down how I did setup my server so maybe you can see a mistake I did. First I changed my Apache httpd.conf I added the following to it:
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
DirectoryIndex index.html index.html index.shtml index.php

SuexecUserGroup ulyaoth ulyaoth
ServerAdmin webmaster@ulyaoth.org
ServerName test.ulyaoth.org
DocumentRoot /var/www/ulyaoth/www/html
ErrorLog /var/www/ulyaoth/logs/error_log
CustomLog /var/www/ulyaoth/logs/access_log common
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.shtml index.php
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/ulyaoth/www/cgi-bin/
<Directory /var/www/ulyaoth/www/cgi-bin/>
AllowOverride none
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Options +execCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

Then I created the username "ulyaoth" with the group "ulyaoth" as I specified with my suexec, then I created all the directories as specified in my httpd.conf and "chown ulyaoth:ulyaoth (dirname)" them to the right group and username.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba - Access The Shares But Read-only And Unable To Delete / Modify Files Using The IMacs

Sep 2, 2010

I have a few ubuntu servers which have samba shares on the network and for the most part have had little trouble with them. Recently we purchased a few iMac's for one of our deptartments and, while we're able to access the shares, all the files on them are read-only and we are unable to delete/modify files using the iMacs. This is not an issue with any of our windows machines (W2K, WinXP, Vista).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Game Servers Via Wine Tickless Required?

Mar 4, 2010

(Mods: If you feel this belongs more in the Games or Wine discussion area, please feel free to move. This question does intersect many areas, so was unsure where to put)

I have a funky server Ubuntu 9.10 Enterprise setup where I have X on all the time (using Xfce4 - not Xbuntu) with latest wine so I can run Windows only based game server executables. One of the applications is a simple dedicated racing game server made by the company I work for that works perfect in wine (unfortunately, the full 3D game client does not, so its a windows only game). The other is more just to test, runs Serious Sam HD dedicated with wine with a steam client active in background since SSHD Ded requires a steam client logged in (just create a dummy account).

Im getting some lag issues with the SSHD on the end-users client side. Unsure if its related to it being a more complex game and using wine to translate slowing it down. Things like tiny warps once in awhile, and the ping of clients kinda jumping around.

Im pretty sure my network settings are ok. Maybe not fully optimized for every bit via ipv4. Still though. This 1U Opteron server is in a ISP with a full 1000 up and down. Ports are locked out that aren't being used. I do have apache going, but its nothing strenuous. The CPU isnt used overly so. Maybe peaks out around 60% under strain, but mostly 20-40%. Memory use is about 550-700megs for SSHD itself. Given, it only has 2 gigs total at this time, but I still usually have near a Gig of memory available at most times.

I admit newbness of linux servers in general. Was reading about other game servers like CS:S requiring a ticked kernel near 1000 to get the least amount of lag. Some even saying they dropped the tickless options of the newer 2.6 kernels on purpose because they produced lag. Was checking on the history of newer Windows Server like 2008 and they still use a ticked OS, though a more optimized version.

So this boils down to should I be running a Ticked OS kernel to run a more complex Windows based dedicated server? I haven't tried thus far, well because I am again a bit of a n00b to all this. That and I'm not sure you have to tell wine or the SS:HD dedicated exe itself to run at a full ticked rate (no option I have seen for a command line function in the SS:HD itself).

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General :: Password Recovery For Installing Software (Read Only)

May 6, 2011

I'm using suse linux. Its new one to me. Without using any password I am using this linux. If I want to install a software it shows that the software is read only. I was used the guide to install the software but it ask me that to give password in terminal. If I enter in to account setting to create a new password. It asked the old password. Without the password the system was booting. How can I set the password?

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General :: Recovery Disc States Cannot Read Input/output Error?

Nov 15, 2010

Pavillion laptop crashed and I can not find all of my recovery discs. The computer will not allow me to do an internal recovery so I ordered a recovery download on line and burned to a disc. when I put the disc in the graphics came up and in started in Live-mode but then the error mess came: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libpci.so.3: cannot read file data: input/output error. The site said it was an ISO file but then it had a program it had me run to change it and burn the disc.

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Ubuntu :: Samba - Windows Read Files From A Home File Server With An Ext4 File System?

Jan 28, 2011

Can windows read files from a home file server with an ext4 file system? or do I have to partition the drive with the server (ext4) and an ntfs partition with the files on?

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General :: Samba Does Not Keep Windows Attributes (read Only Files As Read Only For Example)?

Jul 16, 2011

I want my samba to keep my windows attributes exactly what the user setted in windows I mean if it has read only file in win box and copy it to samba share ,samba keep it read only and same for other attributes but it does not do it now with my configuration:Quote:

workgroup = DOMAIN
server string = File Server


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Fedora Servers :: Set Up A System For Backing Up Files?

Nov 17, 2009

I would like to set up a system for backing up files and even possibly using it to keep music on and listen to it over the network. I am wondering which would be better to use a separate FTP server or buy one of the NAS enclosures and a couple of hard drives to put in it. I am assuming that the NAS would be accessed via NFS. I have never run an FTP server and I have never had used NAS.I am just looking for pros and cons to each one. I would just like opinions as to which service (FTP/NFS) would be better for this task.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Memory Required

Oct 29, 2010

I have many documents that indicate many different min requirements for drive memory. Will someone give me an idea for the following...Ubuntu 10.10 server running SSH and Samba what would be the memory requirements, recommended as opposed to min, for partitions as follows:
/ -- root
/home -- as a separate partition
/boot -- as a separate partition (do I really need a separate boot)
swap my RAM is 768mg so 1 gig should be good

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Ubuntu Servers :: Web Forum Software Required?

Aug 2, 2011

id like to run a web forum on my own web server at home. im using dyndns for dns service.im on 11.04 running apache2.i need a free forum software

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup Including System Files - Boot From Live Cd?

Apr 22, 2010

I am researching how to make an effective backup on Ubuntu Server. This server will have Vsftp, VPN, Samba stuff , many other added packages +many printers, many users + data. I know I can use tar for the data /u no problem. 1. I was testing tar on the /home directory on a few user directories. I then created a new directory and did a restore of the users directories on it. I noticed the /home/user owner and group were root. The files in each directory remained the same. This gave me concern. If I had a crash and had to restore these to a new HD. I would have to change these, what else would I need to change? 2. Since I have many config files, how do I back up them? I know I can do a dump, but then users shouldn't be on the system. The system files will change as they add users, printers, etc, and asking users to not work, is not really an option while dump is running. I thought I could do a tar on whole system. (cron late at night .. not as many users) Then in event of crash of HD.

1. Boot from live cd
2. format the new drive
3. tar back in the whole system

Will this work right? Is there something I am missing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Rebooting Required In System / Why Is So?

Feb 6, 2011

Why rebooting is not required in linux after installing an application even if related important files are running?

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Ubuntu :: Un Able To Go Into The Recovery System

Dec 6, 2010

When I have windows installed and I install linux on a seperate partition I get the choice in grub to go to either windows, linux or recovery system. But with ubuntu installed on it's own, grub doesn't show up, which can be a bit of a problem as I want to be able to go into the recovery system and try and trouble shoot my ubuntu.

I've looked at startup manager and it seems to be on, for the most part but I'm sure i'm missing something I could probably do in terminal to get this to work, I'm using ubuntu 10.10 is there anything I need to do in terminal to show up grub?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Reboot Required Line At Logon Time?

Jan 30, 2011

When I log onto my 10.04 server via ssh, there is the /etc/motd displayed. This motd is made up each time by the files in /etc/update/motd.d/. There is this one file : update-motd-reboot-required The content is exec /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-mot-reboot-required and the content of this one is : if the file /var/run/reboot-required exists, print it.

But who is making this file and why ?we know who it is: it's pam_motd.. but why would I reboot ??!?

editt2 : nvmd [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Encryption Tool Required For Files / Folder

Feb 3, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I want to keep my some Files in Encrypted form. Those files may be Audio/Video/Text/etc. Or to Encrypt a specific folder in which I can Store my Important and Secret Files. Which one is the best in Performance?

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General :: Setup A SSH Key Between Servers So No Password Is Required?

Nov 2, 2010

I am trying to set up a SSH key between servers so no password is required when I have to "scp" files between the two. This is what I have tried so far but still requires a password:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
scp /home/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa <server2.com>:/home/<user>/.ssh/athorized_keys

When I scp after this I wasn't expecting to need a password but it is still prompting. Now I have used this same method before and it has worked great. The only difference this time is server2 is not in the same cage.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Modem Working Or Recovery Whole System

Jun 15, 2010

i delete windows a while back, but i have received a new modem from my telco, it has i disk with it that won't work on ubuntu so i need to either get the modem working or recovery my whole system and start again, the old 2wire work straght up so this might if i install it in windows and install ubuntu again, the problem is when i start the windows vista recovery wizard, it starts to format and i get an error 0x400110020000100A, the modem is a thomson TG782T

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovering Data From Recovery Mode

Mar 12, 2010

Today I wanted to make a backup of my Ubuntu server. Since the program wasn't working for me, I rebooted my computer and right now it wont boot. Now I entered recovery mode and I'm trying to recover my /var/www and /etc/mrtg folders. I want to copy them to my USB-Stick but Ubuntu wont do this.

The command I tried: Code: cp -r /var/www /dev/sdg1/www I already created the folder via a other system. I also tried to mount the USB stick: Code: mount /dev/sdg1 /mnt/usbe But im getting the following error: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/libsepol.so.1: Invalid ELF header.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovered Raid6 Array With No Fs After Recovery?

Aug 20, 2010

I have an 8x1TB raid6 array that I finally got back to a good state (see my other post here: [URL]..This is on a 9.04 server Now I can assemble the array no problem, but mounting is the issue. I think the reason might be because the array order changed. In the process of recovering I removed the /dev/md0 array and created a new array. In the create array command it told me:

mdadm: /dev/sdb1 appears to be part of a raid array: for each device in the array. I confirmed that I wanted to continue and the array was recreated. I think this overwrote the superblock, but I'm not sure.

After the sync I tried to mount the array using:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Select The Operating System Required From A Cold Boot?

Feb 12, 2011

I have Windows XP on one drive "C" drive, Windows 7 on another "E" drive and want to install Ubuntu on another drive "G" drive. How do I when installing Ubuntu select the "G" drive to install to?

Then how to select the operating system required from a cold boot?

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Ubuntu :: 8.04 - Deletion Of Files Needing Recovery

Jul 25, 2010

I use Ubuntu 8.04 and I deleted a few JPGs from the recycle bin. I googled looking for some methods of recovery, and discovered that the only ways to do so is through using the command line. I am a complete computer novice, and I know nothing about the command line, or how to use it. I was able to install Foremost. However, with this done, I couldn't manage to use it to recover anything from that point, partially because I only have 1 GB left on my computer space, and I can't delete anything or else it could overwrite the photos I want to recover.

This all boils down to two questions:
What needs to be done to complete and utilize foremost?
And lastly, and the more preferable option, can this be accomplished without the command line?

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Server :: Remote Access Tool Required For System?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to access suse pc from redhat remotely.
i need a remote access tool so that i could access my branch Suse operating system pc through Internet. i am getting teamviewer for linux, it is installed properly but not executing.

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General :: Compare Files And Pull Out Required Data?

Nov 10, 2010

I have 2 files to compare and then print out information that match a certain pattern. I know basic scripting and was heading down the path of merging the 2 files together but this is the wrong approach. Would really appreciate a script that can do what is required:

file 1 contains dates, times and ID's:
2010-10-28 10:42 5939697357
2010-10-28 11:56 5919543491


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